
Enrique J. Pantin, MD

  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
  • Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
  • New Brunswick, New Jersey

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An additional con- bisoprolol and pindolol should also be reduced in sideration is that cardiac output and blood pressure clients with cirrhosis or other hepatic impairment medicine images mentat ds syrup 100 ml buy amex. Calcium channel blockers should be used with caution medicine ball exercises order 100 ml mentat ds syrup free shipping, flow and aggravate renal impairment treatment 5 alpha reductase deficiency buy discount mentat ds syrup 100 ml on line. Calcium channel blockers are often used in clients with should be monitored periodically, and clients should be renal impairment because, in general, they are effective closely monitored for drug effects (see section on Use and well tolerated; they maintain renal blood flow even in Hepatic Impairment, Chap. The infusion Antihypertensive drugs are frequently prescribed for clients should be stopped after 72 hours if the serum thiocyanate with critical illness and must be used cautiously, usually with level is more than 12 mg/dL; it should be stopped at 48 hours reduced dosages and careful monitoring of responses. Symptoms of thiocyanate many cases, the drugs are continued during critical illnesses toxicity (eg, nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching or spasm, caused by both cardiovascular and noncardiovascular dis- and seizures) can be reversed with hemodialysis. If the client cannot take oral drugs, drug choices are that may be used include IV hydralazine, labetalol, and narrowed because many commonly used drugs are not avail- nicardipine; see Drugs at a Glance: Antihypertensive Drugs. In one Herbal and Dietary Supplements way, this may be more difficult, because critically ill clients are often unstable in their conditions and responses to drug Use of nonprescription herbal and dietary supplements is fre- therapy. In another way, it may be easier in a critical care unit, quently not reported by the client even though one third of the where hemodynamic monitoring is commonly used. Significant inter- of management is usually to maintain adequate tissue perfu- actions can occur between herbs and dietary supplements sion while avoiding both hypotension and hypertension. Many nonprescription Antihypertensive drugs are also used to treat hypertensive medications such as antihistamine, cold/cough preparations, urgencies and emergencies, which involve dangerously high and weight loss products can decrease the effectiveness of blood pressures and actual or potential damage to target or- antihypertensive drugs or worsen hypertension. Although there are risks with severe hypertension, its stimulating effects, may increase blood pressure. Ephedra there are also risks associated with lowering blood pressure (ma huang), used to suppress appetite, treat colds, nasal con- excessively or too rapidly, including stroke, myocardial in- gestion and asthma, and increase energy, increases blood farction, and acute renal failure. This product should be ment is usually to lower blood pressure over several minutes avoided by anyone with hypertension; it is not recommended to several hours, with careful titration of drug dosage to for therapeutic use by anyone. Home Care A hypertensive emergency, defined as a diastolic pressure of 120 mm Hg or higher and target organ damage, requires Antihypertensive drugs are commonly self-administered in an IV drug. The home care nurse is most likely to be in- astolic pressure to 100 to 110 mm Hg and maintain it there volved when making home visits for other reasons. Whether for several days to allow adjustment of the physiologic mech- the client or another member of the household is taking anti- anisms that normally regulate blood pressure. Then, the hypertensive medications, the home care nurse may be help- blood pressure can be lowered to normotensive levels. Fenoldopam is a fast-acting drug indicated only for (pharmacologic and lifestyle modifications). Dosage is Noncompliance with prescribed antihypertensive drug calculated according to body weight and desired effects on therapy is a major problem, and consequences may be cata- blood pressure. The home care nurse is well situated to assess for frequent monitoring of blood pressure. For example, sev- cially beneficial in clients with both severe hypertension and eral antihypertensive medications are quite expensive and myocardial ischemia. The dose is titrated according to blood clients may not take the drugs at all or they may take fewer pressure response and may range from 5 to 100 mcg/min. Intra-arterial blood pressure should be moni- alternative drugs, the nurse may be able to identify resources tored during the infusion. CHAPTER 55 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS 815 NURSING Antihypertensive Drugs ACTIONS NURSING ACTIONS RATIONALE/EXPLANATION 1. Give oral captopril and moexipril on an empty stomach, 1 h Food decreases drug absorption. Give most other oral antihypertensives with or after food in- To decrease gastric irritation take. For intravenous injection of propranolol or labetalol, the For early detection and management of excessive myocardial de- client should be attached to a cardiac monitor. Atropine may be used to treat excessive enteral atropine and isoproterenol (Isuprel) must be readily bradycardia. Give the first dose and the first increased dose of prazosin, To prevent orthostatic hypotension and syncope doxazosin, and terazosin at bedtime. They also have specific requirements for preparation and of use, and monitoring of blood pressure during infusion. A protocol established beforehand can save valu- able time in an emergency situation. Observe for therapeutic effects the choice of drugs and drug dosages often requires adjustment to maximize beneficial effects and minimize adverse effects.

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Injury to the endothelial lining of blood vessels normal immune response treatment 1st degree av block mentat ds syrup 100 ml fast delivery, the resulting inflammation may con- (eg treatment wax 100 ml mentat ds syrup buy with visa, by the shear force of blood flow with hypertension or by rup- tribute to disease development symptoms ebola buy mentat ds syrup with amex. Growth-inhibiting products of the endothe- through a narrowed lumen and increase blood pressure. When the en- Vascular remodeling is similar to the left ventricular remodeling dothelium is damaged, endothelial cells become activated and also that occurs in heart failure (see Chap. Other endothelial products lial dysfunction and produces a thickening of the blood vessel wall (eg, angiotensin II and endothelin-1) may also stimulate growth of and a narrowing of the blood vessel lumen. Thus, damage or loss of endothelial makes blood vessels less flexible and less able to respond to va- cells stimulates growth of smooth muscle cells in the intimal layer sodilating substances. A systolic pressure of 140 or above with a diastolic pres- Hypertension is often discovered after a person experiences sure below 90 is called isolated systolic hypertension and is angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, more common in the elderly. Hypertension profoundly alters cardiovascular function by Hypertensive emergencies are episodes of severely ele- increasing the workload of the heart and causing thickening vated blood pressure that may be an extension of malignant and sclerosis of arterial walls. As a result of increased cardiac (rapidly progressive) hypertension or caused by cerebral workload, the myocardium hypertrophies as a compensatory hemorrhage, dissecting aortic aneurysm, renal disease, pheo- mechanism and heart failure eventually occurs. These require immediate man- endothelial dysfunction and arterial changes (vascular remod- agement, usually intravenous (IV) antihypertensive drugs, to eling), the arterial lumen is narrowed, blood supply to tissues lower blood pressure. Symptoms include severe headache, is decreased, and risks of thrombosis are increased. In addition, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, neurologic distur- necrotic areas may develop in arteries, and these may rupture bances, disorientation, and decreased level of consciousness with sustained high blood pressure. Hypertensive urgencies are damage are the heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes. These are often episodes of less severe hypertension and are often managed called target organs. The goal of management is to lower blood Initially and perhaps for years, primary hypertension pressure within 24 hours. If symptoms occur, they are lower blood pressure gradually and to avoid wide fluctuations usually vague and nonspecific. CHAPTER 55 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS 801 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS (eg, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, proteinuria, glomeru- lonephritis, and angioedema). However, a persistent cough Drugs used in the management of primary hypertension belong develops in approximately 10% to 20% of clients and may to several different groups, including angiotensin-converting lead to stopping the drug. Also, acute hypotension may occur enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers when an ACE inhibitor is started, especially in clients with (ARBs), also called angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AI- fluid volume deficit. This reaction may be prevented by start- IRAs), antiadrenergics, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, ing with a low dose, taken at bedtime, or by stopping diuret- and direct vasodilators. In general, these drugs act to decrease ics and reducing dosage of other antihypertensive drugs blood pressure by decreasing cardiac output or peripheral vas- temporarily. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors These drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy be- cause serious illnesses, including renal failure, have occurred Angiotensin-converting enzyme (also called kininase) is in neonates whose mothers took an ACE inhibitor during the mainly located in the endothelial lining of blood vessels, second and third trimesters. This same enzyme also metabolizes bradykinin, an endogenous substance with strong vasodilating properties. Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers ACE inhibitors block the enzyme that normally converts angiotensin I to the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. By Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) were developed to blocking production of angiotensin II, the drugs decrease vaso- block the strong blood pressure–raising effects of angio- constriction (having a vasodilating effect) and decrease aldo- tensin II. Instead of decreasing production of angiotensin II, sterone production (reducing retention of sodium and water). These effects and possibly others help to pre- multiple types of receptors have been identified, the AT1 re- vent or reverse the remodeling of heart muscle and blood ceptors located in brain, renal, myocardial, vascular, and vessel walls that impairs cardiovascular function and exacer- adrenal tissue determine most of the effects of angiotensin II bates cardiovascular disease processes. ARBs block the an- tiveness in hypertension and beneficial effects on the heart, giotensin II AT1 receptors and decrease arterial blood pressure blood vessels, and kidneys, these drugs are increasing in im- by decreasing systemic vascular resistance. Widely used to treat heart failure These drugs are similar to ACE inhibitors in their effects and hypertension, the drugs may also decrease morbidity and on blood pressure and hemodynamics and are as effective as mortality in other cardiovascular disorders. They improve ACE inhibitors in the management of hypertension and prob- post–myocardial infarction survival when added to standard ably heart failure. They are less likely to cause hyperkalemia therapy of aspirin, a beta blocker, and a thrombolytic. Overall, the drugs are well tolerated, and the incidence with other antihypertensive agents, such as thiazide diuretics. Although the drugs can cause or aggravate proteinuria and Losartan, the first ARB, is readily absorbed and rapidly renal damage in nondiabetic people, they decrease proteinuria metabolized by the cytochrome P450 liver enzymes to an ac- and slow the development of nephropathy in diabetic clients.

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Discuss drugs used during labor and delivery chronic disorders during pregnancy and lactation symptoms 7 dpo bfp cheap mentat ds syrup 100 ml with mastercard. Teach adolescent and young adult women tics and nursing process implications treatment jones fracture generic mentat ds syrup 100 ml mastercard. Susan works as a corporate lawyer and is married to a university professor treatment locator discount mentat ds syrup 100 ml with visa. Susan is very excited about this planned pregnancy, but seems somewhat anxious as she asks lots of questions. Reflect on: the effects of drug use by the mother on the fetus during pregnancy. Essential information to provide Susan regarding the use of any prescription, nonprescription, or herbal drugs during pregnancy. OVERVIEW the fetus and maternal drug therapy to protect the fetus while providing therapeutic effects to the pregnant woman. Drug use during pregnancy and lactation requires special consideration because both the mother and the fetus or nurs- ing infant are affected. Few drugs are considered safe, and PREGNANCY AND LACTATION drug use is generally contraindicated. However, many preg- nant or lactating women take drugs for various reasons, in- Pregnancy is a dynamic state: Mother and fetus undergo cluding acute disorders that may or may not be associated physiologic changes that influence drug effects. In the preg- with pregnancy, chronic disorders that require continued nant woman, physiologic changes alter drug pharmacokinet- treatment during pregnancy or lactation, and habitual use of ics (Table 67–1), and drug effects are less predictable than in nontherapeutic drugs (eg, alcohol, tobacco, others). Most of the drugs in this chapter are purpose of this chapter is to describe potential drug effects on described elsewhere; they are discussed here in relation to 965 966 SECTION 11 DRUGS USED IN SPECIAL CONDITIONS TABLE 67–1 Pregnancy: Physiologic and Pharmacokinetic Changes Physiologic Change Pharmacokinetic Change Increased plasma volume and body water, approxi- Once absorbed into the bloodstream, a drug (especially if water soluble) is distrib- mately 50% in a normal pregnancy uted and diluted more than in the nonpregnant state. However, this effect may be offset by other pharmacokinetic changes of pregnancy. Increased weight (average 25 lb) and body fat Drugs (especially fat-soluble ones) are distributed more widely. Drugs that are distrib- uted to fatty tissues tend to linger in the body because they are slowly released from storage sites into the bloodstream. The rate of albumin pro- the decreased capacity for drug binding leaves more free or unbound drug available duction is increased. However, serum levels fall for therapeutic or adverse effects on the mother and for placental transfer to the because of plasma volume expansion. Thus, a given dose of a drug is likely to produce greater effects than it would plasma protein-binding sites are occupied by hor- in the nonpregnant state. Some commonly used drugs with higher unbound mones and other endogenous substances that amounts during pregnancy include dexamethasone (Decadron), diazepam (Valium), increase during pregnancy. Increased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration Increased excretion of drugs by the kidneys, especially those excreted primarily un- rate secondary to increased cardiac output changed in the urine. In late pregnancy, the increased size and weight of the uterus may decrease renal blood flow when the woman assumes a supine position. This may result in decreased excretion and prolonged effects of renally excreted drugs. Drugs enter the brain easily because the blood–brain bar- fluence some aspect of pregnancy. Approximately half of in greater detail and include those used to induce abortion the drug-containing blood is then transported through the um- (abortifacients), drugs used to stop preterm labor (tocolytics), bilical arteries to the placenta, where it reenters the maternal and drugs used during labor and delivery. Thus, the mother can metabolize and excrete some drug molecules for the fetus. MATERNAL–PLACENTAL– FETAL CIRCULATION DRUG EFFECTS ON THE FETUS Drugs ingested by the pregnant woman reach the fetus through the fetus, which is exposed to any drugs circulating in mater- the maternal–placental–fetal circulation, which is completed nal blood, is very sensitive to drug effects because it is small, about the third week after conception. On the maternal side, has few plasma proteins that can bind drug molecules, and has arterial blood pressure carries blood and drugs to the pla- a weak capacity for metabolizing and excreting drugs. In the placenta, maternal and fetal blood are separated drug molecules reach the fetus, they may cause teratogenicity by a few thin layers of tissue over a large surface area. However, since 1984, cental transfer begins approximately the fifth week after con- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required that ception. When drugs are given on a regular schedule, serum new drugs be assigned a risk category (Box 67–1). For drugs taken during the second and amounts are pharmacologically active because the fetus has third trimesters, adverse effects are usually manifested in low levels of serum albumin and thus low levels of drug bind- the neonate (birth to 1 month) or infant (1 month to 1 year) ing.

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Information from randomised controlled trials Over the last decades, there have been many provides key information when the pharmaceu- statistical developments that have impacted on, tical and allied industries apply to register a for example, the endpoints that can be assessed, new drug or device with the relevant regulatory the design, size, analysis and summary. The authorities themselves impose include the Kaplan–Meier method for summaris- certain constraints on the way in which trials ing survival time studies, the logrank test and are conducted – these will include basics with most influential of all the associated Cox pro- respect to a justification of a sample size for portional hazards model which allows between- the trial but will also specify standards. The Cox model can also accommodate time-dependent variables, that is variables that PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY DATA are assessed post-randomisation. These devel- MANAGEMENT opments would have remained theoretical in nature but for parallel developments in statisti- In clinical trials, subjects are usually entered cal software. Regular monitoring of CLINICAL DATA MANAGEMENT trial progress, especially during the early stages, is advisable, and prompt attention to data errors, GOOD QUALITY DATA inconsistencies or missing items on the CRFs is required, so that corrections can be made Although it is rather outside the scope of this immediately. If inadequate control is exercised in text, a vital component to the eventual success of the management of clinical trials data, subsequent any clinical trial protocol is the quality of the analysis may be delayed or at worst wrong. Good the use of computers for data processing and CRFs will be pleasant to the eye, logical in statistical analysis requires careful planning and layout, comprehensive yet focused on the key execution by experienced personnel. Errors are information required, easy to complete and easy liable to happen in the recording of data in the to process. CRFs, as well as in the transfer of data to A key feature of any scientific study is the the computer using a database management implication that the data generated are of high software. All this is of birth, date of randomisation and allocated equally true for clinical trials of whatever design. The on-study form, transcription, electronic data entry or delay in which contains other demographic and baseline returns of CRFs, rather than the information not clinical information would be completed and having been collected. The For repeated follow-up evaluations, a sepa- validation rules would normally be specified and rate record is normally kept for each evalua- the associated data checks programmed in paral- tion. For example, in a double-blind randomised lel with the building of the database. In addition, QoL is evalu- Several specialised software tools for managing ated not only on entry into the trial, but also at clinical trial data are commercially available. Since patients may drop out of early one written for the UK Medical Research a trial at any time for a variety of reasons this fur- Council was COMputer PAckage for Clinical ther complicates the management of the database. However, current requirements scription and entry into computers are highly of GCP demand, for example, more intensive susceptible to producing errors, a series of checks audit trail facilities that were not part of the early for validity and completeness should be carried systems. The newer systems, unlike standard out immediately upon the return of CRFs. Items spreadsheets, incorporate all the basic features of that are commonly verified include range checks a good clinical data management system. An ideal clinical data management process is These may be excessively high or extremely low one that delivers valid and accurate data which (due to out-of-range or wrong units recorded), aid the maintaining of data integrity through or in the case of qualitative variables, a non- facilities for verifying and validating data, as well permitted code. They also information that may be captured in different allow for automatic reporting of discrepancies, parts of CRFs. For instance, dates of randomisa- customised reports can be created and distributed tion, follow-ups and death carry important infor- to external sources such as the investigators mation in clinical trials where survival is the for resolution and have the ability to efficiently endpoint. Thus it is important to check that these handle repeated follow-up evaluations and track dates as well as other crucial ones have been status of patients throughout the trial. These systems also provide global libraries to Routine checks on missing items or forms store the definitions of standard code lists, and should also be undertaken, as any missing standard validation or derivation criteria, to opti- information could be due to oversight in data mise information input and access throughout the GENERAL ISSUES 41 operation. These codes and rules can Cancer: Practical, Ethical and Legal Problems. In multi-centre trials involving diverse and dis- DESIGN AND CONDUCT tant locations, it is possible with these clinical OF CLINICAL TRIALS data management systems to automatically propa- Buyse ME, Staquet MJ, Sylvester RJ. Cancer Clinical gate the study definitions, including amendments, Trials: Methods and Practice. Handbook of Statistics in Clinical same validation rules, derivation criteria and code Oncology.

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M1 has a half-life of about 2 weeks medications bladder infections 100 ml mentat ds syrup buy free shipping, and a Muromonab-CD3 (Orthoclone OKT3) is a monoclonal loading dose is usually given for 3 days to achieve thera- antibody that acts against an antigenic receptor called CD3 97140 treatment code cheap 100 ml mentat ds syrup with mastercard, peutic blood levels more rapidly medicine keeper mentat ds syrup 100 ml buy on-line. It is highly bound to serum which is found on the surface membrane of most T cells in albumin and eventually eliminated by further metabolism blood and body tissues. Some of the M1 excreted in entiation, or groups of cells with the same surface markers bile is reabsorbed, and this contributes to its long half-life. The CD3 molecule is associated with Most adverse effects in clinical trials were similar to those the antigen recognition structure of T cells and is essential of placebos. Muromonab-CD3 binds with its anti- gen (CD3) and therefore blocks all known functions of T cells containing the CD3 molecule. After treatment, CD3- • Assess clients receiving or anticipating immunosuppres- positive T cells reappear rapidly and reach pretreatment sant drug therapy for signs and symptoms of current in- levels within 1 week. Second courses of treatment must be contact with young children, and potential exposure to undertaken cautiously. With pretransplantation clients, this Etanercept (Enbrel) is a manufactured TNF receptor that includes assessing for impaired function of the diseased binds with TNF and prevents it from binding with its normal organ and for abnormalities that need treatment before receptors on cell surfaces. Etanercept in- 680 SECTION 7 DRUGS AFFECTING HEMATOPOIESIS AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Nursing Diagnoses • Inform clients about diagnostic test results, planned • Risk for Injury: Adverse drug effects changes in therapeutic regimens, and evidence of progress. Multi- disciplinary consultation is essential for transplantation • Participate in decision making about the treatment plan clients and desirable for clients with autoimmune disorders. Anne Robins, a chronic alcoholic for many years, has just received • Use sterile technique for all injections, IV site care, wound a liver transplant. She will have to be on very expensive immuno- dressing changes, and any other invasive diagnostic or suppressive medications for the rest of her life. CHAPTER 45 IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS 681 CLIENT TEACHING GUIDELINES Immunosuppressant Drugs General Considerations stop unless advised to do so. For transplant recipients, ✔ People taking medications that suppress the immune missed doses may lead to transplant rejection; for clients system are at high risk for development of infections. In addition, take at approx- vironment need to wash their hands often and thoroughly, imately the same time each day to maintain consistent practice meticulous personal hygiene, avoid contact with drug levels in the blood. These measures enhance immune mecha- Measure oral cyclosporine solution with the dosing sy- nisms and other body defenses. Rinse information is needed if an accident or emergency situa- the glass with more diluent to ensure the total dose is tion occurs. Do not rinse the dosing syringe with water or other ✔ Inform all health care providers that you are taking these cleaning agents. Mix- important for detecting adverse drug reactions, evaluat- ing with orange or apple juice improves taste; grapefruit ing disease status, evaluating drug responses and indi- juice should not be used because it affects metabolism cations for dosage change, and having blood tests or of cyclosporine. Rinsing en- out notifying the physician who is managing immuno- sures the entire dose is taken. Immunosuppressant drugs may ✔ Take mycophenolate on an empty stomach; food de- influence reactions to other drugs, and other drugs may creases the amount of active drug by 40%. Thus, mycophenolate tablets and do not open or crush the taking other drugs may decrease therapeutic effects or in- capsules. In addition, vaccinations may be ✔ Take sirolimus consistently with or without food; do not less effective, and some should be avoided while taking mix or take the drug with grapefruit juice. If ✔ People of reproductive capability who are sexually active also taking cyclosporine, take the sirolimus 4 hours after should practice effective contraceptive techniques during a dose of cyclosporine. With methotrexate, If taking the oral solution, use the syringe that comes use contraception during and for at least 3 months (men) with the medication to measure and withdraw the dose or one ovulatory cycle (women) after stopping the drug. Empty the dose into a glass or plastic With mycophenolate, effective contraception should be container with at least 2 oz (1⁄ cup or 60 mL) of water or 4 continued for 6 weeks after the drug is stopped. Do not use any other liquid to dilute the sirolimus, effective contraception must be used before, drug. The drug was Refill the container with at least 4 oz (1⁄2 cup or 120 mL) toxic to embryos and fetuses in animal studies. For example, with etanercept, rotate injec- tion sites, give a new injection at least 1 inch from a Self-Administration previous injection site, and do not inject the medication ✔ Follow instructions about taking the drugs. This is vital to into areas where the skin is tender, bruised, red, or hard. If unable to take a medication, report to the pre- form at least the first injection under supervision of a scribing physician or other health care provider; do not qualified health care professional.

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Mesna is used with ifosfamide medications 44334 white oblong discount mentat ds syrup online mastercard, tion medicine 74 discount mentat ds syrup 100 ml line, serum calcium in treatment 1-3 generic 100 ml mentat ds syrup with visa, uric acid, and others, depending on which produces a metabolite that causes hemorrhagic cysti- the organs affected by the cancer or its treatment. Mesna combines with and inactivates the metabolite and thereby decreases cystitis. Dosages and routes of adminis- Nursing Diagnoses tration for these medications are listed in Drugs at a Glance: • Pain, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and activity intol- Cytoprotective Agents. Useful information includes the nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea type, grade, and stage of the tumor as well as the signs and • Risk for Injury: Infection related to drug-induced neu- symptoms of cancer. General manifestations include ane- tropenia; bleeding related to drug-induced thrombo- 920 SECTION 11 DRUGS USED IN SPECIAL CONDITIONS cytopenia; stomatitis related to damage of GI mucosal • Physiologic care includes pain management, comfort cells measures, and assistance with nutrition, hygiene, ambu- • Deficient Knowledge about cancer chemotherapy and lation, and other activities of daily living as needed. Most cancer treatment involves surgery, radiation, and chemo- • Promote weight control. Optimal regimens maximize effectiveness (eg, attempt development of several cancers, including breast and en- to eradicate tumor cells at primary, regional, and systemic dometrial cancer in women. Surgery is used to excise small, localized tumors, which • Strengthen host defenses by promoting a healthful may be curative; to remove tumors that have been reduced in lifestyle (eg, good nutrition, adequate rest and exercise, size by radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both; and to treat stress management techniques, avoiding or minimizing complications of cancer, such as bowel obstruction. Passive smoking increases risk of lung cancer in spouses Radiation therapy is used to treat most types of cancer. It may be used with • Minimize exposure to sunlight, use sunscreens liber- surgery to reduce the need for radical surgery (eg, in breast ally, and wear protective clothing to prevent skin cancer. With soft tissue sarcomas of the symptomatic people, especially those at high risk, to detect limbs, wide excision plus radiation therapy can be used in- cancer before signs and symptoms occur. Radiation is also used to eliminate local clude regular examination of breasts, testicles, and skin and or regional malignant cells (eg, positive lymph nodes) that re- tests for colon cancer such as hemoccult tests on stool and main after surgery; with chemotherapy to cure or control sigmoidoscopy. Early recognition of risk factors, premalig- growth of tumors; and as a palliative treatment in metastatic nant tissue changes (dysplasia), biochemical tumor mark- disease, such as relieving symptoms in clients with bone or ers, and beginning malignancies may be lifesaving; early brain involvement. Once prevent or minimize the incidence and severity of adverse metastasized, solid tumors become systemic diseases and are reactions (Box 64-2). Main- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Bone marrow depression, hepato- tenance therapy, 0. Maintenance therapy, leukemias, cancer of breast, cystitis, hypersensitivity reac- PO 1–5 mg/kg daily lung or ovary, multiple tions, secondary leukemia or myeloma, neuroblastoma bladder cancer Ifosfamide (Ifex) IV 1. Re- Germ cell testicular cancer Bone marrow depression, hemor- peat every 3 wk or after white blood rhagic cystitis, nausea and vom- cell and platelet counts return to nor- iting, alopecia, CNS depression, mal after a dose. Extravasation may Cosmegen) testicular carcinoma, lead to tissue necrosis. Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) IV infusion 12 mg/m2 on days 1–3, for Acute nonlymphocytic Bone marrow depression, conges- induction of remission in leukemia leukemia, prostate cancer tive heart failure, nausea Pentostatin (Nipent) IV 4 mg/m2 every other week Hairy cell leukemia unrespon- Bone marrow depression, hepato- sive to alpha-interferon toxicity, nausea, vomiting Valrubicin (Valstar) Intravesically, 800 mg once weekly for Bladder cancer Dysuria, urgency, frequency, blad- 6 wk der spasms, hematuria Plant Alkaloids CAMPTOTHECINS Irinotecan (Camptosar) IV infusion, 125 mg/m2 once weekly Metastatic cancer of colon or Bone marrow depression, diarrhea for 4 wk, then a 2-wk rest period; rectum repeat regimen Topetecan (Hycamtin) IV infusion 1. Extravasa- Children, IV 2 mg/m2 weekly phomas, acute leukemia, tion may lead to tissue necrosis. Drugs at a Glance: Antineoplastic Hormones and Hormone Inhibitors Generic/Trade Names Routes and Dosage Ranges Clinical Uses Adverse Effects Antiestrogens Fulvestrant (Faslodex) IM 250 mg once monthly (one 5-mL Advanced breast cancer in GI upset, hot flashes, injection site or two 2. They are usually treated Because the mouth and throat are anesthetized, swallowing and with antiemetics (see Chap. If systemic analgesics tonin receptor antagonist (eg, ondansetron) and a corticosteroid are used, they should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before eating. Other • In oral infections resulting from mucositis, local or systemic measures include a benzodiazepine (eg, lorazepam) for anticipa- antimicrobial drugs are used. Fungal infections with Candida tory nausea and vomiting and limiting oral intake for a few hours. Severe infections may require systemic antibiotics, foods the client is able and willing to eat, and nutritional supple- depending on the causative organism as identified by cultures ments, to increase intake of protein and calories, are helpful. An adequate diet and light to moderate exercise, • Help the client maintain a well-balanced diet. High- • Alopecia occurs with several drugs, including cyclophospha- protein, high-calorie foods and fluids can be given between mide, doxorubicin, methotrexate, and vincristine. Nutritional supplements can be taken with or between loss can be psychologically devastating, especially for women. Provide fluids with high nutritional value (eg, milk- Helpful measures include the following: shakes or nutritional supplements) if the client can tolerate • Counsel clients that hair loss is likely but that it is temporary them and has an adequate intake of water and other fluids. In metabolites, antibiotics, and plant alkaloids and usually lasts 7 addition, the perineal area should be washed with soap and to 10 days. It may interfere with nutrition; lead to oral ulcera- water after each urination or defecation.

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In this respect medicine for vertigo order mentat ds syrup no prescription, it is of interest that Conclusions the depression by baclofen of both spasticity and the H reflex has been ascribed to direct depression There are no methods to allow the assessment of motoneuronal excitability (Azouvi et al medications similar to vyvanse cheap mentat ds syrup 100 ml with mastercard. Most experiments using the H reflex to inhibit plateau potentials in animals (Russo symptoms vomiting diarrhea mentat ds syrup 100 ml order online, Nagy have neglected to ensure that there were no asso- &Hounsgaard, 1998). One group reports that, if any- ciated changes in transmission in spinal pathways. However, this could have estimated, an increase in amplitude, duration and been due to a limitation of the technique of inducing persistence of the F wave in spastic patients might such behaviour, and the role of plateau potentials be a better argument in favour of motoneu- in spasticity remains to be clarified. To sum up, hyperexcitability chronic spinal rat, plateau potentials seem to play of motoneurones has never been demonstrated a significant role in spasticity (Bennett et al. Increased fusimotor activity If there were heightened fusimotor drive, particu- Changes in axonal excitability larly d, the response of primary endings to stretch Chronic changes in the excitability and activity of would be increased. As a result, the enhanced Ia dis- the motoneurone will lead to changes in the expres- charge would produce an increased stretch reflex sion of conductances and pumps on the motoneu- and exaggerated tendon jerks. As with the hyper- rone, and it is a reasonable assumption that there excitability of motoneurones (see above), that of 564 Pathophysiology of movement disorders d motoneurones might result from changes in their (ii)Doesincreasedfusimotordriveoccurinspastic intrinsic properties following their inactivation due patients? Vibration canproduceamoreintensespindledischargethanis everseeninhumansubjects,betheynormalorspas- Fusimotor overactivity as a cause of spasticity tic. Atmost,thevibrationwillproduceaTVRbutthat was a popular hypothesis in the 1960s can be readily controlled by normal subjects. Typi- This was primarily because of the superficial resem- cally spastic patients cannot control the TVR, and blance of human spasticity to decerebrate rigidity in this points to a defect in the control of spinal path- the cat, in which heightened fusimotor tonus con- ways in these patients. These arguments have been tributes to the exaggeration of the stretch reflex (see presentedelsewhere(Burke,1980,1983). However, we now know that the two reflexes Evidence for fusimotor overactivity has not been differ in so many other respects that comparison of found in animal models designed to reproduce the them as a measure of fusimotor function is invalid deficits seen in patients, e. These results argue When examining fusimotor drive in spastic against a contribution of d overactivity to spastic- patients, it is pertinent to ask two questions: ity, but it would be imprudent to discard completely (i) Is increased fusimotor drive sufficient to cause heightened fusimotor excitability as a possible con- spasticity? In fact, when the conditioning and test volleys are both mediated by the same afferents, post-activation depression of Conclusions transmission at the Ia-motoneurone synapse will the arguments in favour of fusimotor overactivity depress the H reflex (Chapter 8,p. On the other hand, the absence ing that diazepam increases the vibration-induced of evidence for this mechanism in recordings from suppression of the reflex (Delwaide, 1985a) sim- muscle spindles needs confirmation from a greater ply suggests that presynaptic inhibition of Ia ter- number of patients, in particular, from patients with minals with PAD contributes to the reflex suppres- spinal cord injury. Fusimotor overactivity is not the sion, not that it is the only mechanism underly- primary abnormality driving spasticity; the extent to ing it. The problem is accentuated by the fact that whichitcontributestothedeficitofpatientsremains post-activation depression is decreased in spastic an open question (see p. The vibration-induced depres- sion of the H reflex cannot therefore be used to estimate presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals with Decreased presynaptic inhibition of Ia PAD. Because presynaptic to the test Ia volley, and activates PAD interneu- inhibition of Ia terminals with primary afferent de- rones mediating presynaptic inhibition of the ter- polarisation (PAD) is subject to potent control from minals of the test volley so reducing the test H highercentres(p. The lower the excitability a corticofugal lesion would alter the level of presy- of PAD interneurones in patients, the smaller the naptic inhibition. It should be pointed out, however, reflexdepressionwithrespecttocontrols. Forclinical that (i) decreased presynaptic inhibition of Ia termi- studies, electrically induced D1 inhibition is a suit- nals with PAD would have only a small effect on the able method, at least at rest (Chapter 8,pp. In the upper limb, the 566 Pathophysiology of movement disorders FCR H reflex is conditioned by a single shock to Methodology the radial nerve (0. Suppres- the best method to assess the amount of post- sion of the H reflex by a tap to the tendon of a het- activation depression is to measure the depressive eronymous muscle (40–60 ms ISI) is also a conve- effect of stimulus rate on the size of the test reflex: nient method. Conclusions Conclusions Although the phenomenon of post-activation Investigations using homonymous vibratory inhibi- depression has been known from the early 1950s, it tion of the H reflex largely have overestimated the has been neglected as a factor in spasticity. Instead, role of decreased presynaptic inhibition of Ia ter- attention was focused on decreased presynaptic minals in the exaggerated stretch reflex of spastic inhibition of Ia terminals, without realising that patients. As discussed below, the changes in pre- much of the depression of the H reflex following synaptic inhibition of Ia terminals with PAD are vibrationtothehomonymoustendonisactuallydue not uniform in spastic patients, and vary with the to post-activation depression, that post-activation level of the lesion. Moreover, sev- abnormality may be a major spinal mechanism eral findings suggest that the changes in presynap- underlying spasticity (Hultborn & Nielsen, 1998). If tic inhibition of Ia terminals observed in spastic homonymous vibratory inhibition of the H reflex patients could be an epiphenomenon that plays results mainly from post-activation depression, the a limited, or no, pathophysiological role in spasti- hypothesis that decreased post-activation depres- city as assessed under resting conditions (Chapter 8, sioncouldbeanimportantfactorinspasticityissup- p. Post-activationdepressionhelps would assist in the development of the stretch reflex.

Bufford, 37 years: This slow ventricular rate severely re- occurs in healthy young adults, especially in athletes and during duces cardiac output and hemodynamic stability.

Silas, 36 years: This view had been another to make use of predictable forces such as proposed by Michael Forster in his Textbook of Phys- gravity or inertial perturbation among the body seg- iology (1879, cited by Hultborn, 2001).

Folleck, 57 years: Calibrated medication cups or measuring teaspoons or tablespoons are acceptable.

Cronos, 39 years: The moderate and low sodium cated to the no-exercise programme group will intake diets reduced blood pressure in both the have more of a tendency to cross-over.

Kor-Shach, 25 years: High doses of systemic corticosteroids are also given be given without dosage adjustments in clients with im- for several days, IV or orally.

Givess, 63 years: Instead, much time and money are wasted reproducing ineffec- tive therapeutic plans and not treating his illness in an efficient, effective, safe, or timely manner.

Innostian, 44 years: Java Therapy, developed by Reinkensmeyer Training paradigms for robotic-aided arm and colleagues in conjunction with the Mi- and walking devices may seem to differ sub- Neurostimulators and Neuroprostheses 207 stantially from traditional approaches to phys- P, Troyk PR.

Osko, 24 years: Tropicamide elderly are especially susceptible to the toxic effects of anti- also has been associated with cardiopulmonary collapse.

Yokian, 58 years: Tere is just a series of connected thoughts, actions, conflicts, and stress.

Candela, 42 years: This area is ning, an act in rodents probably associated with more responsive to novel or infrequently en- learning and recall in the wild, as well as by a countered stimuli.

Trano, 32 years: With the impaired renal and cardio- and small intestine, especially 3A4 enzymes) and therefore in- vascular functions that usually accompany aging, older adults crease their effects and risks of toxicity.

Harek, 51 years: Staff chose to add one more category, vitality, a measure of staff morale.

Angir, 41 years: Endogenous heparin is found in are used to dissolve thrombi and limit tissue damage in selected various body tissues, most abundantly in the liver and thromboembolic disorders.

Kurt, 54 years: Because the drugs teach about birth control or preventing osteoporosis by im- cause epiphyseal closure, they should be used with caution be- proving diet and exercise patterns.

Mannig, 53 years: This indicates that the AHP following the peak of Ia excitation is insufficient by itself to explain the following suppression.

Altus, 23 years: Of particular interest was the finding that tion of Ia afferents during voluntary wrist flexion and in those patients who were examined on and off extension in man.

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