
Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC

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Immunoglobulins cholesterol free kerala foods fenofibrate 160 mg buy, coagulation factors cholesterol medication nausea purchase 160 mg fenofibrate mastercard, and a host of other proteins essential for bodily functions are similarly lost cholesterol foods pdf discount fenofibrate uk. Protein loss can lead to significant negative nitrogen balance, body mass loss, and muscle wasting (75). Chronic venous congestion and relatively low cardiac output play a fundamental role in the mechanism of onset. In other conditions such as during acute volume loss and hypotension, the mesenteric circulation, a high-capacitance circuit, normally responds by increasing vascular resistance in order to shift blood volume to more vital organs such as the heart and brain. This phenomenon may be at play in the patient after Fontan operation, a state of chronic heart failure and low cardiac output, in which mesenteric vascular tone is abnormally elevated. Altered arterial flow in conjunction with venous congestion may impair intestinal perfusion and then place at risk the integrity of the mucosal barrier leading to protein loss. Relatively low cardiac output and chronic heart failure as seen after Fontan lead to an inflammatory state while alteration in regional perfusion may also lead to localized inflammation. Treatment concepts include management of symptoms, optimizing circulation, and anti-inflammatory therapy. Symptomatic relief may be achieved through the use of diuretics to remove excess fluid. Spironolactone can be helpful in fluid management and may also have direct effects on improving heart failure (77). As the condition is based upon the deficiencies of the Fontan circulation, it is important to assess the hemodynamics and rule out any obstructive process within the systemic venous pathway. Nevertheless, reducing impedance to passive forward flow through the venous system even in situations of “acceptable” pulmonary artery pressures is important, realizing that no systemic venous pressure in any patient with a Fontan circuit is normal. Anti-inflammatory therapy through the use of enteric-targeted steroids such as controlled release budesonide has been demonstrated to result in sustained dramatic improvement in a selected group of patients in multiple reported series (80,81,82). In those failing medical management, creation of a fenestration can lead to improvement in some patients. This can be created in either the catheterization laboratory (84) or through surgical means (85). While still uncertain as to precisely how fenestration creation improves hemodynamics, it is presumed that impedance to forward flow is diminished in the presence of a potential for right-to-left shunt across the fenestration, as not all of the systemic venous return is obligated to traverse the pulmonary vascular bed. Theoretically, systemic ventricular filling is potentially increased after fenestration creation, and stroke volume and cardiac output may increase, although at the expense of a lower arterial oxygen saturation. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that oxygen delivery may be increased after fenestration creation, as cardiac output and blood volume delivered to the tissue increases, which may compensate for lower arterial oxygen saturation content per volume of blood (86). Plastic bronchitis is a complication seen after Fontan operation in approximately 3% of patients (43). Proteinaceous material is exuded into the bronchial airway leading to cast formation. Such thick, rubbery casts can become quite large and are expectorated, or they may remain in situ and obstruct leading to atelectasis, regional infection, or asphyxiation. A longer duration of chest tube drainage after Fontan surgery, chylothorax, and development of ascites are reported to be associated with developing plastic bronchitis late after Fontan surgery (87). This agent is highly effective at breaking down the makeup of rubbery bronchial casts, thereby eliminating them or reducing their size, which then makes it easier to expectorate or swallow (89). Aggressive pulmonary vasodilator therapy can be helpful and effective in creating a sustained response in some patients (88,90,91). Heart transplantation with replacement of the deficient Fontan circulation is effective as well (92). Lymphatic Circulation The lymphatic circulation is a poorly understood partner to the blood circulation, but it is most likely dramatically affected by the physiology of the Fontan circulatory state. Increased venous pressure leads to increased tissue lymph production, which then must drain through the thoracic duct into the systemic venous system at the innominate vein. After Fontan operation, there is a chronic state of increased lymph production compounded by impedance to drainage, thus leading to marked abnormality. Evaluation of the lymphatic circulation after Fontan operation reveals marked abnormalities with tortuous dilated lymphatic channels coursing through the abdomen and chest as they drain lymph away from tissues (94).

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Under endoscopic guid- the polyps and the vascularity associated with these polyps. This Although this argument seems logical, it is yet to beconfrmed is followed by infltration into the anterior end of the middle in properly designed and controlled studies. Note that the area anterior to the uncinate is not lished preliminary study evaluated the efect of preoperative infltrated as bleeding from an injection site can obscure the steroids on the degree of bleeding during sinus surgery. In some patients, where there is this study prednisone 30 mg daily was given for 5 days pre- expected increased likelihood of bleeding, a third injection is operatively and the results showed a signifcant improve- given into the back end of the middle turbinate in the region ment in a visual analogue grading of the surgical feld during of the sphenopalatine artery. However, it remains unclear what doses of steroids8 dental needle is usually not long enough to reach this area. Empiric treatment regimens range from 30 to 50 mg of pred8 - nisone daily for between 5 and 7 days preoperatively, and is usually only utilized in nasal polyposis patients. Preoperative Antibiotics and Steroids Infammation increases the vascularity of tissues and, when surgery is conducted on highly infamed tissues, increased bleeding results. These result from the transection of small blood vessels and may continue to ooze into the surgical feld, signifcantly adding to the volume of blood which may obscure the surgical feld. In addition, such an ooze may4 obscure the end of the endoscope requiring either the endo- scope scrubber to be used or the endoscope to be removed from the nose to be cleaned. If the axillary fap approach to the frontal recess is used (see Chapter 7), the cut mucosal edge may bleed and this can be controlled by the use of the suction bipolar cautery. Other common areas where bleed- ing is seen are the posterior region of the maxillary sinus, the sphenopalatine region of the lateral nasal wall, and from the anterior wall of the sphenoid below its ostium. The suction bipolar allows the bleeding vessels to be accurately identi- fed and cauterized. The needle is in the region of the axillary fap and the white arrow indicates the injection site on the anterior end tifcation of the bleeding point, which is a signifcant advan- of the middle turbinate. When the manipulating lever (black arrow in A) is relaxed the suction retracts behind the bipolar paddles (C). The Anatomy of the Greater Palatine Canal and Local opening of the foramen into the canal is funnel­shaped and Anesthetic Infltration of the Pterygopalatine Fossa the canal is angled at 45 degrees to the hard palate. In a cadaver study performed in our department to evalu- Injection of local anesthetic into the pterygopalatine fossa ate the anatomy of the greater palatine canal, 20 cadaver does improve the surgical feld. There are two approaches and the less reliable were performed in the plane of the greater palatine canal. This should cause vasospasm of the vessels exiting the fo- This was done to ascertain the likelihood of damage to the ramen. However, because the foramen is not easily located, contents of the fossa (branches of the maxillary nerve, maxil- the resulting vasoconstriction achieved may not be as great lary artery, and pterygopalatine ganglion) and the orbit. Note as injecting the pterygopalatine fossa through the greater that the bend in the needle stops at the soft tissue overlying palatine canal. A surgeon not involved in the surgery randomly infl- trated one fossa transorally so that the operating surgeon would not be aware of which side had been infltrated. The surgeon then alternated the surgery on the patient and assessed the surgical feld on each side. Statistical analysis showed that the side that had received the pterygopalatine fossa injection had signifcantly better surgical feld (mean surgical grade of 2. The funnel-shaped opening of the greater palatine canal Inhalational agents used during general anesthesia cause into the pterygopalatine fossa is indicated with a white arrow. This funnel­shaped attempt to compensate for this reduced venous return and entrance into the greater palatine canal means that it can low cardiac output, refexes increase the heart rate in an be difcult to determine exactly where the pterygopala- attempt to improve the cardiac output. This is performed What they also showed was that esmolol, a highly selec- by placing a tongue depressor in the mouth and holding tive b1 b­blocker, improved the surgical feld with a much down the tongue, then passing a fnger and the endoscope smaller drop in blood pressure. The fnger frst locates the poste- cardioselective b adrenergic receptor­blocking drug that has rior free edge of the hard palate and then slides anteriorly a fast onset and short half­life.

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The organizational structure of the agencies that respond to disas- ters can vary widely, depending upon the size of the organization, organizational culture, and knowledge, skills, and abilities of the organization’s personnel. Scope of Operation Administrators should be cognizant of the scope of a potential operation and the boundaries of their authority in a given circumstance. Failure to recognize the appropriate set of duties and responsibilities during an emergency situation can overextend organizational capabilities and exceed the organization’s mandate. Furthermore, if an administrator assumes additional roles and responsibilities, he or she will be in danger of being assigned those roles and responsibilities permanently without the beneft of more resources. Public administrators should be generally aware of the capabilities of their organization’s personnel and the resources avail- able to them. Political Disposition Public agencies have to contend with political pressures, both internal and external, particularly from other public organizations, the public, and elected ofcials. Tese entities hold public administrators accountable for their actions and decision- making processes. When decisions are being formulated, public administrators should always keep in mind that there can potentially be negative consequences to risky or incomplete decision-making processes that can signifcantly impact Guidelines and General Information ◾ 17 their organization. At times a public administrator may make a decision based on the political boundaries from elected ofcials or the public. While the decision may not be the most efective or the preferred action by the administrator, it may be the best decision that can be made under the political realities faced by his or her organization. Administrators at the local, state, or federal level should be careful to avoid entanglement with other levels of administrators, which can potentially lead to disaster. The roles of federal, state, and local administrators should be clearly defned by an emergency plan of action, which should allow for cooperation and resources to be utilized efectively. Time During a disaster or emergency, a public administrator should keep the variable of time in mind when considering a plan of action or response. Does the response or plan that the administrator has formulated have time to work within a given set of parameters? If a terrorist destroys a public building and produces a great deal of rubble, does the public administrator have enough time to mobilize digging equipment or heavy lifting equipment to assist frst responders? If time is a signif- cant factor (as it almost always is in any emergency situation), how does the public administrator get resources to the frst responders more quickly to save survivors? In some situations, however, it may be more prudent to allow for more time than usual. An example of this would be a hostage situation in which the situation is contained but law enforcement needs as much time as possible to apprehend the aggressors peacefully and free the hostages safely. Threat Level/Threat Assessment A public organization should take an inventory of what threats could be posed to its community to prepare efective emergency response plans. Tese threats may include such situations as a nearby nuclear plant accidentally releasing radioactive material, like with Tree Mile Island, or a chemical plant nearby that releases toxic chemicals into the environment, which happened in Bhopal, India (Perrow, 1999). Other organizations will have to plan for recurring natural disasters, such as win- ter storms, earthquakes, foods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fres, and tsunamis. Some public organizations will have to assess threats diferently since their mission is to respond to disasters across a wide geographical area, such as the U. On December 20 you learn that a beneft performance is to be held on December 26 at the old theater hall (Richmond Ten and Now, 2007). The hall is very rickety and you believe that only small audiences, if any, should be allowed inside the building to watch a perfor- mance (Watson, 1812). As the city fre marshal it would be important to frst determine if the theater should even be allowed to operate for public events due to the condition of the structure.

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Nevertheless cholesterol medication time of day fenofibrate 160 mg discount, cross- circulation carried considerable risk to both the donor and the patient and work continued on the development of a completely artificial means of supporting the circulation during surgery cholesterol level definition fenofibrate 160 mg buy amex; a task that had occupied John H cholesterol and uric acid lowering foods generic fenofibrate 160 mg without a prescription. By 1964, this figure had reached 93% (180) and results from the Cleveland Clinic depicted a similar rate of progress (181). Kirklin (179,181) published a series of detailed papers explaining the developments that had contributed to these improved outcomes. He particularly commented on the need for “vigorous pursuit” of normalized postoperative blood gases and volume status, reduced use of outflow tract patches, myocardial protection strategies, and close attention to hemostasis (179,180). Through this, the hypertrophied subpulmonary musculature was resected and any valvar pulmonary stenosis was relieved. These “transannular” patches provided complete relief of outflow tract obstruction but at the cost of destroying competency of the pulmonary valve leaflets. Since attempts at full repair in infants had accrued a high mortality (182,183), cardiologists and surgeons favored a staged approach, with initial palliation by B-T-T-shunt, for those who developed severe and early cyanosis (182,184). The key change was the use of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest, a technique developed by the Canadian surgeon, Dr. Comparison of mortality rates before and after the introduction of complete repair during infancy strengthened his argument (193). After changing to a strategy of complete primary repair rather than palliative shunting, mortality in the first 25 children aged under 2 years at the time of repair was only 4% (193). When follow-up studies suggested that early repair might carry hemodynamic and anatomical advantages, Dr. Others remain concerned about the neurologic effects of neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermic circulatory arrest and the possible increased incidence of transannular patching when operating on a very small and young baby and continue to prefer the staged (surgical or catheter-based) approach for very young symptomatic infants, with later full repair. Coincidental to the move toward earlier complete repair, but occurring over a similar time course, surgeons also changed their operating techniques. Furthermore, of the surviving infants, >90% are expected to be alive 30 years after repair (210). During childhood, approximately 5% of patients require reoperation and a further 6% require catheter intervention (140). Surgery for Tetralogy with Pulmonary Atresia While some cases can be treated much as for patients without atresia, for example, complete primary repair in the first few days of life for patients with unifocal ductal supply to good-sized confluent pulmonary arteries, many patients will require staged therapy with a combination of catheter-based interventions and surgery. Such a connection can promote growth of the hypoplastic central pulmonary arteries so that they are adequate for complete repair (213). Connections between noncommunicating segments are created, and a single source of flow is provided to the unifocalized lung. Note two large systemic-to-pulmonary collateral arteries, absence of a pulmonary artery confluence, and abnormal branching pattern of right pulmonary artery. B: Postoperative angiogram with an injection of contrast medium in right ventricular outflow tract demonstrates establishment of continuity between the branches of the right pulmonary arterial tree and creation of a pulmonary artery confluence. Historically, a staged reconstructive surgical approach was applied in patients who did not meet the criteria for complete repair at presentation (216). This involved lateral thoracotomies for “unifocalization” procedures to deal with significant arborization abnormalities of the pulmonary arteries and to create a single, central arterial source for each lung. If these operations were successful, the two reconstructed central pulmonary arteries were connected. Other investigators have reported similar results with the staged approach (218,219). Early and long-term results of the surgical treatment of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia, with or without major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. Malhorta and Hanley (223) have reported that a “complete” unifocalization could be accomplished in 76% of 464 patients managed in this way. The earlier interventions inherent in this more aggressive approach may reduce the occurrence of segmental pulmonary vascular disease and progressive “loss” of segmental pulmonary arteries. Early and long-term results of the surgical treatment of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia, with or without major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. Those repaired at older ages have the most fibrosis, suggesting that pre- and perioperative factors are the most important insults (247). These studies of regional scarring have been extended to examine interstitial fibrosis as measured by extracellular volume by T1 mapping techniques.

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Studies have shown successful pediatric heart transplant outcomes after donor ischemic times as long as 8 hours cholesterol medication liver disease buy discount fenofibrate 160 mg online, with no significant differences in outcomes between those with donor ischemic times >8 hours and those with donor ischemic times ≤90 minutes (104) cholesterol hair buy 160 mg fenofibrate otc. Although the mechanism is unclear cholesterol levels uk range discount fenofibrate 160 mg buy on-line, the use of advanced-age donor hearts (>40 years of age) for appropriately sized teenage recipients carries a significantly higher 1-year posttransplant mortality than use of younger donor hearts (105). There has been investigation into the use of non–heart- beating heart donors after cardiocirculatory death as an additional source of donors for both adults and children (107,108). Abo-Incompatible Heart Transplantation Blood group matching has traditionally been considered critical for heart transplantation. For example, a recipient whose blood type is O and receives a heart from a B donor will later make antibody to blood group A but usually not to blood group B. Postoperative Management General Considerations The postoperative course after heart transplantation can be complicated. Myocardial injury and cause of death, donor versus recipient size, donor heart ischemic time, blood and tissue compatibility, infectious status of both donor and recipient, recipient diagnosis, and recipient clinical and psychosocial conditions may all affect myocardial performance and postoperative course. The influence of donor and recipient genetics on this process is still being delineated. With an increasingly diverse set of transplant immunosuppressive agents available, a pharmacogenetic effect on clinical outcomes may have important implications for drug selection in the future (118). The effects of brain injury and death on myocardial performance have been investigated (103,119). The process of brain death leads to myocardial dysfunction and is often due to multiple factors: brain death itself may cause myocardial dysfunction; the cause of death (sepsis, trauma, etc. Although no specific relationship with survival has been demonstrated, it is common for many centers to accept some degree of donor heart systolic or diastolic dysfunction, either or both of which are often reversible after transplantation. Donor ischemic times in adult and pediatric heart transplantation have been reported by many centers to increase the postoperative need for inotropic support but to not be a risk factor for 1-year mortality (104,120,121,122). This practice requires particular attention to postoperative management including specific immunosuppression and transfusion protocols (110,111). In the adolescent age group, the number of patients with congenital heart disease who become transplant candidates after a long surgical and blood transfusion history is increasing. Patients with de novo antibodies appearing more than 1 year following transplantation have the poorest survival (130). Patients with congenital heart disease present additional perioperative problems related to their specific morphology, previous surgical procedures, and reconstructive surgery. Heart transplantation in children with an anatomic or physiologic single lung has been successfully performed, but pulmonary artery reconstruction increases the risk of mortality (131,132,133). Heart transplantation for structural congenital heart disease with single ventricle physiology is associated with substantial early mortality, and transplantation after the acutely failing Fontan may be prohibitively risky (64). Fontan status remains a risk factor of mortality after heart transplantation with an expected 5-year survival barely approaching 70%, with particularly increased risk in those with evidence of pulmonary vascular disease or even a failing Fontan circuit with preserved ventricular function (67,134,135). Tailoring of immunosuppressive therapy is a crucial issue in these patients since they are often immunocompromised from their failing Fontan physiology with protein loss, liver dysfunction, and low cardiac output. Transplant outcomes for patients after the Fontan operation are better in those who require heart transplantation because of ventricular dysfunction (rather than those with preserved ventricular function and a failing Fontan circuit) and those without significant comorbidities such as liver cirrhosis or chronic malnutrition (67). Protein-losing enteropathy, a severe complication of Fontan physiology can usually be improved by heart transplantation (65,67,136). Practical considerations Adequate monitoring of the postoperative heart transplant patient is essential. Of these, standard pediatric monitoring would include all except assessment of pulmonary arterial wedge pressure and cardiac output via invasive catheters owing to concerns of catheter size and maintaining appropriate catheter position, especially in smaller recipients. However, continuous, direct measurement of pulmonary artery pressures is monitored in some pediatric patients, particularly those with elevated pulmonary arterial pressures before transplant. Perioperative hemodynamic instability can be a result of multiple causes including graft reperfusion injury, inflammatory response after cardiopulmonary bypass, elevated pulmonary vascular resistance, and labile fluid status. Most patients can be supported with catecholamine infusions after transplantation and often benefit from an elevated heart rate. Milrinone is often used to reduce pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance and potentially provides a nonadrenergic-receptor–dependent form of inotropic support. The donor right ventricle is not “prepared” to deal with elevated pulmonary vascular resistances, thus some degree of right ventricular failure is common and usually lasts for several days. Many agents, such as prostaglandins, prostacyclin, nitroprusside, inhaled nitric oxide, and others have been proven to be effective in these patients (40,41). Hemodynamic parameters, such as right-sided filling pressures and functional right ventricular assessment with echocardiography can be used to follow the course of right ventricular recovery and direct appropriate weaning from supportive measures.

Rathgar, 36 years: Furthermore, these generous men and ing those who appear to have had the necessary training but women also play an important role in fundraising for the hos- hiring individuals who will be a good “ft” with the team. Although optimal donors have normal cardiac anatomy and function, ideal size and blood type match, and minimal ischemic time, many successful pediatric heart donors are used that do not meet these ideal criteria (1). Known complications are similar to those seen in the adult studies, which include mediastinal/bleeding complications, pump thrombosis, stroke, and infection. The evidence is strong, qualified, and quantified—relative risks have been estimated for several types of heart defects in reviews and meta-analyses (see discussion above).

Fasim, 45 years: Short-term hemodynamic effects of captopril in infants with congestive heart failure. In these cases be removed and the underlying medial pterygoid muscle recurrent tumor is best managed by external procedures such exposed (Figs. Dextrocardia with situs ambiguus was the most common form of dextrocardia in the Van Praagh et al. Childhood-onset Takayasu arteritis – experience from a tertiary care center in South India.

Gorok, 44 years: Note the tricuspid insufficiency (black arrow) and the atretic pulmonary valve (white arrow). Fibroblast growth factor signals regulate a wave of Hedgehog activation that is essential for coronary vascular development. Be particularly careful to keep the tip of the suction Freer on bone as it rides over the prominence of the frontal process of the maxilla as the bone contour can fall away abruptly and contact with the bone and surgical plane can be lost. Replication of the other strand, the lagging strand, would appear to have to occur in the 3 to 5 direction, which is not possible.

Delazar, 33 years: The risk of sudden cardiac death in patients younger than 8 years old is very small and is minimal in patients younger than 5. Lateral to the rostral Pons part of each pyramid is a prominent elevation, The pons extends from the medulla to the mid- the olive. What should be targeted first in a patient with diabetes who have both fast- ing and postprandial hyperglycemia? In the future the city manager should ensure city inspectors have a very strict building code that must be signed of on by the building inspection department as well as having an environmental impact study prior to construction.

Hamlar, 51 years: Every sequence obtained must be compared with every other sequence in order to identify the overlaps. This, however, should not be undertaken in a Magnetic resonance imaging potentially resectable lesion without discussion with a Magnetic resonance imaging is used as a problem-solving hepatic surgeon as seeding along the biopsy tract may com- technique to give additional information to ultrasound and promise the surgical feld. Epithelial mesen- supravalvar aortic stenosis were unable to fnd any advantage chymal transformation in early avian heart development. Epidemiology and Etiology Circumferential right aortic arches are uncommon, occurring in <10% of patients with a right aortic arch in one series (16).

Armon, 23 years: A continuum of the degree of normality-to-abnormality of these waveforms is discussed in Chapter 5. Analysis of the diffraction patterns yields information about the structure and shape of the molecules in the array. Tracheal repair included pericardial patch nate artery compression of the trachea as frst described by tracheoplasty (n = 7), tracheal autograft (n = 10), tracheal Gross49 consists of an aortopexy procedure which lifts both Vascular Rings, Slings, and Tracheal Anomalies 661 the arch of the aorta as well as the innominate artery origin 9. Non-osteoporotic uses of bisphosphonates include hypercalcemia of any etiol- ogy, asymptomatic hyperparathyroidism, osteogenesis imperfecta, fibrous dys- plasia, Paget’s disease of bone, malignancy with osseous metastasis, and multiple myeloma.

Innostian, 46 years: The pre- Bayley scale was 91 and the Mental Developmental Index sentation of symptomatic heart disease in infancy based on 10 was 88. In addition, agreements with other agencies and depart- ments should be sought to bolster capabilities of the police department. A number of antiarrhythmic agents are available, but only the most commonly used drugs in the pediatric population are presented in this chapter. Clonal selection is the most widely accepted theory that explains the immune system and contains four major points as follows: A.

Javier, 63 years: Another important factor affecting pulmonary resistance is pulmonary capillary recruitment that requires a minimal distending pressure. Effects of Fontan Physiology on the Liver Unfortunately, one of the long-term consequences of Fontan physiology is the detrimental effect on the liver. Unfortunately, there is no way to protect the public from a biotoxin attack that is low tech and carried out in a covert fashion. A two-dimensional dot plot of flow cytometry using peripheral blood shows three populations: lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils.

Darmok, 56 years: Thus, he or she can play only a very limited role in ology and chief of cardiac surgery are staff recruitment and the surgical executive committee. However, in iodine-sufficient regions, the commonest cause is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The sensitivity and specificity of different screening tests for the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome are summarized in the table given below. Feasibility of pulmonary artery pressure measurements in infants through aorto-pulmonary shunts using a micromanometer pressure wire.

Aidan, 39 years: Variants with single (8%) and intramural (5%) coronary arteries are not illustrated. Preconceptional diabetes management could decrease the risk for pregnancy loss and congenital malformation for approximately 113,000 births per year (111). The presence of an interatrial communication may be crucial for survival in some such defects such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, D-transposition of great arteries, tricuspid atresia, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return. However, elimination of any large left to right shunts may be of benefit early on, should left ventricular and mitral annular dilation be contributing to the severity of mitral regurgitation (84).

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