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Thus permatex rust treatment generic furadantin 100 mg amex, in Yin-Yang theory symptoms of anemia 100mg furadantin purchase free shipping, the whole world medicine hat news generic furadantin 100mg with mastercard, including human beings, consists of fractal structures. If the black part is Ying, and the white part is Yang, the Sierpinski triangle and the Tai-Chi symbol can be considered to have the same meaning. For example, the interior, anterior, and abdominal parts of the human body, and five zang-organs are classified as Yin, while the exterior, posterior, chest, and six fu-organs are classified as Yang. For example, parts of the human body, such as the feet, hands, and ears, are considered to reflect the condition of the whole body, which is known as reflexology (Fig. It is difficult for modern science to accept such an idea since the different parts are anatomically unrelated. First, the world is composed of five elements: wood, fire, soil, metal, and water. Second, each component interacts with the others to maintain the balance of the whole system. Interestingly, this idea resembles the dynamic model of biological systems based on chaos theory [Gohara, 1996]. In this model, input signals are processed by interactions among the partial systems, and when the parameters of the partial systems are changed, the output signal changes from steady state to period two, four, or chaos (Fig. For example, the five zang-organs arouse various emotions: heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney arouse happiness, anger, deep thinking, melancholy, and fear, respectively. Such studies may help us to understand disease in terms of the relationship between humans and their environment. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Health Action International concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by Health Action International in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. Health Action International do not warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use. The named authors alone are responsible for the reviews expressed in this publication. The results of the surveys confirm that substantial opportunities exist to increase availability, lower prices, and improve the affordability of medicines in all regions of the world and at all levels of economic development. However, it can be challenging to identify and prepare suitable lines of response. This guidance takes the form of a series of in-depth reviews on pharmaceutical pricing policies (generics policies, external reference pricing, mark-up regulation, pharmacoeconomics and cost-plus pricing) and other related issues including the role of health insurance in the cost-effective use of medicines, encouraging competition, and sales taxes on medicines. The reviews are not meant to recommend one policy intervention over another, but rather provide guidance to policy-makers on the design and implementation of various policy approaches. For each review, a policy brief will be published that highlights key points from the review. The results of the policy reviews show that relatively little has been published about the use of pharmaceutical pricing policies and interventions in low- and middle-income countries. Therefore, the review papers are published as working drafts, to be developed as more becomes known on the use of these interventions in low-and middle-income countries. We welcome information and comments that will strengthen these reviews (please forward them to Margaret Ewen, Health Action International email marg@haiweb. We are also grateful to the members of the Pricing Policy Working Group who have shaped this work. We hope these papers will be a useful resource, and encourage national policy-makers to tackle the challenge of developing and implementing policies and strategies that ensure universal access to affordable medicines. Working Paper 1: External Reference Pricing x Executive summary Executive summary The high price of medicines is a major concern for policy-makers, insurers and patients. High prices can make medicines unaffordable, compromising equitable access to them, and threaten the financial sustainability of public health systems. This applies especially to new high priced medicines which are protected by exclusive market rights, such as patents and data protection.

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Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: In the Americas treatment variable generic furadantin 100mg line, the reservoirs of cutaneous leishmaniasis are generally rodents or edentate animals (Table 1) medicine werx discount furadantin 100 mg line. The infection is transmitted from one wild animal to another by means of phlebotomine flies of the genus Lutzomyia medications bad for liver cheap furadantin online mastercard. Humans are infected accidentally by the bite of these phlebotomines when they enter enzootic areas in the jungle. However, Lainson (1983) suspected that dogs are actually a secondary host of this infection (uta) and that the primary host is a wild animal. In some areas of the Americas, the relative roles of the various infected animal species have not been clearly defined. Infected colonies of this desert or semidesert rodent have been found in Iran, the southern part of the former Soviet Union, and from northern Afghanistan to Mongolia. In north- western India and in Israel and Morocco, the reservoirs are Meriones spp. In Algeria, northwestern Libya, and Israel, Psammomys obesus serves as the reservoir, while in Ethiopia and Senegal, the reser- voirs are species of Mastomys, Tatera, and Arvicanthis. Lainson (1982) does not share that opinion, however, pointing out that person-to-person transmission is unlikely, since this agent causes few skin lesions in humans and those lesions con- tain only scant numbers of amastigotes. Humans are accidental hosts who acquire the infection when they enter enzootic forest areas for occupational purposes (e. Cutaneous leishmaniasis may be a serious problem in rural settlements within the jungle. Permanent human settlements in enzootic areas generate significant ecological changes, especially deforestation, replacement of wildlife with domestic animals, and replacement or modification in the prevalence of some insects as species better adapted to the new environment become dominant. These ecological changes also modify the epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis: in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil, 80% of cutaneous leishmaniasis patients worked near their homes and had no contact with the jungle. The devastation of the natural environment altered the species composition of the phlebotomine population in that region and Psychodopygus intermedius—a species that prefers secondary growth, enters human dwellings, and is anthropophilic—became dominant (Tolezano et al. In the western-central region of Venezuela, the disease used to occur exclusively among the inhabitants of villages located near mountainous areas with dense vege- tation. However, cases have been diagnosed in several neighborhoods on the out- skirts of the city of Barquisimeto (Bonfante-Garrido et al. It is not yet known whether this was due to some ecological change, but the appearance of the disease in an urban environment shows that cutaneous leishmaniasis is not always sylvatic or rural and that its epidemiology is changing. Diagnosis: The simplest specific diagnostic method consists of confirming the presence of amastigotes in lesions. For that purpose, the lesion is cleaned with 70% alcohol to remove any necrotic matter. Then, a sample is taken from the edge or base of the lesion (nodule or ulcer of the skin or mucosa) by aspiration, scraping, or biopsy. The sample is mounted on a slide and stained using the Giemsa or Wright technique. Numerous amastigotes may be seen in the case of lesions that are recent or active, but in lesions that are chronic or healing, it can be difficult or impossible to demonstrate the presence of parasites by direct smear microscopy or biopsy. Parasitologic diagnosis is especially difficult in the mucocutaneous form (Cuba Cuba et al. Another procedure is intracutaneous or intranasal inoculation of the suspicious material into hamsters, but it may take two months or more to obtain a positive result. The best results are obtained by culturing and inoculating hamsters simultaneously. When inoculated into the nose of a hamster, a histiocytoma containing many amastigotes forms within a few weeks, and the infection spreads by metastasis. The Montenegro skin test is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction, which is read 48–72 hours after intradermal injection of a suspension of promastigotes. It is group-specific but not species-specific, and it is useful in epidemiologic surveys. Though frequently positive in the cutaneous and mucocutaneous forms, the Montenegro test is ordinarily negative in the visceral and diffuse cutaneous forms. It does not produce cross-reactions with the agents of American or African try- panosomiasis, and its application will not affect the titer for any subsequent sero- logic reactions (Amato Neto et al. The indirect immunofluorescence test, perhaps the most widely used of the serologic reactions, yields better results with an amastigote antigen than with a promastigote antigen; however, there is no correla- tion between the titer required to produce a reaction and clinical manifestations, duration, or number of lesions (Cuba Cuba et al.

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Many of these risk factors Minister, recognized that oral diseases are an are shared between oral disease and other obstacle to human development. However, the fnancial and human resource The integration of oral and general health costs of this approach are unaffordable for should be the cornerstone of policy approaches many countries, and unsustainable on a global to improve prevention and control of oral scale. This is acknowledged in the Oral vented through simple, cost-effective measures Health Action Plan adopted by the 60th World that involve reducing exposure to recognized Health Assembly in 2007. Prevention of oral disease and promotion of oral health can be directed towards individuals, The challenge in addressing oral diseases and communities or entire populations. Adequate promoting oral health will require the right access to fuoride is one of the most successful balance between a greater emphasis on population-based preventive interventions. It therefore 0 relates disease burden to 10 Strategic dental workforce planning should thus available dentistry be embedded in overall planning for human 20 80 personnel, thus showing resources in health, so that pressing social the potential for providing 30 70 determinants of oral and general health can be oral care. A country with a 40 high disease burden and 60 addressed effectively, and crucial service and 50 low provider numbers will 50 access gaps be reduced. The gap between the score high, while a country 60 40 burden of disease and the availability of care with a similar disease 70 30 can be addressed by creating dentist-led oral burden but higher provider numbers will score lower 80 20 healthcare teams, that include a flexible mix of (more detail provided in complementary mid-level providers and others, the annex). Innovative and flexible workforce with training 3 The four basic types of illegal practice motion, screening, and referral when needed. It is healthcare have generally evolved separately Clinical oral healthcare is generally costly and possible even for around the world over the last 150 years. Oral thus unaffordable for the weaker health systems resource-poor health healthcare is often only partially integrated characteristic of resource-poor economies. As a result, access to appropriate and oral care by integrating basic oral healthcare and prevention dentists and evidence-based affordable oral healthcare services is a distant into the entry levels of healthcare systems. Untreated tooth decay in permanent and Advanced oral care health system model for the management of the prevention and primary teeth ranks first and tenth respectively provided by dentist (may be commonest oral diseases. These are components that can be adapted and scaled healthcare system in settings with damning statistics and provide stark evidence of to match available resources and community more resources) the neglect of oral health. It has an initial focus on self-care and An ideal primary (oral) healthcare system prevention, with other priorities set according Basic oral healthcare services – first entry should provide universal coverage; be to disease burden and available resource. Curative and health in all policies, including labour, environ- specialist care can be added, resulting in the Informal community care and traditional medicine ment and education. It is more likely to benefit full range of services in a universal coverage (self-help groups, community health programmes a greater proportion of the population than context. It is relatively painless, minimizing the need for local anaesthesia Africa Faso and making cross-infection control easier. They fluoride policies promoting fluoride 2001 confirmed that universal salt 2013 toothpaste and mouthrinses. Furthermore, the protective effect is though widely available for purchase, the Wales quality to ensure increased. Labelling requirements are not always met, Most toothpaste sold in high-income countries so that transparency for the consumer is now contains fluoride, and its widespread use compromised, and counterfeit toothpaste is seen as the main reason for the significant may not even contain fluoride. This represents a new challenge for oral health professionals and policy makers oral healthcare, as it raises questions about need to collaborate closely in order to identify access and quality of care, legal aspects and and implement adequate solutions. Dental education is an area where new solu- The challenges for research in oral health are tions are needed so that the educational model diverse and fundamental.

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Its volatile oils medications similar to xanax order furadantin us, extracted from leaves and stems harvested just before the plant flowers symptoms 6 days after embryo transfer buy furadantin with mastercard, are used for medicinal purposes symptoms diverticulitis furadantin 50mg generic. Peppermint is usually taken after a meal to relieve intestinal colic and dyspepsia. Peppermint is frequently included in topical applications for myalgia and neuralgia. Peppermint oil is used as a spasmolytic, reducing smooth muscle contractions in diverse cir- cumstances. It is usually taken after a meal to reduce indigestion and colonic spasms by dampening the gastrocolic reflex. It increases the pain threshold through activation of the endogenous opiate system and may have a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system. Menthol stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and bile and is a mild anesthetic. In a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical study, three in four patients taking an enteric- coated peppermint oil formulation (Colpermin) three to four times daily, 15 to 30 minutes before meals for 1 month, experienced less severe abdominal pain, less abdominal distension, reduced stool frequency, fewer borborygmi, and less flatulence. Enteric-coated capsules con- taining a fixed combination of 90 mg of peppermint oil and 50 mg of caraway oil have been found to reduce the intensity of pain, pressure, heav- iness, and fullness in patients with dyspepsia. Comparable results were attained with both treatments in the Dyspeptic Discomfort Score regardless of the presence of Helicobacter pylori. A manometric study showed that peppermint oil, 5 drops in 10 mL of water, completely elimi- nated simultaneous esophageal contractions in all patients without lowering esophageal sphincter pressure or altering the pressure or duration of con- tractions in both the upper and lower esophagus. High doses of essential oils may cause headaches, skin rashes, bradycardia, ataxia, pyrosis, and muscle tremors. Peppermint oil should be avoided or used cautiously in patients with salicylate sensitivity or aspirin- induced asthma. Provided that the concentration of pulegone, a constituent of peppermint oil, does not exceed 1%, it appears that peppermint oil is safe when used in cosmetic formulations. Peppermint oil should not be applied to the facial area of infants and young children, since spasm of the glottis has been reported. When tea is prepared by soaking two teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes, the cup should be covered to trap the volatile oils. Mills S, Bone K: Principles and practice of phytotherapy, Edinburgh, 2000, Churchill Livingstone. May B, Kohler S, Schneider B: Efficacy and tolerability of a fixed combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil in patients suffering from functional dyspepsia, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 14:1671-7, 2000. A multicenter, reference-controlled double-blind equivalence study, Arzneimittelforschung 49:925-32, 1999. Imai H, Osawa K, Yasuda H, et al: Inhibition by the essential oils of peppermint and spearmint of the growth of pathogenic bacteria, Microbios 106(suppl 1):31-9, 2001. Ilmberger J, Heuberger E, Mahrhofer C, et al: The influence of essential oils on human attention. Umezu T, Sakata A, Ito H: Ambulation-promoting effect of peppermint oil and identification of its active constituents, Pharmacol Biochem Behav 69:383-90, 2001. Nair B: Final report on the safety assessment of Mentha piperita (peppermint) oil, Mentha piperita (peppermint) leaf extract, Mentha piperita (peppermint) leaf, and Mentha piperita (peppermint) leaf water, Int J Toxicol 20(suppl 3):61-73, 2001. Phytonutrients are a diverse group of chemicals that provide plants with protection against various predators and diseases. Although they are not a source of energy, minerals, or vitamins, when consumed in moderate amounts by humans, phytochemicals have a health-promoting effect. Phytochemicals may demonstrate antioxidant, antimutagenic, antiestrogenic, anticarcino- genic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Phytosterols found in plant oils are noted for their an anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects, whereas phytoestrogens found in soy products are recognized for their hor- monal and antioxidant effects. They impart an astringent flavor to fresh food and can be a source of discoloration and “off flavors. Because phenols readily coprecipitate with protein, they are readily eliminated from food during the manufacturing process. Ferulic acid (oryzanol), derived from rice bran oil, is a strong antioxidant, and caffeic acid has anticarcinogenic activity. Consuming moderate amounts of cinnamates may protect against a range of genotoxic substances.

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Patients whose organisms were fully susceptible to the drugs being used should be instructed to promptly report the development of any symptoms medicine 853 purchase furadantin from india, particularly prolonged cough medications causing tinnitus furadantin 50mg visa, fever symptoms for hiv order furadantin 50 mg line, or weight loss. Health-care providers are responsible for deciding whether to restart a complete course of treatment or to continue as intended. These decisions should be based on when the interruption occurred and the duration of the interruption. Chapter 6: Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease 158 Treatment Interruption During Initial Phase If the interruption occurred during the initial phase, the following guidelines apply (Figure 6. Start over from the beginning Can the initial No phase treatment Yes be completed within 3 Start over from months? Start initial phase Continue 4-drug regimen treatment from the beginning Can treatment No be completed Yes within required time frame for Start initial phase regimen? Indicate whether the following statements about the continuation phase of treatment are true or false. Continue treatment to had a lapse in therapy that was greater than 14 complete planned total days. Although all of these drugs cross the placenta, they do not appear to have teratogenic efects. The amount of pyridoxine in multivitamins is variable, but generally less than the needed amount. Every efort should be made to use a rifamycin-based regimen for the entire course of therapy in coinfected patients. Chapter 6: Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease 166 Of particular concern is the interaction of rifamycins with antiretroviral agents and other anti- infective drugs. Rifabutin, which has fewer drug-drug interactions due to its decreased induction of the cytochrome P450 system, may also be used in place of rifampin and appears to be equally efective, although the doses of the rifabutin and antiretroviral agents may require adjustments and should be administered with expert consultation. In addition, knowledge of the mechanisms of drug interactions can help predict the likelihood of an interaction, even if that specifc combination of drugs has not been formally evaluated. As new antiretroviral agents and more pharmacokinetic data become available, these recommendations are likely to be modifed. Notably, the serum concentrations of protease inhibitors are decreased during the latter stages of pregnancy. Tus, clinicians may consider regimens with fewer potentially hepatotoxic agents in patients with advanced or unstable liver disease. Clinicians may consider regimens with fewer potentially hepatotoxic agents in patients with advanced or unstable liver disease. Primary resistance occurs in persons who are initially exposed to and infected with resistant organisms. Drug resistance can be proven only by drug-susceptibility testing (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Disease). There are several potential explanations for this occurrence, including the possibilities that the acid-fast organisms are nontuberculous and difcult to culture, that they are nonviable tubercle bacilli, or that there was laboratory error. The approach taken in such cases should be individualized on the basis of clinical and radiographic fndings. Young children should be treated with three (rather than four) drugs in the initial phase. If there is evidence of a slow or suboptimal response, the continuation phase should be prolonged to 7 months (a total of 9 months of treatment). A 6-month treatment regimen is recommended, unless the organisms are known or strongly suspected to be resistant to the frst-line drugs. Baseline Monitoring Before starting treatment, adult patients should have certain baseline blood and vision tests to help detect any underlying problems that may complicate treatment. For children, only vision tests are necessary unless there are other medical conditions that may complicate treatment. Before starting treatment, adult patients should have certain baseline blood and vision tests to help detect any underlying problems that may complicate treatment. For children, only vision tests are necessary unless there are other medical conditions that may complicate treatment. Patients who have stable abnormalities of hepatic or renal function at baseline should have repeat measurements early in the course of treatment, then less frequently to ensure that conditions have not worsened. False Match the patient with the type of monitoring that should occur during treatment.

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In 1945 treatment 1860 neurological furadantin 100mg order free shipping, Dorothy (Crowfoot) symptoms acid reflux order 50mg furadantin visa, Hodgkin and Barbara Low used x-ray crystallography to determine the chemical structure of penicillin and in 1950 penicillin was chemically synthesized [3] symptoms rotator cuff tear discount furadantin 100 mg buy online. The isolation of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (Figure 1) in 1958 led to the semisynthesis of new penicillins such as ampicillin, methicillin and carbenicillin [3]. Few years later, ticarcillin (1971) and piperacillin (1977) were synthesized and in 1989 the combination of piperacillin- tazobactam was introduced and was widely used because of its high activity against gram positive bacteria [4]. Antibiotics 43 Selman Waksman, a soil microbiologist, and coworkers isolated the first aminoglycoside th streptomycin which was effective against tuberculosis, the main cause of death in the 19 century [5]. In 1953, Newton and Abraham discovered cephalosporin C; its antibacterial activity was low but was not susceptible to hydrolysis by penicillinase. Cephalothin, the first cephalosporin available for clinical use, was introduced in 1964, but it was only available for parenteral use [4]. Lilly Research Laboratories developed cephalexin, which was effective upon oral administration and total synthesis of cephalosporin C was accomplished in 1970. Beecham laboratories discovered β-lactamases inhibitors and Merck developed thienamycin antibiotic which was followed by the discovery of sulfazecin, the monocyclic β-lactam antibiotic, by Takeda Chemical Industries [3]. Mechanism of Action The inhibition of cell wall synthesis leads to loss of osmotic support and eventually cell lysis. The last step in cell wall synthesis is the cross linking of peptidoglycans between the carboxyl of D-alanine in one peptidoglycan chain and an amino group in the next chain, this reaction is catalyzed by transpeptidase. The cross linking of the adjacent glycan chains causes the rigidity of the cell wall. Binding of penicillin to the transpeptidase enzyme forms an acyl enzyme complex via the penicillin β-lactam ring cleavage, which leads to transpeptidase enzyme inactivation and eventually cell lysis [7]. Few novel antibacterial drugs were synthesized in the past few years, some of these drugs are inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis, such as MurA inhibitors; MurA is an enzyme that catalyses the first step in peptidoglycan synthesis, the natural fosfomycin is an irreversible inhibitor of this enzyme. Penicillins Penicillins are the oldest available antibiotics, their bacterial activity is due to the inhibition of cell wall synthesis, despite the development of resistance penicillins remain the 44 Salma Jumaa and Rafik Karaman most useful antibiotics today. Natural penicillins have narrow spectrum of activity while the newer penicillins have wide spectrum, they are effective against many gram negative bacteria such as H influenza and E coli. Penicillins are effective in the treatment of nose, throat, lower respiratory tract and genitourinary tract soft tissue infections [9]. Penicillin G (Figure 2) is natural penicillin with narrow spectrum of activity, short half life of 30-60 minutes and easily inactivated by gastric secretions, which makes it mostly used in parenteral administration. Bezathine penicillin is a slow release form of penicillin G and is used for the treatment of early and late stage syphilis as I. Penicillin V (Figure 3) is natural penicillin that is used orally because of its stability in the gastric secretions. Synthetic penicillins were developed because of the emergence of resistance due to β- lactamases. Antibiotics 45 Ampicillin (Figure 4) was the first penicillin in this category, developed by the addition of an amino group to benzylpenicillin. Ampicillin is available as oral and parenteral dosage forms and is administered every 6 hours. Amoxicillin (Figure 5) replaced ampicillin because of better absorption when administered orally, bioavailability of 95%, dosing every 8 hours and less G. Both ampicillin and amoxicillin are used as prophylaxis before genitourinary and gastrointestinal procedures and prophylaxis against bacterial endocarditis. Antibiotics 47 The development of bacterial β-lactamases caused inactivation and resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. Clavulanic acid, sulbactam and tazobactam (Figure 6) are suicidal inhibitors that bind irreversibly to β-lactamase enzymes. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was the first β-lactam- β-lactamase combination introduced into clinical practice [11]. This combination is the only orally available and most widely used in skin and intra-abdominal infections. Ampicillin- sulbactam and piperacillin-tazobactam are available only for intravenous administration [9].


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Phage antibacterial properties too can be used as a means of discovering novel targets for action by traditional small-molecule antibacterial chemotherapeutics symptoms joint pain fatigue order 50 mg furadantin free shipping. In addition symptoms influenza furadantin 100 mg without a prescription, phages can be employed in bacterial detection and identification including as indicators of faecal contamination treatment guidelines furadantin 100 mg order with mastercard. Here we provide a chapter introducing various phage properties as medicinals, including the relative safety associated with phage application to bodies. Phage therapy of humans is then considered in two chapters, which we have divided up roughly into treatment of wounds and non-wound infections. Certain phage parts can be used, on their own, as antibacterial drugs, most notably phage lysins which are covered in a subsequent chapter. The potential phage role in food safety is considered, and we then end the monograph with a chapter targeted to would-be phage therapy experimentalists, one that considers, in light of phage properties, especially how phage therapy protocols may be developed in terms of the use of animal models of bacterial disease. If your primary interest is in learning about the myriad roles that phages can and do play in human health and disease, read all of the chapters perhaps up to this last one. If you already know all there is to know about phages such that much of this book is superfluous, you may still want to at least read this last chapter! In any case, we see this monograph as appealing to the needs of two not-so-disparate groups, those with a primary interest in phage biology, though from an especially applied perspective, and those who are curious as to how phage biology can impact the practice of medicine. In particular, we provide a snap shot of the current state of the field of phage biology, applied as well as basic, concentrating on the roles that phages can play in both health and disease. Abedon1 1Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University In a phrase such as ‘Bacteriophages in Health phage virions ‘look’ like, the basic character- and Disease’, the least familiar term to anyone istics of phage infections and, because it can will be that of bacteriophages. I begin, however, with a brief emphasis may be made, in this monograph, glimpse at the history of phage research. In this chapter, I thus will provide a brief and also not terribly molecular overview of the viruses History of bacteria. Greater detail as applicable to particular topics will be found in appropriate Although a number of publications in the late chapters. For additional discussion of con- 19th and early 20th century may hint at the cepts, see www. Early viruses that infect members of what is known phage work by necessity addressed issues of as the domain Bacteria, which are the basic phage biology, although these efforts common prokaryotic organisms associated were based on both primitive techniques and with, for example, the human body. To help minimal understanding of just what the orient readers towards understanding the phage phenomenon actually entailed. The role that phages can play as part of the human promise of phage therapy, with the use of microbiome (see Letarov, Chapter 2, this phages to combat bacterial infections in volume), in health as well as disease (see particular, was an important driver of early Kuhl et al. Abedon It was in the late 1930s and early 1940s primarily is nucleic acid and what is on the that phage research began to make what outside is responsible for transporting that today we view as its most significant impact nucleic acid between cells. It can be single-stranded or the field of molecular genetics and the related double-stranded, although for most phages discipline of molecular biology were forged. It also can be multi- James Watson, for example, was a member of segmented, particularly tripartite (e. While some phages far more complicated than either phages or have capsids that contain lipids (again such their bacterial hosts, in a sense phage research as phage 6), for most phages capsids consist set the stage for its own eclipse, perhaps solely of multiple units of proteins known as particularly in terms of funding opportunities. These phages fall into the ciation of the role of phages in horizontal phage families Leviviridae, Microviridae and gene transfer and increasing emphasis on the Inoviridae. Members of the disease is a primary emphasis of Part I (see phage family Podoviridae, such as coliphage Kuhl et al. Finally, the tails of Types of phages members of the family Myoviridae, coliphage T4 being the most familiar, are approximately Virus particles consist essentially of two intermediate in length while possessing an components, what is on the inside and what ability to contract in the course of virion is on the outside. Discussion circumstances, the infecting phage can die but of basic phage morphologies in greater detail not the infected bacterium, which is seen can be found in a number of reviews that particularly when bacteria carry restriction have been published by Hans-Wolfgang endonucleases, although also when they carry Ackermann. First are entities that appear bacterium is seen with phage exhibition of to be virus-like as viewed in an electron lysogeny (below). Productive infections, those micrograph (see Letarov, Chapter 2, this quickly leading to the release of infectious volume). Secondly, the term is used to viral progeny, normally occur afer infection describe phages that lack genomes and which by both lytic and chronic phages. Overall, the therefore are ‘virus-like’ rather than actually majority of phages are lytic phages. The term ‘ghost’ has also been gets into the bacterial cytoplasm, the phage employed in the phage literature to describe genes are expressed.

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The objective of the plan is to define roles everlast my medicine purchase furadantin 100mg with mastercard, resources and responsibilities for outbreak management symptoms 7 weeks pregnant furadantin 100 mg buy on-line. It is to be noted that while leadership roles for several components may be delegated symptoms you are pregnant discount furadantin 100mg line, it is the Medical Officer of Health that has overall responsibility. Outbreak protocols The outbreak plan should clearly document or identify locally appropriate protocols for outbreak management. Note that these protocols differ from outbreak investigation protocols, which describe standardised processes to follow when collecting and recording information. By contrast, outbreak protocols should encompass the entire outbreak management process. Outbreak protocols should suggest thresholds for each stage of the outbreak investigation and response, including whether investigation should commence at all. This manual suggests an approach to outbreak investigation and response, and this may be appropriate for use as a template for developing district protocols. It is important, however, that districts develop and individualise their own protocols so that they are relevant to local circumstances. Reaching local agreement on suitable threshold levels for action, and incorporating them in plans, helps avoid doubt about the course to take when an outbreak does occur. It is best to avoid the need for policy discussions of this sort during an outbreak. Initial reports within one week of recognition, updated weekly, final record within one week of completion 2. They should have permission to suspend their regular duties when the need arises, and promptly undertake the tasks of initiating outbreak investigation and response. The district outbreak plan should document the roles of individuals included in the outbreak team, and contain contingency plans in case particular team members are unavailable when an outbreak occurs. The core team is responsible for planning, co-ordinating and carrying out the outbreak investigation. In most circumstances, members of the core team will need to be able to make the outbreak their highest priority, at least in the initial phase. Outside the core team are individuals who can be called upon to act as advisors about specific aspects, but normally not to do the legwork required. However, the boundary between the core and outer teams is fluid, and during larger outbreaks outer team members may be required to have considerably more hands- on involvement than during small-scale outbreaks. A multidisciplinary composition of an outbreak team is, 27 however, a distinct advantage. The core outbreak team will usually require the following skills: outbreak management coordination skills (akin to project management) and relationship management skills administrative and secretarial skills environmental investigation skills statistical analysis skills questionnaire development skills data entry skills interviewer selection and training skills media and public communication skills knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations statutory authority to implement legislation and regulations. The following advisory skills may be required, and it is important to consider in the outbreak plan where these skills can be obtained from, if necessary. During the outbreak itself, some of these skills may need to be brought into the core outbreak team. Therms of reference for the outbreak team The terms of reference of the outbreak team should be agreed upon in advance, as much as possible, and be included in outbreak plans. Assembling materials required for an investigation Outbreak plan development provides an opportunity to list the materials that may be required at short notice during an actual outbreak, and to identify where these materials are kept. Materials may include: basic stationery a hand-held calculator a sampling kit containing documentation and materials for collecting and transporting laboratory specimens a camera reference books or databases on communicable diseases and toxic substances a computer installed with a basic statistical package (probably EpiInfo and EpiData), packages for word processing and graph preparation, and (preferably) e-mail capability sample questionnaires from previous outbreak investigations or studies a list of telephone numbers of potentially useful agencies and individuals a cell phone personal identification documents, particularly those providing evidence of statutory designations that may be required during the investigation or management of an outbreak. Unusual patterns among cases may include groups of cases with similar demographic characteristics, or with links to common risk factors, or cases with common laboratory subtypes. This informal reporting of suspected outbreaks is the most typical method for identifying common event outbreaks, and accounts for the largest proportion of outbreaks reported in New Zealand. A source of infection is rarely conclusively identified by an investigation of a single sporadic case of disease. Every sporadic case of illness should, however, be seen as part of an unrecognised outbreak potentially, and details should be documented with this in mind. Standardised interviews of a number of sporadic cases may be useful in generating hypotheses about possible common sources of illness among cases that did not previously appear to be associated. For each notified case, the relevant EpiSurv Case Report Form should be completed.

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In recommending dietary changes or prescribing specific nutrients medications that cause tinnitus discount 50 mg furadantin amex, it is important to keep things simple medicine logo generic 100mg furadantin fast delivery. It is only by doing one thing at a time that we can get any idea as to what is essentially therapeutic symptoms jaw pain and headache order furadantin 50mg amex. Similarly, an individual who is a particular metabolic type may react favorably to some B vitamins but not to others (see the section on metabolic typing). Marked effects on brain func- tion or metabolism are not seen on a short-term basis with all nutrients, of course; but B vitamins, individual amino acids, essential fatty acids, calcium, and magnesium are examples of nutrients that can be tested individually as appropriate. Against this approach, we must weigh the injunction that nutrients work in teams and that it is overall dietary change that is crucial. Thesting teams of nutrients is fine as long as one clearly defines the testing boundaries (e. Applying too many therapeutic strategies at once may provide a good short-term effect, but when difficulties or relapses occur, one will have little idea about how to intervene with elegant minimalism. It is not uncommon to see patients who have been prescribed enzymes, acidifiers, probiotics, and a long list of adjuvant nutrients when only scant information from history or testing is available. It is possible to gradually wean an individual off one item at a time after a suitable therapeutic effect has been observed, but this is both clumsy and costly. The subject of nutrient interaction is complex and often paid insufficient attention by practitioners. Obvious interactions such as those between cal- cium and iron or zinc and copper are well known, but we should be aware that all supplements send a ripple of interaction through the system; and it is virtually impossible to imagine, let alone delineate, all the consequences. Watts and Rosenthal16 have attempted to expand our appreciation of this area; even cursory inspection of their interaction diagrams gives us greater respect for the far-reaching beneficial and harmful effects of providing large doses of supplemental nutrients. We are now beginning to see the down side of nutrients once considered totally nontoxic (e. These effects Chapter 6 / Assessment of Nutritional Status 155 may appear only in the long term and manifest subtly, but they do remind us of the dynamic relationship of yin and yang (e. These findings also point to the ultimate goal of dietary therapy, which is to establish a mix of foods that is supportive of optimal balance in an indi- vidual’s constitution. In the final analysis, we want to wean off supplements as much as possible and instinctively balance our diets as circumstances in our lives change and our bodies adapt to the different phases of the life cycle. In short, appropriate eating for health is preferred to supplementation for a high-tech fix or life extension miracle. Static tests have their place, but in general, there is a trend toward functional tests that involve measuring the activity of an enzyme or metabolic pathway in which a particular nutrient is a critical component. Even so, it must be remembered that in biochemical testing, we are taking an isolated snapshot of a very lim- ited facet of a particular nutrient’s total spectrum of activity. Also relevant is the fact that body chemistry is constantly shifting in accord with biorhyth- mic cycles, environmental challenge, and dietary change. In test-retest situa- tions, we should at least try to control for simple factors, such as time of day or even the day of the week and season. These include age, sex, ethnicity, pregnancy, hormone status, organ disease (espe- cially liver and kidney disease), medications, other nutrients, and general- ized disease (especially infection). It is essential to have a friendly pathologist with whom one can consult to put test results within the context of the whole clinical picture. It is important not to get into the habit of treat- ing patients primarily on the basis of their test results. Protein Status Total serum protein and serum albumin levels are not considered sufficiently sensitive indicators of protein status. Plasma transport proteins such as transferrin, retinol-binding protein, and thyroid-binding prealbumin have a shorter half-life and smaller pool size than albumin and are consequently better indicators of current protein status. Because they are negative acute- phase reactants, their levels tend to be lowered by infection. Retinol-binding protein tends not to respond to depletion if there is vita- min A or zinc deficiency, and transferrin is affected by iron status.

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Olsalazine is not superior to for Crohn disease previously treated with infiximab: a randomized trial treatment plan for anxiety order furadantin visa. E f cacy and safety of retreatment Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1990;4:55–64 with anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody (infiximab) to maintain remis- 287 treatment urticaria purchase 50 mg furadantin with mastercard. Gastroenterology methotrexate for prevention of postsurgical recurrence of ileocolonic 2007;132:1672–83 treatment bronchitis furadantin 100 mg buy cheap. Outcome of surgical versus percutane- of a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, multicentre trial. J Clin Gastroenterol an antibody against interleukin 23, in patients with moderate to severe 2001;32:409–12. However, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines to assist in planning the management of affected pregnancies. The purpose of this Good Practice guidance is to provide a summary of current expert opinion as an interim measure, with the hope that these opinions will be supplemented by objective evidence in due course. One-third of these deaths are a result of myocardial infarction/ischaemic heart disease and a similar number of late deaths are associated with peripartum cardiomyopathy. Other significant contributors (5–10% each) are rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension. With the current increase in older mothers, obesity, immigration and survival of babies operated on for congenital heart disease, the need to identify women at risk of heart disease and to plan their careful management will also inevitably increase. Unfortunately, many of these risk factors are becoming increasingly common, and most women affected will be asymptomatic before pregnancy, with no history of heart disease. The key component of good management is therefore a high index of suspicion for myocardial infarction in any pregnant woman presenting with chest pain. All women with chest pain in pregnancy should have an electrocardiogram interpreted by someone who is skilled at detecting signs of cardiac ischaemia and infarction and, if the pain is severe, they should have computerd tomography or a magnetic resonance imaging scan of the chest. It usually presents in late pregnancy or early in the puerperium, but it can occur up to 6 months after delivery. Peripartum cardiomyopathy should be considered in any pregnant or puerperal woman who complains of increasing shortness of breath, especially on lying flat or at night. As 25% of affected women will be hypertensive, it can be confused with pre-eclampsia. All such women should have an electrocardiogram, a chest X-ray and an echocardiogram. Many of these women will never have undergone medical screening and some will be unaware that they have valvular heart disease. This highlights the need for a particularly careful cardiovascular assessment at the beginning of pregnancy of all women not born in a country where there is effective medical screening in childhood, including auscultation of the heart. Mitral valve stenosis (the most common lesion and the one that carries the highest risk) is a difficult clinical diagnosis and there should be a low threshold for echocardiography. Aortic dissection (diagnosed by computed tomography scan) is the most common serious complication of Marfan syndrome. Congenital heart disease is one of the most common congenital abnormalities and the majority of those affected will survive to adulthood, in large part because of the development of effective corrective/palliative surgery over the last 30 years. Preconception counselling should also be offered to older women with a new diagnosis. Because pregnancy carries substantially increased risks for women with congenital heart disease, particular efforts should be made to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Appendix A describes appropriate types of contraception for women with the different types of congenital lesion. Women should be given an outline of the issues relating to pregnancy with congenital heart disease at the first visit to the joint clinic, and then be reviewed with more detailed information once they are considering conception. Topics that should be covered at this detailed review include the increased risk of mortality, congenital heart disease in the offspring and the need for increased medical surveillance during pregnancy. A sample patient information leaflet on congenital heart disease and pregnancy is available in Appendix B. Appendix D describes the typical patient journey of a pregnant woman with heart disease. Women at significant risk of adverse events during pregnancy should be seen regularly in the antenatal clinic, whenever possible by the same consultant obstetrician, who should have appropriate competencies in this field. Blood pressure should be measured manually with a sphygmomanometer according to the recommendations of the British Hypertension Society (http://www.

Mojok, 29 years: These are all examples of effects where there is no threshold below which exposure is completely safe and where the probability of an effect occurring, rather than its severity is a function of dose (known as a probabilistic or stochastic effect, see 4. Our regional estimates of dementia prevalence in contributing to rapid increases in this number, and people aged 60 years and over now range from is associated with increased prevalence of chronic 4. Rather than waiting until the disease adverse as well as beneficial effects, is inherent in the model fails to invoke alternative strategies, the integra- present medical paradigm mandating the prevention or tion and coordination of such strategies should constitute treatment of individual disease processes. These symptoms may explain why people with this dementia often falsely believe that they are being persecuted.

Sanford, 35 years: Use of topical and oral medications to promote healing and prevent complications C. Chemical pathology entails the application of biochemical data to the detection, confrmation, or monitoring of disease. Such clinical towels or rags should be placed on the spillage to waste can include soiled dressings, cotton swabs, absorb it, to prevent its spreading, and to make it and catheter bags. Mariners can demonstrate that they have maintained these skills by assessment of a practical demonstration of their skills and abilities by a Coast Guard approved designated examiner, or completion of a Coast Guard approved or accepted refresher course.

Bengerd, 59 years: It is driven by B and T lymphocytes through specific receptors and confers protection against re-exposure to the same antigen. Questons for the Access course provider • Have students who have taken the Access course gone on to study medicine? Substrate binding modifies enzyme structure, making inhibitor-binding site available. Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine have been shown to (strong recommendation, moderate level of evidence).

Malir, 40 years: Epidemiologic studies suggest that milk and milk products fit well into a healthy eating pattern emphasizing cereals and vegetables. Use this as a basic and general introduction, and go to Parts 2 and 3 when you’d like more detail. Alternatively, arrangements can be made for the producer to transfer the drug to the healthcare practitioner who signed the medical document, and the patient can obtain it from the healthcare practitioner. Macrolides are characterized by 14-, 15-, or 16- membered macrocyclic lactose rings with unusual deoxy sugars L-cladinose and D-desosamine attached (Figure Quinolones 6).

Konrad, 56 years: Immunization Manifestations A pre-exposure vaccine is available for those likely • The incubation period is 1–2 weeks. Similar to management as vernal keratoconjunctivitis with additional monitoring for secondary infection V. Larsson M, Arvidsson S, Ekman C, Bayati A (2003) A model for chronic quantitative studies of colorectal sensitivity using balloon distension in conscious mice – effects of opioid receptor agonists. This carbon forms a carbanion, which in turn, can attack the carbonyl carbon of -keto acids, such as pyruvate, This compound undergoes nonoxidative decarboxylation, with the thiazole ring acting as an electron sink, in forming a resonance- stabilized ene-amine.

Yugul, 54 years: Make a diagrammatic representation of your findings with colour felt pens on your diary/log book. Stress awareness of common offending antigens and avoidance of potential triggers B. Up until 1982, active cases were diagnosed by fecal examination, which was then followed by treatment, but starting that year, serologic surveys were added because many infections were too mild to be diag- nosed by parasitology. Phage typing can be highly many instances, using a combination of reproducible (0.

Runak, 53 years: There is no better way of acquiring a new behavior or modus operandi than immersing oneself in the company of an expert who is actively engaged in his or her specialty. Zinc has a lesser action in this area and is probably included to prevent a zinc deficiency caused by excess copper. Suspicion for acute Wilson’s disease should be partic- Class I Conditions for which there is evidence and/or ularly high in patients with deep jaundice, low haemoglobin, low general agreement that a given procedure or cholinesterase [17], only mildly increased transaminases, and low treatment is beneficial, useful, and effective alkaline phosphatase. In Western medicine, symptoms that are not validated by objective evidence are considered to be of the mind, and therefore, related to choice and responsibility (Stone, 2014).

Randall, 55 years: In vitro, antioxidants isolated from red wine showed a 22% reduction in heart disease risk. Relationship between communication skills training and doctors’ perceptions of patient similarity. The par- asites that are free in the lumen of the digestive tract do not cause any apparent pathology. A half a cup of cooked spinach supplies 78 mg of magnesium, one fifth of the daily requirement.

Gamal, 27 years: Controlled clinical tri- als have shown that correction of calcium or potassium deficiency lowers raised blood pressure as does supplementation with a daily dose of coen- zyme Q10 (100 mg), taurine (6 g), L-tryptophan (3 g), or vitamin C (1g in divided doses). If so, what do you visualize happening when you imagine confronting the situation? The domain D is positively invariant, because no solution paths leave through any boundary. Prescription Notepad, plain, A6 At least 1 per Used to provide prescribing pads (or prescriber instructions to the forms) dispensing assistant.

Ford, 52 years: Susceptibility of corneas from various animal species to in vitro binding and invasion by Acanthamoeba castellanii. Persons of all races, nationalities, ages, and sexual orientations have been affected. This is increased to 500 to 520 μg/day in pregnant women and women contemplating pregnancy and drops to 450 μg/day during lactation. Examples of Integrated Vector Control Activities Identifcation Clothing Treatment Source Reduction Spraying Larval Surveillance 2 Vector-Borne Infections – Primary Examples The World’s Deadliest Animal – the female Anopheles mosquito Vectors, in General Pathogens transmitted by arthropod (insect) vectors are some of the most dan- gerous and unpredictable on earth.

Darmok, 46 years: Bandage soft contact lens may be useful in the treatment of painful erosions and ruptured bullae, and may improve blurring due to corneal irregularity from microcystic edema or bullae in the visual axis B. Describe the etiology of this disease (See Ocular mucous membrane pemphigoid, Atopic keratoconjunctivitis, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome) 1. Off the host, the adult female and the eggs can survive up to 10 days in a cool place, but the larvae, nymphs, and adult males are less resistant and die in about 2 days in the open environment. Commonly after use of bathroom or from contaminated changing diapers and surfaces, objects.

Esiel, 63 years: After the ban, Nangarhar wit- duction and can bring about a sustainable reduction in nessed significant economic growth between 2009 and such cultivation. The Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) conducted more intensive surveillance in 10 sites in 2004; more information is available at http://www. Most privacy statutes provide for the appointment of an enforcement ofcer, such as an information and privacy commissioner. Amoebiasis tends to be a chronic diarrheal illness that may produce an acute colitis which is indistinguishable from bacterial dysentery.

Hogar, 61 years: The particular gratitude of the editors is expressed to those authors who had to contend not only with the tight word limit but also with the diffculties of translation. A crossover study of women showed that a low-fat vegetarian diet was associated with an increased serum sex hormone binding globulin concen- tration and reductions in body weight, duration and intensity of dysmenor- rhea, and duration of premenstrual symptoms. Think of Kundalini as smoldering embers deep within you and think of Bhastrika as waves of prana stoking and igniting these embers. Meanwhile, I struggled daily for energy, and experienced numerous illnesses over the years that puzzled me.

Gembak, 49 years: Fertility is specified as age-specific fertility rates for to improve child survival became increasingly organized females and mortality rates are based on survival probabili- and focused; and (c) the resulting emphasis by the global ties from life tables. Results that suggest undiagnosed diabetes should be confrmed 2 months after the acute event. This vaccine provokes a powerful immune response, so the person cannot harbor the “wild-type” polio viruses, but a very small fraction (about one in 2 million) of those receiving the oral vaccine develop paralytic polio [23, 168]. They help individuals and families make healthier choices by ensuring, for example, that local grocery stores sell fresh fruit and vegetables to its clients, or ensuring that smoking cessation programs are readily available.

Kadok, 24 years: Through the lenses of feminism and social constructionism, medical knowledge regarding women’s bodies is understood as being influenced by cultural factors and social norms (Docherty & McColl, 2003; Fernandes et al. Panothenic acid is a B group vitamin required for catabolism of carbohy- drates, proteins, and fats. This includes testing of clinical specimens from humans and animals as well as from food, water and the environment Common site Laboratory investigation of common site outbreaks contributes to the identification of links between cases, confirming diagnoses, indicating sources and testing specimens Dispersed Laboratory investigation of dispersed outbreaks has a particularly important role in identifying links between dispersed cases, as well as eventual testing of sources, once identified Community-wide Laboratory investigation of community-wide outbreaks is important in identifying links between cases Institutional Laboratory investigation has an important role in the overall investigation of institutional outbreaks. Rationale: Raising the price of tobacco is effective in reducing smoking, especially among youth and low-income adults.

Knut, 21 years: In 78% of the patients, the disease had a sudden onset, with intense headache, vomiting, and moderate intermittent fever. From the early seventies, most industrialized countries began creating mechanisms aimed at containing pharmaceutical costs in the face of rising prices and limited health service budgets. The use of a disciplined approach removes blame and politics from process improvement, and focuses priorities on improvement for the patient or family. As a related but distinct consideration, we note that (2) embodies another implicit assumption: that the death rate for men in the country of interest is somehow the “right” death rate, and that the female death rate is distorted (upwards).

Rathgar, 58 years: Cancer bacteriophage virions in antigen-presenting Immunology and Immunotherapy 56, 677–687. The majority of the parasites grow inside the red blood cells as pyriform trophozoites or merozoites, the rest as gametocytes. Stock must be stored so that earliest- is also assigned the responsibility of managing these prod- expiring or frst-delivered batches can be picked and issued ucts. Additionally, if consultants work in groups, a greater proportion of income could be allocated to the most senior team member, who is more likely to be a male.

Pakwan, 32 years: Activities: Children with draining sores should not participate in activities where skin-to-skin contact is likely to occur until their sores are healed. Oral vitamin C (high dose, approximately 2 g per day) (ascorbic acid is a cofactor in collagen synthesis) (monitor renal status) b. In less acute cases there may be weight loss and accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites). Advances in multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat Applied Microbiology 70, 217–248.

Domenik, 33 years: Y N Do you dispose of bedding and manure from isolation areas so that livestock or wildlife do not have access to it? Dopamine medication works very well Studies have shown no benefts to for people with Parkinson’s. Once physically addicted, to prevent the abstinence syndrome, most addicts inject two to four times per day. With the Framework in place, clients will be healthier with improved quality of life.

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