
睿学教育中心由几位热心教育的教育工作者成立,在老师当中有现任中学老师及资深补习老师。中心以人文教育,培养学生德行及鼓励学生自发学习的教育方式,让学生们更加可以面对将来种种挑战。 在课堂中,老师们以实践、刺激学生思维及引导学生回答的方式学习课业内外的知识,也在课堂让学生掌握学校课程为主,再教导考试作答技巧。

老师们相信每位孩子都是可造之材,都可以用不同的方式学习,因材施教。 每个学生学习的时间长度都不一样,不能以吸收快慢来衡量一个孩子的能力。 睿学教育中心院长 - Ms Ong

Wisdome Education was founded in 2018 by a team of dedicated, hardworking and reliable tutors who place learning above everything else. We understand that education is a powerful tool in today’s world. We strongly believe that one’s mind and life can be enriched by education. Along with daily teaching, we also emphasize on the character building of students. While our students are improving in their academics, they are also becoming a better person with a good attitude. Everyone deserves a chance to learn. We provide a high quality of education through modules based on a specific subject. We foster group discussions on four main skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) for language classes. Our modules are created in a friendly and engaging manner to capture the student’s interest. We cultivate the passion for understanding the world around, giving us more motivation to teach. All subjects are taught in Mandarin unless stated otherwise. Even then, the explanation will be in Mandarin. Primary level English (Eng), Chinese, Bahasa Melayu (BM), Science, Mathematics Secondary level English (Eng), Chinese, Bahasa Melayu (BM), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science (BM/Eng), Mathematics (BM/Eng), Additional Mathematics, Geography, History.
