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The next part antimicrobial and antibacterial discount tetracycline master card, across the membrane bacteria shapes buy cheap tetracycline on-line, is formed by a more constricted region about 30 Å long (the pore) antibiotic list of names cheap tetracycline line. Near the middle of the membrane, the pathway becomes constricted in a region where the pathway is blocked when the channel is closed (the gate). The cytoplasmic part of the pathway forms a cylinder 20 Å in diameter and 20 Å long. Close inspection of the electron micrographs reveals that each subunit has an α-helical-like segment lining the pore. The model shows the ligand binding site, the membrane bilayer, and the position of the channel gate. The electron density is shown through a cross section of an α subunit and the interface between the other α subunit and the δ subunit. When the receptor is activated by acetylcholine, each of the helical segments rotates, opening the gate. In the open state, the pore narrows from the outside to the cytoplasmic site, where the diameter is roughly 11 Å. Thus, the flexure between the two α helices provides an effective way of altering the shape and size of the pore (Figure 3. The experiments that showed this were based on the observation that receptors made of Torpedo α, β, γ, and δ subunits had a different conductance from receptors made of Torpedo α, β, γ, and calf δ subunits. On the left is a view of two of the five helices from the side, where the helical segment is illustrated as two helices (rods) separated by a kink where the leucine (ellipse) is located. On the right, the five helices are viewed from the synaptic side, where the leucines will block the pore. The binding of an agonist causes the helical segments to rotate, and the narrowest region is then in the open state at the cytoplasmic part of the pore. Because of the symmetric distribution around the pore, amino acids assigned to the same position in the sequence alignments will form a ring in the three-dimensional model (Figure 3. Indeed, when the number of charged amino acids in the intermediate ring was reduced from the four negative charges in the native Torpedo receptor, a clear reduction in the conductance of the channel was observed. Mutations that altered the charge of the inner and outer rings also changed the conductance but to a much lesser extent. Thus, these residues must be exposed to the lumen of the pore, although additional experiments suggest that the inner and outer rings are more involved in regulating the access of the cations to the channel than being in direct contact with the permeating ions. The optimal effect of the negatively charged rings on the current is a subtle balance between attracting monovalent ions and boosting the current, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, attracting divalent ions that bind to the residues in the charged rings with higher affinity, thereby reducing the current. Mut1 and Mut2 are site-directed mutants (indicated by the asterisks) of the α7 subunit (see text). Thus, the pore can be permeable to both cations and anions; consequently, the ion selectivity is not directly related to the amino- acid sequence within the pore. It is important that conclusions based on mutagenesis studies are confirmed by other experi- ments, as mutations involving residues in key positions for structure or for function may have an effect not only as a result of changes at the site of substitution but also as a result of nonlocalized structural perturbations created to accommodate that change. In fact, most of the residues facing the lumen of the pore were also identified in labeling experiments using noncompetitive antagonists known to bind in the pore. When the noncompetitive antagonist [3H]chlorpromazine was photola- beled to the receptor, the cross-linked amino acids were located in the serine, threonine, and leucine rings (Figure 3. Evidence for structural changes in the pore were obtained by the antagonist trifluoromethyl-iodophenyldiazirine which, in the absence of agonist, cross-linked to amino acids equivalent to the valine and the leucine ring. However, in the presence of agonist, the labeling pattern extends down to the threonine and serine rings, indicating that the central valine, leucine, and threonine rings may correspond to the constricted region observed in the electron micrographs. This is supported by mutagenesis studies, which demonstrated that a substitution of the leucine with a smaller amino acid affects the ability of the receptor to close in the desensitized state. As mentioned, the affinity for the ligand in the open state is usually much lower (10- to 1000-fold) than the affinity for the desensitized state. Thus, in biochemical experiments where the receptor is exposed to a ligand for prolonged time periods, agonist–receptor interactions will reflect the receptor conformations of the desensitized state, while antagonist interaction may reflect conformation of either the resting state or the desensitized states. In contrast, electrophysiological evaluations of the agonist interactions reflect the low-affinity binding conformation of the open state except for certain mutants.

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Systematic reviews have been published for bariatric surgery [6 6 bacteria discount 500 mg tetracycline free shipping,7] and hyperemesis gravidarum [8] no antibiotics for acne buy tetracycline no prescription. Some conditions antibiotics for acne before and after tetracycline 250 mg purchase online, such as bariatric surgery, may increase in the future, whereas others may disappear. Con- alcoholic subjectsa secutive autopsies were collected without knowledge of Clinical condition No. However, it is unknown whether the clinical data evaluation was blinded to autopsy results; Cancer 113 18. Table 4 Clinical features of patients with an autopsy proved diagnosis of Wernicke encephalopathy Total Nausea Any Amnesia, Altered Authors Evidence no. Although these studies vomiting and lactic acidosis) and coma followed by cannot give reliable information on the frequency of Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome [10,11]. Heart failure clinical features, they allow a comparison of the with lactic acidosis is an important syndrome to be clinical features in alcoholics and non alcoholics. The classical triad of the following four signs; (i) dietary deficiencies, was significantly more frequent in alcoholics than in (ii) eye signs, (iii) cerebellar dysfunction, and (iv) either the non alcoholics (P < 0. Reasons for the dif- an altered mental state or mild memory impairment ference are unclear, but may be due to the fact that (Level B). Location of lesions was more the erythrocyte transketolase activity assay including frequently atypical among non alcoholic than alcoholic thiamine pyrophosphate effect has been replaced by patients whereas contrast enhancement of the thalamus direct measurement of thiamine and its phosphate and mamillary bodies was observed to associate more esters in human blood by high-performance liquid frequently with alcohol abuse [20]. This thiamine assay is were symmetrical and seen in the thalami, mamillary now commercially available in many countries. Atypical normal range (60–220 nM) and the lowest detectable lesions were located in the cerebellum, vermis, cranial level (3–35 nM) are given. It could also be used to follow the intravenous administration and then decreased to its recovery of patients. Quality of life was enhanced drome may have resulted in permanent damage of the by providing thiamine supplements. It could be speculated that trance to the brain and other tissues than a single patients in a catabolic state and alcoholics have reduced daily dose [24]. On the other even high doses of thiamine might not cause a sufficient hand, this has not always been the case in alcoholics. Thus, normalization of doses and 500 mg three times daily has been recom- diet might be an important factor in the acute treatment mended [25,26]. First, alcohol inhibits the absorption of Since studies of sufficient quality to warrant a formal thiamine from the intestine; second, during alcohol recommendation are lacking, there is no evidence to metabolism thiamine will neither be phosphorylated support conclusions as to dosage, route of administra- nor incorporated to enzymes in body tissues [35]. However, we recommend that amine ingested together with alcohol will be excreted in thiamine should be given 200 mg three times daily and urine as free thiamine. There are also other conditions (Table 3) in which the overall safety of intravenous thiamine is very good. Such conditions require thiamine hydrochloride as a single intravenous injection parenteral administration of thiamine. Sporadic evaluating the prophylactic administration of thiamine anaphylactic reactions have been reported, but it is not in other risk conditions in alcoholics or in non alco- documented that thiamine was the cause in all cases. Administration of multivitamin pills has been However, it has been suggested that thiamine should be recommended following bariatric surgery. However, given in circumstances where facilities for resuscitation parenteral administration of vitamins may be a better are available [25]. This is preferable, but because a delay strategy to prevent vitamin deficiency, because these in treatment may cause irreversible brain damage and is patients frequently vomit [7]. There is no evidence that Recommendation supplementation to beverages may be useful. We the overall safety of thiamine is very good, regardless recommend prophylactic parenteral administration of of route of administration (level B). Thiamine has been situations we do not have any evidence of an effective added to foods in many countries [33]. The present guidelines were developed without external Kinetics of thiamin and thiamin phosphate esters in hu- financial support. None of the authors report any man blood, plasma and urine after 50 mg intravenously or conflict of interest. Thiamin treatment manuscript by Carl Wernicke ÔLehrbuch der Gehirnk- and working memory function of alcohol-dependent rankheiten fur Aerzte and StudirendeÕ (1881) with a people: preliminary findings.

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The α2βγδ pattern shown here occurs in motor endplates and in fish electric organs antibiotic john hopkins quality tetracycline 250 mg, both of which are derived from the mesoderm during embryonic development antimicrobial textiles buy tetracycline 250 mg low cost. This structural difference allows for the selective action of several agonists and antagonists on muscle or the ganglia antibiotics for deep sinus infection cheap tetracycline 250 mg mastercard, respectively (see Section 6. In the side view, a significant part of the receptor protrudes from the membrane into the extracellular space. The central lumen is fairly wide in this extracellular domain but narrower at the level of the lipid bilayer. This bottleneck functions as the gate that opens 128 6 Pharmacology of cell excitation A C E β δ α α γ B D F Trp α149 Figure 6. A,B: Electron micrographs of tubular synaptic membrane particles isolated from Torpedo electric organs. The formation of dense, regularly packed arrays as seen in A permits the construction of higher reso- lution contour maps. The receptor consists of five subunits, each of which contributes one helix to the gate located at the level of the lipid bilayer. The tryptophan residue at position 149 of the α chain is part of one of the two acetylcholine binding sites, which are located at the α–γ and the α–δ interfaces, respectively. It is lined by a ring of five α helices, one from each of the receptor’s five subunits. In the functionally closed state, the lumen between these helices is appreciable but smaller than the radius of hydrated ions, which therefore cannot pass across. Binding of acetylcholine causes some of these helices to twist, which breaks the bonds between them and opens the gate. As with voltage-gated channels, the gate itself does not impose any selectivity for specific ions. When the sample is dropped, it passes through a stream of vaporized acetylcholine. Binding of acetylcholine opens the channels, which immediately thereafter plunge into cold, liquid ethane and are shock-frozen in the open state. All further sample processing must occur at low temperatures so as to preserve the open state for observation. In this method, the receptor is incubated with a chemically reactive analog of the ligand. The receptor protein is then fragmented, and the amino acid residues that have covalently reacted with the ligand analog are identified. In this study, both the α and γ chains are labeled intensely, indicating that the binding site is located at the interface of the two chains. Similar studies with different affinity labels indicate a second binding site between the second α chain and the δ chain. The acetylcholine binding site at the α–γ subunit interface is not rich in negative charges. It does, however, contain multiple tryptophan side chains, suggesting a role for cation–π interactions. In this type of molecular interaction, the fixed charge of a cation is accommodated by the mobile π electron cloud of an aromatic side chain. Most of the carbamoylcholine-displaceable label is bound to the α and the γ chains. Most of the label is found in a 20-kDa fragment of the chain that spans residues 174–339. Residues 192–194 contain the most incorporated label, indicating that they are part of the acetylcholine binding site. This resulted in the expression of receptor molecules carrying fluorinated tryptophan residues at those strategic positions. Fluorine is strongly electronegative and therefore withdraws π electron density from the aromatic ring of tryptophan, which will attenuate cation–π interactions and should thereby reduce the affinity of the receptor for acetylcholine.

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Adverse effects • Although viral replication begins almost immediately after the host cell has been penetrated, the clinical signs these include: and symptoms of infection often appear after peak viral • headaches and mental dullness or inattention; replication is over. Less than which can destroy viruses in this situation remains a 1% of the parent drug is excreted in the urine. Its spectrum is intracellularly; relatively restricted and acquired resistance is a major prob- • viral nucleic acid acts as a template for new strands of lem. It is deaminated to 5-fluorouracil in the components utilizing the host cell’s synthetic mechanisms. Adverse effects include gastro-intestinal upset, leuko- • extracellular release of new viral particles. It is much less effective in secondary than in Aciclovir is relatively contraindicated in pregnancy as it is an primary infection. It does not eliminate vaginal carriage, analogue of guanosine and so potentially teratogenic in the so Caesarean section is indicated to avoid neonatal herpes. Treatment of shingles (herpes zoster) should be started Pharmacokinetics within 72 hours of the onset and is useful for patients with Aciclovir bioavailability is approximately 20% after adminis- severe pain, although it shortens the illness only modestly. The mean elimination t1/2 of aciclovir is three hours meningoencephalitis, aciclovir is given intravenously. Clearance is Mechanism of action largely renal and includes an element of tubular secretion; renal Aciclovir undergoes intracellular metabolic activation to its impairment requires dose/schedule adjustment. Ganciclovir, a guanine analogue, is used to treat sight- or life- • Aciclovir has low oral bioavailability. It also has (an aciclovir prodrug) have much greater bioavailability potent activity against herpes viruses 1 and 2 and is used to treat than aciclovir. A loading dose is administered intra- levels, rashes, hepatitis and gastro-intestinal venously followed by maintenance infusions. Foscarnet is active against several important viruses, notably Valganciclovir is the L-valyl ester prodrug of ganciclovir. Foscarnet is given intravenously as loading dose phate in herpes-infected cells by the virally encoded thymi- followed by infusions. These include: Adverse effects • neutropenia and bone marrow suppression (thrombocytopenia and less often anaemia); cell counts these include the following: usually return to normal within two to five days of • nephrotoxicity: minimized by adequate hydration and discontinuing the drug; dose reduction if the serum creatinine rises; monitoring of • temporary or possibly permanent inhibition of renal function is mandatory; spermatogenesis or oogenesis; • central nervous system effects include irritability, anxiety • phlebitis and pain at intravenous infusion site; and fits; • rashes and fever; • nausea, vomiting and headache; • gastro-intestinal upsets; • thrombophlebitis; • transient increases in liver enzymes and serum creatinine • hypocalcaemia and hypomagnaesemia; in underhydrated patients. Contraindications Pharmacokinetics Ganciclovir is contraindicated in pregnancy (it is teratogenic Foscarnet is poorly absorbed (2–5%) after oral administration. Foscarnet is excreted renally by Pharmacokinetics 1/2 glomerular filtration and tubular excretion. Ribavirin-triphosphate inhibits the guanylation reac- five hours and is virtually totally excreted by the kidney. Drug interactions Adverse effects Probenecid reduces renal clearance of ganciclovir. Antineoplastic drugs, co-trimoxazole and amphotericin B Systemic administration can cause: increase its toxic effects on rapidly dividing tissues including • dose-related haemolytic anaemia and haematopoietic bone marrow, skin and gut epithelium. It is used to treat hepatitis C (super-infection); (combined with interferon) or bronchiolitis secondary to • pneumothorax; respiratory syncytial virus infection in infants and children. Mechanism of action Pharmacokinetics Ribavirin is taken up into cells and phosphorylated to trib- Following nebulized administration, only small amounts of avirin 5 -monophosphate by adenosine kinase and is then ribavirin are absorbed systemically. Amantadine is effective in preventing the spread of influenza A and has an unrelated action in Parkinson’s disease (Chapter 21). Prophylaxis with amantadine has Antiviral therapy an advantage over immunization in that the latter can be inef- fective when a new antigenic variant arises in the community • Selective toxicity for viruses is more difficult to achieve and spreads too rapidly for a killed virus vaccine to be prepared than for fungi or bacteria. Prophylaxis with amantadine during an epi- • Viruses survive and proliferate inside human cells and often use human cellular enzymes and processes to demic should be considered for people at special risk (e.

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As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Iva Simcic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published March, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Verhoef, Anke-Hilse Maitland-Van Der Zee, Anthonius de Boer, Tom Schalekamp, Felix J. Pozo Chapter 14 Pharmacological Neuromodulation in Autism Spectrum Disorders 283 Bill J. Duke Chapter 15 Pharmacology of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause 313 Adela Voican, Bruno Francou, Liliana Novac, Nathalie Chabbert-Buffet, Marianne Canonico, Geri Meduri, Marc Lombes, Pierre-Yves Scarabin, Jacques Young, Anne Guiochon-Mantel and Jérôme Bouligand Chapter 16 A Multi-Level Analysis of World Scientific Output in Pharmacology 339 Carlos Olmeda-Gómez, Ma-Antonia Ovalle-Perandones and Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez Chapter 17 Mephedrone-Related Fatalities in the United Kingdom: Contextual, Clinical and Practical Issues 355 John M. Tacoronte Morales, Alicia Lagarto Parra, Olinka Tiomno Tiomnova, Jorge Tobella Sabater and Jorge Leyva Simeon Chapter 24 Elucidating the Role of Biliverdin Reductase in the Expression of Heme Oxygenase-1 as a Cytoprotective Response to Stress 535 James R. Today it studies the clinical efficacy or toxicity of drugs in biological systems, as well as the role of genetic factors in the drug responses. In this book we have tried to do a very detailed discussion on the receptors, pharmacogenetics and various other aspects, such as future applications in pharmacology. The first section of the book contains chapters which are discussing the role of molecular pharmacology of several receptors (e. Today pharmacogenetics represents a new emerging branch of pharmacology which assesses the response to the drug based on genetic characteristics, therefore the third section is dedicated to this argument. The fourth section has been dedicated to clinical pharmacology and pharmacovigilance, while the fifth section is explaining the implication of pharmacology in diagnostic. The chapters whose main topic is related to etnopharmacology and toxicology are included in sixth section. Accordingly, they represent up to 30% of targets of current therapeutics (Overington et al. There are many reasons for the number of failed drug-like compounds such as non-specificity, unfavourable pharmacokinetic profile and lack of clinical efficacy. One large hindrance to drug discovery is the high degree of protein sequence and structural conservation between orthosteric sites of receptors of the same family, increasing the difficulty to specifically and selectively target a single receptor subtype. These ligands are known as allosteric ligands and are able to modulate the affinity and/or efficacy of the orthosteric ligand, and indeed, possess their own efficacy in the absence of orthosteric ligand (Christopoulos and Kenakin, 2002; Conn et al. These receptors play a vital role in the regulation on neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission (Conn and Pin, 1997). Consequently, these receptors are valuable targets for treating neurological disorders such as schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and neuropathic pain, either by correcting neurological imbalances in non-glutamatergic systems or through treating disregulation of glutamatergic signalling. This propensity may be of utility in texturing the glutamatergic response across diverse brain regions. In drug discovery the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of ligand binding and receptor activation are paramount in order to investigate novel and improved methods for targeting these receptors therapeutically. In this regard, it is important to determine the overall receptor activation event by breaking it down into its fundamental component. Resting and active designations were given to the different orientations as glutamate was proposed to stabilize the A form. In particular, the Aoo conformation appears to be highly unlikely to occur within a dynamic equilibrium as many residues of the same polarity from lobe 2 would be in close proximity to one another, so much so that this would likely destabilise this conformation through the repulsive forces exerted within lobe 2 (Tsuchiya et al.

Mufassa, 25 years: It is reasonable to treat a genuine opioid withdrawal syndrome with a low dose of opioid (e. Molecular structure and classification of diuretics the thiazides, loop diuretics, and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are organic acids (fg. Children cannot be regarded as simply smaller versions of adults with respect to drug use for a number of reasons. Members have the option to attend a one-day course or complete training via an online program.

Akrabor, 26 years: They observed that the antivenom neutralized the systemic effects, but did not efficiently reverse the local effects due to an impaired and/or delayed venom:antivenom interaction at the site of injury. One centralizer was excluded from the diagnostic validity calculation, because he was not scanned. He denies any family history (A) Cycloserine of color vision–related problems in the past. Detection of High Mass Molecules by Laser Desorption Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry.

Grimboll, 59 years: A number of small trials have shown extracts, standardized to 70% kavapyrones, to be significantly Kava appears to act somewhat like an herbal tranquil- and consistently more effective than placebo. Ablation studies indicate that these two different populations are distinct in their characteristics, but they are developmentally connected to one another. Grave consequences may result when the acetylated metabolite precipitates within and blocks the kidney tubules [340]. Paget’s disease this disease due to abnor- and are internalized into osteoclasts by mal osteoclast function producing disordered bone endocytosis.

Tjalf, 41 years: Langley made great use of the ability of nicotine to first activate and then block nerves originating in the autonomic ganglia. Where neither withdrawn from the index farm and from all others of these approaches is possible, for example owing that received it and destroyed. Implicit in this fact is that the growth of one is in part dependent on the growth of the other. There are more than against Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, 30 types of terpene compounds in the essential oil of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella fennel, the most important of them are 50 to 80% trans- typhi, Salmonella typhimurium, and Shigella flexneri (33).

Stejnar, 43 years: Beginners are recommended to practice spraying until homogeneous matrix spraying can be reproducibly achieved. All of the following statements concerning the into which they were absorbed and back into the in- blood-brain barrier and the passage of drugs from testinal lumen, reducing absorption. The interaction of external signals with membrane receptors generates sec- ond messengers. These are the basis of the “poly approach” concept and help elucidate the search for “multitasking” products.

Lukar, 46 years: Supplementary prescribing is intended to improve patient access to care, make it easier for patients to get the medicines they need, make the best use of clinical skills of health care professionals and enhance professional relationships. Use of the drug during the mixed opioid agonist–antagonists are potent anal- pregnancy is not safe. In theory, because of In early clinical trials, cangrelor was well tolerated its sulfonylurea backbone, patients with a history of ad- (bleeding, transient increases in liver enzymes, and verse reactions to sulfonylurea drugs might be at increased bleeding at injection sites were the most common side risk for development of allergic type reactions. These injuries may be treated by conserva- tive means using a cast in plantar flexion or surgically by direct tendon repair.

Kaelin, 33 years: In (Male Sex Hormones) women ovary produces small quantity of testo- sterone; this together with that derived indirectly these are substances which cause development from adrenals amounts to 0. However, at present, the clinical use of transdermal delivery is limited by the fact that very few drugs can be delivered transdermally at a viable rate. Since growth stalls under the influence of bacteriostatic agents, these will negate the effect of β-lactams. According to Russo and coworkers (1992), the mammary ductal tree shows a clear regional specialization.

Kor-Shach, 63 years: The supe- for the relief of acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis rior analgesic activity of aspirin compared with sodium and osteoarthritis. Neurons may synthesize, store, and release tial results in the calcium-facilitated release of a specific one or more transmitters. Although the amino acid 67 Insulin and Oral Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus 765 sequence and composition of animal insulins may differ delayed and prolonged rise in insulin secretion follows. Location and type of meniscal tearing in a symptomatic knee determine one’s ability for potential healing.

Thorald, 38 years: No economic evaluation was found regarding the cost-efficacy of weak opioids in acute low back pain. The transtro- chanteric approach utilizes an osteotomy of the greater trochanter to mobi- lize the abductors to gain access to the hip joint; this has the advantage providing excellent exposure by lifting the abductors superiorly, allowing visualization of both the anterior and posterior column of the acetabulum. It was found that the effects of bilirubin depletion had a greater pro-oxidant effect than depletion of cellular glutathione. Cytochrome P450: nature’s most versatile biological cata- down with vodka six hours previously, following an argu- lyst.

Vasco, 55 years: Injected intradermally, it elicits the triple response consisting of: Red spot: due to intense capillary dilatation. Like every other entity exhibiting genetic polymorphism, there are various ethnic and tribal variations. There are several ways in which hormones can affect malig- nant cells: • A hormone may stimulate growth of a malignant cell. Clinical disease may occur if the rash, enlargement of cervical/occipital lymph vaccine is given after exposure to natural mumps.

Nefarius, 49 years: Central nervous system toxicity (changes in mental status, seizures) has been rarely reported. This side effect seems to appeal to some, but not all patients; research into the underlying causes of this divergence in preference continues. Danazol is also approved for use in fi- Aging and Impotence brocystic breast disease and hereditary angioneurotic edema. Erythromycin in particular can increase the risk of myopathy if taken in combi- nation with lipid-lowering statins.

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