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These techniques provide profound analgesia impotence blood pressure medication red viagra 200 mg low price, with retention of the patient’s ability to maintain a patent airway and to respond to verbal commands impotence natural treatment clary sage red viagra 200 mg purchase fast delivery. For more extensive surgical procedures erectile dysfunction karachi buy 200 mg red viagra fast delivery, anesthesia may begin with preoperative benzodiazepines, be induced with an intravenous agent (eg, thiopental or propofol), and be maintained with a combination of inhaled (eg, volatile agents, nitrous oxide) or intravenous drugs (eg, propofol, opioid analgesics), or both. Anesthetics affect neurons at various cellular locations, but the primary focus has been on the synapse. A presynaptic action may alter the release of neurotransmitters, whereas a postsynaptic effect may change the frequency or amplitude of impulses exiting the synapse. Studies on isolated spinal cord tissue have demonstrated that excitatory transmission is impaired more strongly by anesthetics than inhibitory effects are potentiated. Sedation & Monitored Anesthesia Care Many diagnostic and minor therapeutic surgical procedures can be performed without general anesthesia using sedation-based anesthetic techniques. In this setting, regional or local anesthesia supplemented with midazolam or propofol and opioid analgesics (or ketamine) may be a more appropriate and safer approach than general anesthesia for superficial surgical procedures. The technique typically involves the use of intravenous midazolam for premedication (to provide anxiolysis, amnesia, and mild sedation) followed by a titrated, variable-rate propofol infusion (to provide moderate to deep levels of sedation). A potent opioid analgesic or ketamine may be added to minimize the discomfort associated with the injection of local anesthesia and the surgical manipulations. This technique refers to drug-induced alleviation of anxiety and pain in combination with an altered level of consciousness associated with the use of smaller doses of sedative medications. In this state the patient retains the ability to maintain a patent airway and is responsive to verbal commands. A wide variety of intravenous anesthetic drugs have proved to be useful drugs in conscious sedation techniques (eg, diazepam, midazolam, propofol). Use of benzodiazepines and opioid analgesics (eg, fentanyl) in conscious sedation protocols has the advantage of being reversible by the specific receptor antagonist drugs (flumazenil and naloxone, respectively). Deep sedation is similar to a light state of general anesthesia characterized by decreased consciousness from which the patient is not easily aroused. Because deep sedation is often accompanied by a loss of protective reflexes, an inability to maintain a patent airway and lack of verbal responsiveness to surgical stimuli, this state may be indistinguishable from general anesthesia. A practitioner with expertise in airway management, such as an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist, must be present. Intravenous agents used in deep sedation protocols mainly include the sedative-hypnotics propofol and midazolam, sometimes in combination with potent opioid analgesics or ketamine, depending on the level of pain associated with the surgery or procedure. Volatile anesthetics (halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, desflurane, sevoflurane) have low vapor pressures and thus high boiling points so that they are liquids at room temperature (20°C) and sea-level ambient pressure, whereas gaseous anesthetics (nitrous oxide, xenon) have high vapor pressures and low boiling points such that they are in gas form at room temperature. The special characteristics of volatile anesthetics make it necessary that they be administered using vaporizers. Uptake from the alveoli into the blood and distribution and partitioning into the effect compartments are important determinants of the kinetics of these agents. As previously mentioned, an ideal anesthetic should have a rapid onset (induction), and its effect should be rapidly terminated. Inspired concentration and ventilation—The driving force for uptake of an inhaled anesthetic into the body is the alveolar concentration. Two parameters that can be controlled by the anesthesiologist determine how quickly the alveolar concentration changes: (1) inspired concentration or partial pressure, and (2) alveolar ventilation. The partial pressure of an inhaled anesthetic in the inspired gas mixture directly affects the maximum partial pressure that can be achieved in the alveoli as well as the rate of increase of the partial pressure in the alveoli. Increases in the inspired partial pressure increase the gradient between inspired and alveolar partial pressure to accelerate induction. The increase of partial pressure in the alveoli is usually expressed as a ratio of alveolar concentration (F ) over inspired concentration (F ); theA I faster F /F approaches 1 (representing inspired-to-alveolar equilibrium), the faster anesthesia will occur during anA I inhaled induction. The primary parameter other than inspired concentration that directly controls the rate by which F /F approaches 1 isA I alveolar ventilation. An increase in pulmonary ventilation is accompanied by only a slight increase in arterial tension of an anesthetic with low blood solubility, but can significantly increase tension of agents with moderate to high blood solubility (Figure 25–3). For example, a fourfold increase in the ventilation rate almost doubles the F /F ratioA I for halothane during the first 10 minutes of administration but increases the F /F ratio for nitrous oxide by only 15%.

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Shoulder 127 Right shoulder superfcial dissection 7 6 8 11 2 12 3 9 5 14 10 4 13 1 1 Removal of skin and fascia displays the anterior musculature of the shoulder and thoracic wall. This is the normal appearance; 7 Cephalic vein when the joint is dislocated, with the acromion 8 Cervical nerve to trapezius being forced below the end of the clavicle, the 9 Clavicle ‘step’ is much exaggerated. The clavipectoral fascia which passes between the clavicle (7) and the upper (medial) border of the pectoralis minor (21) has also been removed to show the axillary vein (3) receiving the cephalic vein (6) and continuing as the subclavian vein (27) as it crosses the frst rib (11). The axillary nerve (8) runs transversely under cover of deltoid (4) behind the shaft of the humerus at a level 5–6 cm below the acromion (3). Latissimus dorsi (7; page 132, 7) and teres major (11; page 132, 16) form the lower boundary of the posterior wall of the axilla. Shoulder 131 Right shoulder superfcial dissection, from behind 1 1 Acromion 2 Branches of circumfex scapular artery 3 Deltoid muscle 4 Infraspinatus fascia 5 Lateral cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of thoracic nerves 3 6 Latissimus dorsi muscle 7 Long head of triceps brachii muscle 11 8 Posterior cutaneous nerve to the arm 9 Teres major muscle 10 Teres minor muscle 2 11 Trapezius muscle 4 12 Triangle of auscultation 5 10 9 8 12 7 6 5 The triangle of auscultation (12) is bounded by the trapezius, latissimus dorsi and the medial border of the scapula; its foor is partly formed by rhomboid major. Shoulder 133 A Right shoulder from above and behind 25 A 7 1 4 5 10 8 13 7 12 9 23 24 2 16 14 B 21 19 15 6 12 20 8 18 1 17 3 22 11 6 11 3 9 4 26 13 5 10 2 1 Acromion 2 Branches of circumfex scapular artery anastomosing with suprascapular artery 3 Deltoid muscle (cut and refected) B Right shoulder and 4 Erector spinae muscle 5 Infraspinous fossa 6 Infraspinatus muscle (cut and refected) upper arm 7 Latissimus dorsi muscle 8 Levator scapulae muscle from the right 9 Long head of triceps brachii muscle Deltoid (7) extends over the tip of the shoulder 10 Medial border of scapula 11 Omohyoid muscle to its attachment halfway down the lateral side 12 Posterior cutaneous nerve to the arm of the shaft of the humerus. Biceps brachii (3) is 13 Rhomboid major muscle on the front of the arm below pectoralis major 14 Rhomboid minor muscle (8) and triceps (11 and 12) is at the back. The tendon of the long 6 3 14 head of biceps (18) lies in the groove between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus (9 and 12). The 25 humerus head is on the left, the subscapularis tendon is in the middle and the glenoid and the surrounding 24 labrum is on the right. The joint is 11 slightly distracted with the aid of traction and also the fuid in the joint 12 used in the arthroscopy. F Right shoulder radiograph G anteroposterior projection in a 9-year-old child 2 4 26 F 4 6 1 14 6 11 3 2 7 23 12 18 14 15 17 9 11 13 9 4 9 16 The joint cavity communicates with the subscapularis bursa through an opening between the superior and middle glenohumeral ligaments. Axilla 139 Right axilla and brachial plexus from the front 23 8 19 1 7 28 32 10 31 9 14 21 5 13 11 20 6 24 27 33 16 2 22 30 18 34 4 25 29 12 21 26 15 36 35 3 17 1 Anterior scalene muscle 20 Pectoral branch of thoracoacromial 2 Axillary nerve trunk 3 Biceps brachii muscle 21 Pectoralis major muscle (refected) 4 Coracobrachialis 22 Pectoralis minor muscle (refected) 5 External intercostal muscle 23 Phrenic nerve 6 Intercostobrachial nerve 24 Posterior cord of brachial plexus 7 Internal intercostal muscle 25 Posterior circumfex humeral artery 8 Internal thoracic artery 26 Radial nerve 9 Lateral cord of brachial plexus 27 Serratus anterior muscle 10 Lateral pectoral nerve 28 Subclavian artery 11 Lateral thoracic artery 29 Subscapular trunk 12 Latissimus dorsi muscle 30 Subscapularis muscle 13 Long thoracic nerve 31 Superior thoracic artery 14 Medial cord of brachial plexus 32 Suprascapular artery 15 Medial cutaneous nerve to the forearm 33 T3 spinal nerve 16 Medial pectoral nerve 34 Thoracodorsal artery 17 Median nerve 35 Triceps brachii muscle 18 Musculocutaneous nerve 36 Ulnar nerve 19 Omohyoid muscle Erb’s palsy, winging of the scapula, see pages 170–172. Axilla 141 Left brachial plexus and branches from the front 5 18 21 20 16 1 14 16 17 24 10 28 6 15 7 22 3 11 2 13 19 23 9 27 25 26 4 8 19 12 8 19 1 Axillary artery 15 Median nerve 2 Axillary nerve (passing through the 16 Pectoral arteries quadrangular space) 17 Pectoralis major muscle (refected) 3 Biceps brachii muscle 18 Pectoralis minor muscle (refected) 4 Circumfex scapular artery 19 Serratus anterior muscle 5 Clavicle 20 Subclavian vein (cut) 6 Coracobrachialis muscle 21 Subclavius muscle 7 Intercostobrachial nerve 22 Subscapular trunk 8 Latissimus dorsi muscle 23 Subscapularis muscle 9 Long head of triceps brachii muscle 24 Superior thoracic artery 10 Long thoracic nerve 25 Thoracodorsal (middle subscapular) nerve 11 Lower subscapular nerve 26 Thoracodorsal artery 12 Medial cutaneous nerve to the arm 27 Ulnar nerve 13 Medial cutaneous nerve to the forearm 28 Upper subscapular nerve 14 Medial pectoral nerve Brachial plexus block, see pages 170–172. Note the ‘capital M’ pattern formed by the musculocutaneous nerve (18), the lateral root of the median nerve (8), the median nerve itself (17), the medial root of the median nerve (16) and the ulnar nerve (26). In this specimen, the tendon of latissimus dorsi (9) is unusually broad and has become blended with the long head of triceps (10). Arm 143 A Right arm vessels and nerves, from the front Biceps (16 and 8) has been turned laterally to show the musculocutaneous nerve (12) emerging from coracobrachialis (6), giving branches to biceps and brachialis (14 and 13) and becoming the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (7) on the lateral side of the biceps tendon (17). The median nerve (11) gradually crosses over in front of the brachial artery (2) from the lateral to the medial side. The ulnar nerve (18) passes behind 12 6 11 2 3 the medial intermuscular septum (10), and the end of the basilic vein (1) is seen joining a vena comitans (19) of the brachial artery to form the brachial vein (3). The ulnar nerve (A18) leaves the anterior compartment of the arm by piercing the medial intermuscular septum (A10), and does not give off any muscular branches in the arm. The musculocutaneous nerve (9) lies between brachialis (4) and biceps (2), and the median nerve (8) is on the medial side of the brachial artery (3) which has several venae comitantes adjacent (unlabelled). The ulnar nerve (13), with the superior ulnar collateral artery (11) beside it, is behind the median nerve (8) and the basilic vein (1). The radial nerve and the profunda brachii vessels (10) are in the posterior compartment at the lateral side of the humerus (6). F R O N T 1 Basilic vein 2 Biceps 5 3 Brachial artery 17 4 2 4 Brachialis 11 5 Cephalic vein 2 6 Humerus 9 7 Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm 4 8 Median nerve 5 3 8 9 Musculocutaneous nerve 15 7 10 Radial nerve and profunda brachii 7 vessels 1 13 11 Superior ulnar collateral artery 10 6 12 Triceps 11 13 Ulnar nerve L A T E 12 12 R A L Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture, see pages 170–172. Elbow 145 C Left elbow surface markings, D Right elbow medial view from behind from behind 13 7 3 1 12 L 2 10 14 11 A 4 T 10 E 8 R 3 9 A L M L A 5 E 7 T 12 D E I 1 6 R A A L 12 L 2 5 4 12 9 11 6 8 With the elbow fully extended, the extensor muscles (5, 4) form a bulge on the lateral side. In the adjacent hollow can be felt the head of the radius (7) and the capitulum of the humerus (3) which indicate the line of the humeroradial part of the elbow joint. Wrinkled skin lies at the back of the 1 Biceps muscle prominent olecranon of the ulna (11), and in this arm the 2 Bicipital aponeurosis margin of the olecranon bursa (9) is outlined.

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Pharmacokinetics The pharmacokinetic characteristics of phenytoin: Tocainide Oral bioavailability Slow and variable Tocainide (Tonocard) is an orally effective antiarrhyth- Onset of action 1–2 hours mic agent with close structural similarities to lidocaine. Clinical Uses Hemodynamic Effects Phenytoin, like lidocaine, is more effective in the treat- The acute hemodynamic effects are slight and transient ment of ventricular than supraventricular arrhythmias. The pharmacokinetic characteristics of tocainide: Phenytoin finds its most effective use in the treat- ment of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias Oral bioavailability Approximately 100% associated with digitalis intoxication. The ability of Onset of action Not known phenytoin to improve digitalis-induced depression of Peak response 0. Plasma half-life 15 hours 16 Antiarrhythmic Drugs 179 Primary route of Hepatic Hemodynamic Effects metabolism Although its cardiovascular toxicity is minimal, mexile- Primary route of Renal (40% unchanged) tine should be used with caution in patients who are hy- excretion potensive or who exhibit severe left ventricular dys- Therapeutic serum 3–11 g /mL concentration function. Clinical Uses Pharmacokinetics Tocainide is indicated for the treatment of symptomatic The pharmacokinetic characteristics of mexiletine: ventricular arrhythmias refractory to more conventional therapy. Serious noncardiac adverse effects limit its use Oral bioavailability 90% to patients with life-threatening arrhythmias. Primary route of Primarily biliary; 10% renal Overall, however, approximately 20% of patients pre- excretion scribed tocainide discontinue therapy because of such Therapeutic serum 0. Serious immune-based side effects, such as pul- concentration monary fibrosis, have been reported, and blood dyscrasias, such as agranulocytosis and thrombocytope- Clinical Uses nia, may occur in up to 0. Mexiletine is useful as an antiarrhythmic agent in the management of patients with either acute or chronic Contraindications ventricular arrhythmias. The side effects of oral maintenance therapy include re- Mexiletine versible upper gastrointestinal distress, tremor, light- Mexiletine (Mexitil) is an antiarrhythmic agent with headedness, and coordination difficulties. These effects pharmacological and antiarrhythmic properties similar generally are not serious and can be reduced by down- to those of lidocaine and tocainide. Like tocainide, mex- ward dose adjustment or administering the drug with iletine is available for oral administration. Cardiovascular adverse effects, which are less common, include palpitations, chest pain, and angina or Electrophysiological Actions anginalike pain. Mexiletine demonstrates a rate- genic shock or preexisting second- or third-degree heart dependent blocking action on the sodium channel, with block in the absence of a cardiac pacemaker. Caution rapid onset and recovery kinetics suggesting that it may must be exercised in administration of the drug to pa- be more useful for the control of rapid as opposed to tients with sinus node dysfunction or disturbances of in- slow ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Flecainide inhibits the sodium channel, leading Flecainide is effective in treating most types of atrial ar- to conduction slowing in all parts of the heart, but rhythmias. It is also used for life-threatening ventricular most notably in the His-Purkinje system and ventricu- arrhythmias. Flecainide also inhibits abnormal auto- Flecainide crosses the placenta, with fetal levels reaching maticity. In many centers, it is the second-line drug after digoxin for therapy of fe- Electrophysiological Actions tal arrhythmias. Because of the high incidence of proar- Sinoatrial Node rhythmia, initiation of therapy or significant increases in Flecainide decreases the sinus cycle length but re- dosing should be performed only on inpatients. Adverse Effects Atrium Flecainide decreases the maximal rate of depolar- Most adverse effects occur within a few days of initial ization in atrial tissue and shifts the membrane respon- drug administration. His-Purkinje System and Ventricular Muscle Contraindications Flecainide slows conduction in the His-Purkinje system and ventricular muscle to a greater degree than Flecainide is contraindicated in patients with preexist- in the atrium. Flecainide may also cause block in acces- ing second- or third-degree heart block or with bundle sory A-V connections, which is the principal mecha- branch block unless a pacemaker is present to maintain nism for its effectiveness in treating A-V reentrant ventricular rhythm. Hemodynamic Effects Propafenone Flecainide produces modest negative inotropic effects that may become significant in the subset of patients Propafenone (Rythmol) exhibits predominantly class with compromised left ventricular function. Additionally, propafenone is a weak Oral bioavailability Nearly complete -receptor and L-type calcium channel blocker. Onset of action 1 hour Peak response 2–3 hours Electrophysiological Actions Duration of action 8–12 hours Plasma half-life 2–10 hours As with all members of its class, propafenone has its ma- Primary route of metabolism Hepatic jor effect on the fast inward sodium current. Inhibition of the sodium channel throughout the cardiac cycle will result in a de- Approved indications for propafenone include treatment crease in the rate of ectopy and trigger ventricular of supraventricular arrhythmias and life-threatening tachycardia.

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Annual treatment Diethylcarbamazine citrate (Hetrazan) is active against can prevent blindness from ocular onchocerciasis. It inter- Ivermectin is clearly more effective than diethylcarba- feres with the metabolism of arachidonic acid and mazine in bancroftian filariasis, and it reduces microfi- blocks the production of prostaglandins, resulting in laremia to near zero levels. In brugian filariasis diethyl- capillary vasoconstriction and impairment of the pas- carbamazine-induced clearance may be superior. Diethylcarbamazine also in- is used to treat cutaneous larva migrans and dissemi- creases the adherence of microfilariae to the vascular nated strongyloidiasis. Diethylcarbamazine is absorbed from the gastroin- The side effects are minimal, with pruritus, fever, testinal tract, and peak blood levels are obtained in 4 and tender lymph nodes occasionally seen. The side ef- hours; the drug disappears from the blood within 48 fects are considerably less than those associated with di- hours. Diethylcarbamazine is the drug of choice for certain Suramin filarial infections, such as Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Loa loa. Since diethylcarbamazine is not Suramin is widely used as a macrofilaricide in human universally active against filarial infections, a specific di- onchocerciasis, and its action on microfilariae also is agnosis based on blood smears, biopsy samples, and a considerable. The sudden death of minutes and keeps them clear for approximately 3 the microfilariae can produce mild to severe reactions months. It is 35 leukocytosis, and intensification of any preexisting times more inhibitory to the dihydrofolate reductase of eosinophilia, edema, rashes, tachycardia, and headache. Ivermectin causes hyperpolarization Pyrantel pamoate (Antiminth) is a agonist at the nico- of the parasite cell membrane and muscle paralysis. Ivermectin is administered drug is administered orally, and because very little is ab- by the oral and subcutaneous routes. Most of the drug is excreted unaltered in the fe- Less than 15% of the drug and its metabolites are ex- ces. Although most of the drug remains in the intestinal Unlike thiabendazole, mebendazole (Vermox) does not lumen, enough can be absorbed systemically to cause inhibit fumarate reductase. No major adverse both mammalian and nematode tubulin, it exhibits a effects have been reported on renal, hepatic, or hema- differential affinity for the latter, possibly explaining the tological systems. About 5 Several benzimidazoles are in use for the treatment of to 10%, principally the decarboxylated derivatives, is helminthic infections. Three of these, mebendazole, thi- recovered in the urine; most of the orally administered abendazole and albendazole, are described in this sec- drug is found in the feces within 24 hours. They have a broad range of activity against many Mebendazole is used primarily for the treatment of nematode and cestode parasites, including cutaneous A. A fourth, triclabendazole, is is an alternative agent for the treatment of trichinosis considered as the drug of choice for Fasciola hepatica and visceral larva migrans. High doses Thiabendazole have been used to treat hydatid disease, but albenda- Thiabendazole (Mintezol) inhibits fumarate reductase zole is now thought to be superior. This in- Albendazole appears to cause cytoplasmic microtubu- hibits microtubule assembly, which is important in a lar degeneration, which in turn impairs vital cellular number of helminth cellular processes, such as mitosis, processes and leads to parasite death. The drug is metabolized ably absorbed ( 5%) because of its poor water solubil- in the liver and excreted in urine within 24 to 48 hours ity. Concurrent treatment with corti- Thiabendazole shows a broad spectrum of activity costeroids increases plasma concentrations of albenda- against the following nematodes: A. Albendazole has a broad spectrum of activity against At present, thiabendazole is the drug of choice for the intestinal nematodes and cestodes, as well as the liver treatment of cutaneous larva migrans (creeping erup- flukes Opisthorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, and tion), strongyloidiasis, trichostrongyliasis, and trichinosis. It also has been used successfully Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and vertigo against Giardia lamblia. Diarrhea, pruritus, ment of hydatid cyst disease (echinococcosis), especially 54 Anthelmintic Drugs 625 when accompanied with praziquantel. It also is effective Clinical Use in treating cerebral and spinal neurocysticercosis, particu- Niclosamide has been used extensively in the treatment larly when given with dexamethasone.

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Particular treatments such as haemodialysis overdosage with non-dihydropyridine calcium channel or urine alkalinisation may be indicated for overdose blockers that are often resistant to conventional with salicylate, lithium and some sedative drugs, e. Intravenous benzodiazepine (diazepam or in hospital emergency departments and will detect a range lorazepam) is the first choice. If arrhythmia does supportive measures while they metabolise and eliminate lead to persistent peripheral circulatory failure, an the poison. A few will require a b-adrenoceptor blocker for poisoning with a administration of a specific antidote. Aggressive volume Most patients recover from acute poisonings repletion and correction of acid–base abnormality are provided they are adequately oxygenated, hydrated needed; urine alkalinisation and/or diuretic therapy and perfused. From the environment Unless a patient has an intact or protected airway its admin- When a poison has been inhaled or absorbed through the istration is contraindicated. Volunteer studies suggest that administration within 1 h can be expected to prevent up to 40–50% of absorption. From the alimentary tract 1 There are no satisfactorily designed clinical trials in (‘gut decontamination’) patients to assess the benefit of single dose activated char- Gastric lavage should not be employed routinely, if ever, in coal. The procedure may be mechanical bowel obstruction may follow repeated considered in very extraordinary circumstances for the hos- use. In the drowsy or comatose patient there is particular pitalised adult who is believed to have ingested a poten- risk of aspiration into the lungs causing hypoxia through tially life-threatening amount of a poison within the obstruction and arteriovenous shunting. Methionine, previous hour, and provided the airways are protected by used orally for paracetamol poisoning, is adsorbed by a cuffed endotracheal tube. Fuller’s earth and where there is risk of haemorrhage from an underlying (a natural form of aluminium silicate) binds and inacti- gastrointestinal condition. Activated charcoal (Carbomix) consists of a very fine black powder prepared from vegetable matter, in the management of the poisoned patient. This binds to , and thus in- 2Forcenturiesitwassupposednotonlythattherecouldbe,butthatthere activates, a wide variety of compounds in the gut. This was Theriaca Andromachi, a formulation of 72 (a magical number) ingredients among which particular importance was attached to the flesh of a 1Joint position statements and guidelines agreed by the American snake (viper). Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists review the therapeutic 3Irrigation with large volumes of a polyethylene glycol–electrolyte usefulness of various procedures for gut decontamination. Klean-Prep, by mouth causes minimal fluid and appear in the Journal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology from 1997 electrolyte disturbance (it was developed for preparation for onwards, the latest position statements being in 2004 and 2005. In adults, activated charcoal 50 g the removal of sustained-release or enteric-coated formula- is given initially, then 50 g every 4 h. Vomiting should be tions from patients who present more than 2 h after inges- treated with an antiemetic drug because it reduces the tion, e. Activated charcoal in frequent (50 g) doses is the dose may be reduced and the frequency increased, generally preferred. Whole-bowel irrigation is also an option for the removal Alteration of urine pH and diuresis of ingested packets of illicit drugs. It is contraindicated in patients with bowel obstruction, perforation or ileus, It is useful to alter the pH of the glomerular filtrate such that with haemodynamic instability and with compromised a drug that is a weak electrolyte will ionise, become less unprotected airways. The effectiveness of activated this process, but the alteration of tubular fluid pH is the im- charcoal may be reduced by co-administration with whole portant determinant. Alkalinisation4 may be used for: salicylate (>500 mg/ Techniques for eliminating absorbed poisons have a role Lþmetabolic acidosis, or in any case >750 mg/L) pheno- that is limited, but important when applicable. Repeated doses of activated Haemodialysis charcoal The system requires a temporary extracorporeal circulation, Activated charcoal by mouth not only adsorbs ingested e. A semipermeable drug in the gut, preventing absorption into the body (see membrane separates blood from dialysis fluid; the poison above), it also adsorbs drug that diffuses from the blood passes passively from the blood, where it is present in high into the gut lumen when the concentration there is lower. Charcoal may also adsorb salicylate (>750 mg/Lþrenal failure, or in any case drugs that secrete into the bile, i. The procedure is effective for overdose and window-cleaning solutions); lithium; methanol; ethyl- of carbamazepine, dapsone, phenobarbital, quinine, ene glycol; ethanol. Repeated-dose activated charcoal is increasingly pre- 4Proudfoot A T, Krenzelok E P, Vale J A 2004 Position paper on urine ferred to alkalinisation of urine (below) for phenobarbital alkalinisation.

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The costodiaphragmatic recess is the region between Each lung has a half-cone shape, with a base, apex, two the two margins. During expiration, the inferior margin of thelung rises and the costodiaphragmatic recess becomes larger. In the clinic • The two surfaces-the costal surface lies immediately Pleural efusion adjacent to the ribs and intercostal spaces of the A pleural efusion occurs when excess fluid accumulates thoracic wall. As the fuid accumulates the mediastinum anteriorly and the vertebral column within the pleural space the underlying lung is posteriorly and contains the comma-shaped hilum compromised and may collapse as the volume of fuid of the lung, through which structures enter and increases. Unlike the ante­ rior and inferior borders, which are sharp, the posterior In the clinic border is smooth and rounded. Pneumothorax A pneumothorax is a collection of gas or air within the The lungs lie directly adjacent to , and are indented by, pleural cavity. The heart and tissue elasticity of the parenchyma causes the lung to major vessels form bulges in the mediastinum that indent collapse within the chest, impairing the lung function. Pathology, such as tumors, or abnormalities in accumulate to such an extent that the mediastinum is one structure can affect the related structure. It is covered by a sleeve of medi­ occur as a result of trauma, inflammation, smoking, and other underlying pulmonary diseases. The region outlined by this pleural reflec­ determined by the degree of air leak and the rate at tion on the medial surface of the lung is the hilum, where which the accumulation of gas occurs and the ensuing structures enter and leave. They include pain, shortness ofbreath, A thin blade-like fold of pleura projects inferiorly from and cardiorespiratory collapse, if severe. It may stabilize the position of the inferior lobe and may Lungs also accommodate the down-and-up translocation of The two lungs are organs of respiration and lie on either structures in the root during breathing. Air enters and leaves the lungs via main posterior to the roots of the lungs, while the phrenic nerves bronchi, which are branches of the trachea. Pulmonary artery (deoxygenated blood) Pulmonary veins (oxygenated blood) Pulmonary artery Pulmonary veins Pulmonary ligament Right lung Lef lung Fig. These include the: • two pulmonary veins, • a main bronchus, • heart, • bronchial vessels, • inferior vena cava, • nerves, and • superior vena cava, • lymphatics. Generally, the pulmonary artery issuperior atthe hilum, the pulmonary veins are inferior, and the bronchi are The right subclavian artery and vein arch over and are somewhat posterior in position. The Right lung oblique fssure of the left lung is slightly more oblique The right lung has three lobes and two fssures (Fig. Normally, the lobes are freely movable against During quiet respiration, the approximate position of each other because they are separated, almost to the hilum, the left oblique fssure can be marked by a curved line by invaginations of visceral pleura. The largest surface of the superior lobe is in contact with the upper part of the anterolateral wall, and the apex The approximate position of the oblique fssure on a of this lobe projects into the root of the neck. The costal patient, in quiet respiration, can be marked by a curved line surface of the inferior lobe is in contact with the posterior on the thoracic wall that begins roughly at the spinous and inferior walls. From the anterior border of the lower part of the supe­ The largest surface of the superior lobe is in contact rior lobe a tongue-like extension (the lingula of the left with the upper part of the anterolateral wall and the apex lung) projects over the heart bulge. The surface The medial surface of the lef lung lies adjacent to a of the middle lobe lies mainly adjacent to the lower anterior number of important structures in the mediastinum and and lateral wall. When listening to lung sounds from each of the lobes, • heart, it is important to position the stethoscope on those areas • aortic arch, of the thoracic wall related to the underlying positions of • thoracic aorta, and the lobes (see p. Regional anatomy • Pleural Cavities lobe Inferior lobe A Posterior Anterior Rib I Lef brachiocephalic vein Bronchus Esophagus Pulmonary veins Thoracic aora Diaphragm B 171 Fig. Thorax The lef subclavian artery and vein arch over and are (-shaped transverse cartilage rings embedded in its wall­ related to the superior lobe of the left lung as they pass over the open part of the C facing posteriorly. The posterior wall of the trachea is The trachea is a flexible tube that extends from vertebral composed mainly of smooth muscle.

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It is generally less well tolerated than ganciclovir; adverse effects include renal toxicity (usually reversible), Peramivir is an experimental neuraminidase inhibitor nausea and vomiting, neurological reactions and marrow formulated for intravenous use and currently undergoing suppression. Foscarnet causes a contact dermatitis which can lead influenza A (H1N1) infection where oseltamivir or zana- to unpleasant genital ulcerations due to high urine drug mivir therapy has failed or the inhalational or oral routes concentrations; this is potentially preventable with good are considered unreliable. Fomivirsen Valganciclovir is an oral prodrug of ganciclovir that provides systemic concentrations almost as high as those Fomivirsen, an antisense oligonucleotide, is available in following i. Systemic spond to the combination of pegylated interferon plus absorption by the inhalational route is negligible. Hepatitis D (d agent co-infection with hepatitis virus) and, when combined with interferon a-2b or peg- B) requires a much larger dose of interferon to obtain a interferon, for chronic hepatitis C infection (see below). It response, and relapse may yet occur when the drug is with- does not cross the blood–brain barrier, so is unlikely to drawn. Transient fever and local injection site anorexia (sufficient to induce weight loss), alopecia, con- reactions are seen and rarely, gastrointestinal disturbance, vulsions, hypotension, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias rash, leucopenia or disturbed liver function occur. Interferons inhibit the metabolism of theophylline, increasing its effect, and autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis may be induced or exacerbated. Treatment for 2–3 months results in gradual clearance of warts in about 50% of patients, and Interferons recurrence is less common than after physical removal, e. It is administered by mouth • indirectly by stimulating the immune system and metabolised to uric acid, so should be used with • to modify cell regulatory mechanisms and inhibit caution in patients with hyperuricaemia or gout. Candida infections Cutaneous infection is generally treated with topical amphotericin, clotrimazole, econazole, miconazole or nys- Pneumocystosis, caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii,isan tatin. Patients with more severe illness should nystatin as lozenges (to suck, for oral infection), gel (held also receive corticosteroid. Other options include atovaquone for mild dis- saries or vaginal tablets or cream inserted once or twice a ease. Failure toxoplasma prophylaxis is indicated) or atovaquone may be due to a concurrent intestinal infection causing by mouth, or intermittent inhaled pentamidine, are re-infection, and nystatin tablets may be given by mouth used for primary and secondary prophylaxis in patients 8-hourly with the local treatment. The male sexual partner may use a similar antifungal ointment for his benefit and for the patient’s (re-infection). Candida albicans is rarely (1% of clinical isolates) resistant These act by binding tightly to sterols present in cell mem- to fluconazole, but other Candida species may be, more branes. The resulting deformity of the membrane allows commonly in hospitals where prophylactic fluconazole leakage of intracellular ions and enzymes, causing cell use is extensive. Those polyenes that have useful antifungal activity Isolation of candida from the bloodstream or intrave- bind selectively to ergosterol, the most important sterol nous catheter tips of patients with predisposing factors in fungal (but not mammalian) cell walls. The t½ is 15 days may be combined with immune-stimulating agents, and, after stopping treatment, drug persists in the body for e. The diagno- Lipid-associated formulations of amphotericin offer sis of systemic infection should, whenever possible, be the prospect of reduced risk of toxicity while retaining firmly established; tissue biopsy and culture may be neces- therapeutic efficacy. The AmBisome formulation incorpo- gal infection lasts 6–12 weeks, during which at least 2 g rates amphotericin in a lipid bilayer (55–75 nm diameter) amphotericin is given (usually 0. Other lipid-associated to 10 mg/kg daily of lipid-associated formulations for the complexes include Abelcet (‘amphotericin B lipid com- most severe, invasive infections), but lower total and daily plex’) and Amphocil (‘amphotericin B colloidal disper- doses (e. Antifungal drugs effective for some indications because higher doses 224 Viral, fungal, protozoal and helminthic infections Chapter | 15 | (3 mg/kg daily) may be given rapidly and safely. For systemic mycoses, ketoconazole (see toxic effects, which may be deemed justifiable in life- Table 15. Other adverse effects Adverse reactions include nausea, giddiness, headache, include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise, abdominal, pruritus and photophobia. Severe febrile reactions are miti- tion, ranging from a transient increase in levels of hepatic gated by hydrocortisone 25–50 mg before each infusion. Like all imidazoles, ketoconazole binds strongly to several Nystatin cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, inhibiting their action and thereby increasing effects of oral anticoagulants, phenytoin (named after New York State Health Laboratory) and ciclosporin, and increasing the risk of cardiac arrhyth- Nystatin is too toxic for systemic use. A disulfiram-like reaction occurs from the alimentary canal and is used to prevent or treat with alcohol. Tioconazole The antibacterial, antiprotozoal and anthelminthic mem- is used for fungal nail infections, and isoconazole and fen- bers of this group are described in the appropriate sections.

Angar, 48 years: Sepsis is suspected and the (E) Ciprofoxacin does not interact with any of these physician wants to give chloramphenicol but is wor- substances ried about gray baby syndrome. Although only a minority becomes dependent and addicted, abuse is a very serious public health problem because of the social costs and many diseases associated with alcoholism. Surface anatomy and surface markings 57 Liver The lower border of the liver extends along a line from the tip of the right 10th rib to the left 5th intercostal space in the mid clavicular line; it may just be palpable in the normal subject, especially on deep inspiration.

Randall, 64 years: Histamine release by bile Adrenocortical steroids salts may explain some, but not all, of the itch of obstruc- Actions. The calcaneal tuberosity projects forward on the plantar The superior surface of the sustentaculum tali has surface as a large medial process and a small lateral process a facet (middle talar articular surface) for articulation separated from each other by a V-shaped notch (Fig. This disorder may be continue walking up to the same distance until the pain caused by stenoses (narrowing) and/or occlusions recurs and stops walking as before.

Kadok, 57 years: It has long been known that many tissues contain substances that, when released by various stimuli, cause physiologic effects such as reddening of the skin, pain or itching, and bronchospasm. With the arm fully abducted, the vertebral border of the scapula (5) is a good 5 guide to the direction of this fssure. These drugs are used to treat can be associated with agranulocytosis in up to 2% of symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease but cannot reverse patients and a dose-related lowering of seizure thresh- the disease’s progression.

Pyran, 29 years: Although exercise tolerance increases, there is usually no change in the angina threshold, ie, the rate-pressure product at which symptoms occur. Steroid Synthesis Inhibitors Ketoconazole, used primarily in the treatment of fungal disease, is an inhibitor of adrenal and gonadal steroid synthesis, as described in Chapter 39. An iodophor solution must be diluted according to the manufacturer’s directions to obtain full activity.

Surus, 43 years: One method administers 100 mg every 5 minutes to a maximum of 500 mg; a 10 minute waiting period to allow drug distribution to tissues is utilized if more than 500 mg is needed to abate the arrhythmia. A generically equivalent product, unless specially licensed, cannot be sold under the trademark name and is often designated by the official generic name. The Low activity Normal activity proportion of cells with the normal or mutant X chromosome (representing (representing remaining active varies and will influence results of carrier tests.

Nafalem, 25 years: For oral dosing: If intermittent doses are given, the maintenance dose is calculated from: Maintenance dose = Dosing rate × Dosing interval (11) (See Box: Example: Maintenance Dose Calculations. Subsequently, improvement is often noted, but this may be followed by severe metabolic acidosis, coma, and death. Efferent connections of the substantia nigra are represented by the nigrostriatal dopaminergic fibers arising from the pars compacta and projecting to the striatum, the rostral two thirds of the substantia ni- gra terminating in the head of the caudate nucleus and the caudal part in the putamen.

Musan, 44 years: Anemia, a deficiency in oxygen-carrying erythrocytes, is the most common and several forms are easily treated. Susceptibility appears to involve a multifactorial genetic linkage, but only 10–15% of patients have a positive family history. On further questioning, fear a disapproving reaction on the part of their the patient reluctantly admitted drinking an orange- health care provider.

Ayitos, 45 years: If side effects are observed, the new dosage regimen could be held for one procainamide half-life before being instituted. The activation of complement eventually leads to pathogen lysis via the generation of a membrane attack complex that creates holes in the pathogen membrane, killing it. Since the patient is expected to have a half- life equal to 8 hours, the theophylline steady-state concentration could be obtained anytime after the second day of dosing (5 half-lives = 5 ⋅ 8 h = 40 h).

Gambal, 32 years: Metyrapone is the only adrenal-inhibiting medication that can be administered to pregnant women with Cushing’s syndrome. At least seven amino The best known of the muscarinic blocking drugs are the acids from four transmembrane helices have been im- belladonna alkaloids, atropine (Atropine) and scopol- plicated in agonist binding to the muscarinic receptors. Fissures and foramina Sphenoid Lateral to each side of the body of the sphenoid, the floor The floor in the midline of the middle cranial fossa is ele­ of the middle cranial fossa is formed on either side by the vated and formed by the body of the sphenoid.

Karmok, 46 years: The degree of azotemia is variable and often stabilizes during therapy, but it can be serious enough to necessitate dialysis. Denitrosylation of proteins is poorly understood but may involve enzymes, such as thioredoxin, or chemical reduction by intracellular reducing agents such as glutathione, an abundant intracellular sulfhydryl-containing compound. At + therapeutic concentrations, the major action of phenytoin is to block Na channels and inhibit the generation of rapidly repetitive action potentials.

Jensgar, 34 years: Fanelli V et al: Acute respiratory distress syndrome: New definition, current and future therapeutic options. This sulcus is deep and cuts the lateral aspect of the first temporal Heschl’s gyrus is a hidden arch-like gyrus located convolutions in the anterior and inferior oblique di- entirely in the sylvian fissure. Atenolol is not extensively metabolized and is excreted primarily in the urine with a half-life of 6 hours; it is usually dosed once daily.

Ali, 37 years: J - Posterior border The anterior and posterior surfaces of the radius are Interosseous (sharp) generally smooth, whereas an oval roughening for the border Posterior surface attachment of the pronator teres marks approximately the - Anterior border middle of the lateral surface of the radius. The dominant initial signs are those of muscarinic excess: miosis, salivation, sweating, bronchial constriction, vomiting, and diarrhea. Papaverine is particularly both 1- and 2-adrenoreceptors, although it has a greater known as a smooth muscle relaxant and vasodilator.

Farmon, 41 years: Posterolateral to the foramen rotundum is a large oval opening (the foramen ovale), which allows struc­ Posterior cranial fossa tures to pass between the extracranial infratemporal fossa The posterior cranial fossa consists mostly of parts of the and the middle cranial fossa. About 2% of patients remain amenorrheic for periods of up to several years after administration is stopped. Benign hypertrophy of the prostate is common after middle age; it can impede urination and lead to nocturia, dysuria, and urgency of urination.

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