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When calculating gas tensions in the lung virus 868 generic omnicef 300 mg buy on-line, a good way to remember is as soon as the air hits the nose spironolactone versus antibiotics for acne order omnicef toronto, always subtract water vapor pressure when converting gas fraction to partial pressure antibiotics zone of inhibition omnicef 300 mg amex. Changes in2 2 2 lung pressures during breathing are often expressed as relative pressure, a pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. For example, if airway pressure is zero, the pressure inside the airway equals atmospheric pressure. Unless otherwise specified, the pressures of breathing are relative pressures and the unit is cm H O. A list of symbols and abbreviations used in respiratory physiology is shown in 2 Table 18. Because the thoracic cavity is airtight, an increase in thoracic volume causes the pleural pressure (Ppl), the pressure in the pleural fluid between the lung and chest wall, to fall. The Boyle law states that, at a constant temperature, the pressure (P) of the gas varies inversely with the volume (V) of gas, or P = 1/V. If either pressure or volume changes and if temperature remains constant, the product of pressure and volume remains constant: (4) The Charles law states that if pressure is constant, the volume of a gas and its temperature vary proportionately (V ≈ T). If either temperature or volume changes and pressure remains constant, then: (5) These two gas laws can be combined into the general gas law: (6) From the general gas law, at constant temperature, an increase in thoracic volume leads to a decrease in pleural pressure. In addition to pleural pressure, several other pressures are associated with breathing and airflow (Fig. In respiration, transmural pressure is the pressure across the airway or across the lung wall or the alveolar wall. It2 2 is important to remember that transpulmonary pressure is the pressure that keeps the lungs inflated and prevents the lungs from collapsing. The second transmural pressure is transairway pressure (P ), theta pressure difference across the airways (P = Pta aw − P ), where Ppl aw is the pressure inside the airway. Transairway pressure is important in keeping the airways open during forced expiration. One way to remember in calculating transairway or transpulmonary pressure is “in minus out,” where P is alwayspl the pressure outside the lung or airway. Both transpulmonary pressure and transairway pressure can be defined as theta pressure inside minus the pressure outside. Elastic recoil is analogous to a spring in which the lungs and chest wall when stretched recoils back to their unstretched configuration. At the end of a normal inspiration, the lungs and chest wall are stretched in equal but opposite directions (Fig. The stretched lungs have the potential to recoil inwardly, and the stretched chest wall has the potential to recoil outwardly. These two equal but opposing forces cause the pleural pressure to decrease below atmospheric pressure. Pleural pressure is negative or subatmospheric during quiet breathing and becomes more negative with deep inspiration. Only during forced expiration does pleural pressure become positive or rise above atmospheric pressure. The importance of pleural pressure is seen when the chest wall is punctured (see Fig. The stretched lung collapses immediately (recoils inwardly), and the rib cage simultaneously expands outwardly (recoils outwardly). Because the normal pleural pressure is subatmospheric, air will rush into the pleural space any time the chest wall or lung is punctured, and the pleural pressure will become equal to atmospheric pressure because air moves from regions of high to low pressure. This condition, in which air or gas accumulates in the pleural space and the lung collapses, is known as pneumothorax (see Fig. A pneumothorax occurs with a knife or gunshot wound in which the chest wall is punctured or when the lung ruptures from an abscess or severe coughing. It is important to note that the mediastinal membrane keeps the other lung from collapsing. At the end of expiration, the respiratory muscles are relaxed and there is no airflow. Pleural pressure is −5 cm H O, and transpulmonary pressure is,2 therefore, 5 cm H O [P = 0 − (−5 cm H O) = 5 cm H O]. Only a small pressure change between the mouth and alveoli is required for a normal tidal volume.

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Artemisinin has now largely given It is important to use chloroquine in correct way to the more potent dihydroartemisinin and its dosage to obtain successful results bacteria yersinia enterocolitica purchase omnicef line. An alternative schedule also effective infection 7 weeks after surgery buy cheapest omnicef and omnicef, is 4 tablets on first treatment for vre uti order discount omnicef, four tablets on The National Drug Policy on Malaria was first second and 2 tablets on third day. Drug Policy for Malaria (2010) has been drafted keeping 312 They prevent relapse because of their powerful in view the availability of more effective antimalarial gametocidal action. The objectives of an antimalarial treatment are to infection to others in the community (reduction of ensure rapid clinical and parasitological cure of malaria, reservoir of infection) and to prevent the emergence reduce morbidity and mortality, including malaria- and spread of resistance to antimalarial drugs. The related anemia, prevent the progression into severe and treatment will depend upon the species of Plasmodium potentially fatal disease, reduce the impact of malaria diagnosed. Patients should be instructed to report back Early diagnosis and complete treatment is one of the in case of hematuria or high colored urine / cyanosis key strategies of the National Malaria Control Program. Care should be taken in patients investigated for confirmation of malaria by either with anemia (Table 19. W hen parasitological diagnosis is available, species-specific not available or delayed) treatm ent should be adm inistered. The infusion rate more of the following features: should not exceed 5 mg salt/kg body weight per hour. Resistance should be suspected if in spite of full treatment with no history of vomiting, diarrhea, patient Treatm ent of Severe M alaria Cases does not respond within 72 hours, clinically and parasitologically. The primary objective of antimalarial treatment in severe malaria is to prevent death. The guidelines for specific antimalarial therapy is as below: Chemoprophylaxis Artesunate: 2. Chemoprophylaxis is no longer recommended as a and, more recently, in artemisinin derivatives. Use of geographical distributions and rates of spread have personal protection with insecticide-treated are recom- varied considerably. M echanism s of Antim alarial Resistance Use of chemoprophylaxis is limited to the Resistance appears to occur through spontaneous following two situations: mutations of parasite that confer reduced sensitivity to 1. Short-term travelers/tourists (less than 6 weeks) from a given drug or increased capacity for the parasite to nonmalarious areas to malarious areas. Drug of expel chloroquine at a faster rate that does not allow choice is Doxycycline 100 mg daily in adults and chloroquine to act effectively. The drug should be Detection of resistance: The following methods have started 2 days before travel and continued for 4 been routinely used to study or measure antimalarial weeks after leaving the malarious area. It is not drug resistance: recommended for pregnant women and children less • In vivo test: the test consists of the treatment of a than 8 years. The tests required a period of 250 mg weekly for adults and 5 mg/kg for children follow-up (7 to 14 days) after administration of the once a week; beginning 1 week before and antimalarial drugs and note the clinical and continued up to 4 weeks after exposure. Widespread and indiscriminate use of antimalarials can • Animal model studies: The test is conducted in non- cause high levels of resistance. Resistance can be human lab-reared animals for assessing a new prevented, or slowed considerably, by combining experimental drug that is not yet approved for antimalarials with different mechanisms of action and humans use. Drug resistance can cause ‘treatment 7 days of initiation of treatment without subsequent failure’ but all ‘treatment failure’ is not due to drug recrudescence. Malaria parasites have demonstrated some level of resistance to almost Vector Control every antimalarials drug currently available. These have been des- currently used antimalarials (amodiaquine, chloroquine, cribed earlier in the chapter on “Biological mefloquine, quinine, and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine) Environment” (Chapter 11). Vertical approach was replaced by 1966, but set back resulted sub- horizontal approach. Resurgence gains achieved so far by reducing transm ission of m alaria of m alaria cases and deaths were noted. Malaria Control Activities and • Epidemiological investigation Program in India • Follow-up Community Participation National program for malaria in India has been evolved • Sensitizing and involving the community for over the year salient features of which has been detection of Anopheles breeding places and their described in the following Table 19. Presently the empowers people to take rational and informed antimalarial activities are being carried under National decisions through appropriate knowledge. Clear messages, Two Objectives of the Program are: communicated through different, credible channels are 1.

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Prerenal azotaemia Proteinuria and its assessment in normal Tis is the most common type of renal failure outside and hypertensive pregnancy antimicrobial countertops discount omnicef online visa. Urinary dipstick protein: a poor pre- cular volume may be attributed to haemorrhage antibiotic gram negative omnicef 300 mg order mastercard, dehy- dictor of absent or severe proteinuria antibiotics given for tooth infection order 300 mg omnicef mastercard. A prospective study of the impact of auto- Treatment is generally correcting the volume deple- mated dipstick urinalysis on the diagno- tion or removing the inciting agent. Tis is an uncommon cause of proteinuria: consequences of the use of uri- proteinuria in pregnancy; however, it has been seen nary protein:creatinine ratios. Nephrol Dial in multiple pregnancy where complete obstruction of Transplant 1989; 4: 9–14. Use of pro- urinary obstruction as the cause of proteinuria is the tein:creatinine ratio measurements on ran- fact that it is usually a readily correctable problem. The by the National Institute for Health and severity of hydronephrosis will distinguish this from Clinical Excellence. Hypertension in the physiologic hydronephrosis seen in most preg- pregnancy: the management of hyperten- nancies. London; low the release of the obstruction and fuid balance August 2010 (revised reprint January management is essential to prevent hypovolaemia. Urinary protein and albumin Sujatha Tamban and excretion corrected by creatinine and spe- Quazi Selina Naquib cifc gravity. Diagnostic common, both the new episodes specifcally related accuracy of urinary spot protein: creatinine to childbirth and recurrences of pre-existing con- ratio for proteinuria in hypertensive pregnant ditions. British Medical psychological and physiological efect on a woman’s Journal 2008; 336(7651): 1003–06. Kyle P, Fielder J, Pullar B, Horwood L, ated with a marked increase in incidence and prev- Moore M. Comparison of methods to iden- alence of psychiatric disorder, although the exact tify signifcant proteinuria in pregnancy in causal mechanisms remain unclear. Diagnostic accuracy of spot sion is consistently found in 10–15 per cent of moth- urinary protein and albumin to creatinine 1 ers. Postpartum psychosis is less common afecting ratios for detection of signifcant proteinuria 2 per 1000 deliveries. About 2 per cent of pregnant or adverse pregnancy outcome in patients women using obstetric services have chronic mental with suspected pre-eclampsia: system- 2 health problems. Report of the National High Blood Pressure sive illness or a puerperal psychosis, is substantially Education Program Working Group on High increased, particularly in the frst 3 months following Blood Pressure in Pregnancy. The The relative risk of developing a new-onset serious detection, investigation and management psychiatric disorder during pregnancy is lower than of hypertension in pregnancy: full consen- at other times; however, obsessive–compulsive disor- sus statement. It is defned by its brevity; should cide during pregnancy and the year following deliv- symptoms persist, then postnatal depression should ery reported in 2003–2005 was largely due to a fall be considered. Death rates from suicide were very must be distinguished from the prodromal features low during pregnancy to within 42 days postpartum of a puerperal psychosis, which ofen commences in but trebled afer 6 weeks to 12 months postpartum. If the symptoms persist over However, death rates from suicide within a year afer 2 weeks, then a diagnosis of depression should be birth are substantially lower than in non-pregnant considered. The women who com- Postnatal depression is regarded as any non-psychotic mit suicide are more likely to do so in a violent way depressive illness of mild to moderate severity occur- and not as a ‘cry for help’. The peak The main psychiatric diagnoses contributing to onset of depression occurs in the frst 6 weeks following suicide in 2006–2008 were: childbirth. A recent meta-analysis of nearly 60 studies gives a prevalence rate for postnatal depression of 13 psychosis 38%; per cent. Postnatal depression drug dependency 31%; is particularly important because it is so common, and occurs at such a critical time in the lives of the mother, the total number of deaths in pregnancy and late her baby, and her family. Postpartum psychiatric illness Psychosocial and biological factors have been Psychiatric disorders in the postpartum period are postulated (see Box 1). Tese associations have been divided into three categories refecting severity: used by medical professionals to predict and identify women likely to develop postnatal depression and maternity (baby) blues; help them access early assessment and treatment. Maternity blues Tis is a minor transitory mood disturbance occur- Box 1 Risk factors for postnatal ring in 50–75 per cent of women in the frst week fol- depression lowing delivery, especially afer a frst baby. Women in the immediate postpartum period may experience Depression during pregnancy mild ‘highs’ as well as depressive episodes.

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On the other hand, How do the many domains of skill training become inte- the methods that have been developed are highly diverse grated into a unified whole? Does skill training affect day- and stem from multiple theoretical and nontheoretical to-day function? This test treatment remains largely idiosyncratic to either the treater examines the performance of the individual in standard- or the institutional setting delivering the treatment. Performance on the test has been found to be moderately correlated with cognitive function (Bouwens et al. More placed on its use and by the limited domains of life being than 20 years ago, I wrote that the sine qua non for judging tapped. While a relatively nearsighted is a standardized approach to goal attainment scaling that view of outcome, with a focus on change relatively proxi- takes into account the participant’s ratings of the impor- mal to the site of intervention, may be appropriate if one is tance of the areas in which goals are set. It has promise for examining a theory-based issue or studying the learning use as an outcome measure that can be shaped to the goals of a specific skill, it still remains that altered performance of the person. For example, are neuropsychological tests useful as out- Beyond the problem of ecological validity, a clear view come measures in clinical trials? For example, if a other words, of the many aspects of the person’s life that drug is hypothesized to improve memory function, it may are likely to change as a result of treatment, which should be appropriate to use a score on a neuropsychological test be the target of assessment? The constructs of participation and quality of life, such as the reason for this is, in part, because the U. Food and Drug Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (Lezak and Malec Administration requires a single endpoint when review- 2003), the Neurobehavioral Rating Scale (Levin et al. However, this approach is limited because, as 1987), the Participation Objective, Participation Subjec- noted earlier, it is not known how improvement on a test tive (Brown et al. However, the re- As Alderman and colleagues have noted, it is unfortu- lationship has not been studied between, for example, par- nate that the ecological validity of neuropsychological ticipation and cognitive function-much less changes in tests (referring to the relationship between performance on cognitive function. Thus, it is not known at what point di- these tests and real life) has not been systematically exam- minished or altered cognitive function limits participa- ined (Alderman et al. Several re- tion, nor the degree to which cognitive function needs to 582 Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury improve before such change becomes manifest in activity self is made all the more difficult because the person may or participation. Is the goal to become more active or to engage in ac- or her environment remain unchanged, everything is tivities more effectively? For example, do we want people likely to be somewhat different in its fit with the person. The fact that in so many ways life is the same makes be- Or, do we want them to be able to sustain their attention coming aware of the ways in which the new self and life for longer periods of time or recall what they watched the are different is all the more difficult. One needs pen through constantly creating venues for failure and to be clear on the specific aspects of participation that are harping on the ways the person is different. For example, skill sive day treatment program for individuals with traumatic training provides a subtle reminder of the basic tasks that brain injury is to return participants to work or to school, challenge the person. If people see that they are making these goals are unlikely to be achieved on the day that the errors on the simplest of tasks, and then learn not to make program ends. It might take some time for a person to find errors on these tasks as well as learn how to perform more a job, or it may be months before a new semester begins or complex tasks, two messages are communicated: “Some- a person is accepted into a course of study. The real out- thing is wrong if you are not performing the tasks you come of an intervention may not be measurable within the should be able to perform” and, more importantly, “You time frame of a study.

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Muscles Resources With age, the number of muscle fibers decreases, and they become shorter and thinner, reducing American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons: www. Physical to determine the type of joint disease he exam finds kyphosis and that she has lost has? She says she two treatment possibilities that the physician feels “a little weak and out of sorts” and might suggest. How can have helped prevent this condition, espe- you determine whether she has a type of cially if it had been initiated and applied at arthritis, a bone infection, a fracture, or a an earlier age. A 55-year-old carpenter reports persistent swelling and pain in the knuckles of his Multiple Choice 1. Colchicine and immunosuppres- caused by damage to the sants are used to treat acute cases of ____________________. Osteoarthritis is the most common that occurs following bone trauma form of arthritis. The ____________________ membrane which the bones do not properly ossify, or becomes inflamed in rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D is required for intestinal of uric acid crystals in the joints is called absorption of ____________________. Chapter 17 Diseases and Disorders of the Integumentary System Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to L Describe the normal structure and function of the integumentary system L Describe the prevalence, risk factors, signs and symptoms, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for infectious diseases of the skin L Understand the effects of hypersensitivity or immune disorders on the skin L Define and differentiate the benign tumors of the skin L Describe the prevalence, risk factors, signs and symptoms, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for Macroconidia of the dermatophytic nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancer fungus, Epidermophyton floccosum. Libero Ajello, disorders 1972) L Describe pigment disorders L Describe different types of skin trauma L Describe the prevalence, risk factors, signs and symptoms, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for age-related diseases of the skin 380 Disease Chronicle Acne Treatment Acne is an ancient skin problem. Dur- ing the Roman empire it was thought that pores could be unclogged and cleansed by mixing sulfur in mineral baths. Because this type of cleansing reduced the amount of bacteria that caused acne and dried out the oils that clogged the skin, it was fairly effective. In the 1920s, benzoyl peroxide was found to kill acne bacteria and became a popular acne treatment. In the 1960s, it was discovered that topical vitamin A derivatives could fight acne blemishes. The skin is the largest organ of the The dermis lies below the epidermis and is human body, covering 17–20 square feet. Skin composed of fibrous connective tissue contain- protects underlying tissues and organs from ing collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen provides damage and infection, regulates temperature, mechanical strength, and elastin provides elas- senses pain, protects against dehydration, aids ticity and flexibility. The dermis contains a vari- in the excretion of urea and uric acid, and syn- ety of sensory receptors that provide information thesizes vitamin D. The two layers of the skin, the epidermis and The subcutaneous tissue lies below the dermis the dermis, lie above a layer of subcutaneous and connects the skin to underlying structures. The epidermis is the outermost layer and Adipose tissue or fat cells in the subcutaneous varies in thickness from less than 0. The cells of Sebaceous glands (oil glands) are found all over the outer layer of the epidermis regularly wear the skin except on the palms of the hands and off, so the skin must continually replace the the soles of the feet. Keratin is a cates and moistens the skin and hair and has tough, fibrous protein that makes the skin sur- moderate antibacterial and antifungal effects. Melanin, a Skin contains eccrine sweat glands and apo- pigment that ranges in color from yellow to brown crine sweat glands. Eccrine sweat glands are to black, is produced by melanocytes found at the found all over the body and produce sweat that bottom of the epidermis. Melanocytes exposed to Keratinized layer Epidermis Hair Free nerve Receptor endings Sebaceous Dermis gland Capillary Hair follicle network Smooth Touch nerve muscle fibers Hair root Subcutaneous fatty tissue Artery Sweat gland Vein Adipose tissue Deep connective Muscle tissue fibers Figure 17–1  Structure of the skin.

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If the x-ray beam were to ex- because higher speed does not always re­ quire a thicker screen infection gone septic purchase omnicef 300 mg otc. Thick screens will be faster but will E cause a decrease in the clarity of the image I recorded on the flm infection 3 months after wisdom teeth extraction 300 mg omnicef otc. This decrease in image clarity is primarily caused by diffu­ sion of light in the phosphor layer infectonator cheap omnicef 300 mg fast delivery. If a thick phosphor layer is employed, an x-ray I photon may be absorbed in the phosphor Figure 9-5 Unsharp image borders produced at some distance from the flm. Each line is between exposed and unexposed areas � mm wide, and each space is � mm wide, would be very sharp. X-ray light will difuse into the area under the flm is able to record up to 100 line pairs edge of the lead block and cause exposure per mm, but the slowest screens can record of film in an area that actually receives no only a little over 10. This light, which diffused Screen-Film Contact under the edge of the lead block, is not The cassette in which the intensifying available to expose the portion of the film screens are mounted provides a light-tight that is not covered by the block. It also serves to hold result is the production of a more gradual the film in tight contact with the screens change in density, which is unlike the ideal over its entire surface. With good flm­ abrupt transition from black to unexposed screen contact a dot of light produced in (clear) film. If contact is poor, this dot and scattering will lead us to consideration of light will diffuse before it reaches the of the concepts of line spread function and film, so that its radiographic image is un­ modulation transfer function in Chapter sharp. There is a simple method for testing A thin screen causes less light diffusion film-screen contact. A piece of wire screen than a thick one because light photons are is placed on the cassette, and a radiograph produced closer to the flm. The sharpness to decrease light diffusion is to incorporate of the image of the wire in all regions of a substance that absorbs light in the screen. The light The wire screen should be made of iron, photons that emerge from the crystal im­ brass, or copper (aluminum and plastic mediately adjacent to the film will obviously screens fail to absorb enough x rays), and travel the shortest distance before leaving should have a heavier wire than that used the phosphor layer. It is best ·to must travel longer distances in the phos­ mount the test wire screen between two phor layer, and thus they have a better pieces of plastic, composition board, or chance of being absorbed by the dye. Poor film-screen contact will dye will decrease the speed of the screen occur quickly if the cassette is handled because it decreases the amount of light roughly, but eventually any cassette will emitted. Resolving Power Any foreign material on the screen, such The maximum number of line pairs pet as paper or blood, will block light photons millimeter that can be resolved by the and produce an area of underexposure on screen-film system is called the resolving the film corresponding to the size and power. Under normal con­ The Hi Plus screens are not twice as thick ditions of use, x-ray photons will not dam­ as par screens; they are about 2. If 100 a solution containing an antistatic com­ x-ray photons struck a pair of par screens, pound and a detergent; the solution should 80 photons would be transmitted through be applied gently (never rub vigorously) the screens (20 are absorbed). The cassette of par screens placed in the path of the 80 should never be closed after cleaning until transmitted photons would absorb 20%, or it is absolutely dry. It is possible to continue useful speed of calcium tungstate screens to increase the speed of CaW04 screens by has been achieved. New screen phosphors increasing screen thickness, but unsharp­ have permitted greater speed, but this ness caused by light diffusion in the thick changing technology is complex and per­ phosphor layer becomes unacceptable. In 1972, reports We must frst consider how intensifying describing rare earth oxysulfde phosphors screen speed can be increased. The phosphor may have a to the Lockheed Corporation, and this class higher conversion effciency of x rays to of phosphors is sometimes referred to as light. To review, earth intensifying screens have been com­ there are three possible ways to increase mercially available since about 1973. The rare earth group state screens available from Du Pont and consists of elements of atomic numbers 57 Kodak, listing phosphor composition and (lanthanum) through 71 (lutetium), and in­ color of light emitted by the phosphor. Thick phos­ bium (atomic number 65), gadolinium phor layers absorb more of the x-ray beam (atomic number 64), and europium (atomic than thin layers. Because lanthanum is the frst which the speed of calcium tungstate element, the rare earth group is also known screens is increased.

Marus, 22 years: When the effector system is the musculature, its innervation consists of both inhibitory and excitatory musculomotor neurons that participate in reciprocal control.

Kulak, 24 years: Causes Neonatal sepsis Obesity, weak muscles, multiple pregnancy and the sac can be dissected from both above 4.

Farmon, 57 years: Frictional forces between moving blood and the stationary endothelial cells distort the endothelial cells, opening special potassium channels and causing endothelial cell hyperpolarization.

Norris, 62 years: Glandular variety-Here the external uri- meatus is, the more prominent is the anesthesia and techniques in surgery.

Ingvar, 33 years: Increasing graft size with proximity to the limbal blood vessel reduces the ‘‘immune privilege’’ of the usually avascular cornea, thereby increasing the risk of immunologic reaction.

Hogar, 41 years: A leukocyte circulating in the blood vessel undergoes a well-characterized multistep process of reaching the site of infection.

Tom, 25 years: This support of blood pressure, along with strong autoregulation of blood flow in the brain, prevents any significant drop in cerebral blood flow that would otherwise occur should the body not be able to compensate for the drop in blood pressure that occurs upon standing against gravity.

Umbrak, 39 years: Net collagen accumulation, however, depends not only on increased collagen synthesis but also on decreased degradation.

Corwyn, 34 years: Bone marrow culture may be positive and antityphoid drugs provide effective treatment.

Kapotth, 64 years: Remember, the higher the lin­ ( ear attenuation coefficient, the greater the z 200 attenuation.

Thorek, 53 years: With electroconvulsive therapy, these pharmacological treatments have in common the ability to alter noradrenergic and serotonergic transmission serving the limbic system.

8 of 10 - Review by L. Rocko
Votes: 92 votes
Total customer reviews: 92


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