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Clinical practice is central to training and so students and trainees learn What does the future hold? Far from wondering how distance learning can teach medicine, the more relevant question is: How can health sciences education be con- ducted effectively without distance learning tech- niques? But it could equally Face-to-face elements can include tutorials, clinical be a management system based on central office supervision, skills labs, residential and elective functions if computing power is unavailable. These elements require Within this system, students can be offered a vari- careful planning and integration but many, such as ety of carefully planned, developed and quality the unpublished clinical problem solving exercises assured elements (Grant 2001) which ensure cur- which we use as the basis of current workshops, riculum coverage. Distance can be: learning components, then, can be divided into ana Curriculum map, learning record and logbook Web-based and Student discussion electronic resources Clinical work, with groups and blogs supported preparation and reflection Clinical Clinical reasoning e portfolio Reflective supervison guides and exercises diary Core learning materials On-line tutorials Skills labs with aims, instruction, and discussions Virtual clinical timings, exercises, Tutorials self-assessment environment Diagnostic thinking inventory for assessment of developing Self-directed learning clinical problem solving skill Formative and and personally and feedback summative assessments constructed modules Tutor-marked Personal mentor to assignments and track progress and feedback assist reflection Figure 42. But the health professions are different from these other disciplines in some fundamental ways: the medium can offer a rich virtual learning envi- ronment made up of blogs (open web-log diaries) Health sciences education involves patients and wikis (participant-led glossaries), structured and unpredictable events and opportunities conferencing, instant messaging and e-portfolios. So e-learning is more than structured course materi- Health sciences students are distributed across als. E-learning itself can also replicate the less formal a wide range of practice locations. Students and postgraduates learn in the real However, although students are enthusiastic context of patient care. Yet this context also means that learners printed text which offers active learning, problem must act alone in their interactions with solving and feedback (Clarke et al 2005, Donnelly patients and be properly prepared to do this & Agius 2005, Markova et al 2005, Urquhart et al safely and to reflect on it afterwards to ensure 2002). And we should not forget that there is still that it has its full learning effect. The literature provides may eventually become the preferred method many models and descriptions of clinical reasoning for teaching in undergraduate, postgraduate and and problem solving, as discussed in previous continuing education settings. The work has been successfully used to or to model the clinical problem-solving process. The organization of clinical memory dents to use a formula which will overlay their Reflection and experiences in accessing memories own cognitive processing of the data. We therefore helps to develop the ease and flexibility of think- propose to advocate strategies that will help stu- ing based on appropriate organization of memory dents to enhance their thinking processes by prepar- stores that characterizes the more experienced cli- ing for and reflecting on experience. Overall, although cognitive psychology research- ers have chosen to use different terms to describe 2. Individuality of thinking what is happening inside the head of the student or clinician who is trying to work out what, if any- As clinicians develop, their personal memory stores thing, is wrong with a patient, the overall picture is become more individual, developed, appropriate Using open and distance learning to develop clinical reasoning skills 445 and tailored through use and clinical practice know about (Eva & Norman 2005, Klein 2005), (Grant & Marsden, 1987, 1988). Gaining access to memory because clinical problem solving is case-specific and person-specific, with different content and When students or clinicians are presented with types of reaction to clinical information, there is clinical information, they make sense of it by recog- no one reasoning system that can be taught.

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Tamm M 1996 Ethical dilemmas encountered by Williams and Wilkins bacteria experiments for kids buy cheap augmentin 625 mg on-line, Baltimore community-based occupational therapists in the home Reilly M 1960 Research potentiality of occupational care setting treatment for dogs dry skin discount augmentin online. Blackwell Science antibiotic prescribing guidelines buy cheap augmentin 375 mg line, Oxford Clinical reasoning in occupational therapy 277 Tornebohm H 1991 What is worth knowing in occupational Wilcock A 1998 An occupational perspective of health. F A Davis, Philadelphia Van Deusen J 1991 the issue is: can we delimit the discipline of occupational therapy? Systematic, because it framework 280 is a discipline that uses special methods and Constructing knowledge in two directions: approaches to examine moral situations, and a pro- inductive and deductive reasoning 282 cess of reflection because it consciously calls into question assumptions about existing components Ethical theory and ethical principles 282 of our moralities, including our reasoning, that fall the theory behind the principle: respect for into the category of habits, customs or traditions autonomy 283 (Purtilo 2005, p. In this chapter we focus on the moral judgement compo- nent while recognizing that the ethical reasoning process cannot be separated from these other dimensions. The component of ethical reasoning or making moral judgements can also be divided into four parts. In this chapter we present two research- There has been a long expressed need for a better derived perspectives from physiotherapy on ethi- understanding of the relationship between ethical cal reasoning which we contend have relevance reasoning and clinical reasoning (Clawson 1994, for debates on the practice of ethics within health Swisher 2002). The first cians can integrate and align their ethical reasoning perspective (Delany 2005) is from a philosophical with both a familiar and a rigorous method of and normative ethical position, and proposes a clinical reasoning and problem solving in clinical re-consideration of the theory/ies underlying practice. Normative ethics expressed in the understanding the assumptions or rationale form of biomedical ethical principles continues underlying all types of decision making in clinical to be the dominant form of bioethics and is char- practice. Traditional understandings of clinical acterized by a deductive logic or reasoning pro- reasoning have emphasized the deductive process cess (Fox 1994, Swisher 2002). This understanding terpoint (but not as a substitute) for more tradi- has now broadened and clinical reasoning is tional deductive processes of principles-oriented widely accepted as a collaborative and interactive ethical reasoning. This inductive process of other, the ethical values found in a richer under- understanding particular patient beliefs and their standing of patient perspective(s) in clinical prac- interpretation of illness or disability experience in tice (Edwards et al 2005). The two approaches the clinical reasoning process has, therefore, together offer complementary sets of insights assumed a more explicit and valued role in clinical important for the development of skills in ethical reasoning. The dominant form of bioethics, termed ture this chapter by first establishing links the principlist approach (Fox 1994, Swisher 2002), is between the processes and underlying assump- a deductive approach which relies upon a theoreti- tions of clinical reasoning and the components cal framework of accepted biomedical ethical prin- and process of ethical reasoning. We contend that ciples (Beauchamp & Childress 2001) to guide the recognizing similarities between clinical and ethi- development of ethical codes and ethical decision cal reasoning processes enhances a deeper under- making. Codes of ethics in the caring professions standing, provides a more rigorous framework in Australia (such as nursing, pharmacy, occupa- and facilitates an integrated implementation of tional therapy, physiotherapy, social work and ethical knowledge in everyday practice. We then medicine) are based on variations of the principlist examine two of the key components of ethical approach (Hugman 2005). Although there con- reasoning and their relationship in depth: the tinues to be a high degree of consensus regarding understanding and application of ethical theory/ theseprinciplesasafoundationforethicsinthe knowledge and the understanding and applica- health professions (Hugman 2005), bioethics has tion of knowledge of context, patient values and shifted since the mid-1990s, in a similar way to con- experience. Epistemology refers to the and ethical approaches and the different perspec- study of knowledge and how knowledge is con- tives they offer for ethical decision making has structed. In contemporary models of clinical been previously recognized in established models reasoning (Edwards et al 2004, Jensen et al 1999, of ethical reasoning (Kerridge et al 2005, Purtilo Mattingly 1994) epistemological bases underlying 2005, Sim 2004, Swisher 2005). However, in the eth- particular reasoning processes have been identi- ical reasoning literature, the way in which the dif- fied and the relevance of understanding these dif- ferent perspectives and ethical approaches might ferences is made explicit. Existing models of be incorporated into an ethical reasoning process ethical reasoning recognize reasoning approaches has received less attention. Moreover, they tend to leave the choice in one or other direction (Sim 2004, Swisher 2005). These steps begin with a specific views concerning the nature of truth or reality.

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When there is a reduction of intake antimicrobial vs antibiotics purchase augmentin line, the kidney conserves sodium and with excessive intake antibiotic not working buy augmentin no prescription, there is enhanced excretion latest antibiotics for acne purchase augmentin 375 mg with mastercard. T e magnitude of resultant cell swelling depends on the degree and acuity of hyponatremia. Dilutional hyponatremia, by far the most common form of the disorder, is caused by water retention or inadvertent water absorption seen commonly following endoscopic surgeries. As its name indicates, the water intake exceeds in the body with resultant dilution of body solutes, causing hypo-osmolality and hypotonicity. Anesthesiologists face this complication very often and therefore, this type of iatrogenic form of hyponatremia is discussed in detail. T e nonhypotonic varieties are hypertonic (or translocational) hyponatremia, isotonic hyponatremia, and pseudohyponatremia. Translocational hyponatremia is seen when there is hyperglycemia or retention of hypertonic mannitol which increases the solutes confned in the extracellular compartment to increase the serum osmolality and tonicity. T is results in a shift of intracellular water to the extracellular space, causing dehydration of cells. Pseudohyponatremia is a spurious form of iso-osmolar and isotonic hyponatremia occurring when severe hypertriglyceridemia or paraproteinemia substantially increases the solid phase of plasma and the sodium concentration is measured by means of fame photometry. Hence the volume status and the urine sodium of the patient should be known to establish the cause of hyponatremia so that appropriate treatment can be started. A urine Na <20 mEq/L suggests volume depletion; Urine Na >20 mEq/L suggests euvolemia or hypervolemia. Iatrogenic Hypovolemic Hyponatremia When the gastrointestinal losses following vomiting, diarrhea, etc. T iazide diuretics are responsible for more than 90% of the severe diuretic-induced hyponatremia. T e elderly are especially at risk as they may be malnourished, have decreased total body water to weight ratio, have impaired free water excretion and reduced sodium conservation. Hypervolemic (Edematous) Hyponatremia Iatrogenic hypervolemic hyponatremia occurs in the presence of uncontrolled hyperglycemia. It occurs when irrigating fuid is absorbed in sufcient quantity to produce systemic manifestations. A high index of suspicion and intensive monitoring is, therefore, mandatory during all endoscopic surgeries requiring irrigation. A general nonspecifc sense of being unwell is slightly more common than perioperative nausea or vomiting, which is reported in about 10% of patients. Slow development of hyponatremia allows time for the brain cells to adapt to the changing osmolality by loss of intracellular osmoles. T e patient may initially complain of transient prickling and burning sensations in the face and the neck together with lethargy and apprehension. If no action is taken, the patient gets restless and complains of headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and lethargy. Most of these symptoms are related to the excitable tissues, such as the nervous system and muscles. Abdominal distention secondary to absorption of the irrigating fuid through perforations in the prostatic capsule may also occur. In the end stages, cerebral swelling causes tentorial herniation, depression of respiratory center and death. T e occurrence of hyponatremia with hypo-osmolality almost always signifes water intoxication.


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Masil, 65 years: Nerves lying deep to the prevertebral fascia (cervical and brachial plexus and their branches) remain intact. These, of course, the mean would be distribution free, not having means, vari- correlation coefficient: a measure of association ances or standard deviations. Adverse effects Rare: gelastic seizures, Stevens-Johnson, toxic epidermal necrolysis, urticarial, rashes Myasthenia gravis, sleep apnea, severe liver Contraindications disease, respiratory problems 15.

Milten, 23 years: Therefore, E fields will lose penetration depth with higher frequency ?, as seen in Figure 8. Current concepts in the pathophysiology plantation Several Aplastic Anaemia Working Party. In?ammation of the thyroid gland can be in the United States, where iodine is added to salt.

Ilja, 50 years: If a synthetic anti-pyretic drug is administered, the bodies* natural anti-pyretic mechanism is suppressed. In practice, attenuation leads to both spatial distortion in the final reconstruction and significant errors in quantitative accuracy. Simulated patients in action 425 Simulated patients were introduced into the Ethics and safety, economy medical education literature in a detailed format and reproducibility 425 by Barrows (1971).

Dimitar, 58 years: Do we really know the pharmacodynamics of anaesthetics used in newborns, infants and children? Remaining fbres are inserted into a median raphe extending from hyoid bone to mandible want to know more? Simple, low-cost It is well recognized that, apart from natural back- measures are available for reducing doses without ground, medical exposures are at present by far the loss of diagnostic information, but the extent to largest source of exposure to ionizing radiation of which these measures are used varies widely.

Tjalf, 41 years: Symptoms of Bicarb deficiency include bloating after meals, indigestion, pancreatitis, or swelling of the abdomen forward. When we say that N will give Si or (C + O), we should thereupon2 be able to derive all the combinations of stable isotopes that are pos- sible and only these. This is due to pulmonary venous hypertension, which density of the upper zones of the hila.

Murat, 64 years: In these patients, there is a prominent muscle aching, often with fatigue, arthralgia, malaise, sleep disturbance and Visual loss headaches. The most common irritants to gastric reflux disease are: 1) Effervescent or fizzy drinks 2) Improper food combining, such as eating fruit and protein together. The thalamus and the caudate nucleus together form the foor of the central part of the lateral ventricle.

Sanuyem, 24 years: It may arise from the upper left bronchial artery or from the third right posterior intercostal artery. Pectoral Region, Axilla and Breast 44 the Pectoral Region 44 Cutaneous Nerves of the Pectoral Region 44 Muscles of the Pectoral Region 45 the Axilla 48 the Axillary Artery 49 the Axillary Vein 53 Lymph Nodes and Lymphatic Drainage 53 Lymph Nodes of Upper Limb 54 the Brachial Plexus and its Branches 56 the Mammary Glands (Breasts) 64 4. This instrument can be passed down the spine to measure voltage, amperage, resistance, and temperature of the skin next to the vertebrae.

Abbas, 31 years: It is directly behind the artery at the apex of the femoral triangle, and lateral to the lower end of the artery. Transverse incisions may be made through the abdominal wall, and the incision can include the rectus abdominis. This involves, not the failure to control confounding, but often the ics and statistics of high-dimensional spaces is failure even to measure any of the other relevant like moving from reading a bestselling detective exposures.

Tippler, 38 years: As a refnement of the experiment, the tube and iron flings can be weighed before and after; so can the gas cylinder. A place for new research directions 213 This page intentionally left blank 193 Chapter 17 M ethods in the study of clin ical reason in g Jose? F. Since then, large series of muscle fiber necrosis, elevation of serum muscle enzymes, and patients have been described.

Ningal, 37 years: The patients were chosen because of their moderate hypothyroid syndrome, which included inability to control weight and resist cold; lethargy, depression, low body temperature, and other morphological factors. Popp implies that these are the other biological phenomena (high number of chemical reactions), which explain the existence of photons within cells. This formula can also be used to help the kidney release toxins and a collection of uric or oxalic acid, as in the case of kidney stones.

Kayor, 27 years: At present, coarctation can be surgically corrected by removing the narrow segment and anastomosing the two cut ends of the aorta. He further stated that different ducted specifically looking at clinical reasoning as problems needed different types of rationality if a phenomenon. The basic structure of penicillin was modified to resist these destructive enzymes, leading to the antistaphylococcal penicillins.

Knut, 22 years: Salmonella ser Typhi, the bacterium responsible for causing typhoid fever, has a preference for the Image 120. Incorporation of �best evidence� from several tion or a prognostic rule might be developed reliable sources along with personal clinical in one group of patients and validated in experience into �evidence-based� guidelines, another. Overlying soft tissues or skeletal structures can tion, the 10th or 11th rib should be seen in this location ure 2).

Bengerd, 33 years: Skin scrapings from rial folliculitis or abscess, trichotillomania, lesions are inoculated directly onto culture alopecia areata, head lice, and scarring alopecia. This can be associated with other problems such as alcoholism, Immunological Demyelinating: Guillain�Barre syndrome, chronic infammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy in which the major factor is nutritional defciency. Single dose ?uconazole compared with conventional clotrimazole topical therapy of Candida vaginitis.

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