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A second (related) shock is the increased need for flexibility of the labor force blood pressure chart what your reading means bystolic 5 mg overnight delivery, induced by a combination of technology and globalization (Dorn and Hanson radial pulse blood pressure 90 bystolic 2.5 mg purchase overnight delivery, 2015) arteria labialis superior buy bystolic master card. While Italy has long been known to lag behind other developed countries in terms of the quality of its institutions, some observers (see Gros 2011) have noted that, starting from the mid-1990s, Italy experienced a sharp decline in government quality as measured by the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators. This decline might have caused Italy to fall further behind on the technological frontier. We also find no evidence of the labor misallocation hypothesis: Productivity in sectors where labor turnover has been disproportionately large in the United States (which has some of the laxest labor regulations among developed countries) did not grow disproportionately less in countries with less flexible labor markets. Similarly, sectors that are more government-dependent do not exhibit disproportionately lower productivity growth in countries, like Italy, that experienced deterioration on indicators of quality of government. We find this effect to be economically and statistically indistinguishable from zero. Consistent with Garicano and Heaton (2010), we find that more meritocratic firms exploit computing power more effectively. All these findings raise a further question: Why does Italy lag behind in the adoption of meritocratic management practices? The main advantage of a loyalty-based management is its ability to function in environments where legal enforcement is either inefficient or unavailable. Among developed countries, Italy stands out both for its inefficient legal system and for the diffusion of tax evasion and bribes. We look at three major sources of external constraints: access to finance, labor market regulation, and bureaucracy. We find that, while in our sample meritocratic firms are less likely to experience any of these constraints, this effect is significantly weaker for Italian firms. Thus, it appears that in Italy, loyalty-based management has a relative advantage in overcoming financial and bureaucratic constraints. Consistent 4 with this hypothesis, they find that between 2001 and 2003 the productivity growth of Italian firms correlated negatively with the share of temporary workers employed. In our seven-country sample of manufacturing firms (2001–07), we find that these findings do not generalize. Controlling for the share of temporary workers in our specification does not change any of our results. Milana and Zeli (2004) were the first to correlate these delays with sluggish aggregate productivity growth in the years 1996–99. In our analysis, while we confirm that lower investment is part of the problem, we show that the reduced productivity of such investments is indeed even more important. Schivardi and Schmitz (2017) build on our findings to construct a model that explains productivity differences between Germany and Italy. In section 2 we explore the possible structural causes for the lack of productivity growth using sector-level data. In section 4, we provide suggestive evidence of why, in Italy, loyalty prevails over merit in the selection and rewarding of managers. This level of disaggregation makes it possible to focus on inter- sectoral variations in productivity growth, by controlling for country-level determinants with country fixed effects. It also allows us to study the interaction between country-specific factors and industry-specific factors. We end our sample in 2007 to avoid mixing the structural problems of Italy before the two crises with the effect of the two crises. Capital formation and growth accounting series are unavailable for 11 countries for the main period of interest (1995–2006). We use this data at the finest sectorial decomposition for which growth accounting series are made available, with the following three exceptions: 1) we aggregate 5 sectors 50 to 52 (wholesale and retail trade) in order to merge to the dataset some explanatory variables that are available at industry level; 2) we use the aggregate sector 70t74 instead of 70 (real estate) and 71t74 (other business services) because Italian data presents some specific issues regarding the attribution of real 1 estate assets between sectors 70 and 71t74 ; and 3) we drop, as customary, public sector and compulsory social services (sectors 75-99) from the analysis altogether, due to the well-known issues related to the 2 measurement of public sector productivity. Apart from growth accounting series, we also use sector-level price deflators for output, intermediate inputs, and labor, as well as capital compensation and real capital stock indices. We use the March 2011 update of this dataset because it covers all sectors, it offers the largest sample size in terms of country/sector/year and has a sector definition that is compatible with trade and layoff series, allowing us to merge the series. In the appendix, we also use an earlier release of the dataset (using the same sector definition) for robustness. B Country-level variables To construct a proxy variable for meritocratic management at the country level, we use a measure of the extent to which firms select, promote, and reward people based on merit, starting from the Global Competitiveness Report Expert Opinion Surveys (2012).

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It is important the information is appropriately targeted and at the correct educational level to ensure complete understanding blood pressure 300200 bystolic 5 mg purchase on-line. A particularly important time for giving information and education is at the time of diagnosis pulse pressure norms 2.5 mg bystolic buy fast delivery. Some skill has to be exercised in determining the amount of information imparted at diagnosis blood pressure medication to treat acne purchase 5 mg bystolic visa, steering between too little - “I was shocked in maybe 12 minutes of his total time seeing me, he diagnosed me with an illness and gave me no hope and told me to take some medicine, period. And then he dismissed me”10 - and too much “knowing all the facts would probably have finished me off”. They should also make sure that patients are aware of the potential risks arising from unreliable, inaccurate and unregulated sources of information about their condition such as the Internet and newspapers. This could lead to possible negative impact on the maintenance and strength of relationships with their clinical advisors - “when I was diagnosed, I remember just kind of crying that day and coming home and looking up that word in the dictionary and it was like, well, I’m going to die with this disease”. Many patients reported them useful for reinforcing such factors as medicines management or dietary requirements, but a number used coping strategies which centred upon maintaining as normal a life as possible and found the self help group a source of some discomfort - “I have seen the future in the eyes, faces and activities, or inactivities, of my fellow Parkinson sufferers”. Carers have unique and individualised coping strategies for dealing with the daily pressures of care. Many carers report the difficulty in adopting the twin roles of therapist and friend. The evidence reports that spouses often found great difficulty in watching their partner struggle and can be frustrated by the illness without promoting dependency but helping when necessary. Sometimes I haven’t come to grips with it because I think I should have done it rather than him because it was hard on him. This highlights the need for more appropriate qualitative research from the uk in this area. In two studies carried out by the same researchers the main impact of non-motor symptoms was perceived to be psychosocial - “embarrassed people just keep staring at you when you cannot get your words out… so I just avoid people”. In speech, in contrast to straightforward articulation difficulties, patients identified issues such as distractibility, diminished attention span, and difficulty finding words and formulating ideas - “It’s difficult to keep my attention going, I drift away. Whilst Parkinson’s disease is the commonest cause of a parkinsonian syndrome, there are several other degenerative and non-degenerative diseases that can mimic it (see Table 1). Accurate diagnosis is essential to ensure that patients receive the correct information and treatment. Table 1: Common mimics of Parkinson’s disease Degenerative disorders non-degenerative disorders Multiple system atrophy essential tremor Progressive supranuclear palsy Dystonic tremor Corticobasal degeneration Cerebrovascular disease Dementia with lewy bodies Drug-induced parkinsonism Alzheimer’s disease 4. This diagnosis requires clinical skill but is open to a degree of subjectivity and error. It is important to consider the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis against a suitable reference standard, which for almost all cases of Parkinson’s disease remains neuropathological confirmation at post mortem (a very small percentage of cases can be diagnosed genetically, see section 4. Thus, it is important to consider the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis both in the early stage of the disease when decisions about initiating treatment will be made and also later in the disease. These flaws included: the reference standard was only available in a limited spectrum of patients that did not reflect 2+ the types of patients seen in most clinical settings, particularly in the initial stages of the disease;18-21 the patients included were younger (mean age 53-65 years) with longer disease duration than seen in many clinical settings; details of how the clinical diagnosis was made were not available; the clinicians were often highly specialised movement disorder experts;19 clinical diagnoses were identified by retrospective review of the case notes after death, which may have reduced accuracy;18,19 and one study did not blind the clinical diagnosis to the pathological diagnosis. The sensitivity and especially specificity of expert clinical diagnosis increased with follow up and the final 2+ clinical diagnosis had a good sensitivity (range 0. This should include a review of the ongoing benefits in those started on dopamine replacement therapy. There are two commonly used research criteria, the uk Parkinson’s Disease Society brain bank criteria22 and the Gelb criteria23 (see Annex 2). Improved diagnostic accuracy would be most useful early in the course of parkinsonian disorders when clinical diagnosis is most inaccurate and important management decisions must be made. The Gelb criteria for probable Parkinson’s disease require at least three years follow up from symptom onset. Only one small study (n=100) from the uk has assessed the accuracy of using the uk brain bank and Gelb criteria late in the disease compared to neuropathological confirmation of the diagnosis. No direct comparison of research criteria versus expert clinical diagnosis was possible apart from the positive predictive value, which was similar (0.


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Fainting is not uncommon for the injured person during the assessment due to the loss of blood arrhythmia long term effects 5 mg bystolic purchase amex, deformity and pain hypertension fatigue bystolic 2.5 mg buy low cost. It is best to have the individual lie down to prevent a possible fall and further injury blood pressure medication overdose order bystolic 2.5 mg online. A pressure bandage is applied in the following manner: keep the first layer of gauze in place; remove all other soaked gauze and replace with clean gauze layers. Then, wrap the wound tightly, in a spiral fashion, with continuous bandage or 2" or 3" strip of cloth to continue pressure. Wrap the entire involved limb further beyond the wound to prevent undue swelling or tissue damage. Wrap in the direction that is furthest from the heart to the area that is closest to the heart, using even pressure throughout. After one to two days, with frequent checks for blood flow to the limb, remove the pressure bandage and replace with a smaller bandage. This is accomplished in the following manner: wrap a large, broad cloth around the end of the limb on the heart side of the wound; tie a knot; place a stick or other object 6" or so long across the knot, and hold the stick in place with another knot. Then, twist the stick until the bleeding stops, securing the stick to prevent unwinding. Keep the area uncovered and the tourniquet tight until ordered to be loosened by a physician. When handling dressings, thorough washing of hands with soap and water is extremely important. If at all possible, use sterile gloves when handling wounds and removing or reapplying new dressings. However, if sterile supplies are not available, use clean sheets, towels, or clothing torn into 2" or 3" strips. Bandages may be used to prevent movement and protect the area from further trauma. Kinds of Wounds Lacerations: A laceration is a disruption in the tissue where the resultant edges of the wound are left jagged or straight-edged. Medical care should be sought if damage to nerves, vessels, or muscles is suspected. Foreign objects which are protruding from the wound and easily grasped should be 1-34 removed with a sterile tweezers if removal will not further damage tissues. Place a small piece of sterile gauze with sterile tweezers in the wound opening to allow further drainage. It is important to rinse the affected area thoroughly with sterile saline solution or clean water. The area should be covered with sterile gauze or special pads that prevent the gauze from sticking to the wound so the area will not be further traumatized when the gauze is removed. Small: Cleanse the wound with clean water or sterile saline solution, including small flaps of skin when present. Attempt to place the skin back into place, apply sterile gauze and bandage the wound. If medical care is not available trim the area with sterile scissors and re- bandage the wound. Attempt to reposition larger skin flaps, apply sterile gauze and bandage the wound. Contusions: A contusion is a closed, superficial wound usually caused by a blow from a blunt object, a bump against a stationary object, or a crush. Blood seeping into soft tissues from injured vessels and capillaries causes swelling and pain that may be severe at the site of the injury. Contusions can also involve hemorrhages of the brain that result from the mechanical forces that move the hemispheres of the brain relative to the skull. Trauma sufficient to cause prolonged loss of consciousness usually produces such lesions. Clinically this may present as specific cranial nerve findings such as a gaze preference. Dependent on the location, though, this may also present with altered mentation and combativeness, and may even progress to death.

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Among the 14 cases of foodborne intoxication prehypertension in late pregnancy purchase 2.5 mg bystolic fast delivery, toxin type A accounted for 12 (86%) cases and toxin type E for 2 (14%) cases pulse blood pressure normal bystolic 2.5 mg buy low cost. One was caused by “pruno arrhythmia management plano order bystolic 5 mg amex,” a bootleg prison-made alcoholic beverage, and the other was caused by home-canned mushrooms. Toxin type B accounted for 54 (59%) 9 cases, toxin type A for 36 (40%) cases, and toxin type F for one (1%) case. All 4 patients received cosmetic injections of high-dose, unlicensed botulinum toxin A product not intended for human use. Summary of cases of botulism reported to the Botulism Surveillance System, 2004 Type Cases Median age Sex Toxin type Comments Foodborne 14 cases 41 years 8 (57%) male 12 (86%) type A 2 multicase outbreaks (No reported (range: 23–87 2 (14%) type E deaths; 1 years) unknown) Infant 91 cases 15 weeks 52 (57%) male 36 (40%) type A. Cases of botulism reported to the Botulism Surveillance System, by state and type, 2004 State/District Foodborne Infant Wound Other Total Arkansas 1 1 Arizona 1 1 California 6 37 21 64 District of Columbia 1 1 Delaware 2 2 Florida 1 4* 5 Hawaii 1 1 Iowa 1 1 Idaho 1 1 Kansas 1 1 Kentucky 1 1 Maryland 6 6 Minnesota 1 1 Montana 1 1 2 Nebraska 1 1 New Hampshire 1 1 New Jersey 1 1 2 Ohio 1 2 3 Oregon 4 1 1 6 Pennsylvania 15 15 South Carolina 1 1 Thennessee 1 1 Thexas 3 1 4 Utah 2 2 Virginia 4 4 Washington 2 5 † 8 1 West Virginia 2 2 Totals 14 91 28 5 138 * Treatment-related. Cases of foodborne botulism reported to the Botulism Surveillance System, by month (N = 14), 2004 Month State Age (years) Sex Toxin Type Vehicle Death January Oregon 68 Female A Multiple home-canned Unknown foods Ohio 56 Female A Home-canned tomatoes No April Alaska 39 Female E Seal meat/fat No May New Jersey 41 Female E Salted fermented fish No † ‡ July California* Unknown Male A “Pruno” No California* 25 Male A “Pruno” No California* 35 Male A “Pruno” No California* 20 Male A “Pruno” No California* 19 Male A “Pruno” No Montana 47 Female A Home-canned asparagus No August California 40 Male A Unknown No † September Oregon 19 Male A Stew Yes December Oregon* 51 Male A Home-canned mushrooms No Oregon* 57 Female A Home-canned mushrooms No * Cases involved in multicase outbreak. Cases of infant botulism reported to the Botulism Surveillance System, by month (N = 91), 2004 Month State Age (weeks) Sex Toxin type Death January California 14 Female B No Colorado 15 Male B N Pennsylvania 26 Male B N Washington 27 Male A N Pennsylvania 26 Male A N California 21 Male A N Utah 20 Female A N West Virginia 8 Female B N February California 22 Male A N California 14 Male B N Pennsylvania 18 Female B N Ohio 6 Female B N Minnesota 20 Male B N Virginia 4 Female B N Thexas 9 Male A N West Virginia 4 Male B N March California 52 Female B N Maryland 5 Female B N Pennsylvania 21 Female B N California 28 Male A N Pennsylvania 24 Male B N California 4 Female A N Montana 38 Male A N Virginia 3 Female B N April Utah 18 Male A N California 22 Male B N Pennsylvania 23 Female B N Virginia 14 Male B N May California 9 Female A N California 4 Male B N Pennsylvania 13 Female B N June California 6 Female A N Kentucky 14 Female B N Delaware 19 Female B N California 4 Male B N California 3 Male B N Pennsylvania 3 Male B N California 31 Male A N Washington 6 Male B N California 9 Male B N Pennsylvania 1 Female B N California 24 Male A N 13 California 23 Male A N July Idaho 19 Male A N California 4 Female B N California 4 Female B N Arizona 22 Male B N Maryland 21 Male B N Oregon 7 Male B Unknown August California 15 Female A N South Carolina 15 Female A N Thexas 24 Female A N California 11 Male B N Virginia 10 Female A N New Jersey 10 Female B N Maryland 18 Female B N Pennsylvania 27 Female B N September California 16 Male A N California 4 Male B N Delaware 4 Female B N Pennsylvania 6 Female B N * Iowa 2 Male F Yes Pennsylvania 26 Female B N New Hampshire 2 Male B N Maryland 26 Male A N Thennessee 14 Female B N Ohio 19 Female B N Kansas 4 Male B N October California 3 Male B N Maryland 22 Male B N California 16 Female A N California 22 Male A N Nebraska 15 Female A N California 5 Female A N California 20 Male A N Florida 18 Male A N November California 14 Female A N California 3 Male A N Hawaii 13 Female B N Thexas 15 Male A N Pennsylvania 20 Male B N Pennsylvania 27 Male B N Maryland 13 Male B N California 18 Male A N December California 29 Male A N Pennsylvania 25 Male B N California 20 Male A N California 7 Female A N 14 District of Columbia 25 Male B N California 26 Male B N California 32 Female A N * Patient died from complications arising from Clostridium difficile colitis. Cases of treatment-associated botulism reported to the Botulism Surveillance System (N = 4), 2004 * Month State Age (years) Sex Toxin Type Death November Florida 53 Female A No November Florida 52 Male A No November Florida 40 Male A No November Florida 34 Female A No * All were part of a single common-source outbreak. Table 2-7 Cases of botulism of unknown source reported to the Botulism Surveillance System (N = 1), 2004 Month State Age (years) Sex Toxin Type Death April Washington 26 Male F No Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli, non-O157 The surveillance case definition for Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli non-O157 is available at http://www. The predominant groups were O26 (19%) and O103 (18%), followed by O45 (13%), O111 (13%), O145 (6%), and O121 (7%); these six O groups made up 76% of all isolates (Table 3-1). Before 1995, Shiga toxin was detected by using highly technical assays available only at reference and research laboratories. Infection with Listeria monocytogenes is characterized by fever and muscle aches, and sometimes nausea or diarrhea. The nervous system can be affected, resulting in meningitis or cerebritis, with symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, confusion, or convulsions. Pregnant women, newborns, and adults with weakened immune systems are at greatest risk of developing listeriosis. Infection during pregnancy may be asymptomatic, but can result in miscarriage, premature delivery, or infection of the newborn. More comprehensive surveillance data on listeriosis incidence rates are available in FoodNet reports at http://www. The Listeriosis Initiative is an effort to aid in investigations of future Listeria outbreaks and clusters. During 2004, FoodNet sites piloted the use of a standard interview form for cases of infection with Listeria. Data from the standard, detailed report form are maintained in a central database for rapid analysis in the event of an outbreak. These data can be used for case-control analysis of a cluster, where people with non-matching isolates serve as controls. Prompt data collection and analysis could allow earlier public health intervention during an outbreak. All isolates of Listeria should be submitted for subtyping to state or national laboratories. Public health professionals and health care providers should consider interviewing all cases of listeriosis using the standard interview form, available at http://www. Salmonella The Salmonella surveillance case definition is available at http://www. The National Salmonella Surveillance System collects reports of isolates of Salmonella from human sources from every state. Salmonella isolates are submitted to the state public health laboratory by clinical diagnostic laboratories. The capture of isolates in the National Salmonella Surveillance System is considered to be 21 fairly complete. However, some Salmonella isolates may not be forwarded to public health laboratories, and therefore are not reported. In addition, irrespective of the surveillance system, many cases of Salmonella illness are not reported because the ill person does not seek medical care, the health care provider does not obtain a specimen for diagnosis, or the laboratory does not perform the necessary diagnostics tests. The results of surveillance reported here should be considered underestimates of the true number of infections.


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However pulse pressure formula purchase genuine bystolic on line, the animal infection does not appear to have interfered with numerous successful campaigns to eradicate the human infection blood pressure medication dosage too high buy bystolic 2.5 mg low price. Diagnosis: Diagnosis presents no difficulties once the cephalic end of the para- site has emerged prehypertension 135 generic bystolic 5 mg with mastercard. If necessary, the infection can be confirmed by pouring a little cold water on the ulcer and then examining a drop of the exudate for the presence of first- stage larvae. Moreover, it was possible to increase sensitivity to 97% by refining the antigen and measuring various types of antibody at the same time (Bloch and Simonsen, 1998). An attempt was made to diagnose the disease on the basis of parasite antigen in the bloodstream, but none could be found (Bloch et al. The most important preventive measure is to provide popula- tions with a regular supply of potable water. In Nigeria, the provision of piped water to a city of 30,000 inhabitants reduced incidence from 60% to 0% in the course of two years. When economic conditions in an area are inadequate to provide potable water, prevention consists of educating the population and identifying subterranean water sources. Individuals can boil or filter surface water, treat their drinking water to kill the intermediate hosts, and take precautions to avoid contaminating water sources. Public health education is of the utmost importance in the control of dracunculia- sis because patients in hyperendemic areas do not look upon the parasite as an agent of infection; they see it as a normal condition of the human body, and hence they do not associate it with the ingestion of contaminated water (Bierlich, 1995). Moreover, two-thirds of the population consider that boiling or filtering water is inconvenient and impractical (Ilegbodu et al. Digging wells to extract subterranean water with hand pumps appears to be a very effective solution. When this approach was tried in Ghana’s Upper Region, it protected between 88% and 96% of the popula- tion there (Hunter, 1997). Treatment of drinking water with temephos to kill the crustaceans that are intermediate hosts is simple and effective. Also, providing the population with nylon mesh strainers to filter out copepods has yielded excellent results (Kaul et al. A study conducted in Pakistan showed that the filters were adequate to remove the copepods even after 12 to 15 months of use (Imtiaz et al. Filters with 200-micron holes capture the large copepods, which are the ones that harbor Dracunculus larvae. The role of tadpoles and frogs as paratenic hosts in the life cycle of Dracunculus insignis (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea). Reporte de un caso de dracunculosis en un canino en la provincia de Formosa—Argentina. Clinical manifes- tations, disability and use of folk medicine in Dracunculus infection in Nigeria. Monofilament nylon filters for preventing dracunculiasis: Durability and copepod retention after long term field use in Pakistan. The clinico-epidemiological profile of guinea-worm in the Ibadan District of Nigeria. Monitoring the efficacy of temephos application and use of fine mesh nylon strainers by examination of drinking water containers in guineaworm endemic villages. A survey of predilection sites and degree of dis- ability associated with guineaworm (Dracunculus medinensis). Etiology: The agents of these diseases are strongylid nematodes of the species Oesophagostomum bifurcum, O. They live in the intestine of nonhuman primates and sometimes humans, causing the formation of nodules in the intestinal wall. The life cycles of the species of Oesophagostomum that occur in primates have not been fully elucidated, but it is assumed that they follow patterns similar to those of other species of the genus, which are common parasites of domestic animals. In five to seven days at ambi- ent temperature, the first-stage larva develops into a third-stage larva, which is encysted within the cuticle of the second-stage larva and is infective. In the stomach and small intes- tine of the host, the larva frees itself from its cuticular sheath, penetrates the intes- tinal mucosa, and transforms into the next stage. Growth of the fourth-stage larva in the mucosa, especially of the large intestine, produces nodules 1–3 mm in diameter, known as a “nodular worms. From the time its eggs are shed in feces until it transforms into a third-stage larva in soil, its evolution is simi- lar to that of the esophagostomes, but what happens to the parasite from that point on is not known. Attempts to infect human volunteers and baboons with third-stage larvae have failed.

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You need to check current procedures with your national customs department pulse pressure heart rate buy bystolic with paypal, as well as with your supplier blood pressure medication and coenzyme q10 buy discount bystolic 2.5 mg online. The prices charged by international suppliers may seem to be lower arterial blood gas test order bystolic with visa, but imported products often have additional costs, such as import duties, freight, handling and insurance. Whenever possible, obtain quotations (a request for a price) from at least three suppliers so that you can compare prices. Although equipment may be supplied with a guarantee or warranty, check that the manufacturer or supplier is liable for repairs and maintenance. If there is no authorised agent or representative in your country, you may find you have to send the item back to the manufacturer and this could be very costly. After you have selected a supplier, monitor their performance to ensure that they continue to provide good service. Certain conditions may be attached to funding for equipment and supplies from donor agencies. Some health facilities use requisition forms or books for ordering supplies from district or national stores. When placing an order or re-ordering: • Check the stock records to find out the stock balance and decide what items and how much of each item you need to order. If you are ordering from a catalogue, write down the catalogue code number for each item. For example, if you need 34 rolls of crepe bandage and a pack contains 12 rolls, order 3 packs. It is important to provide suppliers with a clear and complete description, to make sure that you receive the specific item you require. It is usually better to write generic specifications that describe items by type rather than by brand name. However, there may be times when you need to specify an exact model or manufacturer, for example, for particular products such as microscopes. Remember that while some equipment uses standard supplies, other equipment requires specific supplies, and you will need to order accordingly. Sometimes a supplier may offer an alternative, if they are unable to supply the specified item. Check that the alternative is appropriate for your needs and affordable within your budget. For example, 14cm instead of 12cm scissor dressing may be acceptable, but 19G instead of 23G disposable needles may not be appropriate. Practical tips for ordering ● Develop written procedures and assign responsibility for ordering. Use the same format as an order form, but state clearly that it is a quotation request. Also ask for a pro-forma invoice, which provides a complete breakdown of costs and which also makes ordering easier. Provide as much detail about requirements and specifications as possible to avoid supply of incorrect items or quantities or delays in filling your order. For other suppliers, you may not need to fill out the form as long as you provide the relevant information. Section 2 Procurement and management of supplies and equipment 21 Handling donations Procurement also includes donation of drugs, supplies and equipment. Donated goods can be of great value to health facilities with limited resources, but donations are not always useful or totally ‘free’. For example, recipients may have to pay for customs clearance, storage, insurance and transport. There are also costs associated with staff time to organise arrangements and sort out what is and is not useful, and with disposing of inappropriate items. Health facilities with limited resources are often worried about refusing or complaining about donations. Do not feel obliged to accept donations unless the goods being offered are appropriate to your needs. Establish and use donation guidelines and policies, or use the practical tips in the box to help you manage donated supplies. Practical tips for receiving donations ● Decide what supplies and equipment are needed and in what quantities, and prioritise the list of items you plan to request.


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Mills S hypertension knowledge questionnaire order 5 mg bystolic with mastercard, Bone K: Principles and practice of phytotherapy blood pressure ranges for athletes order bystolic 5 mg with amex, Edinburgh blood pressure 130/80 best buy for bystolic, 2000, Churchill Livingstone. Despite having been used to increase vitality and as an immunostimulant for many years, conclusive data from clinical trials are lacking. Nonetheless, astragalus has demon- strated a wide range of immunopotentiating effects and has proven effica- cious as an adjunct cancer therapy. The root of the plant contains some unique flavones, including kumatakenin and 3′,7 -dihydroxy-4′ methoxyisoflavone, and their glucosides. Astragalus’ immunostimulatory properties lie, in part, in the saponins and polysaccharides present in the root. Astragalus enhances the cytotoxic- ity of natural and lymphokine-activated killer cells. Studies have shown that injected Astragalus membranaceus extracts enhance the antibody response to a T-cell–dependent antigen in normal, immunosuppressed, and elderly mice. This may explain its beneficial effects in angina and early heart failure and its energiz- ing effects in mice. Doses of 20 mg every 6 hours may be taken for bronchitis, and 445 446 Part Three / Dietary Supplements 200 mg twice a day for 3 weeks may be taken to boost the immune system. It may also benefit persons with ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, or anginal pain by enhancing perfusion and reduc- ing free radical damage to the myocardium. The Chinese herb used for medicinal purposes should not be confused with locoweed, an American variant that is toxic to cattle. Sinclair S: Chinese herbs: a clinical review of Astragalus, Ligusticum, and Schizandrae, Altern Med Rev 3:338-44, 1998. Kurashige S, Akuzawa Y, Endo F: Effects of astragali radix extract on carcinogenesis, cytokine production, and cytotoxicity in mice treated with a carcinogen, N-butyl-N′-butanolnitrosoamine, Cancer Invest 17:30-5, 1999. Toda S, Yase Y, Shirataki Y: Inhibitory effects of astragali radix, crude drug in Oriental medicines on lipid peroxidation and protein oxidative modification of mouse brain homogenate by copper, Phytother Res 14:294-6, 2000. Mills S, Bone K: Principles and practice of phytotherapy, Edinburgh, 2000, Churchill Livingstone. Could this account for discrepancies detected between anecdotal and scientific reports of the efficacy of bilberry? A rich source of various flavonoids, bilberry is a particularly good source of antho- cyanins. These flavonoids are believed to improve perfusion, reduce capil- lary permeability, and enhance ocular health. Anthocyanins normal- ize capillary permeability and are more effective than bioflavonoids in decreasing edema after microvascular trauma. Although antho- cyanins have great biologic importance, it has been suggested that they have little pharmacologic significance. Cooking bilberries in water and sugar results in a 40% loss of quercetin, as does storing bilberries at 20˚ C for 9 months. Myricetin and kaempferol are even more susceptible than quercetin to depletion during storage. Bilberry has been used to enhance microcirculation, counteract venous insufficiency, and hasten vas- cular repair. A dose of 173 mg of anthocyanins per day over 30 to 60 days has been reported to inhibit platelet aggregation, prolonging bleeding time with- out affecting blood coagulation. Unconfirmed reports do suggest that 50 to 115 mg of anthocyanins per day may be beneficial in treating visual disorders. However, two double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of anthocyanins in healthy volunteers failed to show improved night visual acuity or night contrast sensitivity. Mild gastrointestinal, dermato- logic, and neurologic side effects have been reported. High doses interact with and may enhance the effects of warfarin and antiplatelet drugs.

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The parameter η has no direct epidemiological interpretation arteria labialis superior buy bystolic on line, but comparing it with the standard formulation shows that β = ηN prehypertension diastolic blood pressure order bystolic 2.5 mg overnight delivery, so that this form implicitly assumes that the contact rate β increases linearly with the population size arrhythmia heart order on line bystolic. Naively, it might seem plausible that the population density and hence the contact rate would increase with population size, but the daily contact patterns of people are often similar in large and small communities, cities, and regions. This strongly suggests that the standard incidence corresponding to v = 0 is more realistic for human diseases than the simple mass action incidence corresponding to v =1. This result is consistent with the concept that people are infected through their daily encounters and the patterns of daily encounters are largely independent of community size within a given country (e. The standard incidence is also a better formulation than the simple mass action law for animal populations such as mice in a mouse-room or animals in a herd [57], because disease transmission primarily occurs locally from nearby animals. For more information about the differences in models using these two forms of the horizontal incidence, see [83, 84, 85, 96, 110, 159]. Vertical incidence, which is the infection rate of newborns by their mothers, is sometimes included in epidemiology models by assuming that a fixed fraction of the newborns is infected vertically [33]. Models with population size–dependent contact functions have also been considered [29, 171, 190, 191, 201]. See [107] for a survey of mechanisms including nonlinear incidences that can lead to periodicity in epidemiological models. A common assumption is that the movements out of the M, E, and I compart- ments and into the next compartment are governed by terms like δM, E, and γI in an ordinary differential equations model. It has been shown [109] that these terms correspond to exponentially distributed waiting times in the compartments. For ex- ample, the transfer rate γI corresponds to P(t)=e−γt as the fraction that is still in the infective class t units after entering this class and to 1/γ as the mean wait- ing time. For measles the mean period 1/δ of passive immunity is about six to nine months, while the mean latent period 1/ε is one to two weeks and the mean infec- tious period 1/γ is about one week. Another possible assumption is that the fraction still in the compartment t units after entering is a nonincreasing, piecewise contin- uous function P(t) with P(0) = 1 and P(∞) = 0. Then the rate of leaving the compartment at time t is −P (t), so the mean waiting time in the compartment is ∞ ∞ t(−P (t))dt = P(t)dt. These distributed delays lead to epidemiology models 0 0 with integral or integrodifferential or functional differential equations. If the waiting time distribution is a step function given by P(t)=1if0≤ t ≤ τ, and P(t)=0 if τ ≤ t, then the mean waiting time is τ, and for t ≥ τ the model reduces to a delay-differential equation [109]. Each waiting time in a model can have a different distribution, so there are many possible models [102]. The basic reproduction num- ber R0 has been defined in the introduction as the average number of secondary infections that occur when one infective is introduced into a completely susceptible host population [61]. Note that R0 is also called the basic reproduction ratio [58] or basic reproductive rate [12]. It is implicitly assumed that the infected outsider is in the host population for the entire infectious period and mixes with the host population in exactly the same way that a population native would mix. The contact number σ is defined as the average number of adequate contacts of a typical infective during the infectious period [96, 110]. An adequate contact is one that is sufficient for transmis- sion, if the individual contacted by the susceptible is an infective. M Passively immune infants S Susceptibles E Exposed people in the latent period I Infectives R Recovered people with immunity m,s,e,i,r Fractions of the population in the classes above β Contact rate 1/δ Average period of passive immunity 1/ε Average latent period 1/γ Average infectious period R0 Basic reproduction number σ Contact number R Replacement number typical infective during the entire period of infectiousness [96]. Some authors use the term reproduction number instead of replacement number, but it is better to avoid the name reproduction number since it is easily confused with the basic reproduction number. Note that these three quantities R0, σ, and R in Table 1 are all equal at the beginning of the spread of an infectious disease when the entire population (except the infective invader) is susceptible. In recent epidemiological modeling literature, the basic reproduction number R0 is often used as the threshold quantity that determines whether a disease can invade a population. Although R0 is only defined at the time of invasion, σ and R are defined at all times. For most models, the contact number σ remains constant as the infection spreads, so it is always equal to the basic reproduction number R0. In these models σ and R0 can be used interchangeably and invasion theorems can be stated in terms of either quantity. But for the pertussis models in section 8, the contact number σ becomes less than the basic reproduction number R0 after the invasion, because new classes of infectives with lower infectivity appear when the disease has entered the population. The replacement number R is the actual number of secondary cases from a typical infective, so that after the infection has invaded a population and everyone is no longer susceptible, R is always less than the basic reproduction number R0.

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Y N Have you posted signs at the farm entrance to inform visitors to stay of your farm unless absolutely necessary? Y N Have you posted a visitor biosecurity sign that clearly lists specifc measures to follow when on your farm? Animals- Livestock Y N Have you provided as much distance as possible between your animals and those of your neighbors (e blood pressure chart kpa purchase genuine bystolic on-line. Y N Do you provide supplemental water and fence of streams or rivers to prevent your animals from drinking from them? Y N Have you educated yourself about foot-and-mouth disease and the signs of infection? Y N Do you use separate facilities blood pressure exercise program discount bystolic 2.5 mg otc, equipment blood pressure qof 2.5 mg bystolic purchase visa, and staf to handle isolated livestock? Y N Do you prevent your vehicles or trailers from coming in contact with any other livestock that are not from your operation? Y N Do you require that any animals that have recently been acquired or have returned to the farm be quarantined for a minimum of 21 days? Y N Do prevent new additions and returning animals from sharing water, feed, facilities, or bedding with your other animals? Y N Do you always wash your hands thoroughly after any contact with sick animals to prevent disease spread to other animals? Y N Do you require your employees to wash their hands thoroughly after any contact with sick animals to prevent disease spread? ContaCt your herd veterinarian immediately if any unusual signs of illness are observed. Animals- Wildlife, Other Y N Do you prevent contact between your livestock and all cloven-hooved wildlife like deer, antelope, elk, and bufalo? Y N Do you keep pets (dogs, cats) kenneled or tied securely to avoid contact with livestock and feed areas? Y N Do you implement rodent and vermin control measures to minimize potential disease spread by these animals? Y N Do you keep your farm, yards, and storage areas clean and tidy to avoid attraction of birds and rodents? Record Keeping Y N Do you maintain thorough and accurate records of animal movement? Y N Do you maintain a log sheet to record any visitors or vehicles that come onto your farm? Y N Do you know the health status and the source of the animal(s) brought onto your farm? Employees Y N Do you require that employees that have contact with livestock at other locations (including their own home) use strict biosecurity mea- sures while on your farm (e. Y N Do you require that all employees inform you if they have had contact with animals, other than yours, in the last 72 hours? Y N Have you limited employees to only those necessary for continued operation of the farm? Neighbors Y N Have you discussed the threat of foot-and-mouth disease with your neighbors and determined precautions you can take together to pro- tect your farms from becoming infected? Y N Do you change clothes, wash and disinfect boots, and wear disposable gloves when moving between farms? Y N Do you always wash your hands thoroughly after any contact with your neighbor’s animals to prevent spreading the virus to your animals? Y N Do you prevent or restrict access by visitors or vehicles that have had contact with animals in the previous 72 hours? Y N Do you require all visitors and vehicles to park near the entrance to the farm in established parking areas away from all animals, barns, and livestock areas? Y N Do you provide clean coveralls and disposable or disinfected rubber boots for visitors if they have had contact with livestock from other farms in the previous 72 hours? Y N Do you require any vehicles entering the farm to be disinfected prior to entry and upon exiting? Y N Do you require that visitors avoid livestock areas, pens, and barns unless absolutely necessary?

Thorek, 50 years: Endoscopists who are sufficiently trained and comfortable performing chromoendoscopy may be able to forgo obtaining random surveillance biopsies and rely on targeted biopsies alone (conditional recommendation, very low level of evidence). Heart Health A woman’s risk of heart disease begins to rise around the time of menopause, over time approaching the risk faced by a man.

Oelk, 43 years: In the case of the former, this is largely achieved by causing con- traction of the gallbladder; with respect to the latter, a high fluid intake ensures a good flow of dilute urine. The oral transmission by ingestion of contaminated food is causing outbreaks in several Brazilian states and other Latin America countries, and is potentially unrestricted to endemic regions (Int J Parasitol 39:615-623, 2009).

Arokkh, 33 years: Enterococci develop 19, 27 resistance via three phenotypes, which are outlined in Table 2. Standard lists improve management of supplies by: • Reducing the number of items that need to be supplied.

Orknarok, 34 years: Among the environmental factors that may For example, atempts to isolate bacterio- contribute to the protection of bacteria from phages from dog faeces using indigenous phage atack in the human gut are chemicals coliform strains (Ricca and Cooney, 2000) that can inhibit phage infection as well as the were largely unsuccessful. In the acute care setting, the traditional model of managing patient flow based on acuity alone resulted in significant wait times for patients with issues that were not life threatening (McCarthy et al.

Hector, 63 years: However, ethnicity-related differences in therapeutic response are usually nullified by concomitant diuretic therapy. The full name of Hoc resulted in a decrease in tumour diameter protein, ‘highly antigenic outer capsid (Mathur et al.

Kent, 44 years: The evidence suggests that intravenous ciclosporin can induce disease remission in severe flares of ulcera- tive colitis that are unresponsive to corticosteroids. Special emphasis should be given to flight crews, some of whom may be legitimately frightened to get back on an aircraft.

Urkrass, 51 years: The projections also assume the previous meta-analyses were enhanced by the that age-specifc prevalence in each region will remain inclusion of more recent studies. Annual economic loss caused by Taenia saginata asiatica taeniasis in three endemic areas of East Asia.

Kasim, 35 years: Thus, considering that numerous patients report feeling well on natural thyroid medication, it seems that research on natural thyroid medication is warranted. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis associated with systemic immune-mediated diseases.

Emet, 42 years: Chemicals immedi- ately released on mast cell degranulation include the following: ● Histamine, which enhances vasodilation and aids perfusion of inflamed tissue ● Neutrophil chemotactic factor ● Eosinophil chemotactic factor The immediate effect of mast cell degranulation is to increase blood flow and draw phagocytic cells to the local area. Before the addiction, a deficit in reward the areas of the brain involved in reward and the neurochem- capacity could create a feeling of deprivation, leading to craving istry of our feel-good chemicals that create reward responses.

Raid, 54 years: Rather, the authors speak with experts, gather or university, there information, and then write the article. When the intensity of infection declines in a given population, it may be necessary to resort to serologic diagnosis, which is more sensitive.

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  • Ardizzoni A, Tjan-Heijnen VC, Postmus PE, et al. Standard versus intensified chemotherapy with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support in small cell lung cancer: a prospective European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Lung Cancer Group Phase III Trial-08923.
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  • Wilson GN. Genomics of human dysmorphogenesis. Am J Med Genet 1992;42:187-196.