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Other highly contaminated wounds involve operations on the large intestines and severe burns arteria latin cheap 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide overnight delivery. Other high risk factors include: • Development of infection because of malnutrition arteria lingualis purchase hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg on line, impoverished blood supply blood pressure kits for sale proven hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg, obesity, old age and immunodeficiency states • Treatment− specific factors such as use of steroids, anticancer agents and radiotherapy • Operative procedures of long duration such as cardiac and vascular procedures, orthopaedic and in neurosurgery • Insertion of a prosthesis or graft. Management • Prophylactic use of antibiotics should be distinguished in dosage and duration from their therapeutic use. To achieve the above, the surgeon must give legible, concise and clear post−operative instructions. Transit from theatre to ward • Keep airway clear to avoid upper airway obstruction and aspiration pneumonitis. Titrate against state of hydration • Watch for airway obstruction, reactionary bleeding, etc. Post−operative period 72 hrs−7 days • Mobilise out of bed about 18−72 hrs to avoid static pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis • Encourage independence e. It is critical in these patients that a variety of diagnosis be suspected and diagnosed or clearly excluded before definitive management. Clinical Features Meticulous history and physical examination is very important in establishing diagnosis. Abdominal pain, distension, guarding, rigidity, altered bowel sounds, alteration of bowel habits. In adults suspect bowel obstruction if, there is constipation, abdominal distension, fever (if advanced obstruction is present), features of dehydration exist, altered bowel sounds, abdominal pain, vomiting. Management • Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance • Group and cross match blood • Deflate the distended stomach with nasogastric suction. This is more effective for small bowel than in large bowel obstruction • High enema may be effective for faecal impaction only • Remove the cause of the obstruction usually by surgery. The aseptic type is usually due to chemical irritants like bile, gastric juices, etc. Peritonitis usually ends up producing adhesions that may cause future bowel obstructions of varying degrees. Clinical Features Presentation is with an acute tender abdomen, abdominal distension, altered bowel sounds, guarding, rigidity, rebound tenderness and fever. These are usually disturbed by movement of fluid and electrolytes into the third space. The disturbance could arise or be made worse by vomiting and/or diarrhoea • Nasogastric suction is usually necessary because of organ hypotonia and dilatation • Antibiotics to cover a broad spectrum of bacteria should be used. The pain may be relieved briefly after perforation but is accentuated by the ensuing diffuse peritonitis. There is rebound tenderness, muscle guarding, cutaneous hyperaesthesia: Pelvic tenderness in the right iliac fossa on rectal examination. There is no great advantage of differentiating indirect from direct inguinal hernia, pre−operatively. Management • Surgical repair is necessary for all inguinal hernias • In strangulation, with obstruction of viscus, especially bowel the usual resuscitative measures are carried out before and after surgery. Complications • Obstruction This occurs when a hollow viscus goes through a ring of variable size and cannot be reduced. This if not corrected culminates in ischaemia of the viscus supplied by the involved blood vessels. Sudden change from reducible to irreducible status especially if discolouration of tissues over the area is present is an ominous sign. Management • Treatment involves incision and drainage • Indications that an abscess needs incision and drainage include; incomplete pus discharge, throbbing pain, a localised swelling that is tender, hot, usually with a shiny skin and with fluctuation. Technique involves: • Preparing the area by cleaning and draping • If not under general anaesthesia, spraying the area with spray anaesthetic (ethyl chloride) • Test needle aspirate if not already done • Incision into the soft part of abscess. Leave a wick of gauze (Vaseline) to facilitate drainage • Breast abscess may require counter incisions leaving in a corrugated drain for about 24 hours • Leave the wounds to heal by granulation • Hands and feet abscesses will require multiple incisions with counter incisions in some areas and elevation of the limbs • Peri−anal and ischio−rectal abscesses (together with hand abscesses) require general anaesthesia. Ask the patients to add 1 to 2 teaspoons of salt into the water • Recurrent peri−anal and ischio−rectal abscesses necessitate procto−sigmoidoscopy to rule out anal fissures or fistulae.

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The general principle for deciding what the appropriate comparison ‘treatment’ should be is as follows prehypertension cure best purchase hydrochlorothiazide. The control (comparison) group must be offered the best existing treatment in routine use hypertension jnc 8 order cheap hydrochlorothiazide line. If there is no known effective treatment blood pressure medication ending in pine hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg order fast delivery, then the controls can be given no active treatment (which, if practical, may be as placebo). In the case of this nicotine study, although it is well established that nicotine replacement can help smokers reduce or quit, it seems that ‘successful abstinence is usually obtained in smokers with low to moderate nicotine dependence’ (p. Heavily dependent smokers have the highest relapse rates, and are at highest risk of smoking-related disease, and smoking reduction should seen as a useful (possibly intermediate) goal. As the inhaler is a relatively new product, it is implied (as this is not explicitly discussed) that it is not unethical to compare the new inhaler with no active treatment in this group of smokers. This is a different situation from, say, testing the effect of a new surgical procedure that is thought might improve on an existing procedure. So long as there is evidence that the existing procedure has some beneficial effect, it would be unacceptable to compare the new operation with no operation at all. No ethical committee would allow a study to proceed that did not address this matter appropriately. The main outcome, or measure of success (the ‘primary efficacy measure’) was defined as ‘self reported reduction of daily cigarette smoking by at least 50 per cent compared with baseline from week six to month four. Subjects Placebo should have ensured blinding, but it is likely that smokers who are highly nicotine dependent would notice that the active inhaler is having some effect on their craving, and vice versa for those with the placebo inhaler. By giving informed consent, all subjects would know they are being randomised to receive either active or inactive inhalers. Research team the research team would not know the allocation until completion of the study, but could probably pick up some signals in the follow-up assessments, based on comments by subjects. Health-care staff the most important staff are the independent pharmacists who dispensed the inhalers and they should have remained blind. Subjects • Could affect compliance if they felt they may be missing out on effective treatment. Research team May influence objectivity of data collection on outcomes and side effects. Health-care staff • Knowledge of allocation may influence modifications to treatment for related or other health problems, with management potentially differing between treatment and control subjects. Examples of interventions which cannot be blinded: • A surgical procedure, the nature of which is clearly obvious to those carrying it out and caring for the patient post-operatively; such procedures may well be apparent to the patient, at least post-operatively. It is possible that some of these could be blinded to the research team, or some members of it. The technique of blinding some people involved in the assessment of outcomes is very important. Thus, in an unblinded study, the outcome should, if possible, be assessed by people or techniques that are not influenced by the open nature of the study. Although this will not remove bias introduced by the subjects’ knowledge of their own treatment, the instrument is likely to be more objective than an interviewer (who is very likely to find out the allocation during the course of the interview). The result of this hypothesis test is as follows: chi-squared = 2 89 df = 1 0 1 > p > 0 05. Hypothesis tests can be applied to all the variables compared in Table 1 to establish whether any are unlikely to have arisen by chance. One should be wary of acting on such testing too rigidly for the following reasons. First, if (as in some studies) the baseline characteristics table has a large number of variables, applying hypothesis tests without adjustment for multiple comparisons could throw up significant results at the 0. Secondly, we should always remember that the great strength of randomisation is that it balances confounders that we know about, as well as those we do not know about and/or have not measured. While some variables we may have measured and displayed in a baseline characteristics table could differ between intervention and control groups, this could be ‘balanced’ by variation (in the opposite direction) among other influential variables we do not know about.


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Risk factor Risk Factor + the purpose of the comparison is Control to determine whether hypertension remedies cheap hydrochlorothiazide on line, in the past prehypertension facts order 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide with mastercard, Risk factor the cases have been exposed more (or less) ofen to a specifc factor than the controls hypertension over 60 order hydrochlorothiazide with visa. These are studies in which the investgators do have control over who is and who is not exposed to the factor under investgaton. Clinical trials are interventonal studies of the efect of a specifc treatment on patents who already have a partcular disease. Partcipaton must be voluntary and respondents allowed to say “No” to partcipaton, or to stop/drop out at any tme. The respondent’s choice not to partcipate must not afect the health care provided. Inform your respondents fully about the study and possible risks, if any (informed consent). Respondents should not be paid for partcipaton (apart from reimbursements for travel expenses, etc. Any confict of interest between the researcher and the study being conducted must be declared. Researchers should not be paid for conductng a study (apart from reimbursements for travel expenses, etc. Learning points:Learning points: Never compromise your respondent’s dignity and safety for research. Defne the scale of measurement you want to use for that variable based on the type of variable Learning points:Learning points: Identfy all variables necessary. Identfcaton of variables will help the investgator to: • specify the important items for study. Figure 6: Relatonship between groups of variables In most “cause” and “efect” studies, we are looking at the relatonship between independent and dependent variable. That is, the “efect/outcome” is the dependent variable, the “cause” is an independent variable. A variable that is associated with both the problem and the possible cause of a problem is a potental confounding variable. The confounding variable may either strengthen or weaken the apparent relatonship between an outcome and a possible cause. Therefore, in order to give a true picture of cause and efect, the confounding variables must be considered, either at planning stage of or during data analysis. Example: In a survey to investgate whether there is a relatonship between mothers who are cigarete smokers and weight of their newborn, the dependent variable is the newborn’s weight, the independent variable is the mother’s smoking habit. Two aspects need to be considered: defne the variables and state the scale of measurement. It should be objectve, observable and is sufciently clear and explicit to avoid ambiguity. The selecton for a scale is determined by the variable itself and the methods available for measuring it. A type of data in which the variables are divided into a number of named categories. Example: • Level of knowledge: poor, average, good; • Opinion of individual: fully agree, agree, disagree, and totally disagree. A type of variable in which there is an unlimited number of equally spaced categories; thus a contnuum of values is possible. Patent has Dengue fever confrmed by serology yes/No/Not available dengue fever (IgM positve or four-fold rise in Igg ttre) or virology. Social class Head of household’s main occupaton Detailed occupaton, as stated by respondent in answer classifed into social to a queston in a structured class I V questonnaire. Haemoglobin Haemoglobin concentraton in g/dl capillary blood, measured by haemoglobinometer. We may not get results that refect the true picture if we use the wrong samplingWe may not get results that refect the true picture if we use the wrong sampling size and method.

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However pulse pressure healthy range purchase generic hydrochlorothiazide on-line, muscle uses glycogen largely toward its own energy needs blood pressure 8660 purchase hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg with visa, and therefore glucose-6-phosphate will usually be funneled straight into glycolysis heart attack during sex hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg order with amex. Then, debranching enzyme takes over and transplants the stub to another free end, where it becomes again a substrate for phosphorylase. However, this reaction leaves behind a single residue attached by a α(1 6)-glycosidic bond. This residue is subsequently released by the same enzyme as free glucose through hydrolysis. Therefore, the energy efficiency of phosphorolysis was advantageous to those early organisms, too. This enzyme catalyzes the same reactions as intestinal amylase and maltase (see slide 1. The lysosomal degradation pathway is important for the disposal of structurally aberrant glycogen particles; additional metabolic roles may exist but are currently not well understood. On the other hand, glucose-6-phosphate will be plentiful when glucose itself is abundant, and therefore signals an opportunity for replenishing the glycogen stores. The activated kinase directly phosphorylates glycogen synthase, which inactivates that enzyme. Protein kinase A 118 8 Glycogen metabolism indirectly stimulates glycogen breakdown by phosphorylation of a dedicated regu latory enzyme, phosphorylase kinase, which in turn phosphorylates glycogen phos phorylase. Note that glycogen synthase and phosphorylase respond in opposite ways to phosphorylation: the synthase is inactivated, whereas the phosphorylase is acti vated. Glucose inhibits the liver enzyme but not the muscle enzyme, and Ca stimu 2+ lates the muscle enzyme but not the liver enzyme. As one would expect from their regulatory differences, the phosphorylases in liver and muscle are different molecules. Enzymes that catalyze the same reaction yet are separate molecules are referred to as isozymes. Although we usually don’t mention it, many other enzymes covered in this text occur as multiple isozymes, too. Liver glycogen is turned over rapidly; it serves as the major reserve of blood glucose during short-term fasts. Once liver glycogen is depleted, muscle glycogen can be drawn down; this, however, requires some roundabout metabolic trickery. The latter is transported to the endoplasmic reticulum, where it is dephosphorylated. However, the dominant glucose phosphorylating enzyme in the liver is glucokinase, which has fairly low affinity for glucose (see slide 3. As discussed above, this usage is facilitated by calcium-mediated activation of glycogen phosphorylase. Under suitable conditions, namely, prolonged fast without physical exercise, muscle glycogen can also contribute to the replenishment of blood glucose. However, even though muscle cells have been shown to express glucose-6-phosphatase [36] 120 8 Glycogen metabolism and thus are, in principle, able to produce free glucose, they should find it difficult to release it. This is because muscle contains hexokinase, which has a much greater substrate affinity than glucokinase and therefore will keep the intracellular level of free glucose well below the extracellular concentration. The net transport of glucose should therefore be directed inward at all times; this agrees with all the physiological evidence that I could find. The way around this obstacle is to convert glucose-6-phosphate to pyruvate and then lactate. At a low rate, lactate formation occurs even in resting muscle and under aerobic conditions. This lactate is derived in various proportions from blood glucose and glycogen, respectively. In animal experiments, epinephrine promotes glycogen utilization and lactate release [37–39], but overall the hormonal control of this process and the magnitude of its contribution to systemic glucose control are not well characterized. The lactate released in peripheral tissues is scooped up by the liver, which converts it back to glucose through gluconeogenesis.

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In general hypertension readings order hydrochlorothiazide amex, ductal hyperplasia is termed as epithelial hyperplasia of usual type and may show various grades of risk to develop invasive breast cancer later heart attack queen discount hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg on line. This risk is further 757 epithelial proliferations (mild blood pressure prescriptions discount hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg without prescription, moderate and atypical) as more if there is a history of breast cancer in the family. Mild hyperplasia of ductal epithelium consists of at Unilateral or bilateral enlargement of the male breast is least three layers of cells above the basement membrane, known as gynaecomastia. Moderate and florid hyperplasia of ductal type is proliferation of ducts and increased periductal stroma. Such excessive oestrogenic activity in the lumina of ducts may be focal, forming papillary males is seen in young boys between 13 and 17 years of age epithelial projections called ductal papillomatosis, or may (pubertal gynaecomastia), in men over 50 years (senescent be more extensive, termed florid papillomatosis, or may fill gynaecomastia), in endocrine diseases associated with the ductal lumen leaving only small fenestrations in it. Of all the ductal hyperplasias, atypical ductal hyper in hepatic cirrhosis, testicular tumours, pituitary tumours, plasia is more ominous and has to be distinguished from carcinoma of the lung, exogenous oestrogen therapy as in intraductal carcinoma (page 760). The proliferated carcinoma of the prostate and testicular atrophy in epithelial cells in the atypical ductal hyperplasia partially Klinefelter’s syndrome (secondary gynaecomastia); and lastly, fill the duct lumen and produce irregular microglandular enlargement without any obvious cause (idiopathic gynaeco spaces or cribriform pattern. Atypical lobular hyperplasia is closely related to male breasts are enlarged having smooth glistening white lobular carcinoma in situ (page 761) but differs from the tissue. Tumours of the female breast are common and clinically Grossly, the lesion may be coexistent with other significant but are rare in men. Among the important benign components of fibrocystic disease, or may form an isolated breast tumours are fibroadenoma, phyllodes tumour mass which has hard cartilage-like consistency, (cystosarcoma phyllodes) and intraductal papilloma. Carcinoma of the breast is an important malignant tumour Microscopically, there is proliferation of ductules or acini which occurs as non-invasive (carcinoma in situ) and invasive and fibrous stromal overgrowth. Though it can occur at any age Prognostic Significance during reproductive life, most patients are between 15 to 30 Since there is a variable degree of involvement of epithelial years of age. Clinically, fibroadenoma generally appears as and mesenchymal elements in fibrocystic change, following a solitary, discrete, freely mobile nodule within the breast. Simple fibrocystic change or nonproliferative fibrocystic changes or ductal carcinoma, or the carcinoma may invade the of fibrosis and cyst formation do not carry any increased risk fibroadenoma from the adjacent primary breast cancer. Identification of general proliferative fibrocystic changes are adenoma is a small (2-4 cm diameter), solitary, well associated with 1. Multifocal and bilateral proliferative changes in the breast pose like spaces formed by compressed ducts. Within the group of proliferative fibrocystic changes, disease and is termed fibroadenomatosis. Less commonly, atypical hyperplasia in particular, carries 4 to 5 times increased 758 Figure 25. Local recurrences are much more frequent than histologic features of cystosarcoma phyllodes (see below). The arrangements between fibrous generally large, 10-15 cm in diameter, round to oval, overgrowth and ducts may produce two types of patterns bosselated, and less fully encapsulated than a fibro which may coexist in the same tumour. The cut surface is grey-white with cystic Intracanalicular pattern is one in which the stroma cavities, areas of haemorrhages, necrosis and degenerative compresses the ducts so that they are reduced to slit-like changes. Thus, phyllodes Pericanalicular pattern is characterised by encircling tumour resembles fibroadenoma except for enhanced masses of fibrous stroma around the patent or dilated stromal cellularity. Occasionally, the fibrous tissue cellular atypia; element in the tumour is scanty, and the tumour is instead cellularity; and predominantly composed of closely-packed ductular or infiltrative margins. If an adenoma is composed of acini with secretory activity, it is called lactating adenoma seen during pregnancy or lactation. Juvenile fibroadenoma is an uncommon variant of fibroadenoma which is larger and rapidly growing mass seen in adolescent girls but fortunately does not recur after excision. Grossly, the tumour resembles a giant fibroadenoma but is distinguished histologically from the latter by more cellular connective tissue. Simple mastectomy specimen shows classification of breast tumours has proposed the term replacement of almost whole breast with a large circumscribed, grey ‘phyllodes tumour’ in place of misleading term of ‘cysto white, firm, nodular mass having slit-like, compressed cystic areas (arrow) sarcoma phyllodes’. The incidence of breast cancer is about six 759 malignant and less than half of them may metastasise. It is most common in 3rd and 4th decades the influence of family history and inherited mutations in of life.

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Mismatched blood transfusions heart attack single order hydrochlorothiazide without a prescription, black-water fever into the interstitium causing interstitial oedema high blood pressure medication and lemon juice buy hydrochlorothiazide canada. On cut section pulse blood pressure calculator hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg purchase online, the cortex is often viii) Leaked fluid incites host inflammatory response. Flattened epithelium lining the tubules suggesting kidney, occurs due to hypoperfusion of the kidneys resulting epithelial regeneration. Eosinophilic hyaline casts or pigmented haemoglobin and myoglobin casts in the tubular lumina. General poisons such as mercuric chloride, carbon tetrachloride, ethylene glycol, mushroom poisoning and insecticides. Drugs such as sulfonamides, certain antibiotics (genta mycin, cephalosporin), anaesthetic agents (methoxyflurane, halothane), barbiturates, salicylates. Poisoning with mercuric chloride provides the classic example that produces widespread and readily discernible tubular necrosis (acute mercury nephropathy). The affected tubules are dilated, their lumina Histologically, the appearance varies according to the contain casts (hyaline or pigmented haem) and the affected regions are lined by regenerating thin and flat epithelium. Epithelial cells of mainly proximal convoluted tubules procedures, extensive burns and sepsis have much worse are necrotic and desquamated into the tubular lumina. A number of primary glomerular, tubular, vascular and obstructive diseases are secondarily associated with interstitial reaction. However, the term interstitial nephritis is reserved for those cases where there is no primary involvement of glomeruli, tubules or blood vessels. The older nomenclature, interstitial nephritis, is currently used syno nymously with tubulointerstitial nephritis or tubulointerstitial nephropathy. A number of bacterial and non-bacterial, acute and chronic conditions may produce tubulointerstitial nephritis and are listed in Table 22. Acute Pyelonephritis the necrosed cells are desquamated into the tubular lumina and may undergo dystrophic calcification. The tubular lumina cont ain casts Acute pyelonephritis is an acute suppurative inflammation (granular) and the regenerating flat epithelium lines the necrosed tubule. Major etiologies Shock, crush injuries, mismatched blood Poisons, heavy metals, certain drugs transfusion 4. M/E i) Distal tubular damage more prominent i) Proximal tubular damage more prominent ii) Focal tubular necrosis ii) More diffuse tubular injury iii) Regenerating epithelium iii) Regenerating epithelium iv) Casts: Hyaline, pigment, myoglobin iv) Tubular lumina may contained dystrophic calcification v) Basement membrane disrupted v) Basement membrane generally intact 6. Most cases of acute pyelonephritis diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, urinary tract obstruction or follow infection of the lower urinary tract. After having caused urethritis and cystitis, the bacteria decreasing frequency, by Enterobacter, Klebsiella, in susceptible cases ascend further up into the ureters against Pseudomonas and Proteus. The bacteria gain entry into the the flow of urine, extend into the renal pelvis and then the urinary tract, and thence into the kidney by one of the two renal cortex. The role of vesico-ureteral reflux is not of a great routes: ascending infection and haematogenous infection significance in the pathogenesis of acute chronic pyelo. The common pathogenic organisms are inhabitants nephritis may result from blood-borne spread of infection. This has been variously attributed to shorter urethra in females liable to faecal contamination, hormonal influences facilitating bacterial adherence to the mucosa, absence of prostatic secretions which have antibacterial properties, and urethral trauma during sexual intercourse. Grossly, well-developed cases of acute pyelonephritis show enlarged and swollen kidney that bulges on section. These abscesses may be several millimetres across and are situated mainly in the cortex. Microscopically, acute pyelonephritis is characterised by extensive acute inflammation involving the interstitium and causing destruction of the tubules. Generally, the glomeruli and renal blood vessels show considerable resistance to infection and are spared. The acute inflammation may be in the form of large number of neutrophils in the interstitial tissue and bursting into tubules, or may form focal neutrophilic abscesses in the renal parenchyma. Classically, acute pyelonephritis has an acute onset with chills, fever, loin pain, lumbar tenderness, Figure 22. Urine will show dilated pelvis and calyces having irregular and ragged inner surface and bacteria in excess of 100,000/ml, pus cells and pus cell casts containing necrotic debris and pus. Institution of specific antibiotics, after identification of bacteria by culture followed by sensitivity test, eradicates the infection in majority of patients.

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The department’s aim is to safeguard and strengthen the research and innovation within the region arrhythmia ventricular buy hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg with visa. Haukeland University Hospital: ”Regionalt kompetansesenter for klinisk forskning” offers support in the planning hypertension 140 90 discount hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg amex, implementation arteria century 21 discount hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg visa, statistical analysis and publication of clinical research. The center is also responsible for coordinating networks within the regional health authority, and acts as a link to the university-based research groups. We would like to express our acknowledgement to the following contributors th during the revision of the 6 (2014) edition: • “Forskningsstøtteavdelingen”, Oslo University Hospital (Martha Colban, Elsa Roland, Camilla Lien Sandnes, Peder Heyerdahl Utne) • Merethe Bremer • Peter Kierulf • Lillian Kramer-Johansen • Medisinsk bibliotek, Oslo University Hospital (Ullevål) • Kjartan Moe • Ludvig Munthe • Wenche Reed • Kari Schjølberg-Henriksen • Heidi Thorstensen • Hege Underdal • Nadine Messiah and Heidi Fjeldstad for providing assistance in translating the 6th edition (2014) of the Research Handbook from Norwegian to English. Heidi Fjeldstad has reviewed all chapters and is greatly acknowledged for her substantial contribution to the English version. The research field comprises translational projects in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, with emphasis on placenta, preeclampsia and associations with long-term maternal cardiovascular health. Head of Research since 2010 at the Women and Children’s division, Oslo University Hospital ( Divison of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine from 2016). PhD in 1995, performing research projects related to lung function, asthma and allergic diseases in children. Main research focus include prospective randomized trials and translational research in the cardiovascular field and thrombo-cardiology. Professor in cardiology at the University of Oslo since 1992, Professor Emeritus since 2009. Performing research since 1988, PhD in 1997, including research projects within hematology, neonatal medicine and pediatric cancer. Head of Centre for Clinical Research, Western Norway Health Authority and Professor in respiratory medicine and clinical epidemiology at the University of Bergen. Specialist in internal and respiratory medicine with research experience in allergy, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The committee must give • Confirmation of approved PhD courses notice within two months of whether revisions are required or if the dissertation • Co-authorship declarations will be rejected. A Booking of premises for disputation popularized scientific summary (in Norwegian the PhD student is responsible for booking the and English) must be sent to UiO at least 4 auditorium for the trial lecture and disputation. The candidate is given the topic 10 working days PhD Party: before the trial lecture will take place. This “Acting Dean” candidate first briefly describes the submission process and evaluation of the trial lecture. Thereafter, the PhD candidate gives a 20 minute popularized scientific account of the PhD Conferral of the PhD degree research work performed. Subsequently, the After approved PhD disputation, the PhD first opponent has a maximum of 75 minutes for degree is conferred upon the candidate by the opposition, while the second opponent should University Dean on behalf of the University limit the opposition to a maximum of 60 Board. The PhD candidate may bring a Useful documents for the PhD track: limited number of guests the PhD program Supervision Adjudication committee the chair of Defence Forms Congratulations, "Med en doktor i magen" you have passed your PhD exam! Cappelen Akademisk Forlag 2006) and Dysthe O and Samara A (Forskningsveiledning på master og doktorgradsnivå. Abstrakt Forlag 2006) •Successful Supervision, A Dialogue Facilitator” from Karolinska Institutet: practical help for the supervisor and student: clarifies expectations and roles, and provides guidelines for creating realistic plans for the research project: https://internwebben. For students: check with other PhD students/research group members •Clarify expectations (it is the supervisor’s responsibility to initiate the conversation): ambitions, responsibilities, roles, mutual expectations, collaborative format, co-supervisors’ roles, PhD timeline, funding, publication rules (possible publications during and after PhD), potential access to data following PhD etc. Read information in the UiO PhD handbook Project period: •2017 UiO PhD Handbook Project period: •The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that formal •Conduct the research projects  regulations are followed (during the entire project period) and •Attend PhD program courses (30 credits, should help the PhD candidate in understanding the rules for including mandatory and elective formalizing research projects. In cases of internal quality control study only: the project only needs approval by Department head(s). The researcher must justify from a risk-benefit evaluation of the patient or group, and detail which data will be published/presented, and if totally anonymous. This handbook is not for sale and it is used as part of research methodology workshop. It allows for a systematc and scientfc assessment or evaluaton of the problem and ofen provides knowledge that allows for change to occur – change that can improve the quality of health and health care. No organisaton or health insttuton can grow or develop without the use of research.


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In this murderous competition blood pressure chart stroke purchase generic hydrochlorothiazide on-line, B cells with receptors of lower affinity cannot hold the antigen they hold the bag: no longer able to take up antigen pulse pressure close together discount hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg overnight delivery, they have nothing left to present to T helper cells blood pressure medication while breastfeeding buy 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide overnight delivery. Successful daughter cells, on the other hand, over time reach a stage where they no longer need T cell help. Some of them leave the lymph node via efferent lymphatics, enter the blood and eventually settle down in other organs of the immune system, e. After at least five days, newly generated antibodies reach the primary infection battlefield. They enhance and focus already active defense mechanisms: they activate complement far more efficiently, opsonize, neutralize. Even after the pathogen has been successfully eradicated, plasma cells continue to produce immunoglobulins, providing protection against reinfection for a long time. Some cells from the proliferating B cell clone do not mature to plasma cells: during the germinal center reaction, they are functionally "frozen" via insufficiently understood mechanisms before they reach effector cell status. These cells are called memory cells, as they survive for years and can be reactivated very quickly in case of a reinfection. The humoral immune response is therefore faster and more vigorous in the event of a secondary or tertiary infection, as immunological memory obviates the need to once more activate naive B cells. A range of pathogens, including Mycobacteria and Leishmania species, developed the ability to survive in macrophages. Even though mycobacteria are able to survive in macrophages, occasionally some of them are killed. Part of the bacteria are likely to be killed in the apoptotic storm; the rest are taken up by the next macrophage. After activation of a naive T cell, these drugs prevent proliferation and generation of armed effector cells. These are responsible for the small, hard papule developing after two days in case of a positive Mendel-Mantoux skin test, a test indicating a previous experience of the immune system with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the event of tuberculosis, it is sometimes impossible to eliminate all bacteria. They are a form of prison for Mycobacteria, while the rest of the body can happily live on with the mycobacteria safely behind bars. In peripheral tissue, a virus infection cannot activate naive T cells due to a lack of co-stimulation. Maturing cells leave the lymph node, and start roaming the tissues as effector cytotoxic cells. If yes: off with their heads, or rather the kiss of death, via either of two mechanisms: the first mechanism involves secretion of perforin and granzymes. Both are stored in granules, and released in a direct, tight contact with the virus-infected cell. The second mechanism is induction of the membrane-associated protein trimer Fas-ligand (FasL). If the virus-infected cell expresses its partner molecule Fas, the contact between FasL and Fas leads to Fas trimerization, sufficient to induce apoptosis. The cytotoxic T cell is not affected by these events and moves on to inspect further cells. Normally, killed cells are easily replenished by proliferation of non infected cells. However, grave damage can result if most cells of a tissue are infected and the T cell response is vigorous. In this case, it is frequently not the virus but rather the immune response that causes symptoms of disease. An example would be liver dysfunction in hepatitis B virus infection, which solely depends on the intensity of cytotoxic defense. In extreme cases, a patient may die from acute yellow dystrophy of the liver, a casualty of his "excellent" immune response. Over time, viral envelope proteins accumulate in the cell membrane to allow budding of new virus particles.

Dudley, 37 years: Type A influenza virus is further subtyped but epidemiologists fear that if it did occur it will be a global based on its 2 viral surface features: epidemic. In the supine patient, palpate gently first in the right iliac fossa, proceeding diagonally past the umbilicus to the left costal margin as the patient inspires deeply. Whatever the Patients complain of fatigue and shortness of breath mechanism, patients are at risk of infection and other on exertion; the latter symptom may be ascribed to insults.

Osko, 38 years: Splenomegaly and and autoimmune thyroiditis), hypersplenism are other prominent features. Recently the science of immunology has grown up by the advent of new molecular biology tools. Lumbar spinal Suggested by: onset of pain over months, worse on walking stenosis due with ache and weakness in one leg.

Jorn, 44 years: Confrmed by: () acute onset, (2) bilateral infltrates, (3) pulmonary capillary wedge pressure <9mmhg or no congestive cardiac failure, (4) pao2:Fio2<200 in the presence of good left ventricular function. Haemangioma can occur anywhere in the mouth; when it occurs on the tongue it may cause macroglossia. The validation of a self-report measure of posttraumatic stress disorder: the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale.

Hassan, 60 years: The muscle pain caused by lactate accumulation forces us to discontinue anaerobic exercise after a short while. Decreased potassium excretion A list of important clinical conditions producing i. Then there is a description of what resources will be required (time, money, equipment, staffing etc.

Esiel, 50 years: Documentation style: Regarding documentation, the first footnote reference to any given work should be complete in its documentation, giving all the essential facts about the edition used. Such persons lack the capacity to coordinate integrated hypersensitivity and cell mediated immune responses to the organism and thus often lack the capacity to contain the infection. These are verrucous hyper Common diagnoses 323 keratotic lesions, common on the fingers and soles, especially in children.

Fasim, 24 years: Myotonic Autosomal Any Slow progressive weakness Cardiac conduction Benign type dominant decade and myotonia of eyelids, defects; mental face, neck, distal limb impairment; cataracts; muscles frontal baldness; gonadal atrophy 4. Confrmed by: typical appearance, +ve autoimmune profle, skin biopsy shows absence of melanocytes. Pathology • Explain pharmacology related to the treatment of Radiculopathy nervous disorders.

Sigmor, 23 years: The above description indicates clearly the usefulness of computers to researchers in data analysis. Hydatid cyst grows existing liver disease, aging, female sex and genetic inability slowly and may eventually attain a size over 10 cm in to perform a particular biotransformation. The endoscope is usually named for the organ, cavity, or canal being exam ined, such as gastroscope and sigmoidoscope.

Sebastian, 28 years: If the symptoms are of long standing, the reason for seeking treatment at this specific time is relevant; if the evaluation was occasioned by a hospitalization, the reason for the hospital ization is also relevant. Because blood is propelled thorough the branch into smaller vessels until they become arteries by the pumping action of the heart, the microscopic vessels called capillaries. Seminoma Suggested by: frm, non-tender, non-transilluminable nodule or mass adjacent to a testis.

Deckard, 45 years: Even though not shown in this figure, the other bands of this q arm & the p arm are similarly divided & numbered. Hypertension is arbitrarily defined as a blood pres G Look for evidence of end-organ damage: sure >140/90 mmHg and is a major risk factor for G hypertensive retinopathy Table 7. Winder and C Duan: Control of fructose 2,6-diphosphate in muscle of exercising fasted rats.

Saturas, 25 years: The slide must be labelled in pencil (ink will wash off during the normal slide staining and processing) with the patient’s surname, given name and date of birth. Most commonly encountered osteoporotic in respective chapters already; others are considered below. The cut surface of this enlarged lymph node usually resembles that of the primary tumour in colour and consistency.

Boss, 54 years: It is Time to review pronunciations, analysis of word elements, and defining medical terms by completing Learning Activities 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5. Confrmed by: presence of pigmented, velvety, and papillomatous skin lesion of fexures, neck, nipples, and umbilicus, ± underlying disease, e. What are the patient’s own interests, preferences, and values with respect to health care?

Seruk, 40 years: In the listing method, the code responses may be transcribed onto a large work-sheet, allowing a line for each questionnaire. Patients generally complain of lower abdominal and the fallopian tube or oviducts are paired structures, each pelvic pain which is often bilateral, dysmenorrhoea, extending from superior angle of the uterus laterally to the menstrual abnormalities and fever with tachycardia. Endotoxins in bacterial wall in septic ii) Neurogenic shock shock stimulate massive release of pro-inflammatory a) High cervical spinal cord injury mediators (cytokines) but a similar process of release of b) Accidental high spinal anaesthesia these agents takes place in late stages of shock from other c) Severe head injury causes.

Hurit, 22 years: Patients vulnerable to G skin rashes infection are then offered hepatitis B vaccination. In mixed type, some parts of the liver ii) In the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, via microsomal P-450 show micronodular appearance while other parts show oxidases (also called microsomal ethanol oxidising system, macronodular pattern. In cerebral Recent or fresh infarcts, the liquefactive necrosis is followed by gliosis i.

Grubuz, 55 years: The antibacterial effect of sulfonamides can be substantially increased by com bination with inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase such as trimethoprim. Experimental Models Representative Agents Causing Anaphylaxis Animal models have been use to under stand various manifestations of anaphy Multiple substances have been implicated laxis. Learning combining forms rather than word roots makes pronunciation a little easier because of the terminal vowel.

Tarok, 31 years: Such research is thus characterised by the experimenter’s control over the variables under study and his deliberate manipulation of one of them to study its effects. Dark-ground condenser is used in fluorescence microscope so that no direct light falls into the object and instead gives dark contrast background to the fluorescence. We can also obtain p-values to estimate the significance of the F-ratio with a computer, or by using tabulated critical values for the F-distribution for the relevant degrees of freedom.

Mazin, 34 years: Later in this chapter, we will look at intervention studies for which it is not possible to include some or any of these design features and consider the implications for interpretation of the results. Hydatid environmental or domestic that could be accidental, fluid, in addition, contains antigenic proteins so that its homicidal or suicidal ingestion. Other perceptual disturbances that patients may experience include depersonalization and derealization.

Zapotek, 43 years: The International Classifcation of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (beta version). Obviously, if two events occur simultaneously, it cannot be concluded that one event caused the other. Interestingly, however, the literature does not contain reports of hypoglycemia in these patients.

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