
Ronald A. Kahn, MD

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Recognize the currently accepted diagnostic criteria required to specific diagnose disease and initiate drug therapy and the anticipated therapeutic goals likely to be achieved by therapeutic intervention for the most commonly encountered pathophysiological state(s) and/or disease mechanism(s) birth control 4 inactive pills cheap 0.18 mg levonorgestrel with mastercard, as well as any clinical testing requirements for monitoring drug effectiveness and potential toxicity birth control for women over 40 with fibroids purchase levonorgestrel online. Explain the physiological birth control shot side effects buy cheap levonorgestrel 0.18mg online, pharmacological, and psychological effects of acute and chronic exposure of individuals to drugs of abuse, and describe the consequences of sudden withdrawal of such a drug from a drug-dependent individual. Describe the effective use of non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions in the treatment of specific diseases, conditions and symptoms. Discuss the basic principles of toxicology; the mechanisms by which excess exposure to certain drugs, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and poisons can lead to adverse toxicological effects; and the basic principles of clinically managing the poisoned patient. Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate and work collaboratively together with peers in the small group setting to successfully address problems of pharmacological significance. Demonstrate professionalism by behaving in a professional and courteous manner when engaged in course activities or interacting with course faculty and staff, and by being punctual in attendance at required course activities such as small groups, team-based learning exercises and exams. Syllabus the Pharmacology & Therapeutics course is year-long and is divided into two semesters. These drug classes include those involved in the regulation of blood coagulation, as well as drugs used to control hyperlipidemia, hypertension, angina, cardiac arrhythmias and congestive heart failure. There will also be lectures on sedative hypnotic drugs and drugs used to treat drug abuse. Topics included are hypothalamic and pituitary hormones ; estrogens, progesterones and androgens ; Adrenocorticosteroids ; drugs used to treat thyroid disorders ; drugs to treat osteoporosis, and drugs to treat diabetes. Integration with other courses the Pharmacology and Therapeutics course will run concurrently with Mechanisms of Human Disease. You will find that the lecture topics in these have been integrated so that related topics are coordinated and will be taught in a contemporaneous fashion. This will ensure that you will first hear about the underlying scientific basis of a disease process, its associated pathologies, and symptoms, prior to being introduced to the Pharmacology of the drugs used to treat that specific disease process. The topic areas are further integrated in small group sessions within both the Mechanisms and Pharmacology courses that aim to dovetail knowledge gained from both courses into addressing specific clinical 5 Pharmacology & Therapeutics Introduction th August 4 , 2014 N. It is hoped that by integrating the course material in this way, it will aid the overall educational experience and will greatly facilitate the learning process. Distracting classmates and/or faculty with conversation is unprofessional and is not acceptable. Learning objectives and Handouts A handout that can be used as a study guide for each lecture topic will accompany each lecture and will be posted on the web, where it can be accessed through the calendar for each specific date. Small Group Case Studies In addition to lectures the course also includes a variety of small group case studies. They will use various clinical case vignettes to illustrate important pharmacological concepts and will attempt to facilitate learning of critical pharmacological information covered in the related lectures. In the first semester the small group cases will be focused on basic pharmacological concepts such as pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics drug dosing, drug metabolism, and drug interactions. In the second semester there will be four small group cases that will each focus on the pathophysiology and drug management of an individual psychiatric condition (e. Individual small group assignments, room numbers, and the names of the group 6 Pharmacology & Therapeutics Introduction th August 4 , 2014 N. Note that in many cases, Pharmacological topics and the use of drugs in the treatment of specific diseases will be discussed in small group cases delivered within the Mechanisms of Human Disease course. In addition to the small group cases there will also be two pharmacology demonstrations that will use clinical simulators and standardized patients to illustrate important aspects in the use of autonomic and cardiovascular drugs. You will be expected to have reviewed the cases prior to the class and to come to these sessions ready to fully participate in the discussions. In line with current school policy attendance at Small Groups is Mandatory there will be sign up sheets for each separate small group session. If, for whatever reason you find that you have a legitimate reason for being unable to attend a particular small group session you should seek advance permission from the Course Director. By its very nature this section of the course is very conceptual and deals with very basic fundamental aspects of Pharmacology. However, the remainder of the course will quickly become very specific and is organized in a stepwise fashion to introduce you to the different classes of currently available drugs that are used to treat specific diseases and clinical conditions. In order to facilitate your learning and understanding of this material it is helpful to consider the following specific pieces of information for each drug or class of drugs that is covered. This information will be discussed for each drug and/or drug class discussed throughout the course. In many cases, the information will be summarized in the charts that will accompany your lecture handouts.

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Explicit and Implicit coercion Some managers apply punishment to those who resist change. For instance, a boss may force employees to go along with a change by threatening them with dismissed, with being passed over for promotion, with unattractive Job assignment, or through other negative suggestions. How was the 243 Nursing Leadership and Management nurse leader and her group involved in the change process? What are the driving and restraining forces that will enable or prevent that change? Project Plan Management Studies have consistently shown that planning and goal setting can improve program performance. A total plan provides the structure for implementing the program, serves as a guide for effectively using human, material and financial resources, and creates a common understanding of program goals and objectives among staff. Organizing and Developing a Written Plan A good plan should describe the type of project that you intend to implement, the expected results, the plan of activities for setting up and implementing the project, the way that progress will be tracked, the reporting system, 245 Nursing Leadership and Management and the cost of carrying out the project. The plan should contain distinct sections that clearly describe: • the existing problem or need that the project will address and the proposed project; • the goals and objectives of the project, and the time frame for achieving the objectives; • A general activity plan for the term of the project, including how the activities will be carried out, who will be responsible for each activity, and when each major activity will be completed; • A plan for monitoring progress and evaluating the results of the project; • A reporting plan and schedule, including how the project will manage its finances; • A projected budget for at least the first year of the project, land a summary budget for the life of the project. Explaining the Purpose of your Initiative Each new initiative or project should be created to respond to documented needs or problems in the community or region your program serves. This part of the plan can be divided into two 246 Nursing Leadership and Management sub-sections; the problem statement and your proposed solutions. The Problem Statement This is a statement of the specific problem or need to be addressed by the project. It should include some basic data (baseline data) that help to explain the problem, including the following information: • A description of the extent, scope, or severity of the problem, so that the proposed results can be put in the perspective; • A description of the geographic area and demographic characteristics of the population in the area in which the problem exists; • An analysis of the causes of the problem; • the results of the previous efforts, by your program or other programs, to solve the problem. An example of Problem Statement: Within the region of Somalia there is a large per-urban population of 250,000 that at the present time does not have any access to family planning services. Ten government clinics are located within and near this area 247 Nursing Leadership and Management but they offer only some other services on maternal and child health services. At 52 births per 1,000 populations, the birth rate in this peri-urban area is roughly two times than in other areas within the state. The Proposed Solution in this section of the plan you should explain the design of your project, emphasizing those aspects of your approach that you think best address the problem you have described. The description of the project design should answer the following questions: • What approach will you use, and why have you chosen this approach over other possibilities? This initiative, “Project Expand: Somalia”, would use existing government clinics to introduce family planning services to these peri-urban areas. A family planning trained physicians and nurses in each of the existing clinics would provide Family Planning services. By building on the accessibility of the existing government clinics and linking community outreach activities with clinic services, this project is expected to significantly decrease the birth rate in the peri-urban area of Somalia region. It is expected that this model will be replicable in other urban areas in Ethiopia. Being Specific about what the New Initiative will Accomplish A well-designed project should have both overall goals and specific objectives. The goals and objectives set forth the intended results to be achieved by the project 249 Nursing Leadership and Management and the degree to which the problem described will be resolved.

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Asafoetida (Ferula assafoetida) birth control pills migraines 0.18mg levonorgestrel fast delivery, a spice used in Indian cuisine birth control pills quitting buy levonorgestrel 0.18mg free shipping, was tested against endemic pathogens in India and shown antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli O157 birth control pills viorele generic levonorgestrel 0.18 mg with visa, leading the authors of the study to conclude that the presence of some spices and condiments acts not only as flavouring agents but also as some sort of protection against gastroentestinal diseases (Vaishnavi et al. In Thai cuisine and traditional medicine, galangal (genus Alpinia) has a special relevance. Studies have shown that the ryzome of this plant has antimicrobial properties, in particular against Vibrio paraheamolyticus. Bacterial inhibition was performed using disks with 10 μL freshly squeezed galangal, although the chloroform extract also shown activity. One of the molecules envolved in the inhibition mechanism was identified as being 1’-acetoxychavicol acetate (Vuddhakul et al. Ayurvedic medicinal tradition uses many plants and herbs to treat several diseases, including those of infectious nature. Ocimum sanctum, Eugenia caryophillata, Achyranthes bidentata and Azadirachta indica are plants used in Nepal and India and were tested for their antibacterial properties against Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa through cup diffusion method. The experimental results have shown that both Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were resistant to any of the four plant extracts, and Achyranthes 116 Antimicrobial Agents bidentata extract was ineffective against all bacterial strains. The largest inhibition area was obtained against Salmonella typhi by Eugenia caryophillata extract (Joshi et al. As refered before, the unavailability of conventional antibiotics drives people to search in their own local products solutions for bacterial contamination of food and for infectious diseases. In a study conducted in Algeria, the antibacterial properties of four types of local berries (Crataegus azarolus, Crataegus monogyna, Ziziphus lotus and Eleagnus angustifolia) and three date (Phoenix dactylifera) varieties were analyzed. The bacterial strains were shown to be resistant to ticarcillin, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol and co-trimoxazole. Despite local berries extracts were ineffective against the bacteria, the date fruits results have shown moderate inhibition of Salmonella. An Escherichia coli strain was used as control and its inhibition diameters were smaller than those of Salmonella (Ayachi et al. Cassia tora, Momordica charantia and Calendula officinalis are herbs used by ayurvedic medicine to treat psoriasis and other dermatological episodes. Aqueous and organic extracts of these plants were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Results have shown that aqueous extracts were more effective than extracts obtained using organic solvents. Staphylococcus aureus was the most susceptible bacteria to any of the four herbs tested. However, none of inhibition diameters produced was larger than the diameter produced by the antibiotic used for comparison, streptomycin (Roopashree et al. In Brazilian folk medicine, a very large number of plants is used for treatmente of various diseases. This is due not only to ancestral tribal tradition, but mainly to the extreme abundance of vegetable raw materials in tropical environment. One of the plants employed with therapeutic objectives is Plectranthus ornatus, one of the many species of Plectranthus genus. Extracts obtained by using different solvents were tested against bacterial strains, Gram positive and Gram negative and Candida albicans. Extracts obtained with other organic solvents were devoid of antimicrobial activity (Rijo et al. Seaweeds are part of oriental food habits for long, like the use of seaweeds in preparation of sushi-like dishes in Japanese cuisine, but the interest in its antimicrobial and other biological activity is recent. Methanolic extracts of six species of edible Irish seaweeds proved to be effective against food pathogenic bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella abony, Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with brown algae more effective than green and red algae (Cox et al. Molecules involved in antimicrobial activity Plants, herbs, spices and other products of vegetable origin must be seen as multi ingredient mixtures. Thus, there is a high probability that a product may have different compounds Antimicrobial Activity of Condiments 117 that may act as antimicrobial agents, although present in low concentrations.

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Patients taking certain migraine and antidepressant medications together may be at risk for a dangerous chemical imbalance birth control options for teens buy generic levonorgestrel 0.18mg line. Migraine drugs include almotriptan (Axert ) birth control headaches purchase 0.18 mg levonorgestrel with mastercard, ® naratriptan (Amerge ) birth control how it works discount levonorgestrel online visa, sumatriptan (Imitrex ), and zolmitriptan (Zomig ). Serotonin is a brain hormone that keeps our mood stable and our appetite in check, as well as serving other functions. When two or more drugs that affect serotonin levels are taken together, it can increase the amount of serotonin and may lead to bothersome or dangerous symptoms. This is called “serotonin syndrome” in which high levels of the chemical serotonin build up in the brain and cause toxicity. This can often lead to a person taking multiple and possibly mechanism-overlapping medications. The questions to discuss with a health care professional are: Are the medications actually making a difference? In other words, taking pain medications is a choice that each person must make by weighing the benefits vs. When the risks appear to outweigh the benefits of taking a pain medication, reducing the dose and ultimately discontinuing the medication should be considered. This is called weaning or tapering particularly when the individual has become dependent on the medication. The term “detoxification” is sometimes used interchangeably but should be limited to cases with opioid addiction. The goal of tapering/weaning down the dose is to safely discontinue medications that do not seem helpful in reducing pain while allowing the body to adjust while monitoring for negative effects of withdrawal symptoms. Oftentimes, people discover they feel better taking lower doses, fewer medications, or not taking medications at all. It is best to check with the health care professional before altering the medication regimen by taking less of the medication or stopping it. It is dangerous to abruptly stop taking some medications (sometimes referred to as going “cold turkey”). Because the body develops physical dependence to some medications when they are taken regularly, abrupt withdrawal or too rapid a reduction in the dose of these medications can be very uncomfortable or even hazardous to one’s health. It depends on the type of medication, how much, and for how long the medication has been taken. Some medications may be safe to stop abruptly: • A medication that is taken for just a few days or only taken once in a while (e. American Chronic Pain Association Copyright 2018 139 • Some medications that do not produce physical dependence (e. Some medications always require medical supervision when stopped: • Opioids that have been taken in regular daily doses for several days or longer. A sound approach is to talk to a health care professional before making any medication changes or if you have any other questions or concerns. Answer the following questions about each medication, and the person with pain should write down the answers beside the name of each medication during the visit: o For what condition is this medication being prescribed? The health care professional determines the rate at which the dose is reduced, and adjustments can be made as necessary. For example, reasonable opioid weaning protocols suggest decreasing pill intake by 10 20 percent per week, as tolerated. Hydration (drinking water), relaxation, and emotional support are all important to enhance the likelihood of success. Sometimes weaning or discontinuing medication (especially opioids) is most safely accomplished under the close supervision of a specialist (such as a pain or addiction medicine specialist) in a medically-supervised program to prevent complications and severe withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms of withdrawal from opioids can include: • worsening of pain • rapid heart beat • high blood pressure • sleeplessness • agitation and anxiety • stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea • body aches (flu-like symptoms) and muscle cramps • runny nose, sweating, tearing, yawning, goose bumps Prescription medications recommended by your healthcare provider that can help diminish symptoms of opioid withdrawal include: • Alternative opioids: o methadone o buprenorphine • Other drugs to manage withdrawal symptoms during detoxification o naltrexone (Vivitrol) – an extended release non-addictive, once-monthly injection to prevent relapse in opioid dependent patients when used with counseling following detoxification. Alcohol has no place in the treatment of chronic pain, although some individuals turn to alcohol forrelief of their pain. It is important to discuss the use of alcohol with your health care provider, including the amount, frequency, and type of alcohol consumed.

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Patients with this form of disease are not infectious unless they also have pulmonary involvement birth control hotline buy levonorgestrel 0.18 mg with visa. The baby should be given prophylaxis with isoniazid for at least 3 months beyond the time the mother is considered non-infectious birth control that makes you lose weight purchase levonorgestrel 0.18 mg without a prescription. Streptomycin and Ethambutol usage requires dose adjustment and monitoring of renal function birth control pills 3 month cycle side effects cost of levonorgestrel. Diagnosis is dependent on history, chest X-ray findings, and positive mantoux tests. Preventive treatment should be considered in: Adults with strongly positive tuberculin reaction (i. Presentation is often with indolent onset of fever, non-productive cough, progressive dyspnea and bilateral crackles the gold standard for therapy at present is with Co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim 80 mg and Sulphamethoxazole 400mg), which is effective in approximately 90% of patients. The standard treatment is combination therapy with Pyrimethamine* and Sulphadiazine*. There is a wide spectrum of severity ranging from a harmless skin rash (urticaria), to potentially fatal airway obstruction (laryngeal oedema) and full blown anaphylaxis (hypotension, bronchospasm). Steroids may prevent relapse and antihistamine provide some relief of uticaria itch but these drugs do notthing for the life threatening features of acute severe anaphylaxis. Adrenaline If severe (hypotension or sever bronchospasm or stridor or hypoxia): Give adrenaline 0. Anti-histamines Give promethazine 25mg intramuscularly followed by either 25mg intramuscularly three times daily or 20mg orally 6. Categorization of drugs in pregnancy* Category A Drugs which have been taken by a large number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age without any proven increase in the frequency of malformations or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the fetus having being observed. Category B1 Drugs which have been only taken by a limited number of pregnant women and women of child bearing age, without an increase in the frequency of malformation or other direct or indirect harmful effects on human fetus having been observed. Studies in animals have not shown evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage. Category B2 Drugs which have been taken by only a limited number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age, without an increase in the frequency of malformation or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the human fetus having been observed. Studies in animals are inadequate or maybe lacking, but available data show no evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage. Category B3 Drugs which have been taken by only a limited number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age, without an increase in the frequency of malformation or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the human fetus having been observed. Studies in animals have shown evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage, the significance of which is considered uncertain in humans. Category C Drugs, which owing to their pharmacological effects, have caused or maybe suspected of causing, harmful effects on the human fetus or neonate without causing malformations. Category D Drugs, which have caused, are suspected to have caused or maybe expected to cause, an increased incidence on human fetal malformations or irreversible damage. Category X Drugs which have such a high risk of causing permanent damage to the fetus that they should not be used in pregnancy or when there is a possibility of pregnancy. Simple advice such as feeding the infant just before the next dose or alternatively taking the medication just after breastfeeding thus avoiding likely peak milk concentrations can be given. Antimicrobial Use in breastfeeding Use in Pregnancy Acyclovir Safe to use B3 Amoxycillin Safe to use, may cause loose bowel action in A infant. Amoxycillin + Safe to use, may cause loose bowel action in B1 clavulanic acid infant. Chloroquine Safe to use A (prophylaxis) Chloroquine (treatment) Contact specialist, risk benefit ratio in favour D of use. Ciprofloxacin Use alternatives when possible, short courses B3 maybe acceptable in some circumstances. Ethambutol Safe to use A Flucloxacillin Safe to use, may cause loose bowel action in B1 infant. Gentamicin Safe to use D, reserve for severe or life threatening infections, fetal nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity have been reported. Griseofulvin Avoid use B3 Isoniazid Safe to use A Ketoconazole Maybe used, very small amounts excreted in B3 breast milk. Mebendazole Maybe used, poorly absorbed by mother B3 Metronidazole Safe to use, may cause bitterness in milk. Pyrazinamide Amount too small to be harmful B2 Quinine D Rifampicin Maybe used C Sulphonamides C Streptomycin Safe to use D Tetracycline Theoretical risk, no case reported.


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The amino terminus in the extracellular space and the carboxy terminus in the cytoplasm birth control pills and antibiotics purchase levonorgestrel 0.18 mg on line. The extracellular region contains the ligand or drug recognition site while the third intracellular loop of these receptors regulates the ability of the receptor to interact with specific G‐proteins birth control for women chicago levonorgestrel 0.18mg low price. Katzung birth control pills safe order 0.18 mg levonorgestrel mastercard, ed Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, page 26, 2009 Guanine Nucleotide Regulatory Proteins (G‐Proteins) ‐ proteins that act as intermediates in the transfer of information between the receptor and the second messenger. They are composed of alpha, beta and gamma subunits that exist together as a trimer. Different G proteins mediate the stimulatory and inhibitory effects on adenylyl cyclase and the activation of phospholipase C. These G proteins are referred to as Gs, Gi and Gq and differ primarily in their alpha subunits (αs and αi and αq , respectively). Activation of G‐Protein Coupled Receptors: a) Agonist binds to receptor and facilitates its association with a G‐protein (i. The separation of receptor activation from G‐protein mediated activation of the effector facilitates amplification of the transduced signal. Two Well Established G‐protein Signaling Pathways Adenylyl Cyclase Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis Modified from B. Since drugs are selective rather than specific in their actions, their selectivity can be considered with respect to two categories: therapeutic versus toxic effects. The term "side effect" is often used to identify some toxic or unwanted effect of a drug. Actions at the same receptor ‐ direct pharmacologic extension of the therapeutic actions of the drug (e. Actions at identical receptors but in different tissues or affecting different effector pathways ‐ e. Glucocorticoid congeners used to treat asthma or inflammatory disorders can produce protein catabolism, psychosis, etc. Actions Mediated by Different Types of Receptors ‐ minimize toxic or side effects by prescribing drugs with greater receptor selectivity (e. Quantitative Variations in drug response ‐ more common and more clinically important the intensity of effect for a given dose of a drug may be increased (hyperreactive) or diminished (hyporeactive) in comparison with the effect observed in most individuals. Pharmacodynamic tolerance (Desensitization Phenomenon) ‐ a decreased responsiveness to pharmacologic or hormonal stimulation that occurs slowly with time. These are general mechanisms of cellular adaptation that can markedly limit the therapeutic effectiveness of a number of drugs. Familiar examples include: the loss of bronchiodilating effects of β‐adrenergic agonists in asthmatics; the decreased vasoconstricting response to α‐adrenergic agonists used as decongestants. Some mechanisms mediating reduced responsiveness include: 1) Agonist‐induced phosphorylation of the activated receptor and binding of β‐arrestin (readily reversible). There is a loss of activity only to agonists interacting with the modified receptor. Effect on Agonist Dose‐Response Curve: Desensitization will result in a shift to the right in the dose response curve for agonists since higher fractional occupancy is required to achieve responses comparable what was achieved at lower occupancy in non‐desensitized systems. Heterologous Desensitization: agonist activation of a single receptor subtype results in a decreased responsiveness of one or more other receptor subtypes (i. Thus, drugs that produce heterologous desensitization will have more widespread effects in a system. This may be due to modification of receptors other than the specific type that was directly activated by the drug. Receptor function is regulated by phosphorylation in the absence of receptor sequestration or down regulation. This modification serves to functionally uncouple these receptors and impair their interactions with guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins. In addition, heterologous desensitization may be associated with functional modifications at post‐receptor intermediate(s) in the effector pathway (e. Increased Responsiveness to Drugs Supersensitivity (aka “denervation supersensitivity”) ‐ a compensatory receptor mechanism in which the loss of hormonal activity on receptors leads to an increase in the number of receptors and/or an enhanced receptor‐effector coupling. Thus, in a supersensitive system, any given dose or concentration of drug will produce a greater response than in the control situation. Describe the principal three stages of drug discovery and development and their specific roles in the drug development process 2.

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No additional measures are required • Not treated for syphilis or insufciently treated birth control for women how to lose belly fat purchase levonorgestrel 0.18mg with amex, or if the treatment is not clear and the newborn does not present any clinical signs of syphilis birth control for women of faith discount 0.18 mg levonorgestrel overnight delivery, give the newborn one dose of 50 birth control yahoo 0.18mg levonorgestrel sale. Newborns with minor infection Cutaneous infections: pustules and vesicles • Clean lesion with antiseptic. Neonatal Hypoglycemia Defnition: Neonatal hypoglycemia is low blood sugar (glucose) in the frst few days afer birth Moderate Hypoglycemia: Glucose is 1. Hypocalcaemia Defnition: Hypocalcaemia is when blood level of calcium are less than 80mg/L (2mmol/L) Causes Maternal factors • Diabetes • Toxaemia • Severe dietary calcium defciency Intrapartum factors • Asphyxia • Prematurity • Maternal magnesium administration Postnatal factors • Hypoxia • Shock • Asphyxia • Poor intake • Sepsis • Exchange transfusion • Respiratory metabolic acidosis Note: Neonatal hypocalcaemia usually resolves in 2 to 3 days Tree days afer birth, other causes may be: High phosphate diet Mg defciency Renal disease Hypoparathyroidism Diagnosis Serum calcium < 2. Rapid infusion causes bradycardia/arrthythmia → Repeat in 15 minutes → Electrocardiographic monitoring is advised → Monitor the heart rate Recommendation Refer child with persisting or recurrent unexplained hypocalcaemia to a specialist consultation 3 3. Respiratory distress syndrome Defnition: Newborn experiencing difculty with breathing Respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease / surfactant defciency is a specifc pathology of premature infants which is due to surfactant defciency in the lungs, causing alveolar collapse, poor gas exchange and respiratory distress. Hypothermia will worsen respiratory distress 32 Neonatology Clinical Treatment Guidelines Chapiter 3: Neonatal Complications • Admit to neonatal high care/intensive care facility, if available but stabilize infant frst • Monitor respiratory rate, oxygen saturations, pulse rate, and blood pressure (if available). Surfactant production is impaired further with hypothermia, sepsis and other underlying medical conditions 36 Neonatology Clinical Treatment Guidelines Chapiter 3: Neonatal Complications → Too much oxygen is very toxic to the developing brain, eyes, lungs and other organs. This is back pressure that as the baby expires, will allow the surfactant defcient lungs to remain open and prevent the airways collapsing. By keeping the airways open, the amount of supplemental oxygen can be 3 reduced and ofen not given at all. Warm-up the newborn 32° Severe hypothermia Severe prognosis, specialized care is needed emergently Risk factors Low Birth Weight and/or premature newborns Septic newborns Newborn with asphyxia at birth All newborns who do not receive heat loss prevention measures Signs and symptoms Lethargy and Refusal to breastfeed Dyspnea and Apnea Cyanosis and Pallor Shock and Sclerema Hemorrhage and Hypoglycemia Complications Increase in oxygen consumption Increase in glucose utilization and decrease of glycogen reserves Increase in brown fat metabolism Increase in metabolism leads to growth impairment, lethargy, hypotonia and feeding difculties Decrease of surfactant production which can lead to respiratory distress Difculties with extra-uterine adaptation because of hypoxia Termal shock which can lead to death 38 Neonatology Clinical Treatment Guidelines Chapiter 3: Neonatal Complications Management Immediately afer birth or arrival to hospital • Dry infant and keep under warming light • Obtain temperature within frst hour of life • Normal temperature range 36. Neonatal Jaundice Defnition: Yellow staining of the skin and mucous membranes due to hyperbilirubinaemia. Conjugated Hyperbilirubinaemia Causes Hepatocellular disease bile duct obstruction Hepatitis Total parenteral nutrition Syphilis Other congenital infections Galactosaemia Bile duct hypoplasia/atresia Choledochal cyst Cystic fbrosis Signs and symptoms 3 Cholestasis usually present in the second week of life or later The baby has a green yellow skin discolouration, dark bile stained urine and pale alcoholic stool Hepatomegaly is commonly present Infant ofen fails to thrive Neonatal hepatitis Prolonged total parenteral nutrition and biliary atresia or hypoplasia Management Non -pharmaceutical • Treat the underlying cause • Dietary modifcations to counteract the malabsorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins (A,D,K) that may occur in patients with a prolonged conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia • Avoid lactose containing feeds, i. Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice Defnition: Jaundice for more than 10 days in a term infant and 14 days in a preterm infant (Static or rising bilirubin). Causes Breast milk Jaundice Hypothyroidism Hepatitis Galactosaemia, and Infections, e. Perinatal Hypoxia/Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Defnition: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is characterized by clinical and laboratory evidence of acute or subacute brain injury due to asphyxia (i. It is the result of compromised gas exchange resulting in cardio-respiratory depression. Necrotizing Enterocolitis Defnition: It is a syndrome characterized by abdominal distension, bilious aspirates, bloody stool and intramural air (pneumatosis intestinalis) on abdominal X-ray. Tere is infammation of the bowel wall, which may progress to necrosis and perforation. It may involve a localized section of bowel (most ofen the terminal ileum) or be generalized. Anemia in a Newborn Defnition: Infants are born with a physiologic polycythemia due to relative hypoxia in utero. If hematocrit is not available: give 10ml/kg, monitor Prevention: Infants at risk of iron defciency should receive supplemental oral iron (2-4 mg of elemental iron/kg/day) once they are tolerating full enteral feeds. At risk infants include prematures and those with substantial blood loss via bleeding or phlebotomy. Note: Contraindications to ibuprofen therapy include thrombocytopenia (<50 000/mm3), bleeding disorders, impaired renal function, and jaundice approaching exchange transfusion levels Surgical • If medicine treatment is contraindicated or failed Recommendations Refer patients to specialist: • Complications, e. Prematurity/Low Birth Weight Defnition: Neonate born at >22 weeks and <37weeks of gestation Newborn who weigh <2. Terefore, infants can remain on G10% as they titrate of Intra Venous Fluids as they are increasing their enteral volume. If unable to take full volume enterally, give remainder of volume by naso-gastric tube. If the baby stops breathing, have the mother stimulate the baby to breathe by rubbing the baby’s back for 10 seconds. If the baby does not begin to breathe immediately, resuscitate the baby using a bag and mask  Review the general principles of feeding and fuid management of small babies  Encourage the use of kangaroo mother care if possible. Babies cared for in this way have fewer apnoeic episodes, and the mother is able to observe the baby closely  If the apnoeic episodes become more frequent, treat for sepsis • Term Baby → If a term baby has had only a single episode of apnoea  Observe the baby closely for further episodes of apnoea for 24 hours, and teach the mother how to do so. If the baby does not have another apnoeic episode in 24 hours, is feeding well, and has no other problems requiring hospitalization, discharge the baby → If apnoea recurs  Manage for multiple episodes of apnoea → If a term baby has had multiple episodes of apnoea  Treat for sepsis 70 Neonatology Clinical Treatment Guidelines Chapiter 4: Low Birth Weight/ Prematurity → For all forms of neonatal apnoea  Identify and treat the underlying cause  Maintain the temperature at 36.

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Fathers exposed to Male rats exposed to a fungicide (vinclozolin) in the womb can excessive heat from saunas or electric blankets before they pass tumors and diseases of the prostate and kidney down for at 39 conceive children seem to have higher rates of brain cancer in least 3 generations birth control for women with migraines cheap levonorgestrel 0.18 mg overnight delivery. Once produced birth control pills comparison levonorgestrel 0.18 mg cheap, sperm can survive at normal body Babies of firefighters birth control pills kill my libido buy cheap levonorgestrel 0.18mg line, painters, woodworkers, janitors and men temperature. Age the offspring of teenage fathers have increased risk of In the male, sporadic exposure to a reproductive toxicant may 38 premature birth and death and low birth weight. Fathers over 50 are about 30% more likely to have offspring suffering from autism, schizophrenia and Down syndrome, and to have daughters who develop breast cancer. Time-Course of Gestation In early gestation, effects of chemicals are likely to be drastic, resulting in sterility or in loss of the embryo. Sterility can result from interference in the synthesis of gametes (sperm or ova), or from a lethal defect in fertilization. Death and loss of blastocyst or embryo can also occur pre or post-implantation (F12. Frequency distribution of 723 losses among 4351 pregnancies, sexual behavior in later life. Until recently, it was thought that female mammals carried the entire complement of ova that they would use during their In the latter stages of gestation, structural or functional breeding lifespan. We will several million oogonia, the bulk of which become atresic mention later the effects on alcohol on the developing brain. A few survivors undergo meiotic reduction to the Another one is the influence of prostaglandin E2 blockers haploid state and become arrested in a meiotic prophase state 12-8 until puberty. Ovarian tissue may be affected toxicologically while in utero (the developing female fetus is an exposed future mother) or following exposure ex utero at any postpartum stage of development. It now appears that germline cells persist in the ovaries of adult 24 mice, and the same might be true in human females. The fetus may use antigens from the Major Histocompatibility Complex derived from his father’s genes. The first week of embryonic development in the oviduct and uterus: ovulation, fertilization, cleavage, formation of morula and blastocyst and beginning of implantation. Vulnerable Periods Following implantation, the embryo (so named in the first 3 months) develops in steps of organogenesis into a fetus (so named in the last 6 months). To each of these organogenic steps corresponds a "toxic windows" where particular replicating cells are hypersusceptible to chemical attack, frequently at a concentration of agent far below that required for normal toxicity. For an effect from the agent to occur, it has to be present at the right time and at the right concentration. Organogenesis in humans is in the first 60 days after fertilization, unfortunately at a time when a woman may be or female) should be protected from exposure if they are going unaware of her condition. As one might expect, the periods of chemicals on the fetus are more likely to be cancer, organ organogenesis vary between species (F12. This is a problem in Standard teratology testing protocols now demand that the occupational health, with a workforce that is 45% female, a pregnant test animal be exposed to the agent between days 6 large percentage of which in child-bearing years. Parents (male and 15 (for mouse and rat) and between days 6 and 18 (for the rabbit), thus covering the major span of organogenesis. Number of Days after Conception Species Implantation Organogenesis Parturition Human 6-7 20-56 260-280 Monkey 9-15 20-45 164-168 Rabbit 7-8 8-16. Nausea and vomiting tend to peak between the 8 and 12 week of pregnancy, the crest sensitivity of fetal tissues. In the standard teratological study protocol, pregnant females are exposed to three levels plus control from day 6 to day 15 (mice and rats) or from day 6 to 18 (rabbits). Specific malformations associated with a chemical exposure will occur in a particular species at the critical periods corresponding to appearance and development of cellular structures (F12. The time course of malformation probability in a specific organ system can follow different unfoldings, as shown in F12. In “A”, the foundation of an organ system is put into place, leading to a sudden rise in malformation susceptibility. Curve “B” reflects malformation rates corresponding to the exponential phase of organ development. When more than one cell population is involved in an organ, the curve can be multi-phasic (“C”). While animal experiments can be controlled closely, epidemiological investigations of teratogens in humans require an association between exposure and a "congenital" defect.

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Each consists of pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacotherapy4)5) (grade A recommendation) birth control for decreased libido cheap levonorgestrel 0.18mg on-line. For acute treatment by pharmacotherapy birth control 7 7 7 buy discount levonorgestrel 0.18mg line, medication-overuse headache that results in treatment failure should always be borne in mind birth control pills tri cost of levonorgestrel, and use for more than 2 to 3 days per week should be avoided1)-3) (grade A recommendation). Prophylactic therapy should be considered for patients with frequent episodic tension-type headache and patients who do not respond adequately to acute treatment. Especially, for patients who have headaches two or more times per month, prompt initiation of prophylactic therapy should be considered because headache may subsequently increase exponentially6) and the efectiveness of prophylactic therapy may be reduced by frequent use of acute medications. On the other hand, stress and mental strain are risk factors of tension-type headache,8)9) while depressive and anxiety disorders are risk factors of progression to chronic headache. Regarding treatment for oromandibular dysfunction, since headache-free subjects may also have oromandibular 160 Clinical Practice Guideline for Chronic Headache 2013 dysfunction, this aspect has not been analyzed adequately. However, since oromandibular dysfunction is a risk factor of tension-type headache, treatment should be considered15)-17) (grade C recommendation). Other factors that may induce tension-type headache include inadequate exercise and prone posture, and basic treatment should be considered (grade C recommendation). When encountering cases in which diagnosis of headache type is difcult or treatment efect is inadequate, referral to an expert is recommended. Recommendation Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay of acute treatment for tension-type headache. It is important to always pay attention to medication-overuse headache that results in treatment failure. Grade A-C Background and Objective Tension-type headache is the most commonly encountered headache in routine clinical care, and occupies the largest fraction of functional headache. Various pharmacotherapies are the mainstay of acute treatment for tension-type headache. However, acute pharmacotherapy should be used with caution so as not to induce medication-overuse headache. However, since adverse efects such as gastrointestinal disturbance and hematopoietic disturbance may occur, caution has to be exercised during administration. For pregnant women with onset of tension-type headache, acetaminophen is selected also from the safety viewpoint. Combination therapy with cafeine, which is known to be an efective acute medication, is fast-acting but can cause dependence, with a risk of inducing medication-overuse headache. Cafeine 65 to 200 mg taken as needed (useful when used in combination) (grade B recommendation) 3. Recommendation Prophylactic therapy for tension-type headache can be broadly divided into pharmacotherapy and non pharmacotherapy. Pharmacotherapy using mainly antidepressants, and non-pharmacotherapies using electromyographic biofeedback therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy (exercise to relax neck and occipital muscles), psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy (such as lifestyle guidance) are being conducted. Regarding the treatment duration for pharmacotherapy using mainly antidepressants, assess the outcome after around 3 months (the longest 6 months) and decide whether to continue or discontinue medication. On the other hand, evidence for the treatment duration for non-pharmacotherapies have not been established. Grade A-C Background and Objective Prophylactic therapies for tension-type headache comprise pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacotherapy. In contrast, non-pharmacotherapy attempts to reduce headache utilizing combinations of various modalities such as electromyographic biofeedback therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy (exercise to relax neck and occipital muscles), psychotherapy, and lifestyle guidance. Comments and Evidence Among the diferent types of tension-type headache, prophylactic therapy is used for episodic tension-type headache (especially the frequent subtype) and chronic tension-type headache. In episodic tension-type headache, since not only increased craniocervical muscle tension induces pain but central pain mechanisms are also involved,1)2) pain processing dysfunction caused by psychological stress or emotional disturbance is presumed to be the fundamental problem. From this point of view, treatment with oral antidepressants is most frequently used as a treatment with high level of evidence. Tetracyclic antidepressants are also sometimes selected because they can be used in combination with muscle relaxants such as tizanidine and eperison, with also the merit of few adverse efects. For chronic tension-type headache also, frst a history should be taken on whether there is medication overuse; and in the case of overuse, in principle medication is discontinued or tapered.

Angir, 53 years: Full protocol and results will be published on the World Health Organization website by the end of May 2017. The syringe’s piston is released before the needle is withdrawn to avoid contamination with material from diferent tissue layers. These substances are not efficiently absorbed, thus creating a stronger than usual solution in the colon which causes water to be retained.

Ugrasal, 50 years: In inorganic chemical reactions, concentration (law of Mass To the contrary, long-term extrapolation is thought to attenuate Action) or temperature (Arrhenius equation) can be increased the risk because it does not take into account bio-accumulation to augment reaction rates. The ultimate purpose of evaluating interventions in community health nursing is to determine weather planned actions met client needs, if so how well they were met, and if not why not. The health worker should make sure that the woman being counselled understands the content being covered by checking after each point is made and before beginning the next point to be sure she understands.

Mortis, 28 years: Most fibroadenomas can be excised through periareolar incision with good cosmetic result. Such individuals may have a partial response to naloxone, since the drug only acts to reverse the opioid component of the overdose. Intellectual property rights and the life science industries: past, present and future.

Jens, 27 years: This is distracting, and both parties will have to compensate for the interruption before they are ready to continue their conversation. Another limitation of the qualitative study is that member check of the interview and discussion transcripts was not done with the participants. These projects could potentially include activities to address prediabetes, diabetes management, and care coordination for patients with diabetes.

Tragak, 41 years: Corneal Cytology  Sampling of a corneal ulcer bed for culture usually requires a scraping with a spatula to obtain an adequate amount of material. Variations among the cephalosporins are made on either the acyl side chain at the 7-position to change antibacterial activity or at the 3-position to alter the pharmacokinetic profile [1-3]. These include: Simple Linear Fracture This is a line of fracture which usually marks of severe forces of injury.

Steve, 44 years: The following table shows the health plan measure comparisons reported in the Apple Health Enrollee booklet for 2015. The specific contents of the male and female pelvis will be discussed in future lectures. Ask about the rupture of membrane or fetal distress; prolonged labor; caesarean section; instrumental vaginal delivery (e.

Goose, 21 years: Antimycobacterial Drugs Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, generalized arteritis, granulo Summary Statement 120: Allergic drug reactions to anti matous hepatitis, and autoimmune pemphigus vulgaris are mycobacterial drugs present significant problems in the im rare immune-mediated reactions that have been described to plementation of long-term treatment regimens and preventing occur during treatment with metformin and/or sulfonylurea drug resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. About three-quarters of people with migraine have me out of action for the entire day or more. The methodology used to estimate stillbirth rates is described in detail in Annex 6.

Grompel, 42 years: A robust basic, translational, and health services research effort is needed to validate the effectiveness of pain prevention and management strategies already in use across the spectrum of care settings, and to develop new ones. Intravenous treatment should be given until the patient has been afebrile for several days, when appropriate oral treatment can be substituted. Bacterial isolates were considered multidrug-resistant when they were non-susceptible to at least one agent in three or more antibiotic categories [21].

Nemrok, 40 years: Advantage Improves nurse responsiveness to clients changing needs Improves continuity of care May increase nurse’s job satisfaction Disadvantage Increases personnel costs Learning Activities 1. After dressing assist the client back to the room Inform the cleaner to carefully clean the tub after the bath Dispose of the glove and wash your hands Document the procedure, describing any unusual client reactions Back Care (massage): includes the area from the back and shoulder to the lower buttocks Purpose • To relieve muscle tension • To promote physical and mental relaxation • To improve muscle and skin functioning • To relieve insomnia • To relax patient • To provide a relieve from pain • To prevent pressure sores (decubitus) • To enhance circulation Equipment Basin of warm water Washcloth Towel Soap 134 Basic Clinical Nursing Skills Skin care lotion Procedure 1. The initial winnowing process yielded 1021 articles that were subjected to a preliminary review and extraction.

Seruk, 55 years: Loss of the agent will frequently be observed in the blood as an initial very steep, first-order reaction (F4. This requires multiplication and changes in established roles with new knowledge and expansion of expertise. UÊÊWhen catheter salvage is attempted, systemic antibiotics should be given through the infected line.

Achmed, 29 years: Modification of the bowel flora, allergic responses or sensitization of the infant or interference with the interpretation of culture results, if a fever workup is required may occur in the infant as with other antimicrobials (6). This ranking shows which drug takes precedence over others when the classification is decided. In evaluating how to respond to evidence of nonadherence, it is useful to consider three types of nonadherent behaviors.

Hernando, 56 years: Admissions: Admissions are defined as the aggregate number of patients admitted to an inpatient location within the facility (facility-wide inpatient) starting on first day of each calendar month through the last day of the calendar month. The enlarged lymph nodes are rounder, and the patterns become inhomogeneous 84 Fig. In comparison with younger population, there is a lower risk of developing chronic postoperative pain.

Norris, 61 years: These individuals attempt to resolve a struggle by controlling or persuading others in order to achieve their own ends. Furthermore, the audit should also monitor and evaluate the quality of antmicrobial prescriptons for right duraton and dosage. Highlights include: ◊ Patient’s therapeutic response to opioid therapy should be regularly evaluated as to patient treatment goals of therapy.

Corwyn, 62 years: School health program A planned and organized school health program includes: Administrative regulations that provide human resource and facilities to participate in school program 143 Community Health Nursing Policies acceptable to the school & health service Co-operative study to all factors affecting the health of school children. Som etim es a m other tincture corresponds to the first decim al dilution, “1D” or “1X” (10-1), m ostly w hen dry plant m aterial is used as starting m aterial. As with muscles, the "wires," or nerve cell fibers in a nerve, are bound together with connective tissue.

Quadir, 39 years: Then, separate the fibers of the rectus muscle from each other bluntly to be able to cut the posterior leaflet of the rectus sheath (together with transversalis fascia and the parietal peritoneum)(Figure 67. Second health care worker makes a cuff with the top of the bag and places hands under cuff. As long Hypothesis, an immune effecter that has the ability to be produced under different infection circumstances could have a selective advantage, antimicrobial peptides could have this property, as the host has to deal with the problem of maximizing fitness under the Red Queen pressure.

Ashton, 25 years: Clinical Uses: Parenteral vancomycin is indicated for sepsis or endocarditis caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococci. It is classically described as having an anterior and posterior lamina and 3 named parts: the mesovarium, the mesosalpinx and the mesometrium. Overall, there are 30 neonatal deaths per 1000 live births; 5 per 1000 in developed and 33 per 1000 in developing regions, and 42 per 1000 in least developed countries.

Kan, 60 years: Parent education level and single parent status may also be important (Goldstein, Kelly, Bruton, & Cox, 1993). Desc: hypertension 100%, Rx: sildenafil [50,100]T Grp: 6 >20 cigarettes/day age: duration: Pts: 15 Pt. The patient should be advised to test for ketone bodies (acetone and aceto–acetic acid) when tests for glucose are 50 repeatedly positive, or when there issubstantial disturbance of health, particularly with infections.

Karlen, 63 years: Linen for one client is never (even momentarily) placed on another client’s bed 5. Fluid & Electrolyte Balance Normal body function depends on a relatively constant volume of water and definite concentration of chemical compounds (electrolyte). Fracture of the clavicle Common in children Require no X-ray for diagnosis Chest x-ray may be needed to rule out pneumothorax can be treated by arm neck triangular splint (fig 7:1) 116 Essential Surgical Skills Figure 7.

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