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Hypertonic saline acts through several Colloids pathways to improve hypovolaemic shock: Advantages ● Effective intravascular volume expansion and improved ● Effective plasma volume expansion organ blood flow ● Moderately prolonged increase in plasma volume ● Reduced endothelial swelling, improving microcirculatory ● Moderate volumes required blood flow ● Maintain plasma colloid osmotic pressure ● Lowering of intracranial pressure through an osmotic effect. Appropriately cross-matched blood is ideal, but the urgency of the situation may only allow time to complete a type-specific cross-match or necessitate the immediate use of “O” rhesus negative blood. Deranged coagulation may be a significant problem with massive transfusion, requiring administration of clotting products and platelets. Intravenous fluids should ideally be warmed before administration to minimise hypothermia; 500ml blood at 4 C will reduce core temperature by about 0. Large volumes of cold fluids can, therefore, cause significant hypothermia, which is itself associated with significant morbidity and mortality. If the patient is pregnant the gravid uterus should be displaced laterally to avoid hypotension associated with aortocaval compression; blankets under the right hip will suffice if a wedge is not available. If the patient requires immobilisation on a spinal board, place the wedge underneath the board. Disability (neurological) A rapid assessment of neurological status is performed as part of the primary survey. Although an altered level of consciousness may be caused by head injury, hypoxia and hypotension are also common causes of central nervous system depression. Be careful not to attribute a depressed level of consciousness to alcohol in a patient who has been drinking. A more detailed assessment using the Glasgow Coma Score can be performed with the primary or secondary survey. Blood—one unit of packed cells will raise the haemoglobin by about 1g/l 69 ABC of Resuscitation It is important to document pupillary size and reaction to Neurological status can be light. If spinal injury is suspected, cord function (gross motor assessed using the simple and sensory evaluation of each limb) should be documented AVPU mnemonic: early, preferably before endotracheal intubation. High-dose corticosteroids have been shown to reduce the degree of ● Alert neurological deficit if given within the first 24 hours after ● Responds to voice ● Responds to pain injury. Methylprednisolone is generally recommended, as early ● Unconscious as possible: 30mg/kg intravenously over 15 minutes followed by an infusion of 5. Glasgow Coma Scale Eye opening Verbal response Motor response Spontaneously 4 Orientated 5 Obeys commands 6 To speech 3 Confused 4 Localises to pain 5 To pain 2 Inappropriate words 3 Flexion (withdrawal) 4 Never 1 Incomprehensible 2 Flexion (decerebrate) 3 sounds Silent 1 Extension 2 No response 1 Exposure Remove any remaining clothing to allow a complete examination; log roll the patient to examine the back. Hypothermia should be actively prevented by maintaining a warm environment, keeping the patient covered when possible, A comatose patient (GCS 8) will require endotracheal intubation. Secondary brain injury is minimised by ensuring warming intravenous fluids, and using forced air warming adequate oxygenation (patent airway), adequate ventilation devices. Prompt neurosurgical review is vital, particularly in Secondary survey patients who have clinical or radiographic evidence of an expanding space-occupying lesion The secondary survey commences once the primary survey is complete, and it entails a meticulous head-to-toe evaluation. Head Examine the scalp, head, and neck for lacerations, contusions, and evidence of fractures. Look in the ears for cerebrospinal Summary fluid leaks, tympanic membrane integrity, and to exclude a ● Management of the patient with acute trauma begins with a haemotympanum. It entails exposing the patient to allow examination of the airway, breathing, circulation, and Thorax disability (neurological examination) Re-examine the chest for signs of bruising, lacerations, ● The secondary survey is a thorough head-to-toe examination deformity, and asymmetry. Arrhythmias or acute ischaemic to assess all injuries and enable a treatment plan to be changes on the ECG may indicate cardiac contusion. A plain formulated chest x ray is important to exclude pneumothorax, haemothorax, and diaphragmatic hernia; a widened mediastinum may indicate aortic injury and requires a chest computerised tomography, which is also useful in the detection of rib fractures that may be missed on a plain chest x ray.

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ROBERTS atoms requires sophisticated computer simulations to map out the motions of the individual atoms and to elucidate the structures of the tran- sient molecular configurations that control the flow of energy between atoms and molecules over a femtosecond time scale arthritis tylenol dosage naprosyn 250 mg order mastercard. For clusters contain- ing arthritis pain lyrica buy naprosyn 500 mg online, say arthritis in back relief purchase naprosyn on line amex, a diatomic molecule bound to one or two atoms, with computa- tional facilities available today it is possible to carry out calculations in which the dissociative evolution along every degree of freedom is treated by quantum dynamics theory. The early-time ( 150fs) motions of the complex, which is almost T-shaped, comprise a simultaneous length- ening of the I–Br distance and a slower transfer of vibrational energy from the intramolecular mode to the IBr–Ar coordinate. By 840fs, bursts of vibrational energy transfer to the atom–molecule degree of freedom give rise to a stream of population which eventually leads to expulsion of argon from the complex. To connect this dynamical picture with information available from experiments, calculations of the vibra- tional spectra of the cluster as a function of time after the femtosecond pump pulse show that relaxation of the nascent IBr vibrational content is at first sequential but at times longer than about 500fs becomes quasi-con- tinuous as a result of a complex interplay between intermode vibrational energy redistribution and molecular dissociation. A speculative prognosis Ultrafast laser spectroscopy is very much a science that, by its very nature, is driven by improvements in laser and optical technology. Dangerous though it is to make forecasts of scientific advances, what is clear at the time of writing (early 2000) is that at the cutting edge of this research field is the progress towards even faster laser pulses and the ability to design femtosecond laser pulses of a specified shape for optical control of individ- ual molecular motions. Quantum theory of IBr·Ar dissociation, showing a snapshot of the wavepacket states at 840fs after excitation of the I–Br mode by a 100fs laser pulse. The wavepacket maximum reveals predominant fragmentation of the IBr molecule along the r coordinate at short IBr–Ar distances (R coordinate), whilst a tail of amplitude stretches to longer R coordinates, indicating transfer of energy from the I–Br vibration to the IBr–Ar dimension, which propels the argon atom away from the intact IBr molecule. Laser pulses with durations in the attosecond regime would open up the possibility of observing the motions of electrons in atoms and molecules on their natural time scale and would enable phenomena such as atomic and molecular ionisation (Section 1. There are several proposals actively being pursued around the world to generate laser pulses that are significantly shorter than the shortest avail- able today (the current world record is 4. The physics of each scheme is well understood and the technology required to implement them in exis- tence; what is tricky is that the proposals are not so easy to apply in the laboratory. To reach the attosecond regime, laser pulses must be composed of very many different frequencies, as required by the time–energy uncer- tainty principle, and they must be coherent. A usable source of attosecond pulses must also be intense enough to result in experimentally detectable changes in light absorption or emission, and they must be separated in time by at least one millionth of a second so that the changes they induce can be recorded by modern electronic circuitry. One scheme which has generated considerable optimism is that sug- gested by Corkum and colleagues at the National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, which takes advantage of the high harmonic frequencies simultaneously generated when an intense femtosecond laser pulse ionises a gas of helium or neon in a narrow waveguide to construct the broad spec- trum of colours necessary to support attosecond laser emission. These har- monics are just like the overtones of a musical note: they are generated by oscillations of the electrons liberated by ionisation in the laser field and are formed coherently, that is with their amplitudes in phase with one another. At the present time researchers have succeeded in generating up to the 297th harmonic in helium of the original 800 nm light from a 25fs titanium:sapphire laser by this approach, yielding a harmonic spectrum which extends into the X-ray region as far as 2. In addition to providing a possible source of attosecond light, high-order harmonic gen- Laser snapshots of molecular motions 19 eration also offers the chance to develop coherent, ultrafast X-ray laser devices. The reasoning was that by choosing the fre- quency of a monochromatic (long pulse duration) laser to match exactly that of a local vibrational mode between atoms in a polyatomic molecule, it ought to be possible to deposit sufficient energy in the mode in question to bring about a massively enhanced collision probability, and thereby gen- erate a selected set of target states. With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear that the approach failed to take into account the immediate and rapid loss of mode specificity due to intramolecular redistribution of energy over a femtosecond time scale, as described above. Eight years ago it was suggested by US researchers that in order to arrive at a particular molecular destination state, the electric field asso- ciated with an ultrafast laser pulse could be specially designed to guide a molecule during a collision at different points along its trajectory in such a way that the amplitudes of all possible pathways added up coherently just along one, specific pathway at successive times after the initial photoab- sorption event. To calculate the optimal pulse shapes required by this scheme dictates the use of a so-called ‘evolutionary’ or ‘genetic’ computer algorithm to optimise, by natural selection, the electric field pattern of the laser applied to the colliding molecule at successive stages, or ‘genera- tions’, during its dynamical progress from the original progenitor state until the sought-after daughter state is maximally attained. In order that this proposal can be made to work, what is required is a device which can make rapid changes to the temporal pattern of the elec- tric field associated with a femtosecond laser pulse. The recent develop- ment of liquid-crystal spatial light modulators to act as pulse shapers fulfils this task, and may open the gateway to a plethora of experimental realisations of coherent control of molecular dynamics. There has been much theoretical work on the types of laser pulse shapes required to bring about specific molecular goals. In the laboratory, successful optical control of molecular events has been demonstrated for strategic positioning of wavepackets, enhancement of molecular ionisation probabilities, and optimisation of different photodissociation pathways. ROBERTS femtosecond laser technology, the potential for control of molecular colli- sion dynamics with laser beams is becoming a reality. Scrutton2 1 Department of Chemistry, University of Leicester, Leicester LE17RH, UK 2 Department of Biochemistry, University of Leicester, Leicester LE17RH, UK 2. Not only do they sustain life – they are also involved in a myriad of processes that affect our everyday lives. These include applications in medicine, household detergents, fine chemical synthesis, the food industry, bioelec- tronics and the degradation of chemical waste.

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In this way he hoped to acquaint all those “spent their lives in the practice of the art of med- involved in medical care with the merits of the icine rather than in that of the science rheumatoid arthritis diet dr oz naprosyn 250 mg order overnight delivery, and rheumatoid arthritis knots discount naprosyn 500 mg with visa, being End Result System and to interest them in financially successful arthritis pain relief over the counter naprosyn 250 mg discount, are able to influence the installing it in their particular fields of endeavor. It is a sad com- results; (and) comparison of achievements would mentary that so few physicians know of his life be, to them, as odious as a comparison of and achievements. Many of his ideas have already been From this brief sketch of Codman’s life, one is accepted; many others will yet be. This was the uphill battle that he was fighting when he said, true of him until his death in Boston on Novem- “Honors, except those I have thrust on myself, are ber 23, 1940. Now let us mention some of his conspicuously absent on my chart, but I am able ideas and the effect that they have had on medi- to enjoy the hypothesis that I may receive some cine. Much that he attempted was not achieved in from a more receptive generation. His contributions in the field of x-rays, gastrointestinal diseases, the shoulder and bone tumors have stood the test of time and attest to his powers of clinical observa- tions. His End Result Idea has taken root in many disciplines and provides the means for accurate evaluation of methods and practice in medicine and surgery. The bulk of the medical literature in all specialties is based on this system of evaluation. It is a method that will gain in depth and breadth, and never will be abandoned by the medical profession. By establishing the policy of “special assign- ments” to young men in the profession, much good has been achieved. Methods and practices having little value are abandoned, while those of merit are made available quickly to the profession at large. In addition, this feature has laid the groundwork for development of experts in certain fields of medicine and surgery. Although the 72 Who’s Who in Orthopedics the widespread use of the Kenny method for treatment of acute poliomyelitis in the United States. As Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Minnesota (1929–1956), he had a strong influence on residents and students. He maintained his interest and attendance at orthopedic conferences until his death in 1973. Paul and at the University of Minnesota, where he received his MD degree in 1910. Paul was followed by postgraduate education in Baltimore (Bloodgood), Boston (Goldthwaite), and Liverpool (Robert Jones). A tour of orthope- dic clinics in Germany and France completed his Abraham COLLES training. Paul he was appointed to the staff of the Hospital for Indigent, 1773–1843 Deformed, and Crippled Children (now Gillette State Hospital) and in 1923 became the first chief Abraham Colles was responsible for much of the surgeon of the Twin Cities Unit of the Shriner’s early scientific development of surgery in Ireland Hospital. He continued his attendance at these and was the leading Irish surgeon of his time; hospitals for more than 50 years. His wider fame rests upon the classical served as a captain in a National Guard Horse descriptions he gave of certain anatomical struc- Drawn Field Artillery Unit on the Mexican border tures and of a common fracture of the radius. In 1917 he was on July 23, 1773, being descended from a a member of the “Goldthwaite unit,” a group of Worcestershire family, some of whom had sat young orthopedic surgeons chosen to be part of in Parliament. A branch of the family had settled the American Expeditionary Forces in France in in Ireland and one of its members was said to have World War I. This group included many surgeons been in medical practice in Kilkenny in the early who made substantial contributions to the growth eighteenth century; his descendent, William and development of orthopedics in the United Colles, married Mary Anne Bates of Woodbroak, States. The was director of an American hospital in Oxford, father, who managed the extensive quarries of at which casualties were treated during the black marble he had inherited, died when the boy bombing of London. Cole’s major profes- was only 6 years old but the mother gave a good sional interest was the crippled child. It was his education to her young children and held their support of Sister Elizabeth Kenny that resulted in affection throughout a long life of 89 years. They 73 Who’s Who in Orthopedics were sent to Kilkenny Grammar School where the determined, as their brethren over the water had headmaster was the Reverend John Ellison, been, to separate themselves from the barbers, sometime Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, and this they partly accomplished by forming the which college Abraham, and his brother William, Dublin Society of Surgeons on March 29, 1780. At the same time Abraham was The next step was the education of surgeons and apprenticed for 5 years to Philip Woodroffe, res- the regulation of the profession of surgery. Early in 1795 University the teaching of medicine alone was he took the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and later undertaken; surgery was neglected; it still had the the same year was granted a licence to practice by stigma of the barber. While at Trinity he to agitate and petition for a Royal Charter “dis- wrote a paper on “Remarks on the Condition of solving the preposterous and disgraceful union of Political Satire,” which he was advised to publish the surgeons of Dublin with the barbers and incor- by Edmund Burke.

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The relationship between tensile strength and fatigue per- formance is analyzed rheumatoid arthritis heel pain discount naprosyn 500 mg with visa, and comparative data are presented arthritis in distal joint of fingers buy naprosyn. A review of the clinical use of cable cerclage is presented arthritis treatment ppt buy generic naprosyn on line, including fixation of the greater trochanter in various trochanteric osteotomy approaches to the hip, the use of the system in revi- sion THA, femoral allografts, its use in fixation of periprosthetic fractures of the femur in THA, and the use of the system in augmentation of other forms of fracture fixation, emphasizing its value in the treatment of fractures in soft bone. Dall–Miles, Cable, Biomechanical, Clinical Introduction Cerclage systems have been used in many clinical situations, mainly to provide, or assist in, fixation of bony fragments and occasionally of long bones. Materials have included stainless steel, chrome cobalt, titanium alloy, and nylon. Monofilament wires or bands have been used for many decades, but it was not until the late 1970s that Dall and Miles were the first to use multifilament cable in the fixation of the greater trochanter when osteotomized as an approach to the hip in total hip arthroplasty. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Orthopaedics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 239 240 D. Dall The Strength of Cerclage Systems It is important to appreciate that the stress–strain curves of different cerclage systems (e. However, the load-deflection curves will be different because of the structural differences even in the same material. Thus, yield and break- ing loads are the most useful measurement of mechanical strength. The other impor- tant aspect of strength in cerclage systems is that of fatigue strength, which I discuss later. Figure 1a shows the comparative yield and ultimate tensile strengths of different systems in the same material, and Fig. Strength of Fastening Methods in Different Cerclage Systems There are great variations in the method of fastening used in cerclage systems. There is also great variation in the measurements used, and these could include measure- ments of displacement, slip or yield, and failure loads. Comparative yield and ultimate tensile strength of different geometric structures made of the same materials (a) and different geometric structures made of different materials (b). Dark gray bars represent yield strength; light gray bars represent ultimate strength The Dall–Miles Cable System 241 a b Fig. There is therefore a plethora of comparative data, sometimes comparing apples with oranges. We have tended to use the split metal cylinder to measure the strength of fastening by measuring the amount of displacement in the split at varying loads. We believe this is the most reproducible and clinically relevant method. Whatever the cerclage system and whatever the fastening method, the strength of any fastening method is always significantly weaker than the strength of the material used in a cerclage system (Fig. Nevertheless, there are significant differences in the strength of various fastening systems in different materials (Fig. Clinical Performance of Dall–Miles Trochanter Cable Grip System In a series of 595 hips (many of which were revisions), we reported a non-union rate of 2. They reported on a non-union rate of 5%, of which half had been attached to cement or allograft. Their cable breakage rate was 9%, with a high incidence occurring in lateral anchor holes. In their discussion, they state that this failure rate might have been contributed by stainless steel cable contact with the titanium prosthesis. In my opinion, some of the case illustrations demonstrated splaying of the cut end of the cable, rather than fragmentation. However, their cable was not fastened by a crimping technique; it was fastened by knotting. Causes of Failure There are a number of reasons why monofilament wire can fail as a cerclage material. Kinking is more likely to occur, and stress risers can easily be produced at the time of fastening of the wire with the various knotting and twisting techniques. However, failure of multifilament cable systems can still occur and could be the result of poor surgical technique (especially inadequate maintenance of instruments), biological factors such as poor bone bed (sometimes the trochanter is reattached to metal or cement rather than bone), and failure of the cerclage system itself. What are the contributory factors resulting in failure of a multifilament cerclage system?

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In addition rheumatoid arthritis definition naprosyn 250 mg buy without prescription, the progression rate of joints with preoperative collapse after VIBG was more than 80% arthritis gel 250 mg naprosyn fast delivery. Therefore arthritis in lower back diagnosis generic 500 mg naprosyn overnight delivery, we Vascularized Iliac Bone Graft for Femoral Head Necrosis 131 1 1 A B. Survival rates when endpoint was set at progress of collapse of the femoral head appar- ently were not affected by the factors thought to affect clinical results of VIBG such as sex (A), side of ION (B), and side of VIBG (C) 1 P<0. Old 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Time Time 1 1 C D Unknown. When the endpoint was set at progress of femoral head collapse, age over 30 years (y. We confirmed vascularization in the grafted iliac bone for a couple of years after surgery using dynamic MRI (unpublished data). However, we did not show histologically whether the grafted iliac bone could be incorporated in the host necrotic bone around the necrotic lesion. During the repair process following osteonecrosis, new bones are formed by addi- tional bone formation in which the new bone is directly added on the dead bone surface without osteoclastic resorption. Dead bones remain for a long time, and it takes more than a couple of years to completely replace the dead bone in human osteonecrotic lesions. Therefore, it will take a long time for the vascularized grafted bone to be incorporated into the host osteonecrotic bone. Patients were restricted to partial weight-bearing for about 6–12 months after VIBG in our series; however, this time period might be too short to allow incorporation of the grafted bone into the host bones. These data indicate that it is difficult to prevent collapse of the femoral head because of the remnants of necrotic tissue in the weight-bearing area. To prevent complete collapse, displacement of the necrotic lesion out of the weight-bearing area such as is done in transtrochanteric anterior rotational osteotomy of the femoral head is needed [13,14]. The mechanical property of an iliac bone block is inferior to other harder struts such as that from a fibula. Our bone block consisted of a solid rectangle, and only three of its six faces were covered with cortical bone. These data indicated that VIBG cannot always meet the original goal of regenerating bones and supporting body weight. They also emphasized that the distance between the subchondral bone and the tip of the grafted bone should be less than 5mm. Because the femoral head is spherical, it is quite difficult to place the graft in that position. Indeed, the average distance between the grafted bones and the subchondral bones was more than 5mm in our series (data not shown). We recently developed a metal cast of grafted bone that is used to confirm the direction and depth of the bony gutter in the femoral head by fluoroscopy during VIBG to secure graft position. Little is known about factors affecting the clinical results of VIBG except for the position of the grafted bone. Our previous study concluded that risk factors for VIBG were female sex, systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), steroid administration, and bilateral cases by investigating unsuccessful cases after VIBG. However, the present study demonstrated that female sex and steroids did not always affect JOA score and survival rate after VIBG. The other risk factor that we should further con- sider is preoperative collapse, which affects JOA score and survival rate. Once collapse occurs, the vascularized iliac bone cannot support the destroyed bone structure in the femoral head. Male sex and abuse of alcohol were also found to be risk factors for survival rate after VIBG. This finding might be explained by the fact that most osteo- necrosis-affected patients with abuse of alcohol are men. Vascularized Iliac Bone Graft for Femoral Head Necrosis 133 Taken together, VIBG should be indicated in limited cases with early-stage ION. However, we found that patients with pain in the affected hip always showed a certain degree of collapse of the femoral head.

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In four of the seven cases arthritis medication new discount naprosyn 250 mg without prescription, the morphology of the tunnel could be classified as expansive as opposed to cylindrical and filling in with bone (57%) arthritis medication hair loss generic 500 mg naprosyn fast delivery. However in 6 of the 18 cases (33%) with less than 2mm of laxity arthritis gloves target buy naprosyn 500 mg cheap, similarly expansive tunnels were identified. The extent of aperture widening did not correlate with clinical laxity or IKDC score at two-year follow-up. Multiple statistical comparisons were made to identify positive pre- dictive factors, which resulted in an increased trend for a patient to fall into the 3mm to 5mm laxity group at two years. Specifically using post hoc ANOVA, ANCOVA comparisons, Spearman rank correlations, and unpaired two-tailed student t-tests, it was concluded that gender, patient age, the use of secondary tibial fixation, and the magnitude of preoperative instability and laxity could not be associated with an increased KT manual maximum laxity or an increased prevalence of patients in the 3mm to 5mm laxity group. Comparisons were repeated after the exclusion of the revision surgical procedures, but this did not affect the results. The correlation of IKDC scores and gender, use of the secondary tibial button fixation and revision. Activity in sedentary activities (activities of daily living), light activities (nonpivotal sports), moderate activities (tennis, skiing), and strenuous activity (jumping, pivoting sports) were graded by the patients. These subjective scores are com- bined with a mathematical formula to create the IKDC score. Age, gender, and meniscal pathology were not associated with a significant change in the IKDC score (Table 10. Patients with greater than 5mm laxity were associated with a significantly decreased IKDC score from those with 0mm to 2mm or 3mm to 5mm (p > 0. There was also a trend toward a decreased score in patients with radiographic evidence of degenerative changes (p < 0. Where BioScrew fixation was used in the case of a revision ACL in four cases, a 3mm to 5mm side-to-side difference was obtained in 3 cases, and a greater than 5mm laxity was obtained in 1 case. Discussion There has been a trend among some investigators to shift to an increased reliance on the semitendinosus graft for ACL reconstruction. This has been promoted by multiple studies, which favor its use after Table 10. Lateral Medial Degenerative OA Total menisectomy menisectomy on X-ray IKDC 84. Results consideration of donor site morbidity and rehabilitation without the sacrifice of functional outcome. This study served to evaluate the use of the BioScrew for hamstring ACL reconstruction. The screw is made of poly-L-lactide and biode- grades over several years. It has been shown to work well in patellar tendon graft ACL reconstructions. The adaptation of this interference screw technique to this graft has several advantages, including its straightforward technique, the avoidance of graft cutting (previously seen with metal screws), and ultimate resorption of the graft. An addi- tional advantage is that these screws are cannulated, allowing accurate placement of the screws into the appropriate tunnels. These results demonstrate excellent clinical results in terms of patient satisfaction and outcome. The results indicated that 33 patients (67%) had 0mm to 2mm of laxity; 13 patients (27%) had 3mm to 5mm of laxity, and 2 patients (4. One of the two patients with greater than 5mm of laxity was satisfied with the stability of the knee and reported an IKDC of 93; the other represented a clinical and mechanical failure of the graft. These results are consistent with other series, which have reported on soft tissue fixation of hamstring grafts with the Endo-button Acufex (Smith-Nephew Richards, Warsaw, IN). The results of this technique in revision ACL surgery were sub- optimal, with increased mechanical laxity existing in each case. While this may result from either the effects on the multiply operated limb or increased laxity of associated structures, efforts should focus on improvements in these results. Intraoperative attention should focus on ensuring that when screw fixation is used, the revision tunnels do not communicate with existing tunnels forming an oval tunnel with insuffi- cient strength to support the screw-tendon fixation. An internal evaluation of the cohort of patients treated at the same sports medicine facility revealed that there was an increased prevalence of patients with between 3mm and 5mm of laxity on maximum manual KT-2000 measurements at two years (7. Although this degree of laxity is consistent with other pub- lished series using soft tissue fixation of hamstring grafts, our group wished to closely evaluate these results.

Vak, 57 years: Some studies claim the reflex is absent in many normal individuals, especially with increasing age, without evident functional impairment; whereas others find it in all healthy individuals, although variable stimulus intensity is required to elicit it. Listen out for prompt phrases that signal a main point, for example, ‘this is the key concept’ or ‘there are three principles’.

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Inog, 45 years: Subsequent per- protein has been suggested to function as a decoy for the son-to-person spread likely occurs by with the , diverting the immune defenses from the infected blood or body tissues of an infected person in the actual site of viral infection. Revue Neurologique 1914; 12: 845-848 Cross References Anosognosia; Belle indifférence Anosognosia Anosognosia refers to a patient’s unawareness or denial of illness.

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Candela, 51 years: To the degree that their allopathic health care professionals collude in this labelling process, inclusion of these therapies within Canada’s mainstream health care provision would reduce the stigma associated with participation in alternative therapies and encour- age physicians to be supportive of their use, thus improving access. Health Promotion for People with Disabilities:The Emerg- ing Paradigm Shift from Disability Prevention to Prevention of Secondary Conditions.

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