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Quasi-Reversible Cholinesterase Inhibitors The acetylcholine receptor agonists that are currently • Echothiophate (Phospholine Iodide) available for clinical use do not selectively activate subtypes • Malathion (Ovide) b of muscarinic receptors anxiety 300mg cheap nortriptyline 25 mg without a prescription, but an M1 selective antagonist anxiety symptoms in women best purchase nortriptyline, • Pralidoxime (Protopam) pirenzepine anxiety guided meditation generic 25 mg nortriptyline fast delivery, has been developed (see Chapter 7). Type 5 Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors • Sildenafl (Viagra, Revatio) Nicotinic Receptors • Tadalafl (Cialis, Adcirca) Nicotinic receptors are found at all autonomic ganglia, at • Vardenafl (Levitra, Staxyn) somatic neuromuscular junctions, and in the central nervous a system. These receptors are ligand-gated sodium channels Also rivastigmine (Exelon) and galantamine (Razadyne). At autonomic ganglia, activation of nicotinic receptors produces excitation of postganglionic neurons leading to the release of neurotransmitters at postganglionic neuroeffector junctions. In the brain, activation of nicotinic receptors causes tors, based on their selective activation by the alkaloids excitation of presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. Nicotinic receptors are pentamers formed by the assembly of fve transmembrane polypeptide subunits (Fig. Muscarinic Receptors These subunits are divided into classes (alpha [α] through Muscarinic receptors are found in smooth muscle, cardiac epsilon [ε]) according to their molecular structure. Each tissue, and glands at parasympathetic neuroeffector junc- type of nicotinic receptor (muscle, ganglionic, brain) is tions. They are also found in the central nervous system, on composed of a unique combination of these subunits. All presynaptic sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, and at subunits appear to participate in the formation of autonomic ganglia. These drugs all bind and activate acetylcholine Acetylcholine Acetylcholine receptors, but they differ with respect to their affnity for α binding site binding site muscarinic and nicotinic receptors and their susceptibility to hydrolysis by cholinesterase (Table 6-2). Inside Choline Esters The choline esters include acetylcholine and synthetic ace- tylcholine analogues, such as bethanechol and carbachol. Na+ General Properties The choline esters are positively charged quaternary ammo- Calcium release nium compounds that are poorly absorbed from the gastro- intestinal tract and are not distributed to the central Muscle contraction nervous system. The channel is a polypeptide pentamer composed of varying com- activates only muscarinic receptors. In the muscle type of nicotinic receptor of specifcity for muscarinic receptor subtypes, the musca- shown here, acetylcholine-binding sites are formed by pockets at the inter- rinic receptor agonists cause a wide range of effects on many face of the α and δ subunits and the α and ε subunits. Muscarinic receptor agonists increase calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and muscle contraction. Nicotinic receptors at autonomic ganglia and in the brain have a different subunit lacrimal gland secretion and stimulate contraction of the composition. Contraction of the iris sphincter muscle produces pupillary constri- ction (miosis), whereas contraction of the ciliary muscles enables accommodation of the lens to focus on close objects properties of the receptors, but a clear understanding of the (Fig. Muscarinic receptor agonists decrease agonists increase the synaptic concentration of acetylcholine impulse formation in the sinoatrial node by reducing the by inhibiting cholinesterase, whereas others augment acetyl- rate of diastolic depolarization. Acetylcholine typically causes vasodi- Lens lation, though vasoconstriction may occur under some conditions (see later). The vasodilative effect of acetylcho- line is mediated by muscarinic M3 receptors located in vas- A cular endothelial cells, where muscarinic stimulation causes Ciliary Suspensory muscle ligament activation of nitric oxide synthetase and the formation of nitric oxide. When mus- carinic receptor agonists are taken, they stimulate salivary, gastric, and other secretions in the gastrointestinal tract. B They also increase contraction of gastrointestinal smooth muscle (except sphincters) by stimulating the enteric nervous system located in the gut wall. Whereas muscarinic receptor ago- nists stimulate the bladder detrusor muscle, they relax the internal sphincter of the bladder, and these effects promote emptying of the bladder (micturition). Higher doses of these agonists, therefore, can produce excessive salivation and cause diarrhea, intestinal cramps, and urinary incon- C tinence (the “all faucets turned on” syndrome). A, The rela- tionship between the iris sphincter and ciliary muscle is shown in the Acetylcholine normal eye. B, When pilocarpine, a muscarinic receptor agonist, is admini- Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. Acetylcholine is the stered, contraction of the iris sphincter produces pupillary constriction choline ester of acetic acid. This relaxes the suspensory ligaments connected to the lens, and linesterase and has an extremely short duration of action the internal elasticity of the lens allows it to increase in thickness. C, When atropine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, is admini- tion, short duration of action, and lack of specifcity for stered, the iris sphincter and ciliary muscles relax.

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Other drugs are concentrated in cells by the phenom- the terminal high-energy phosphate bond of adenosine tri- enon of ion trapping anxiety physical symptoms nortriptyline 25 mg order fast delivery, which is described further later anxiety 100 symptoms buy discount nortriptyline 25 mg on line. Active transport can transfer drugs against can also be actively transported into cells anxiety symptoms unreal discount nortriptyline 25 mg buy. For example, the antineoplastic drugs are actively transported into hepatic cells, where they drug 5-fuorouracil undergoes active transport. The absorption, distribution, bio- transformation (metabolism), and excretion of a Target organ Liver typical drug after its oral administration. Only the nonionized form of a drug can readily penetrate The pKa of a weak acid or weak base is the pH at which cell membranes. Both of these processes contribute to coprotein or P-glycoprotein (Pgp), is expressed on the the elimination of active drug from the body, and as dis- luminal side of endothelial cells lining the intestines, brain cussed later in the chapter, clearance is a measure of the rate capillaries, and a number of other tissues. Biotransformation, or drug metabolism, is the blood-to-lumen direction leads to a secretion of various the enzyme-catalyzed conversion of drugs to their metabo- drugs into the intestinal tract, thereby serving as a detoxify- lites. Pgp also serves to exclude drugs from the but drug-metabolizing enzymes are found in many other brain. The Pgp proteins exclude drugs from tissues through- tissues, including the gut, kidneys, brain, lungs, and skin. Inhibition of Role of Drug Biotransformation Pgp by amiodarone, erythromycin, propranolol, and other The fundamental role of drug-metabolizing enzymes is to agents can increase tissue levels of these drugs and augment inactivate and detoxify drugs and other foreign compounds their pharmacologic effects (see Fig. Drug metabolites are usually more water soluble than is the parent molecule, and Factors Affecting Distribution therefore they are more readily excreted by the kidneys. No Organ Blood Flow particular relationship exists between biotransformation and The rate at which a drug is distributed to various organs pharmacologic activity. Some drug metabolites are active, after a drug dose is administered depends largely on the whereas others are inactive. Drugs attachment of polar groups, a process called conjugation, are rapidly distributed to highly perfused tissues, namely the for more rapid excretion. As a general rule, most conjugated brain, heart, liver, and kidney, and this enables a rapid onset drug metabolites are inactive, but a few exceptions exist. Drugs are distrib- uted more slowly to less perfused tissues such as skeletal Formation of Active Metabolites muscle and even more slowly to those with the lowest blood Many pharmacologically active drugs, such as the sedative- fow, such as skin, bone, and adipose tissue. Some agents, known as prodrugs, are Plasma Protein Binding administered as inactive compounds and then biotrans- Almost all drugs are reversibly bound to plasma proteins, formed to active metabolites. This type of agent is usually primarily albumin, but also lipoproteins, glycoproteins, and developed because the prodrug is better absorbed than its β-globulins. Orally administered prodrugs, such as fuid and cells, drug molecules dissociate from plasma pro- the antihypertensive agent enalapril (Vasotec), are con- teins to maintain the equilibrium between free drug and verted to their active metabolite by hepatic enzymes during bound drug. Plasma protein binding is saturable, and a drug can be First-Pass Biotransformation displaced from binding sites by other drugs that have a high Drugs that are absorbed from the gut reach the liver via the affnity for such sites. However, most drugs are not used at hepatic portal vein before entering the systemic circulation high enough plasma concentrations to occupy the vast (Fig. Many drugs, such as the antihypertensive agent number of plasma protein binding sites. Drugs administered by the sublingual or rectal route Molecular size is a factor affecting the distribution of undergo less frst-pass metabolism and have a higher degree extremely large molecules, such as those of the anticoagulant of bioavailability than do drugs administered by the oral heparin. Lipid solubility is a major factor affect- Drug biotransformation can be divided into two phases, ing the extent of drug distribution, particularly to the each carried out by unique sets of metabolic enzymes. In brain, where the blood-brain barrier restricts the penetra- many cases, phase I enzymatic reactions create or unmask a tion of polar and ionized molecules. Drugs that are absorbed from the gut can be biotransformed by enzymes in the gut wall and liver before reaching the systemic circulation. Oxidative reactions are the most duplication, and each family is divided into subfamilies, common type of phase I biotransformation. The hydroxylated metabolite may be the example, ethanol is oxidized to aldehyde by alcohol dehy- end product of the reaction or serve as an intermediate that drogenase, and caffeine and the bronchodilator theophyl- leads to the formation of another metabolite. These include cholinesterase and and their role in metabolizing specifc drugs elucidated.

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Blockade of cardiac muscarinic receptors eliminates parasympathetic influence on the heart anxiety zone buy nortriptyline 25 mg with amex. By removing the “braking” influence of parasympathetic nerves anxiety symptoms stuttering nortriptyline 25 mg cheap, anticholinergic agents can cause tachycardia anxiety 4 weeks after quitting smoking order nortriptyline 25 mg line. In patients with asthma, antimuscarinic drugs can cause thickening and drying of bronchial secretions and can thereby cause bronchial plugging. Consequently, although muscarinic antagonists can be used to treat asthma, they can also do harm. A number of drugs that are not classified as muscarinic antagonists can nonetheless produce significant muscarinic blockade. Among these are antihistamines, phenothiazine antipsychotics, and tricyclic antidepressants. Because of their prominent anticholinergic actions, these drugs can greatly enhance the antimuscarinic effects of atropine and related agents. Accordingly, it is wise to avoid combined use of atropine with other drugs that can cause muscarinic blockade. In most cases, urge incontinence results from involuntary contractions of the bladder detrusor (the smooth muscle component of the bladder wall). These contractions are often referred to as detrusor instability or detrusor overactivity. Urge incontinence should not be confused with stress incontinence, defined as involuntary urine leakage caused by activities (e. Among people ages 40 to 44 years, symptoms are reported by 3% of men and 9% of women. In comparison, among those 75 years and older, symptoms are reported by 42% of men and 31% of women. Behavioral therapy, which is at least as effective as drug therapy and lacks side effects, should be tried first. Behavioral interventions include scheduled voiding, timing fluid intake, doing Kegel exercises (to strengthen pelvic floor muscles), and avoiding caffeine, a diuretic that may also increase detrusor activity. If behavioral therapy and drugs are inadequate, a provider may offer specialized treatments (e. These drugs block muscarinic receptors on the bladder detrusor and thereby inhibit bladder contractions and the urge to void. Unfortunately, drugs that block muscarinic receptors in the bladder can also block muscarinic receptors elsewhere and cause the typical anticholinergic side effects previously described. However, only three—designated M, M, and M —have clearly identified1 2 3 functions. Locations of these receptor subtypes, and responses to their activation and blockade, are shown in Table 12. To be beneficial, an anticholinergic agent must block muscarinic receptors in the bladder detrusor. All six work by M -muscarinic receptor blockade, although most3 block M and M receptors as well. You should be aware that responses to these agents are relatively modest and, for many patients, only slightly better than a placebo. Oxytrol Transdermal 1 patch twice 1 patch twice Apply to dry, intact skin of the abdomen, hip, or patch weekly weekly buttock. Trospium (generic Tablets 20 mg twice 20 mg twice Take 1 hour before meals on an empty stomach. One metabolite—N-desethyloxybutynin— is highly active, especially against muscarinic receptors in the salivary glands. Oxybutynin is very lipid soluble; therefore it can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. The drug has a short half-life (2–3 hours), and hence multiple daily doses are required. The incidence of dry mouth is very high, in part because of muscarinic blockade by oxybutynin itself, and in part because of blockade by N-desethyloxybutynin. Other common side effects include constipation, tachycardia, urinary hesitancy, urinary retention, mydriasis, blurred vision, and dry eyes.

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They are also used to control symptoms of About 45% of patients will eventually achieve a permanent hyperthyroidism in patients awaiting either surgery or a remission anxiety symptoms medication buy nortriptyline 25 mg low price. Persons with persistent thyroid-stimulating antibodies Iodide Salts have a higher incidence of relapse than do persons without Iodide salts are contained in potassium iodide tablets and persistent antibodies anxiety symptoms head tingling purchase nortriptyline overnight delivery. Pruritic maculopapular rash anxiety group therapy buy cheap nortriptyline online, arthralgia, and Lugol solution (elemental iodine and potassium iodide). Less frequently, a lupus erythematosus–like patients with acute thyrotoxicosis, to prepare patients for syndrome, hepatitis, or gastrointestinal distress is reported. Iodide salts can also be used to with a white blood cell count of less than 4000/µL. Potassium iodide preparations acterized by a granulocyte count of less than 250/µL. Severe are available without prescription for this purpose (Thyro- agranulocytosis usually develops during the frst 3 months Safe, ThyroShield). Patients and fatal liver failure, but a recent analysis of adverse drug with hyperthyroidism usually obtain symptomatic improve- reactions by the U. The isotope is rapidly • β-Adrenoceptor antagonists are used to control the absorbed from the gut and concentrated by the thyroid cardiovascular symptoms of hyperthyroidism in pati- gland. In the gland, it emits β-particles that destroy thyroid ents who are suffering from acute thyrotoxicosis, are tissue. Potassium iodide solutions are used β-blockers alone are not adequate to control these symp- to control symptoms of acute thyrotoxicosis, to reduce toms. A man is given a drug to reduce thyroid gland size and vascularity before surgical thyroidectomy. A woman with weight loss, nervousness, heat intolerance, pling of iodotyrosines to form T3 and T4. Which serious adverse effect has • The thyroid hormones, which activate cytoplasmic been associated with this medication? In the (A) gastrointestinal bleeding nucleus, they activate gene transcription and thereby (B) thromboembolism increase the metabolic rate and accelerate a wide (C) agranulocytosis range of cellular activities required for normal growth (D) hepatic failure and development and for the maintenance of normal (E) esophageal ulcer metabolism. After total thyroidectomy, a woman is placed on a drug • Levothyroxine (synthetic T4) is the drug of choice for whose oral bioavailability is about 80%. It has a (C) the most potent thyroid hormone available shorter half-life, however, and may need to be given (D) has a half-life of about 1 day several times a day. After exposure to radioactive fallout containing 131I, thyroperoxidase-catalyzed steps in the synthesis of which agent could be administered to prevent destruction thyroid hormone. The onset of action of these drugs (A) liothyronine is delayed because of the time required to deplete (B) methimazole glandular stores of thyroid hormone. After absorption, about 35% of levo- Potassium iodide reduces the release of thyroid hormone thyroxine is eventually converted to triiodothyronine. Its absorption is reduced by iron and aluminum sodium/iodide symporter, or reduce synthesis of thyroid salts. Thioamide drugs are would compete with radioactive iodide for uptake by the associated with leukopenia and, rarely, agranulocytosis, thyroid gland. Suffcient doses of potassium iodide can and patients should be carefully monitored for these prevent destruction of the thyroid gland after exposure 131 conditions. Also shown is the site of action of drugs that inhibit adre- Adrenal Steroid Drugs nocorticoid synthesis. Cortisol exerts several effects that increase the body’s resis- Corticosteroid Synthesis Inhibitors tance to stress. This is why exogenously • Metyrapone (Metopirone) administered glucocorticoids can suppress the hypothalamic- Corticosteroid Receptor Antagonists pituitary-adrenal axis and inhibit endogenous cortisol pro- • Mifepristone (Mifeprex) duction, leading toadrenal insuffciencywhen the exogenous • Spironolactone (Aldactone) glucocorticoid is withdrawn. These actions lead to the various metabolic and The adrenal glands are situated on top of the kidneys (as antiinfammatory effects of glucocorticoids, which are obvious from their name) and are essential for life. In the renal tubules, activation of the adrenal glands are composed of two major parts: the adrenal mineralocorticoid receptor stimulates the synthesis of cortex and the adrenal medulla, also called chromaffn tissue sodium channels and sodium-potassium adenosine tri- owing to its brightly staining characteristics. This chapter describes the drugs that The glucocorticoid receptor has a high affnity for cor- serve as replacements or alter the effects of steroid hormones tisol but a much lower affnity for aldosterone, whereas the produced by the adrenal cortex.

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Open myomectomy is associated with an increased operative morbidity compared to open hysterectomy anxiety symptoms checklist pdf discount 25 mg nortriptyline with visa. The following are the correct classifcations for the urgency of caesarean section in these clinical scenarios: A anxiety 5 things 25 mg nortriptyline visa. Midwife performs speculum examination anxiety 6 months after quitting smoking buy generic nortriptyline online, which reveals 3 cm cervical dilatation and umbilical cord in the vagina. Abdominal examination reveals a tense and tender uterus and speculum examination reveals active vaginal bleeding. She is keen to have caesarean section and this should be performed as a category 2 caesarean section. Twenty-four hours later vaginal examination reveals no progress in cervical dilatation. The following should be discussed when counselling a woman with one previous uncomplicated caesarean section wanting to try for a vaginal birth: A. Women should be informed that there is virtually no risk of uterine rupture in women undergoing elective caesarean section. The following signs may indicate scar dehiscence in women with previous caesarean section: A. A transvaginal ultrasound scan performed by ultrasonographer reveals an absent fetal heart beat and is reported as missed miscarriage. Surgical Treatment Surgical excision Can be used for small as well as large warts Can be used for warts resistant to drug Safe in pregnancy Cryotherapy Can be used in pregnancy Laser treatment (vaporization) More expensive Further reading Lazaro N. On one hand this results in premature menopause and on the other hand it reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 95%. Women should be informed that there is still a 2% (1 in 50) risk of primary peritoneal cancer, which behaves similar to ovarian cancer. Oral contraceptives and risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer among high-Risk women: A systematic review and meta- analysis. This can be performed under local anaesthetic in the clinic or under general anaesthetic in special circumstances (e. When the treatment occurs at frst visit in colposcopy, it is known as ‘see and treat’, otherwise the treatment is performed at a later visit when the biopsy results are available. Laser cone can be performed under local anaesthetic but knife cone biopsy is usually performed under general anaesthesia. Ablative methods of treatment • Laser vaporization of the tissue: performed under local anaesthetic. This should be revisited at every interaction during the antenatal period, emergency admission, before or during labour. It has traditionally been used to treat or prevent excessive blood loss during surgery. It is an antifbrinolytic agent that competitively inhibits the activation of plasminogen to plasmin, thus preventing fbrinolysis. In this case, the likely diagnosis is cerebral venous thrombosis as tranexamic acid is a risk factor. The doctor who prescribes this medication should clearly explain to the woman that the drug should be taken during menstrual periods and not indefnitely. J Infundibulopelvic ligament, also known as suspensory ligament of the ovary, is a fold of peritoneum extending out from the ovary to the pelvic side wall. E This structure, very close and anterior to the fallopian tube, is the round ligament. One should be cautious in ensuring that the fallopian tube is clipped, not the round ligament, by identifying the fmbrial end and following the tube to the uterine cornua. A Endometriosis commonly afects the uterosacral ligaments and the nodules are ofen palpable on vaginal examination, through the posterior fornix. J Autonomy: the patient has the right to accept or refuse medical treatment, even if the consequences are detrimental to their health, as long as they are competent and able to make informed decisions. B Benefcence is action taken in the best interests of the patient to prevent signifcant harm or death when informed consent is not obtainable. In this clinical scenario, uterine rupture is the likely diagnosis and laparotomy is performed in the patient’s best interest in order to prevent the maternal and fetal demise, even though consent was not obtained. G Gillick competence or Fraser guidelines: children under the age of 16 may have the capacity to consent to treatment, though they cannot refuse treatment. A plea for consistency over competence in children: Gillick and Fraser are not interchangeable.

Jorn, 38 years: Diarrhea can usually be managed with loperamide or some other over-the-counter antidiarrheal drug. A 25-year-old para 1 woman reports leakage of urine on the postnatal ward on day 2 post delivery.

Moff, 22 years: This process is frequently associated with microvascular thrombosis and tissue necrosis. It is treated with intravenous heparin, high dose steroid, intravenous immune globulin and plasmapheresis.

Kliff, 61 years: These decision rules have been validated fr nonpregnant adults who have a normal mental status, no other signifcant concurrent injury, and who are evaluated within 10 days of the injury. Moreover, onset of ophthalmic problems was delayed, and progression of existing problems was slowed.

Ismael, 55 years: Abdomen, face, neck, buttocks, thighs, and inner arm bruises occur less frequently in cases of accidental trauma. This information should be reported to the medical examiner and appropriate social agencies, including the police, so that an investigation can be started and other children in the home or under the care of the same providers can be protected.

Peer, 63 years: All are approved for edema caused by heart failure, chronic renal disease, and cirrhosis, but only torsemide, like furosemide, is also approved for hypertension. Postpartum blues occur between days 3 to 10 afer delivery and the symptoms spontaneously resolve within a few days without any treatment.

Osmund, 26 years: The pharmacologic The acetylcholine nicotinic receptor antagonists include properties of curariform drugs are listed in Table 7-1. The process includes knowing which pieces of information are more meaningful and which can be discarded.

Bufford, 49 years: A nasal caudal septum with a tendency to be short, retrussive Leaving the strut without fixation directly over the nasal spine and weak. The pharmacological actions of this drug are mainly attributed to the acetate form (cyproterone acetate has three times the anti-androgenic activity of cyproterone).

Hjalte, 32 years: A 27-gauge needle is used to inject lidocaine, better protected the nasal airway and maintained the airway’s 1% with 1:100,000 epinephrine, buffered 10:1 with sodium cross-sectional area by preserving a small triangle of bone, bicarbonate. H owever, the pr esent at ion of t he pneumonia is not t ypically associat ed wit h high fever or sepsis.

Wilson, 27 years: To know the immune dysfnction in sepsis and the proinfammatory and anti­ infammatory states. It is important to note that, although the opioid withdrawal syndrome can be extremely unpleasant, it is rarely dangerous.

Varek, 62 years: If hypertension were diagnosed and treated earlier, the prognosis would be greatly improved. Estrogen and Raloxifene In patients with Paget disease, calcitonin is administered Estrogen reduces bone resorption by inhibiting the pro- subcutaneously or intramuscularly every 1 to 3 days.

Yokian, 57 years: Know that the definition of precocious puberty is the onset of secondary sex- ual characteristics > 2 st andard deviat ions from the mean (age 7 years in Cau- casian women an d 6 year s in Afr ican -Am er ican women ). Use all beta blockers with caution in patients with a history of depression and in those taking calcium channel blockers.

Arokkh, 51 years: Co n s i d e r a t i o n s Patients who present with acute focal neurologic deficits require rapid evaluation for suspect ed st roke. Pownell et al have described diagnostic nasal but with less soft tissue trauma, especially when the site to be endoscopy in the plastic surgical literature.

Garik, 30 years: This will include knowledge of early pregnancy loss, including clinical features, investiga- tion, and management of disorders leading to early pregnancy loss such as miscarriage (including recurrent), ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy. Of these, the potential for endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer can be resolved by prescribing a progestin, if indicated.

Hector, 48 years: She complain s of fat igu e an d dyspn ea wit h m in imal exer t ion, an d a cou gh that is productive each morning. T his pat ient has numerous risk fact ors for deep venous t hrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Tom, 46 years: Antibiotics have difrent tissue penetrations and should be taken into account when treating infections. Traditionally, cadaveric organs are retrieved from brain-dead donors between the ages of 3 and 60 years without histories of degenerative diseases such as hyper- tension and diabetes, or history of strokes.

Ivan, 52 years: Early symptoms of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, abdominal discomfort) belie the severity of intoxication. The membranous layer of the superficial fascia is continu- ous in the penis and scrotum as the dartos fascia (Figures 28-1 and 28-2).

9 of 10 - Review by D. Sinikar
Votes: 134 votes
Total customer reviews: 134


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