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The duration is then the time from We can group the designs in two groups: either onset of action to end of effect cholesterol levels check buy atorvastatin without a prescription. This is not appropriate cholesterol screening ratio 40 mg atorvastatin purchase with mastercard, since lung function has a clear diurnal variation how many cholesterol in eggs purchase 40 mg atorvastatin overnight delivery. Single Dose Monitoring It might be a reasonable approximation for a few hours, the perceived time of clinical efficacy of This type of experiment is simple. Consider one a short-acting β2-agonist, but will produce an individual on one occasion when this experiment incorrect result if used for a longer period. We first take a baseline measure- fact, there are studies in which a patient receiving ment, E0, give the study drug and then follow placebo as treatment has had a definite increase lung function at predetermined timepoints after in lung function already on the first measurement study drug administration. This provides us with after treatment administration (changes in the an approximation of a response curve E(t), where means – not individual spurious events), so the we use E(0) = E0 (though technically it was use of baseline as a reference when declaring obtained at a timepoint t<0). The two most important measures As the name suggests, a responder is a subject derived from the curve E(t)are who responds to the treatment. The discussion above curve (of the polygonal approximation we implies that this is not necessarily a good way have observed to the response curve) divided to go. However, since asthma is not a stable disease, these must be We can also compute tmax, the time at which taken simultaneously. Other clinical trials we do not really need this concept potential measures are related to the concept at all, except for descriptive purposes. It should be noted that a better definition of often clinically measured as percent change. This the index would be IndexEIB = 100 × Emin/E0, means that since then the analysis could be done on the mul- tiplicative scale as discussed above! We analyse these types of trials reaction (EAR = early asthmatic reaction) is an with multiplicative models, which is justified by episode of acute bronchoconstriction which peaks this observation. The late reac- tion (LAR = late asthmatic reaction) is probably Challenge Tests an inflammation mediated bronchoconstriction A challenge test is similar to the single dose mon- which starts about 3 hours after allergen inhala- itoring test, except that most of the monitoring tion and does not resolve for many hours. If they are, we need to measure FEV1 repeat- A baseline measurement E is taken, often after edly during the first hour, and then more sparsely 0 administration of study drug. Then the provo- during the next 7–8 hours (perhaps once an cation is done and lung function followed. The EAR is most often defined as the most cases there are two phases in the reac- maximum percent reduction in FEV1 (from base- tion found. First there is an immediate reaction line) occurring in the first hour after challenge, with bronchoconstriction within minutes which whereas the LAR is defined as the maximum lasts 1–2 hours. Several hours later there is a percent reduction in FEV1 (again from baseline) delayed reaction with a much slower and sus- occurring between 3 and 7 hours after challenge. Alternatively we compute the area under the Typically an exercise test is followed only dur- curve for the first hour and for the period between ing the immediate reaction, the actual existence 3 and 7 hours after challenge and use that as an of a delayed reaction is controversial. The protec- efficacy measure in much the same way as for tive effect of the study drug can be measured by the single dose monitoring experiment. Methacholine and RESPIRATORY 369 histamine produce similar responses, but the the actual algorithm for estimation of PDx can latter has more side-effects and can only be vary. The following suggestion is justified by this administered safely in concentrations up to description of the dose–response curve. If there is a dose with less than x% decrease numbers should be compared to the clinical followed by a dose with more than x%, definition of hyperresponsiveness which is that loglinear interpolation (of log D vs. If the first dose provoked a fall in excess of aerosol which can be done in different ways. In Suffice it to note that one can either do it that case we do a linear interpolation back to with or without a dosimeter which controls the baseline and obtain a dose corresponding to a dose. However, we never go FEV1 or as airway resistance (or its inverse, back more than to half the first dose given. If the last dose produced a fall of less than Technically the subject first inhales saline x%, we extrapolate loglinearly, but only up to and then inhales progressively increasing, often twice the highest dose given. In both cases the we can choose to use cumulative doses or last saline inhalation produces the baseline value. In general the use of the cumulative dose in shape which is well approximated with a seems to be favoured.

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When you are showing Earth cholesterol medical term definition atorvastatin 20 mg purchase without prescription, you are rooted down cholesterol in food purchase atorvastatin 40 mg overnight delivery, heavy cholesterol medication sore muscles discount atorvastatin 40 mg mastercard, with a stable base; just like Mother Earth. Certainly, you show Water throughout the movements by your fluid style and lack of resistance. You are precise in your movements, like Metal, and stand upright and tall, like Wood. As we saw in the Qigong exercises, each movement has a relationship to an organ, an organ system, or to general Qi flow in the body. You are moving your body in a way that influences your health through the meridians and channels, as well as your physical health through the gentle flexing and bending of the joints. Acupuncture There are two very different ways of looking at acupuncture: from the tradi- tional Chinese perspective and from the modern international perspective. The dominant function of acupuncture is to regulate the circulation of Qi (vital energy) and blood. In it, acupunc- ture was described as a means of letting out excess Qi or blood by making holes in the body along certain pathways, called Jingluo (meridians). For some of these meridians, it was advised to acupuncture in such a way as to let out the blood but not the Qi; for others, to let out the Qi, but not the blood. Many diseases were thought to enter the body through the skin, and then penetrate inward through muscle, internal organs, and, if not cured in a timely fashion, to the bone marrow. By inserting a needle to the appropriate depth—to correspond with the degree of disease penetration—the disease could be let out. Prior to the time when there were microscopes by which people could envision individual cells, and before autopsies revealed the intricate structures within the body, doctors and scholars projected the internal workings of the body from what they could actually experience, which was the world outside the body. On this ba- sis, the workings of the body were described in terms similar to those used to de- scribe the visible world. One of the critical aspects of nature for humans living a thousand years ago, when Chinese civilization was well developed, was the system of watercourses, which included tiny streams, huge rivers, manmade canals, and the ocean. It was envisioned that the body had a similar system of moving, life- giving fluid. This fluid was Qi, and the pathways through which it flowed were meridians. Instead of discussing acupuncture in terms of letting something out of the body, physicians working a thousand years later described it in terms of regulating some- thing within the body. The flow of Qi through the meridians, just like the flow of water through a stream, could be blocked off by an obstruction—a dam across the waterway. In the streams, this might be a fallen tree or a mudslide; in humans, it might be caused by something striking the body, the influence of bad weather, or ingestion of improper foods. When a stream is blocked, it floods above the block- age, and below the blockage it dries up. If one goes to the point of blockage and clears it away, then the stream can resume its natural course. In a similar manner, if the Qi in the meridian becomes blocked, the condition of the body becomes disordered like the dryness and flooding; if one could remove the blockage from the flow of Qi within a meridian, the natural flow could be restored. In the hu- man body, inserting a small needle into the blocked meridian will have a similar effect. Just as a stream may have certain points more easily accessed (or more easily blocked), the meridians have certain points that, if treated by needling, will have a significant impact on the flow pattern. Many acupuncture points are named for geological structures: mountains, streams, ponds, and oceans. Although this description of the basic acupuncture concept is somewhat sim- plified, it conveys the approach that is taught today to students of traditional acu- puncture: locate the areas of disturbance, isolate the main blockage points, and clear the blockage. Of course, many layers of sophistication have been added to this model, so that the needling—which might be carried out in several different ways—can be seen to have subtle and differing effects depending upon the site(s) needled, the depth and direction of needling, and even the chemical composition of the needle (such as gold, silver, or steel). For example, some needling tech- niques are used for the primary purpose of increasing the flow of Qi in a meridian without necessarily removing any blockage; other techniques reduce the flow of Qi in the meridians. These tonifying and draining methods, as well as transference methods that help move Qi from one meridian to another, are part of the more general aim of balancing the flow of Qi in the body. Ultimately, all the descriptions of acupuncture that are based on the traditional model involve rectifying a disturbance in the flow of Qi.

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Treatment involves sup- occur in depressed clients who intentionally ingest large portive care to maintain vital functions cholesterol medication side effects simvastatin discount 10 mg atorvastatin free shipping, including cor- amounts of drug in suicide attempts and in young children who rection of fluid and electrolyte imbalances cholesterol test results uk atorvastatin 5 mg purchase with visa. Measures to overdoses cholesterol numbers chart age 10 mg atorvastatin order with amex, hemodialysis is preferred because it removes prevent acute poisoning from drug overdose include dispens- lithium from the body. General measures to treat acute poisoning in- Prevention and Management clude early detection of signs and symptoms, stopping the of Withdrawal Symptoms drug, and instituting treatment if indicated. Specific measures include the following: Withdrawal symptoms have been reported with sudden dis- SSRI overdose: Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, continuation of most antidepressant drugs. In general, symp- agitation, restlessness, hypomania, and other signs of toms occur more rapidly and may be more intense with drugs CNS stimulation. As with other psychotropic drugs, and supportive treatment, such as maintaining an ade- these drugs should be tapered in dosage and discontinued quate airway and ventilation and administering activated gradually unless severe drug toxicity, anaphylactic reactions, charcoal. Most anti- TCA overdose: Symptoms occur 1 to 4 hours after drug depressants may be tapered and discontinued over approxi- ingestion and consist primarily of CNS depression and mately 1 week without serious withdrawal symptoms. For a cardiovascular effects (eg, nystagmus, tremor, restless- client on maintenance drug therapy, the occurrence of with- ness, seizures, hypotension, dysrhythmias, myocardial drawal symptoms may indicate that the client has omitted depression). Death usually results from cardiac, respi- doses or stopped taking the drug. Management of TCA the most clearly defined withdrawal syndromes are associ- toxicity consists of performing gastric lavage and giv- ated with SSRIs and TCAs. With SSRIs, withdrawal symp- ing activated charcoal to reduce drug absorption, estab- toms include dizziness, nausea, and headache and last from lishing and maintaining a patent airway, performing several days to several weeks. More serious symptoms may in- continuous ECG monitoring of comatose clients or clude aggression, hypomania, mood disturbances, and suicidal those with respiratory insufficiency or wide QRS inter- tendencies. Fluoxetine has a long half-life and has not been vals, giving intravenous fluids and vasopressors for se- associated with withdrawal symptoms. Other SSRIs have vere hypotension, and giving intravenous phenytoin short half-lives and may cause withdrawal reactions if stopped (Dilantin) or fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) or a parenteral abruptly. Paroxetine, which has a half-life of approximately benzodiazepine (eg, lorazepam) if seizures occur. Symptoms CHAPTER 10 DRUGS FOR MOOD DISORDERS: ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND MOOD STABILIZERS 175 may include a flu-like syndrome with nausea, vomiting, fatigue, porting a need for lower doses of TCAs and greater muscle aches, dizziness, headache, and insomnia. The short- susceptibility to anticholinergic effects, whereas others acting SSRIs should be tapered in dosage and gradually dis- report no differences between Hispanics and whites. With TCAs, the main concern is over those with strong an- ticholinergic effects. When stopped abruptly, especially with Use in Perioperative Periods high doses, these drugs can cause symptoms of excessive cholinergic activity (ie, hypersalivation, diarrhea, urinary Antidepressants must be used very cautiously, if at all, peri- urgency, abdominal cramping, and sweating). A recom- operatively because of the risk of serious adverse effects and mended rate for tapering TCAs is approximately 25 to 50 mg adverse interactions with anesthetics and other commonly every 2 to 3 days. MAOIs are contraindicated and should be dis- continued at least 10 days before elective surgery. TCAs should be discontinued several days before elective surgery Genetic or Ethnic Considerations and resumed several days after surgery. SSRIs and miscella- neous antidepressants have not been studied in relation to pe- Antidepressant drug therapy for nonwhite populations in the rioperative use; however, it seems reasonable to discontinue United States is based primarily on dosage recommendations, the drugs when feasible because of potential adverse effects, pharmacokinetic data, and adverse effects derived from white especially on the cardiovascular system and CNS. However, several studies document differences in ally recommended that antidepressants be tapered in dosage drug effects in nonwhite populations. Lithium should be stopped 1 to mainly attributed to genetic or ethnic variations in drug- 2 days before surgery and resumed when full oral intake of metabolizing enzymes in the liver. Lithium may prolong the effects are genetically heterogeneous and individual members may of anesthetics and neuromuscular blocking drugs. African Americans tend to have higher plasma levels for Use in Children a given dose, respond more rapidly, experience a higher incidence of adverse effects, and metabolize TCAs Depression commonly occurs in children and adolescents and more slowly than whites. To decrease adverse effects, antidepressant drugs are widely prescribed.

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Cheney P cholesterol in eggs mg atorvastatin 40 mg order otc, Hill-Karrer J cholesterol belongs to which of the following groups cheap atorvastatin on line, Belhaj-Saif A cholesterol tea 40 mg atorvastatin amex, McKiernan Levere T, Almli C, Stein D, eds. New York: Plenum Press, 1988:215– their properties: Implications for neuroprosthetics. Chapter 2 Biologic Adaptations and Neural Repair TERMS FOR IMPROVEMENT AFTER RELEVANCE OF ANIMAL MODELS OF INJURY REPAIR TO CLINICAL TRIALS Compensation Eight Potential Pitfalls of Animal Models Restitution and Substitution SUMMARY Impairment and Disability INTRINSIC BIOLOGIC ADAPTATIONS Spontaneous Gains After an ischemic, hypoxic or traumatic injury Activity in Spared Pathways to the central nervous system, physical and Sensorimotor Representational Plasticity cognitive impairments and accompanying dis- Spasticity and the Upper Motor Neuron abilities usually lessen over days, months, and Syndrome even years. Remarkably mutable intrinsic bi- Synaptogenesis ologic processes may enable these gains Denervation Hypersensitivity (Table 2–1). Clinically useful adaptations that Axon Regeneration and Sprouting follow an injury to the nervous system must Axon Conduction proceed within the framework of its structures Growth Factors and functions. An injury may initiate molecu- Neurogenesis lar and cellular cascades for neuroplasticity, POTENTIAL MANIPULATIONS FOR but activity-dependent plasticity is a more po- NEURAL REPAIR tent drive for functional adaptations in pa- Activity-Dependent Changes at Synapses tients. Spontaneous improvements in impair- Stimulate Axonal Regeneration ments and disabilities may follow an injury Deploy Neurotrophins over the very short term. Most gains are won, Cell Replacement however, by patients who practice and extrin- Pharmacologic Potentiation sically drive fundamental experience-depend- MUSCLE PLASTICITY ent mechanisms (Table 2–2). Exercise This chapter reviews the better understood Atrophy intrinsic biologic mechanisms that may lessen Regeneration impairments and disabilities during neurore- Combined Approaches habilitation. I then explore the range of exper- EXPERIMENTAL INTERVENTIONS FOR imental manipulations for biologic repair REPAIR OF SPINAL CORD INJURY before applying these potential clinical inter- Prevent Cell Death ventions specifically to the neural repair of Increase Axonal Regeneration spinal cord injury (SCI). This nascent research Remyelination may lead to extrinsic strategies to rebuild, Other Transplantation Strategies rewire, and retrain the brain and spinal cord Retraining the Spinal Motor Pools after injury. By understanding some of these 76 Biologic Adaptations and Neural Repair 77 Table 2–1. Potential Intrinsic Biologic Mechanisms to Lessen Impairments and Disabilities A. Recovery of neuronal excitability Resolve cell and axon ionic dysequilibrium Reverse edema, resorb blood Reverse transsynaptic diaschisis 2. Alter synaptic plasticity Modulate basal synaptic transmission Neurotransmitter and peptide modulators alter excitability Denervation hypersensitivity of postsynaptic receptors Regulation of number or types of receptors. Axonal regeneration Gene expression for remodeling proteins Modulation by neurotrophic factors Actions of chemoattractants and inhibitors in the milieu 5. Neurolo- data drawn from animal models, rehabilita- gists, physiatrists, and neurosurgeons must also tionists can talk to their patients about the near be knowledgeable enough to prepare guide- future prospects for neural repair with more lines for the ethical conduct of clinical trials in insight, as well as assist in the development of neural transplantation. Potential Extrinsic Biologic Interventions for Central Nervous System Restitution and Substitution ACUTE NEUROPROTECTION STRATEGIES Block glutamate toxicity Prevent free radical formation Prevent edema Modulate bystander injury from inflammatory Remove hemorrhagic products responses PREVENT APOPTOSIS AND TRANSSYNAPTIC DEGENERATION Neurotrophins Caspase inhibitors Neurotransmitters PREVENT GLIAL SCAR FORMATION Manipulate extracellular matrix molecules NEUROPHARMACOLOGIC MANIPULATIONS Replace neurotransmitters and neuromodulators Provide drugs that affect second messenger cascades SPROUT AXONS AND DENDRITES FROM UNINJURED PATHWAYS Neurotrophin infusion Implant neurotrophin-producing fibroblasts (BDNF, NT-3) REGENERATE AXONS Drive intracellular signaling molecules for actin and Increase permissive growth cues (netrins, cytoskeletal proteins (cAMP) immunoglobulin NCAMs and cadherins) Promote presence of supportive cytokines (TGF- ) Decrease inhibitory growth cone cues (proteoglycans) Amplify adaptive immune responses Provide antibodies to myelin-associated inhibitors Deliver neurotrophins to growth cone by infusion or (nogo, MAG) fibroblast secreting factories of BDNF, NT-3, Provide peptide growth factors (FGF, PDGF) GDNF, NGF Mechanically disrupt glial scar GUIDE AXONS TO TARGETS AND FORM SYNAPSES Neurotrophins Inhibit chemorepellants (semaphorins, collapsins) Provide attracting extracellular matrix molecules Neurotransmitters (acetylcholine) (laminin, collagen, integrins) REMYELINATE AXONS Oligodendrocyte precursor implants Schwann cell or oligodendrocyte implants IMPROVE AXON CONDUCTION Potassium channel blockers REPLACE NEURONS AND GLIA Multipotent stem cells Neuronal precursor cells Olfactory ensheathing cells SUPPORT CELL MIGRATION AND INCORPORATION Neurotrophin and peptide growth factors Extracellular matrix molecules and glia Immunosuppressants Continued on following page 78 Biologic Adaptations and Neural Repair 79 Table 2–2. A more obvious compensatory behavior is ripheral (PNS) nervous system, we may find it to use the unaffected upper extremity for tasks, difficult to distinguish between strict definitions rather than incorporating the hemiparetic hand. Motor functions may appear to have re- covered when, in fact, residual neural activity is Compensation actually supporting behavioral compensation. A closer This approach for rehabilitation is the heart of analysis by slow motion videotaping of the many interventions for functional and cognitive movement reveals better control of the proxi- disabilities. Remediation: Increase the time, effort, or out the normal supination of the hand and fore- amount of training to maintain or regain arm, turns its head to chase after the food, and an affected skill. Terminology for Postinjury Gains Term Definition Recovery Complete return of identical functions that were impaired Restitution Neural network regains most of its activity as a consequence of internal, biologic events Substitution Functional adaptation of a defective or partially spared network or pathway that depends on external stimulation Compensation Behavioral adaptation for an impairment or disability 80 Neuroscientific Foundations for Rehabilitation velop a new skill that replaces the defec- little selective movement in the right leg and no tive one. Accommodation: Adjust intentions or se- sociated with resolution of the toxic and com- lect new goals. Were his gains owed to the Restitution and Substitution good luck that critical tissue was spared and to success in finding behavioral ways to skirt his Another terminology considers two processes residual impairments? Can some credit be given that interact to affect the level of gains during to rehabilitation methods that modulated activ- rehabilitation. Clearly, restitu- ered to be relatively independent of external tion followed by substitution and some behav- variables such as physical and cognitive stimu- ioral compensation combined to permit gains lation. Restitution includes the biochemical that improved the quality of his life after the and gene-induced events that take a turn for stroke. The second, substitution, depends on external stimuli such as practice with the af- Impairment and Disability fected hemiparetic hand during rehabilitation. Substitution includes the functional adaptations the notion of recovery, which in common us- of diminished, but partially restored neural net- age often means any measurable gains, also de- works that compensate for components lost or pends upon whether the clinician has in mind a disrupted by the injury. Substitution may pro- neurophysiologic function, an impairment, a dis- ceed through partially spared pathways. Operationally, clinical ef- These distinctions in terminology are often forts take into account impairment, such as a confounding, however, both for interpreting the hemiparesis.

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When questioned by • Use measures to prevent accidental ingestion or over- clients cholesterol target values buy atorvastatin amex, some physicians suggest taking the supplement for dose, especially in children 3 months (glucosamine 500 mg and chondroitin 400 mg • Experience fewer and less severe attacks of migraine 3 times a day) and decide for themselves whether their symp- toms improve (eg, less pain, improved ability to walk) and Interventions whether they want to continue. Implement measures to prevent or minimize pain, fever, and inflammation: • Treat the disease processes (eg, infection, arthritis) or cir- cumstances (eg, impaired blood supply, lack of physical activity, poor positioning or body alignment) thought to Nursing Process be causing pain, fever, or inflammation • Treat pain as soon as possible; early treatment may pre- Assessment vent severe pain and anxiety and allow the use of milder • Assess for signs and symptoms of pain, such as location, analgesic drugs. Use distraction, relaxation techniques, severity, duration, and factors that cause or relieve the pain other nonpharmacologic techniques along with drug ther- (see Chap. Assist clients to drink 2 to 3 L of fluid daily when taking • Assess for inflammation. This decreases gastric irritation and edema, and pain or tenderness; systemic signs include helps to maintain good kidney function. With long-term use fever, elevated white blood cell count (leukocytosis), of aspirin, fluids help to prevent precipitation of salicylate and weakness. With antigout drugs, fluids help • With arthritis or other musculoskeletal disorders, assess to prevent precipitation of urate crystals and formation of for pain and limitations in activity and mobility. Fluid intake is especially important ini- • Ask about use of OTC analgesic, antipyretic, or anti- tially when serum uric acid levels are high and large amounts inflammatory drugs and herbal or dietary supplements. Nursing Diagnoses • Interview and observe regarding safe, effective use of • Acute Pain the drugs. Do not take more than ✔ Try to identify and avoid situations known to precipitate 12. The tablet should be removed from its package choice is probably sumatriptan (Imitrex) or a related drug, with dry hands and placed on the tongue immediately. Instructions should be strictly followed for the pre- taken if an ergot preparation has been taken within the scribed method of administration. If symptoms re- ✔ If you have frequent or severe migraine attacks, consult turn, a second spray may be taken 2 hours or longer after a physician about medications to prevent or reduce the the first spray. If self-administering injectable sumatriptan, be sure someone else or allow someone else to take yours. This drug must not medications used to relieve acute migraine can constrict be taken intravenously; serious, potentially fatal reactions blood vessels, raise blood pressure, and cause serious may occur. If symptoms recur, a sec- lation, such as tingling sensations or coldness, numb- ond dose may be taken. These are dose of sumatriptan or zolmitriptan sooner than 2 hours symptoms of ergot toxicity. To avoid potentially serious after the first dose, or a second dose of naratriptan sooner adverse effects, do not exceed recommended doses. For inflammation, aspirin is useful in both short- and long-term therapy of conditions characterized by pain Guidelines for Therapy With Aspirin and inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis or os- teoarthritis. Although effective, the high doses and fre- When pain, fever, or inflammation is present, aspirin is ef- quent administration required for anti-inflammatory fective across a wide range of clinical conditions. Like any effects increase the risks of GI upset, ulceration, and other drug, aspirin must be used appropriately to maximize bleeding. For acute pain or fever, plain aspirin tablets are pre- guidelines include the following: ferred. For pain, aspirin is useful alone when the discomfort and daily use for antiplatelet effects, enteric-coated is of low to moderate intensity. Rectal suppositories aspirin may be combined with an oral opioid (eg, are sometimes used when oral administration is con- codeine) or given between opioid doses. Aspirin dosage depends mainly on the condition being such use is rational. Low doses are used for antiplatelet effects in pre- when the pain occurs and is often effective within venting arterial thrombotic disorders such as myocardial a few minutes. Lower-than-average doses are of administration, such as every 4 to 6 hours, is more needed for clients with low serum albumin levels be- effective.

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These drugs are infrequently used nowadays, partly Example: acetaminophen (non-opioid analgesic) + because of this potentially serious interaction and partly be- codeine (opioid analgesic) → increased analgesia cause other effective drugs are available. Interference by one drug with the metabolism or elim- to be avoided by clients taking MAO inhibitors include beer, ination of a second drug may result in intensified ef- wine, aged cheeses, yeast products, chicken livers, and pick- fects of the second drug. Example: cimetidine inhibits CYP 1A, 2C, and 3A An interaction may occur between warfarin, a frequently drug-metabolizing enzymes in the liver and therefore used oral anticoagulant, and foods containing vitamin K. Be- interferes with the metabolism of many drugs (eg, ben- cause vitamin K antagonizes the action of warfarin, large zodiazepine antianxiety and hypnotic drugs, calcium amounts of spinach and other green leafy vegetables may off- channel blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, some anti- set the anticoagulant effects and predispose the person to dysrhythmics, beta blockers and antiseizure drugs, thromboembolic disorders. When these drugs are A third interaction occurs between tetracycline, an antibi- given concurrently with cimetidine, they are likely to otic, and dairy products, such as milk and cheese. Displacement of one drug from plasma protein-binding soluble, unabsorbable compound that is excreted in the feces. This increase occurs because the mole- Drug–Drug Interactions cules of the displaced drug, freed from their bound form, become pharmacologically active. The action of a drug may be increased or decreased by its in- Example: aspirin (an anti-inflammatory/analgesic/ teraction with another drug in the body. Most interactions antipyretic agent) + warfarin (an anticoagulant) → occur whenever the interacting drugs are present in the body; increased anticoagulant effect some, especially those affecting the absorption of oral drugs, occur when the interacting drugs are given at or near the Decreased Drug Effects same time. The basic cause of many drug–drug interactions Interactions in which drug effects are decreased are grouped is altered drug metabolism. Examples of such interactions are by the same enzymes may compete for enzyme binding sites as follows: and there may not be enough binding sites for two or more 1. Also, some drugs induce or inhibit the metabolism of given to antagonize the toxic effects of another drug. Protein binding is also the basis for some im- Example: naloxone (a narcotic antagonist) + mor- portant drug–drug interactions. A drug with a strong attrac- phine (a narcotic or opioid analgesic) → relief of opioid- tion to protein-binding sites may displace a less tightly bound induced respiratory depression. The displaced drug then becomes pharmacologically displace morphine molecules from their receptor sites on active, and the overall effect is the same as taking a larger nerve cells in the brain so that the morphine molecules dose of the displaced drug. Decreased intestinal absorption of oral drugs occurs when drugs combine to produce nonabsorbable com- Interactions that can increase the therapeutic or adverse ef- pounds. Additive effects occur when two drugs with similar (antacids) + oral tetracycline (an antibiotic) → binding pharmacologic actions are taken. Synergism or potentiation occurs when two drugs with tetracycline different sites or mechanisms of action produce greater 3. Activation of drug-metabolizing enzymes in the liver increases the metabolism rate of any drug metabo- lized primarily by that group of enzymes. Several drugs (eg, phenytoin, rifampin), ethanol, and cigarette How Can You Avoid This Medication Error? Beecher, a 76-year-old nursing home client, has just had a change in her antihypertension medications to felodipine 10 mg qd, (an anticoagulant) → decreased effects of warfarin a calcium channel blocker. Increased excretion occurs when urinary pH is changed her the tablet with a large glass of grapefruit juice and caution her and renal reabsorption is blocked. The sodium bicar- CHAPTER 2 BASIC CONCEPTS AND PROCESSES 19 bonate alkalinizes the urine, raising the number of bar- In general, people heavier than average need larger doses, pro- biturate ions in the renal filtrate. The ionized particles vided that their renal, hepatic, and cardiovascular functions are cannot pass easily through renal tubular membranes. Recommended doses for many drugs are listed in Therefore, less drug is reabsorbed into the blood and terms of grams or milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Genetic and Ethnic Characteristics Client-Related Variables Drugs are given to elicit certain responses that are relatively predictable for most drug recipients. When given the same Age drug in the same dose, however, some people experience in- adequate therapeutic effects, and others experience unusual the effects of age on drug action are most pronounced in or exaggerated effects, including increased toxicity.


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Narkam, 59 years: Con- are deflated and removed, leaving behind a defined cavity, sequently, a conventional treatment for pain reduction in- which is then manually filled under low pressure with cluding the WHO recommendations of staged pain treat- highly viscous, radiopaque PMMA cement. Just remember not to make any sudden moves, slowly straighten out, lie on your back, and let your dear abbies stretch.

Sinikar, 24 years: According to Chinese medicine, the liver is inherently replete in infants and chil- dren. Were rodents of such as pigs and nonhuman primates may be a different species or strains used to add a touch reasonable next step to examine the biologic of real-life diversity?

Brontobb, 64 years: In: An H, Simp- thop 221:149–160 (1952) the neurological manifesta- son J (eds) Spinal instrumentation. This scarcity is greater from biceps to triceps than in the reverse could reflect occlusion at interneuronal level and/or direction.

Xardas, 49 years: Since most of the vertebral metastases affect primarily Treatment modalities the vertebral bodies which are the major structure of the anterior column, metastases do not necessarily coinci- Although there is no class I evidence (double-blind ran- dence with instability, as long as the vertebral body con- domized placebo-controlled trial) for any of the treatment tours are intact. Thus, Stimulation of contralateral high-threshold the primary change in the spinal cord following the cutaneous afferents depresses the late ipsilateral chronic spinal lesion could be decreased excitability flexor reflex of pathways mediating early responses.

Rasul, 44 years: The increase in arborization was likely secondary to an increase in the compensatory activity of the normal limb. The efficacy variable is then usually a group A, but half the patients withdraw from summary statistic of these data points, like a group B because of insufficient efficacy.

Fedor, 41 years: They also de- compensation and failure (eg, fluid and sodium reten- crease hospitalizations and deaths from HF. Recruitment of older adults for a Drug Regulat Affairs (1985) 3: 477–500.

Renwik, 62 years: Pharmacotherapy given with havioral training techniques can improve skills language therapy appears to hold some prom- in eye contact, body posture, initiating and ise,171,172 although the proof will require larger, staying on a topic, turn-taking during conver- carefully designed trials (see Chapter 9). Angina pectoris Usual daily maintenance dose, 80–320 mg Angina, PO 40 mg once daily initially, increased by 40–80 mg at 3- to 7-d intervals.

Cole, 54 years: He shows how to exercise with a super- strict form and lift more weight than can be accomplished by swing or cheat. I sometimes had her draw the course of movement of the symptom on her body.

Ernesto, 28 years: Thus, a therapeutic effect in one condition may be a side effect or an ad- verse reaction in another condition. The EMG about the ankle and knee muscles increased in amplitude, including the medial hamstrings (MH) and vastus lateralis (VL) at the knee and the soleus (SOL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) at the ankle over the time of training, which suggests the recruitment of more motor units.

Hengley, 30 years: A meta-analysis of clinical outcomes in the with the neurologically involved child. HERBAL OR DIETARY In women, danazol (Danocrine) may be used to prevent or SUPPLEMENTS treat endometriosis or fibrocystic breast disease.

Iomar, 21 years: In the few cases when, due to family circumstances or there is a need for quick symptomatic relief, treatment with drug therapy can be a valuable option. She struggled to raise her head from its dangling position but could not.

Masil, 31 years: This is probably because much of their writing has been dominated by the unnatural act of sitting examinations – taking a couple of hours to regurgitate previously memorized information. Energy is measured in kilocalories (kcal) per gram of food oxidized Nutritional deficiencies result from inadequate amounts of in the body.

Aschnu, 65 years: Wu CY, Li J, Jergas M, Genant HK man I (1998) Optimizing data acquisi- vertebral fracture in women and the re- (1994) Semiquantitative and quantita- tion and analysis of morphometric lationship with bone density and symp- tive assessment of incident fractures: X-ray absorptiometry. Serving size: 1 to 2 tablespoons per portion of fish or chicken should def- initely do the trick.

Mojok, 25 years: In my initial history, which took over an hour, she gave a bewildering array of com- plaints, more than thirty symptoms that covered nearly all areas of the body. During the unipedal part of the stance phase, it, so enabling continuation of the walking pattern.

Emet, 34 years: From a Taoist point of view, this is like trying to erase the negative current from electricity because it is not positive. Receiving expert coaching in depth jumping from a sky diving instructor is encouraged.

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