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The use of various substances to modify mood or behavior is generally regarded as normal and acceptable in our society. Many people drink coffee or tea for the stimulant effects of caffeine, or engage in the social drinking of alcohol. On the other hand, there are wide cultural variations. In some groups, even the recreational use of alcohol is frowned upon, whereas in other groups the use of various legal or illegal substances for mood-altering effects has become widely accepted. In addition, certain over-the-counter and prescription medications may be medically recommended to relieve tension or pain or to suppress appetite. But when regular use of these substances begins to interfere with normal functioning, creating behavioral changes that would be undesirable to people from any cultural background, substance use has turned to substance abuse. As psychiatrists define it, a person has a substance abuse problem when they continue to use a substance--some form of drug, medication or alcohol -- despite the recurring social, occupational, psychological or physical problems such use causes. Such behavior is indicative of a mental disorder which can turn an illegal or a legal substance into a "drug" and which requires psychiatric medical treatment. Substance abuse, the misuse of alcohol, cigarettes and both illegal and legal drugs and medications and other mood-altering substances is, by far, the predominant cause of premature and preventable illness, disability and death in our society. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 17 percent of the U. When the effects on the families of abusers and people close to those injured or killed by intoxicated drivers are considered, such abuse affects untold millions more. The annual cost of alcohol abuse is nearly $86 billion for treatment and indirect losses such as reduced worker productivity, early death and property damage resulting from alcohol-related accidents and crime each year. Drug abuse accounts for $58 billion a year in direct and indirect costs to business and the economy. Cigarette smoking has long been known to cause cancer and emphysema and heart disease, but quitting cigarettes is greatly complicated because most smokers declare that they would like to quit, but they have lost control of the habit. This is especially true of smokers who begin smoking when they are adolescents or young adults. The economic toll of these different forms of substance abuse amounts to over four times that of cancer and nearly a third greater than that of cardiovascular disease, according to a 1984 Research Triangle Institute report. Among the disorders related to the misuse of these substances, a distinction is made between substance abuse and substance dependence. They become intoxicated on a regular basis--daily, every weekend or in binges--and often need the substance for normal daily functioning. Those who are considered to be dependent on a substance suffer all the symptoms of drug abuse, with the addition that they have developed a physical tolerance for it, so that increased amounts are necessary for the desired effects. Opiates (such as heroin), alcohol and amphetamines (such as methamphetamine) also lead to physical dependence in which the person develops withdrawal symptoms when he or she stops use. While alcohol is considered by psychiatrists to be a "drug," for the purposes of this pamphlet its abuse is being discussed separately from that of other drugs. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) and the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) define alcoholism as: A primary, chronic disease... Further, the two groups say that the development of alcoholism in a person is influenced by genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors, and that the disease of alcoholism is often progressive and fatal. Social stigma has blocked the road to understanding of alcoholism more than with any other disease. Society has long viewed the affliction as a psychological problem alone--the sign of a ravaged soul devoid of discipline or morality.

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Based on the phi coefficients gastritis polyps cheap 2 mg imodium with visa, communication was not included in the model (see next section) chronic gastritis diagnosis purchase imodium 2mg without a prescription. Two models were tested using logistic regression: one model included the sexual orientation of couples (heterosexual chronic gastritis no h pylori 2mg imodium order with mastercard, lesbian, and gay males), the other substituted gender (male and female) for the sexual orientation of couples. Logistic regression was a useful tool in this exploratory research, where the goal was to develop theory rather than test it (Menard, 1995). TOWARD A DEFINITION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INTIMACY The dependent variable was psychological intimacy. Participants talked of experiencing psychological intimacy when they were able to share their inner thoughts and feelings they felt to be accepted, if not understood, by the partner. Such experiences were associated with feelings of mutual connection between partners. When participants talked of being psychologically intimate with their partners, a sense of peace and contentment permeated their remarks. Coding this variable involved an assessment of responses to questions that asked each partner to talk about their relationships. These questions included a range of topics such as what the partner meant to the participant, how their relationships may have been different from other relationships, how participants felt about being open with their partners, what words best described the meaning of the partner to a participant, etc. Of particular importance were questions that elicited responses about the quality of communication such as, "How would you describe the communication between you? Although positive communication could be present without having a sense that the relationship was psychologically intimate, at least in a theoretical sense, the two factors were correlated substantially (phi =. Therefore, we decided not to include communication as an independent variable in the regression analysis. Psychologically intimate communication captures what we are referring to as "psychological intimacy. I can say stuff to her that I would never say to anyone else. The partner spoke of how their psychological intimacy had evolved:Although we like a lot of the same things, our interests are different... I think we both each really like the other one a lot... There was a bond early on, in part because it was a different kind of relationship... As the couples in this study grew older together the experience of psychological intimacy was marked by a deepening sense of relational communion between them, yet a respect for their differences, as illustrated in the relationships of that couple. A heterosexual couple reflected on the meaning of intimacy in their relationship that had lasted 30 years. The wife experienced her spouse as: My best friend, best lover... Unfortunately, we have not had parents for many years. He is the person who most cares what is happening to me. The meaning of intimacy to her husband was described by him:I just like her to be next to me, near me. I think we are our own people, but we do it together. The responses of these four partners reflected several themes that were central to understanding and defining psychological intimacy. The second theme, interdependence, referred to maintaining separateness within the attachment to a partner. Maintaining interpersonal boundaries in these relationships apparently helped to sustain a sense of psychological intimacy; that is, individuals felt "safe" in revealing their inner thoughts and feelings because they could count on a partner to respect their separateness and to accept, if not understand, them. For both women and men, themes of connectedness, separateness, and mutuality were apparent in their responses, although men tended to emphasize proximity and women mutuality. In selecting the independent variables, two criteria were used:1. The variable had to be identified in previous studies as a significant factor in shaping psychological intimacy.

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Forced sexual assault frequently causes visible bruising or bleeding in and around the vaginal or anal area and bruises on other parts of the body from coercive violence xanthogranulomatous gastritis purchase imodium with amex. But both forced and other types of rape can have many other physical consequences:Painful intercourse (with significant other)Uterine fibroids ??? non-cancerous tumors in muscle wallSexually transmitted diseases (STDs) ??? HIV gastritis b12 imodium 2mg order mastercard, genital warts gastritis diet ������� purchase imodium online now, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and othersVictims experience both short and long-term psychological effects of rape. One of the most common psychological consequences of rape is self-blame. Victims use self-blame as an avoidance-based coping tool. Self-blame slows or, in many cases, stops the healing process. Other common emotional and psychological effects of rape include:Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ??? feelings of severe anxiety and stressFlashbacks ??? memories of rape as if it is taking place againBorderline personality disorderDissociative identity disorderDistrust of others ??? uneasy in everyday social situationsFeelings of personal powerlessness ??? victims feel the rapist robbed them of control over their bodiesThe aftermath of rape involves a cluster of acute and chronic physical and psychological effects. This only adds to the psychological impact of the rape on the victim. Victims of extremely violent rape, or those who were assaulted repeatedly or at a very young age, may need treatment for the rest of their lives. In fact, many therapies have been studied in rape treatment for decades. Therapy for rape victims can include one-on-one therapy, group therapy and even, in some cases, pharmacotherapy (medication) used alongside other therapies. The type of rape therapy used depends a lot on the individual and their circumstance but common rape therapies include: Stress inoculation therapyProlonged exposure therapyCognitive processing therapyEye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR)Stress inoculation therapy, prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy are all considered cognitive behavioral therapies. Many treatments for rape victims focus on treating the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as that is what women typically suffer from if trauma from the sexual assault is experienced long-term. Stress inoculation rape therapy was developed to treat those with elevated fear and anxiety as well as specific avoidance behaviors (such as avoiding walking in the dark). Stress inoculation rape therapy includes three phases: Education ??? explains that fear is a normal response to trauma. Also teaches about cues that may trigger fear (such as places that remind the victim of the rape). Skill building ??? rape victims are taught to control their fear reactions physically and psychologically. This includes cognitive behavioral techniques like thought stopping, mental rehearsal and guided self-talk. Application ??? victims now use their new skills to engage in fearful behavior. They are also taught to avoid self-criticism and manage avoidance behavior as well as reward themselves for their progress. Stress inoculation therapy has been shown to be successful in treating the symptoms of PTSD in rape victims. Prolonged exposure rape therapy is also known as flooding and is a way of desensitizing a person to the trauma of rape through repeated exposures to memories of the traumatic event. In prolonged exposure therapy, victims are asked to repeatedly recount their rape as well as confront situations in real life that remind them of the rape. Victims also listen to tape-recorded sessions telling of the rape to increase exposure. Prolonged exposure rape therapy has been found to treat PTSD as well as feelings of depression and guilt associated with the trauma. Cognitive processing rape therapy is designed to help people suffering from PTSD and depression. In this rape treatment, education, exposure and cognitive techniques are used. Victims are encouraged to identify parts of the trauma with "inadequately processed emotions" associated with them, known as "stuck points. Eye movement desensitization reprocessing is a therapy specifically designed to address trauma survivors. EMDR involves exposure therapy alongside cognitive techniques. The external attention required is theorized to allow the reprocessing of the event. EMDR is a somewhat controversial treatment in that some feel the eye movement is unnecessary but in small studies it appears that EMDR can be used to treat PTSD and depression in assault victims.

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However gastritis diet 91352 buy imodium 2mg low price, the volume of distribution following injection of Humalog is identical to that of Regular human insulin symptoms of gastritis ulcer order imodium 2mg, with a range of 0 gastritis hiv symptom purchase imodium paypal. Human metabolism studies of Humalog Mix75/25 have not been conducted. Studies in animals indicate that the metabolism of Humalog, the rapid-acting component of Humalog Mix75/25, is identical to that of Regular human insulin. Humalog Mix75/25 has two absorption phases, a rapid and a prolonged phase, representative of the insulin lispro and insulin lispro protamine suspension components of the mixture. As with other intermediate-acting insulins, a meaningful terminal phase half-life cannot be calculated after administration of Humalog Mix75/25 because of the prolonged insulin lispro protamine suspension absorption. Studies in nondiabetic subjects and patients with diabetes demonstrated that Humalog has a more rapid onset of glucose-lowering activity, an earlier peak for glucose-lowering, and a shorter duration of glucose-lowering activity than Regular human insulin. The early onset of activity of Humalog Mix75/25 is directly related to the rapid absorption of Humalog. The time course of action of insulin and insulin analogs, such as Humalog (and hence Humalog Mix75/25), may vary considerably in different individuals or within the same individual. The parameters of Humalog Mix75/25 activity (time of onset, peak time, and duration) as presented in Figures 2 and 3 should be considered only as general guidelines. The rate of insulin absorption and consequently the onset of activity is known to be affected by the site of injection, exercise, and other variables (see General under PRECAUTIONS ). In a glucose clamp study performed in 30 nondiabetic subjects, the onset of action and glucose-lowering activity of Humalog, Humalog? Mix50/50?, Humalog Mix75/25, and insulin lispro protamine suspension (NPL component) were compared (see Figure 2). Graphs of mean glucose infusion rate versus time showed a distinct insulin activity profile for each formulation. The rapid onset of glucose-lowering activity characteristic of Humalog was maintained in Humalog Mix75/25. In separate glucose clamp studies performed in nondiabetic subjects, pharmacodynamics of Humalog Mix75/25 and Humulin 70/30 were assessed and are presented in Figure 3. Humalog Mix75/25 has a duration of activity similar to that of Humulin 70/30. Figure 2: Insulin Activity After Injection of Humalog, Humalog Mix50/50, Humalog Mix75/25, or Insulin Lispro Protamine Suspension (NPL Component) in 30 Nondiabetic Subjects. Figure 3: Insulin Activity After Injection of Humalog Mix75/25 and Humulin 70/30 in Nondiabetic Subjects. Figures 2 and 3 represent insulin activity profiles as measured by glucose clamp studies in healthy nondiabetic subjects. Figure 2 shows the time activity profiles of Humalog, Humalog Mix50/50, Humalog Mix75/25, and insulin lispro protamine suspension (NPL component). Figure 3 is a comparison of the time activity profiles of Humalog Mix75/25 (see Figure 3a) and of Humulin 70/30 (see Figure 3b) from two different studies. Information on the effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of Humalog Mix75/25 is unavailable. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic comparisons between men and women administered Humalog Mix75/25 showed no gender differences. In large Humalog clinical trials, sub-group analysis based on age and gender demonstrated that differences between Humalog and Regular human insulin in postprandial glucose parameters are maintained across sub-groups. The effect of smoking on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Humalog Mix75/25 has not been studied. The effect of pregnancy on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Humalog Mix75/25 has not been studied. The effect of obesity and/or subcutaneous fat thickness on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Humalog Mix75/25 has not been studied. In large clinical trials, which included patients with Body Mass Index up to and including 35 kg/m2, no consistent differences were observed between Humalog and Humulin? R with respect to postprandial glucose parameters. The effect of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Humalog Mix75/25 has not been studied. In a study of 25 patients with type 2 diabetes and a wide range of renal function, the pharmacokinetic differences between Humalog and Regular human insulin were generally maintained. However, the sensitivity of the patients to insulin did change, with an increased response to insulin as the renal function declined.

Peer, 34 years: You may find yourself in the helping role with a friend who cannot define specific concerns, who cannot take the initiative to carry out any defined options, who constantly comes to you to talk about the same problem, or who continues to be upset without taking steps to resolve the problem. Several types of therapy are used in the treatment of PTSD.

Sven, 62 years: David: Did you just come out and tell them, or did they discover what was going on, on their own? Often, these systems have evolved apart from and earlier than the conventional medical approach used in the United States.

Larson, 63 years: According to Harvard research, Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements may incorrectly classify some men as being over-weight when they are, in fact, in very good shape. Jeanie Bein our guest, who is a licensed psychologist and specializes in abuse, trauma, and family problems will be discussing and answering questions dealing with domestic violence and domestic abuse and how to become free from the cycle of abuse.

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Sulfock, 35 years: While there, listen to his audio comments on his homepage. Self-Defeating Behaviors: Free Yourself from the Habits, Compulsions, Feelings, and Attitudes That Hold You BackReader Comment: "Precise, clear and concise language describes a behavioral problem affecting millions of people and shows how this problem can be solved.

Hanson, 24 years: Body image disturbance (misperception of body size and shape) is common. Changing your negative self talk, self-concept is also important.

Tragak, 51 years: Symlin does not alter the net absorption of ingested carbohydrate or other nutrients. Our topic tonight is "Living Day-to-Day with DID, MPD (Dissociative Identity Disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder).

Sanford, 53 years: A study published in 1999 in the Journal of the American Medical Association examines the definition of sex based on a 1991 random sample of 599 college students from 29 states. Men may value shared activities as an instrumental means to experiencing relational connectedness that may lead to a sense of psychological intimacy, while women may place greater value on sharing thoughts and feelings about themselves.

Ismael, 45 years: Bob M: And what about the psychotherapy end of the treatment? There was a small, but consistent, average increase in pulse rate over placebo in controlled trials.

Kapotth, 60 years: People who attempt suicide are often acutely distressed and the vast majority are depressed to some extent. Do I have feelings of guilt or remorse after eating?

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Steve, 30 years: Psychologically abusive relationships can be seen in any configuration: between spouses, caregiver and child, within a friendship or in the workplace. Anorexia and bulimia can be attempts to control or distract themselves from such trauma.

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Vatras, 55 years: In the second study, 263 patients with OSAHS were randomized to either NUVIGIL 150 mg/day or placebo. If you ask a despairing person this question you are doing a good thing for them: you are showing him that you care about him, that you take him seriously, and that you are willing to let him share his pain with you.

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