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Fibroblast reacts immediately to all incoming informaton such as hormones, metabolism, such as histamine, adrenalin etc. Fibroblasts can not difer between bad or good genetc predispositon factor but will only develop if the person subjects themselves to the informaton consumpton of gluten containing foods, hence ‘you are what you eat’). Hyaluronic disrupton and may also afect the nervous system, vital organs, cellular respiraton, antoxidant acid backbone is non-covalently linked to core proteins thus forming Proteoglycan aggregate: reactons as well as mucosal surfaces. The ant-homotoxic therapy focuses on ground system (extracellular matrix which plus cellular, humoral and nervous components), the frst site for homotoxins depositon which also serves as a site for intercellular communicatons and immunological reactons (see picture below ). Therefore they are guarantors for isoionic (removal of any other ions except for those arising from dissociaton of solvent and solute), isoosmic (osmotc pressure balancing) and isotonic processes in matrix (tension regulatng) processes. There is reciprocal relatonship between capillary system, ground substance, terminal autonomic All reactons in the living organism occur at relatvely low temperatures in the aqueous media, axons, connectve tssue cells (mast cells, fbroblasts etc. The prerequisite for an efectve catalysis the essental or specialised cells of the organ, e. As the cells Epitelial and endothelial cell groups rest on the basal membrane which mediates it to the ground are in direct contact with extracellular space, they can only react to the signals coming via the substance. Therefore the dynamic structure of extracellular space and its regulaton complex) with connectons to the ground substance. Tolerated substances produce no disturbances in all humoral and cellular components may be a result of progression from the feelings ill health to the body’s steady state, while toxic substances trigger defesive measures that are perceived as chronic diseases and malignant processes. The Ground Regulaton is regulaton of the ground system along with superimposed nervous, One of the fundamental concepts of homotoxin theory is that all manifestatons of life, whether hormonal and humoral (related to the blood or body fuids) regulaton systems. The system of physiological or pathological, are subject to the laws of chemistry. Metabolic reactons need to occur in a proper environment, free of waste materials and within an ideal pH range. When there is a build-up of toxins in certain areas of the body, the natural chemical reactons become slower and of poorer quality, which in turn, can afect all of the body’s functons. When there is a build-up of homotoxins in certain areas of the body, the natural chemical reactons become slower and of poorer quality, which in turn, can afect all of the body’s functons. As the quantty of toxins increases, the reactvity potental (natural defence mechanisms) of the individual decreases and the body’s capacity to detoxify itself is lessened or even hindered. Thus, this may translate into an evoluton of pathologies towards irreversible stages where they become chronic, degeneratve or out of control (neoplasm). Regulaton/Compensaton division (formerly Biological division) – imaginary boundary between the depositon and impregnaton phases. It separates the pure depositon in the matrix from integraton of toxins into its structural components. Nelson who made Reckeweg remedies 83 thru 95 in depositon phase, structural and functonal changes are found in impregnaton phase. Reckeweg’s Six Phase Table of disease evoluton illustrates the chronological courses of various symptoms of disease within the structure of the ground regulaton. The table is subdivided into Vicariaton – transiton of the indicatng signs of illness within one phase to another organ system three sectons: (humoral phases, matrix phases, cellular phases), each of which is subdivided into (comorbid conditons appearance), or the transiton of fundamental symptoms and signs into 2 phases. Each two phases are allocated to the excreton principle (phase 1+2); the depositon another phase within the same organ system. Infammaton (which is a cyclical process) is referred to a Humoral phase and could serve as a trigger point for further disease development within the Matrix phase if not dealt with properly and/or in tme. For example, homeopathic pulsatlla and sulphur are combined together with homeopathically diluted cortsone in one formulaton which allows correcton of certain type of regulaton rigidity in a cyclic process of infammaton. The Greater Defence System In the human or animal body there is a sophistcated system of interconnected defensive mechanisms that eliminates toxins and repair damage. With the help of these mechanisms homotoxins are either eliminated or combined with other substances to form harmless compounds called homotoxons.

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In general, Qi (lungs, spleen, heart, kidneys, pericardium, and liver), and bodily substances; yang signifies Gong consists of two aspects: (1) dynamic or active Qi Gong, which involves visible increase, activity, lightness, the upper and exterior parts of the body, the six hollow organs movement of the body, typically through a set of slowly enacted exercises, usually performed (large intestine, stomach, small intestine, urinary bladder, gallbladder, san jiao [not an organ, 155 in a relaxed stationary position; and (2) meditative or passive Qi Gong, which comprises but the sum of the functions of transformation and interpenetration of various densities and 156 160 still positions with inner movement of the diaphragm. In some concentration practices, the qualities of substance within the organism]), and bodily functions. Because of the possibility of Qi Gong-induced disorders from improper both aspects of practice are alert concentration, precise control of abdominal breathing, and a practice, or from the combination of incongruent forms, proper coaching is considered 156 159 mental concentration on qi flow. Qi Gong should be practiced twice daily for 20 to 30 160,164 159 Qi Gong, as a practice of self-regulation, includes regulation of the body (e. Correctness of technique is judged by a Qi Methods for the regulation of the mind vary. No statement of the criteria for evaluating successful outcomes was available in focusing on a specific object or visualization. Self-practice of Qi Gong consists of three major 162 forms: guided movement (dynamic form), pile standing, and static meditation. Whether with motion or without, the aim of Qi Gong is to remove all thoughts and focus on a region of Main Components the body known as “dantian” (the elixir field). As the body relaxes, the mind concentrates on the elixir field and all other thoughts are erased, while respiration becomes deeper and gradually decreases in frequency. When the respiration rate is decreased to four or five times What are the main components of the various meditation practices? Which components are 161 per minute, the subject falls into the so-called Qi Gong state. The variety of meditation practices is an indication of the diversity of the combination of Breathing. Qi Gong breathing is characterized by a concentration of attention on dantian main components and the way in which a given component may be emphasized in a practice. There are many ways to regulate the breath in Qi Gong it is impossible to select components that might be considered universal or supplemental including natural breathing, chest breathing, abdominal and reverse-abdominal breathing, across practices. Tai Chi, Yoga) while others are less concerned with the exact position of the body (e. To exert this control over qi, Gong) incorporate moving meditation, while others are strictly seated meditations (e. This is done by focusing the mind and by the underlying practice of mindfulness, combine several techniques. In this, however, they are not substantially different from older multifaceted meditation practices such as Yoga. The factors surrounding the practices are described below and summarized in Table 4. However, it is worth noting here choice of the mantra vary and the nature of the mantra chosen will influence the number of some general conclusions that can be drawn from them. Though some statement about the use associations brought forth by the word and the vibrations caused by the vocalization of the of breathing is universal across the practices, this seems more indicative of the ubiquitousness mantra. Some mantras will have no meaning to Western practitioners unfamiliar with Sanskrit ® of breathing in humans rather than a universal feature of meditation practices per se. In terms of the spiritual or belief component of mindfulness techniques focus on the breath and cultivate an objective openness to whatever 72 meditation, no meditation practice required the adoption of a specific religious framework. Though this may be interpreted as not focusing attention, or, as it is However, if Taoist metaphysical assumptions of Qi Gong are crucial to correctly sometimes paradoxically phrased, as focusing on nothing, the attention is controlled and understanding, visualizing, and guiding qi flow, then at least this practice would seem to directed with the aim of achieving a distance from one’s emotional and cognitive responses to require the adoption of a particular belief system. Nevertheless, this aspect of all meditation the objects in the field of attention. The difference between mindfulness meditation and other practices is poorly described, and it is unclear in what way and to what extent spirituality and practices lies in the acceptance of these other thoughts into the field of awareness. The amount of variation Though the distinction between concentrative and mindfulness meditation has prima facie in the described frequency and duration of practice make it difficult to draw generalizations validity, the reality is somewhat more complicated because some practices, such as Zen and about the training requirements for meditation techniques. Lastly, the criteria for successful Vipassana, have phases where concentration is used, and for which certain techniques such as meditation, for both the correct practice of the technique and the achievement of successful counting or concentrating on a mantra are employed, while at other stages broad spaced outcomes, have not been described well in the literature. Breathing Spirituality and Belief How is breathing incorporated in these practices? Are there specific breathing patterns that To what extent is spirituality a part of meditation? The use of the breath is ubiquitous in all practices; however, the importance and attention The one common feature of all meditation practices examined in this review is the given to it vary from practice to practice.

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It usually begins in a lymph node and progresses slowly, in a disease, Parkinson’s disease, Pathologists’ disease, Pelvic infammatory disease, Pendular disease, fairly predictable way, spreading via the lymphatc vessels from one group of lymph nodes to the Periodontal disease, Peripheral vascular disease, Peroxisomal disease, Pet-associated disease, next. If the cancer cells spread Peyronie’s disease, Phagocytc disease, Pick’s disease, Pigeon breeders’ disease, Pink disease, to the blood, the disease can reach almost any site in the body. Advanced cases of Hodgkin›s Plummer’s disease, Polycystc kidney disease, Polycystc liver disease, Polycystc ovarian disease, disease may involve the spleen, liver, bone marrow, and lungs. Polygenic disease, Post-transfusion graf-versus-host disease, Preimplantaton genetc disease, Proliferatve breast disease, Pseudo-Hirschprung’s disease, Pseudo-Whipple’s disease, Pseudo- There are diferent subtypes of Hodgkin›s disease: von Willebrand disease, Psychosomatc disease, Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, Quincke’s • nodular sclerosis (30-60% of cases) disease, Ragged red fber disease, Reactve hemophagocytc disease, Receptor disease, Redmouth • mixed cellularity (20-40% of cases) disease, Red pulp disease, Red urine disease, Re-emerging disease, Refsum’s disease, Regional • lymphocyte predominant (5-10% of cases) disease, Reportable occupatonal disease, Residual disease, Restrictve lung disease, Rheumatc • lymphocyte depleted (less than 5% of cases) 544 545 • unclassifed The inital diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease ofen results from abnormalites in achest x raythat was The American Cancer Society estmates that there will be 7,400 new cases of Hodgkin’s disease in performed because of nonspecifc symptoms. The physician then takes a medical history to check the United States in 2001—3,500 in females and 3,900 in males. It is estmated that 700 men and for the presence of symptoms and conducts a completephysical examinaton. The size, tenderness, frmness, and locaton of swollen lymph nodes are determined and Hodgkin’s disease can occur at any age. However, the majority of cases develop in early adulthood correlated with any signs of infecton. In partcular, lymph nodes that do not shrink afer treatment (ages 15-40) and late adulthood (afer age 55). Approximately 10-15% of cases are in children withantbiotcsmay be a cause for concern. The disease is very rare Hodgkin›s disease include those of the neck, above the collarbone, under the arms, and in the in children under fve. It is suspected that some interacton between an Diagnosis of Hodgkin›s disease requires either the removal of an entre enlarged lymph node (an individual’s genetc makeup, environmental exposures, and infectous agents may be responsible. Early symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease may be similar to those of the fu: The sample of biopsied tssue is examined under a microscope. Giant cells called Reed-Sternberg • fevers, night sweats, chills cells must be present to confrm a diagnosis of Hodgkin›s disease. These cells, which usually • fatgue contain two or more nuclei, are named for the two pathologists who discovered them. Normal • loss of appette cells have only one nucleus (the organelle within the cell that contains the genetc material). Characteristcs of other types of cells in the biopsied tssue help to diagnose the • pain afer drinking alcoholic beverages subtype of Hodgkin›s disease. As lymph nodes swell, they may push on other structures, causing a variety of symptoms: Occasionally, additonal biopsies are required to diagnose Hodgkin›s disease. This is because the cancer usually spreads in a • kidney failure from compression of the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to predictable patern, without skipping sets of lymph nodes untl late in the progression of the the bladder disease. Later symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease reveal rounded lumps called nodules in the afected lymph nodes and other organs. Another imaging technique for Hodgkin›s disease is a gallium scan, in which the radioactve Signifcantly, as many as 75% of individuals with Hodgkin’s disease do not have any typical element gallium is injected into a vein. Gallium scans are As with many forms of cancer, diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease has two major components. This method radiaton, a focused beam from an external machine, is used to irradiate only the afected lymph is used less frequently and is usually not used with children. Inverted Y feld radiaton is travels to metabolically actve sites, including cancerous regions that require large amounts of used to irradiate the spleen and the lymph nodes in the upper abdomen and pelvis.

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Telomere position effects and cellular aging Telomere position effect sheds light on the role of telomere in cellular aging mental disorders extreme selfishness lyrica 75 mg mastercard. According to a simple and older telomere hypothesis of cellular aging mental treatment jaundice 75 mg lyrica for sale, senescent cells have lost an essential gene that allows them to divide mental disorders quiz free cheap 150mg lyrica otc. By contrast, immortal cells, including cancer cells, have avoided this loss because they have regained telomerase activity. The existence of telomere positioning effect in human cells offers a different scenario, where there is no need for the loss of a gene to push cells into senescence. As the cell divides and the telomere shortens, an "aging gene" would be more affected by its position on the telomere, as it increases its proximity to the end of the telomere. In an 8 Anti-aging Articles old cell where the telomere has shortened to its final length, the "aging genes" are no longer repressed. The genes that regulate these proteins may be important for programming pre- senescence changes in a cell, before telomeres reach their final length. Take, for example, a cell that needs to alter its energy metabolism to allow for changes in old age. Telomere, telomerase and age related disease Cellular aging contributes to many conditions in the elderly. Atherosclerosis is caused by a loss of division-capacity in cells that line blood vessels (endothelial cells). This, in turn, results in overloading of cell factors that increase the risk of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots. For instance, a damaged liver resulting from excess alcohol intake can lead to liver cirrhosis. In this condition, rapid cell division of the normal healthy liver cells, in response to the injury, could replace damaged tissue by supplying functioning liver cells. The shortening of telomeres, however, would limit liver cell replication and prevent tissue renewal. This was shown experimentally, in a mouse model of chronic liver injury, where inserting the telomerase gene into the injured liver of the mouse prevented cirrhosis. Possible therapies It is thought that in normal human organs with a capacity for cell replacement, the telomere clock allows enough divisions for normal growth, repair and maintenance. This setting point is not enough, however, to enable additional cell replications needed during chronic disease. Under these conditions, a potential remedy may be found by increasing the life span of tissue cells, by telomerase. The unraveling of the telomere could be treated with an Quantum Energetic Dynamic electrical stimulation as in Nelson Biofeedback. A trivector pulse has been developed for stimulating the reconstruct of the unraveled telomere. This finding may lead to further research that uncovers the secrets of cellular aging Aging and Inflammation  Causes of Age-Related Inflammation Chronic systemic inflammation is an underlying cause of many seemingly unrelated, age-related diseases. As humans grow older, systemic inflammation can inflict devastating degenerative effects throughout the body (Ward 1995; McCarty 1999; Brod 2000). This fact is often overlooked by the medical establishment, yet persuasive scientific evidence exists that correcting a chronic inflammatory disorder will enable many of the infirmities of aging to be prevented or reversed. The pathological consequences of inflammation are well-documented in the medical literature (Willard et al. Regrettably, the dangers of systemic inflammation continue to be ignored, even though proven ways exist to reverse this process. By following specific prevention protocols suggested by the Life Extension Foundation, the inflammatory cascade can be significantly reduced. The Causes of Age-Related Inflammation Aging results in an increase of inflammatory cytokines (destructive cell-signaling chemicals) that contribute to the progression of many degenerative diseases (Van der Meide et al. In aged people with multiple degenerative diseases, the inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein, is often sharply elevated, indicating the presence of an underlying inflammatory disorder (Invitti 2002; Lee et al.

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