
Timothy A. Sanborn, MD

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However women's health clinic philadelphia purchase capecitabine line, it is important to remember that there may be emerging infections that are yet unrecognized menopause without symptoms buy capecitabine australia, leaving the blood supply at constant risk breast cancer team names trusted capecitabine 500 mg. Western countries continue to evaluate the risk– benefit ratios and ethical cost considerations for screening tests and donor deferrals, with the knowledge that testing to ensure 100% sensitivity is highly unlikely and adds significant costs. Frequent pathogens98 implicated in bacterial contamination of blood products stem from skin flora, including Staphylococcus and Bacillus species, but gram-negative species such as Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae more frequently lead to sepsis. Single-donor collections are associated with less contamination than platelet concentrates from pooled units, likely due to fewer venipunctures and exposures to skin flora, and to collection processes. It is now standard practice to divert the first 20 to 40 mL of collected blood into a separate collection chamber to avoid contaminating the whole donation with blood and epidermal tissue from the initial venipuncture. Standards for skin preparation prior to blood donation and sterile techniques for collection and processing procedures have also decreased contaminants. As new methodologies such as automated cultures and rapid immunoassays become available, sensitivity for detecting infection increases; however, a residual risk of bacterial transmission remains. They are typically self-limited, but can be prevented or86 treated with anti-inflammatory or antipyretic medications. Table 17-10 Noninfectious Transfusion Reactions Allergic Reactions 1129 Minor allergic reactions, a relatively common type of transfusion reaction, occur in about 1% to 3% of transfusions. Symptoms are most commonly described as urticaria, hives with or without pruritus, and angioedema. Best practice should be to reduce the rate of transfusion and treat supportively when symptoms arise. If symptoms become severe with recurrent or frequent transfusion86 needs, cellular products can be washed. Major allergic reactions present as anaphylactoid or anaphylactic reactions with hemodynamic instability, bronchospasm, rash, flushing, and/or angioedema. Classically, anaphylaxis requires an immediate type I hypersensitivity IgE-mediated reaction; however, most major allergic responses to blood transfusions do not show laboratory evidence of IgE antibodies, and are therefore anaphylactoid reactions. Careful adherence to protocols for specimen phlebotomy and blood component administration is vital for prevention. The overall fatality rate from incompatible transfusion is 10%, but is significantly dependent on the volume transfused with fatality risk more than 20% with the infusion of more than 50 mL. The release of bradykinin causes fever, hypotension, and hemodynamic instability, while histamine release from mast cells leads to bronchospasm and urticaria, as well as symptoms of dyspnea, flushing, and severe anxiety. Hemolysis results in the release of free hemoglobin that is bound by haptoglobin and plasma proteins, but will also be eliminated by the kidney when these proteins are unavailable. The diagnosis of hemolytic reactions is confirmed with laboratory findings of free hemoglobin, low haptoglobin, bilirubin increases, a positive direct antiglobulin (Coombs) test, and hematuria. Suspicion of a transfusion reaction should prompt immediate discontinuation of the transfusion, and investigation into the donor and recipient blood types and antigen–antibody components. Anemia can be profound, as the immediate hemolysis can destroy over 200 mL of blood per hour. Patients experience mild fever and possible rash, with laboratory and clinical signs of hemolysis such as jaundice, hemaglobinuria, low haptoglobin, positive direct Coombs test, and decreasing hemoglobin levels. Symptoms are generally self-limited and treated supportively with hydration to protect the renal tubules during hemolysis, with further compatible transfusions to support anemia as indicated. This highlighted the potential immunosuppressant effects of stored allogeneic blood products. Immunosuppression also proved to increase the recurrence of malignancies and the incidence of serious health-care–associated infections, as well as long-term mortality after cardiac surgery. This constitutes the first insult and causes active neutrophils to adhere to vascular endothelial cells and become hypersensitive to blood-borne immune mediators. Alloimmunization Alloimmunization refers to the induction of an immune response to allogenic antigen exposure. The clinical picture involves low-pressure pulmonary edema secondary to neutrophil activation and sequestration in the lungs. This results in endothelial injury and capillary leakage of proteinaceous fluid into the interstitium and intra-alveolar spaces. There are two leading theories on the mechanism of lung injury, both with sound experimental and clinical evidence. Stored blood components accumulate lipid degradation products (mostly phosphatidylcholine derivatives) that function to activate neutrophils primed and sequestered on the endothelial vascular lining of lung tissue.

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Approach Lumbar neuraxial block can be performed with either a midline or paramedian approach (Fig menopause xanax buy capecitabine 500 mg with visa. The thoracic spinous processes slope steeply and the thoracic spine does not flex as much as the lumbar spine women's health clinic hamilton new zealand buy cheap capecitabine 500 mg line. As a result women's health nurse practitioner salary buy capecitabine 500 mg cheap, the thoracic epidural space is more easily entered using the paramedian approach. A: An 18-gauge, 90- mm Tuohy needle and 27-gauge, 127-mm Whitacre needle side by side. Technique Identifying the subarachnoid or epidural space is an exercise in applied 2294 anatomy. Recognize which part of the vertebrae (spinous process, lamina) and where (midline, right, or left) the needle is touching and make an informed choice to redirect the needle toward the target (Fig. After positioning the patient, identify the midline by palpating the spinous processes. In obese patients, estimate the midline by imagining a line between the C7 prominence and the intergluteal cleft. In patients with poor landmarks, insert the needle in the presumed midline and explore. If the needle strikes bone, assess your location (spinous process: intermediate or shallow depth; lamina: deeper) and adjust your approach accordingly. The midline approach requires anatomic projection in only two planes: sagittal and horizontal. The paramedian needle insertion site is 1 cm lateral and slightly below the cephalad edge of the more caudal spinous process. The needle is inserted 10 to 15 degrees off both sagittal and horizontal planes (inset). The insertion site is approximately 1 cm lateral to the superior edge of the inferior spinous process (Fig. Angle the needle slightly cephalad and slightly medial, aiming for the midline at the estimated depth of the epidural or subarachnoid space. A bony obstruction at the estimated depth of the subarachnoid or 2295 epidural space is usually lamina. Gradually walk the needle cephalad until you enter the epidural or subarachnoid space. When attempting thoracic epidural needle placement, many experts intentionally contact the lamina of the vertebral body below the target interspace. The epidural needle can then be walked up the lamina and into the desired epidural space (Fig. The gray needle is the initial approach; the blue needle is the adjusted approach. Injecting too much local anesthetic can obscure landmarks and make things more difficult. In the occasional thin or small patient, the introducer needle may accidentally enter the subarachnoid space. Next, pass the spinal needle through the shaft of the introducer needle and advance toward the subarachnoid space. Hold the hub of the spinal needle with your fingertips and appreciate the “clicks” and “pops” as the needle traverses the ligamentum flavum and the dura. If the spinal needle contacts bone, withdraw it into the shaft of the introducer needle and pivot the introducer slightly and reinsert the spinal needle (Fig. If a midline introducer needle is inserted in the center of an interspace and the spinal needle contacts bone, it is most likely lamina of the lower vertebra (Fig. By slowly redirecting the needle cephalad, you should be able to “walk” off the lamina and into the subarachnoid space. If you still do not enter the subarachnoid space, remove the spinal needle, palpate the back, and reassess the insertion site of your introducer needle. Figure 35-20 Thoracic epidural insertion: use the lamina as a depth marker and “walk” the needle into the epidural space. Patients will occasionally report a transient paresthesia during spinal 2297 needle insertion. These paresthesias may be from needle to nerve root contact within the subarachnoid space or they may emanate from the dura. Should a44 transient paresthesia occur, stop advancing the spinal needle, and withdraw the stylet.

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Suggested pregnancy implantation purchase capecitabine line, but77 unproven research on women's health issues buy discount capecitabine online, risk factors for high block included obesity breast cancer quilt pattern free 500 mg capecitabine buy fast delivery, short stature, subarachnoid block after failed epidural, repeat epidural after unintended dural puncture, and spinal deformity. A disturbing cause of high block in laboring women is unrecognized intrathecal injection during attempted labor epidural analgesia. Extensive sympathetic block combined with moderate to deep sedation (and presumed hypoxemia) can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, even in otherwise healthy young patients. In a series of 14 such arrests, prompt treatment with ephedrine, atropine, and chest compressions, but delayed administration of epinephrine produced uniformly poor neurologic outcomes. More rapid treatment with epinephrine might help counter the subarachnoid anesthesia- induced sympathetic block and lead to better results. Although patients often note chest tightness and dyspnea with thoracic levels of sensory block, respiratory function is usually unchanged. When faced with a high level of sensory block after intrathecal injection of hyperbaric local anesthetic, you may be tempted to limit the rising block by placing the patient in reverse Trendelenburg position. This position may decrease the cephalad spread of sensory block but it will cause the patient’s blood to pool in the legs, exacerbating the hypotensive effects of subarachnoid anesthesia. Reverse Trendelenburg position will also decrease blood flow to the brain, further hampering respiration. Continue to monitor the patient’s respiratory and cardiovascular status and intervene as needed. Signs and symptoms range from tinnitus and metallic taste to seizures and cardiac arrest. Important safety steps to prevent local anesthetic toxicity include incremental injection, limiting the total dose of local anesthetic and using a test dose that contains a marker in intravascular injection. Incremental injection of 3 to 5 mL of local82 anesthetic every 90 to 120 seconds is probably the most effective of these steps. Neurologic Injury Neurologic injury is a rare, but potentially catastrophic complication of neuraxial block. Serious or permanent neurologic harm may occur after 1:20,000 to 35,000 neuraxial blocks. Although the spinal cord typically ends at L1–L2 in adults, the exact termination varies and the cord extends farther caudad in children. In addition, anesthesiologists using palpation often misidentify the lumbar interspaces and end up inserting needles at a higher level than intended. Intentional lateral approaches, for example, transforaminal approach (needle D), have the potential to come in close proximity to the spinal nerve or a spinal artery. Note that transforaminal approaches are typically at the cervical or lumbar levels, not the T6 level as illustrated. Anatomy and pathophysiology of spinal cord injury associated with regional anesthesia and pain medicine: 2015 update. The cervical epidural space is narrow and the underlying spinal cord is vulnerable to needle trauma. Injury associated with cervical epidural injection was the most common damaging event in a recent review of pain medicine malpractice claims. Cervical epidural injections represent fewer than one-quarter of epidural injections but generate two-thirds of epidural injection related claims. Abscess and hematoma are the most widely studied compressive complications of neuraxial block. Significant hematoma may occur as often as 1:3,600 blocks or as rarely as 1:260,000. The American Society of Regional Anesthesia has a regularly updated guideline (www. Epidural abscess is less common, complicating approximately 1:100,000 2330 neuraxial blocks. Rarely, the combination of neuraxial local anesthetics and other mass lesions (tumors, lipomas, cysts, or granulomas) can produce compressive symptoms (Fig. Other worrisome signs are persistent or recurrent sensory or motor block and bowel or bladder dysfunction. Complete or partial neurologic recovery seems most likely if surgical decompression occurs within 8 to 12 hours of symptom onset.

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Heart rate is the primary determinant of myocardial oxygen consumption in the intact heart menstruation jewelry purchase 500 mg capecitabine fast delivery. Increases in myocardial contractility women's health center naperville il capecitabine 500 mg buy mastercard, preload women's health clinic norman 500 mg capecitabine purchase overnight delivery, and afterload are also associated with greater myocardial oxygen consumption. Cardiac oxygen extraction is near maximal under resting conditions and cannot substantially increase during exercise. As a result, the primary mechanism by which myocardium is able to meets its oxygen requirements during exercise is through enhanced oxygen delivery, which is proportional to coronary blood flow when hemoglobin concentration is constant. Thus, it is not surprising that myocardial oxygen consumption is the most important determinant of coronary blood flow. For example, myocardial oxygen consumption and corresponding coronary blood flow increase by a magnitude of four- to fivefold during strenuous physical exercise. The difference between maximal and resting coronary blood flow (coronary reserve) determines the magnitude with which coronary blood flow can rise during exercise-induced increases in myocardial oxygen consumption. Coronary vascular resistance is greater in the resting, perfused heart than in the contracting heart. These data suggest that increases in coronary blood flow exceed those of perfusion pressure in response to greater myocardial oxygen consumption when the heart is contracting versus when it is quiescent. The precise mechanisms responsible for this close correlation between myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary vasomotor tone remain elusive. The factors responsible for coronary autoregulation (maintenance of coronary blood flow despite changes in perfusion pressure) and reactive hyperemia (the several-fold increase in coronary blood flow 753 above baseline after a brief period of myocardial ischemia) are also not clearly understood. Metabolic coronary vasodilation in response to enhanced myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise occurs, at least in part, as a result of enhanced local release of metabolic substrates (e. This latter effect causes a “feed-forward” vasodilation of small coronary arterioles by activating β adrenoceptors. An α adrenoceptor-13 induced vasoconstriction also occurs in larger coronary arteries during exercise. Although seemingly counterintuitive, this differential vasoconstriction of larger caliber upstream coronary arteries serves two important functions: reduction of vascular compliance and attenuation of the wide swings in coronary blood flow normally observed during the cardiac cycle. In contrast to the important role of the cardiac sympathetic nerves, parasympathetic innervation has a relatively minor direct effect on coronary blood flow regulation despite its well-known negative inotropic and chronotropic actions. The aforementioned conclusions about sympathetic nervous system control of the coronary circulation are based on alterations in the slope of the myocardial oxygen consumption–coronary venous oxygen tension relation during graded exercise in the presence of exogenous α or β adrenoceptor blockade. The β adrenoceptor appears to account for only one-fourth of the total coronary vasodilation observed during exercise-induced hyperemia, but most of this vasodilation is most likely related to local or autocrine metabolic factors that act on coronary vascular smooth muscle with or without the additional modulation by vascular endothelium. Adenine nucleotides from red blood cells or the myocardium itself may activate endothelial purinergic receptors to produce coronary vasodilation during exercise. Many factors14 have been proposed to individually or collectively modulate coronary blood flow at the arteriolar or capillary level, including adenosine, bradykinin, nitric oxide, arterial oxygen or carbon dioxide tension, acid–base status, osmolarity, plasma electrolyte (e. For example, hypoxia or ischemia decreases arterial oxygen tension and pH concomitant with increases in carbon dioxide tension, adenosine release, and the plasma concentrations of K and Ca+ 2+. These changes collectively augment coronary blood flow during exercise, but none individually is solely responsible for this vasodilation. Adenosine receptor blockade does not alter coronary blood flow under resting conditions or during exercise. Endothelin and thromboxane A produce direct2 coronary vasoconstriction in vitro, but the precise role of these substances on the regulation of coronary blood flow in vivo has not been defined. Cardiac Myocyte Anatomy and Function Ultrastructure The heart contracts and relaxes nearly three billion times during an average lifetime, based on an average heart rate of 70 beats per minute and a life expectancy of 75 years. A review of cardiac myocyte ultrastructure provides important insights into how this remarkable feat is possible. Deep invaginations of the sarcolemma, known as transverse (T) tubules, penetrate the internal structure of the myocyte at regular intervals. The T-tubules assure rapid, simultaneous transmission of the depolarizing impulses that initiate myocyte contraction. The cardiac myocyte is densely packed with mitochondria that are responsible for production of large quantities of high-energy phosphates (e.

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Alternative splicing women's health clinic des moines iowa purchase capecitabine 500 mg without prescription, a wide variety of posttranslational modifications women's health clinic lynchburg va cheap 500 mg capecitabine free shipping, and protein–protein interactions responsible for biologic function menstrual cramps purchase capecitabine 500 mg with mastercard, would therefore remain undetected by gene expression profiling (Fig. This has led to the emergence of proteomics, a field seeking to study the sequence, abundance, modification, localization, and function of proteins in a biologic system at a given time and in response to a disease state, trauma, stress, or therapeutic intervention. Thus, proteomics37 offers a more global and integrated view of biology, complementing other functional genomic approaches. Several preclinical proteomic studies relevant to perioperative medicine have characterized the temporal changes in brain protein expression in response to various inhaled anesthetics,38,39 or following cardiac surgery with hypothermic circulatory arrest. This may focus further40 studies aimed to identify new anesthetic binding sites, and the development of neuroprotective strategies. The natural cardioprotective adaptations invoked by mammalian hibernators to cope with ischemia-reperfusion injury have been recently characterized using comparative proteomic approaches, and involve extensive metabolic remodeling with increased expression of fatty acid metabolic proteins and reduced levels of toxic lipid metabolites, offering insights into novel strategies for metabolic optimization as a transformative approach for perioperative organ protection. Furthermore,41 detailed knowledge of the plasma proteome has profound implications in perioperative transfusion medicine, in particular, related to peptide and42 protein changes that occur during storage of blood products. Innate and adaptive immune host responses to surgery play key roles in the pathogenesis of perioperative organ injury and dysfunction, prompting the use of comprehensive immune monitoring via flow cytometry (exact quantification of surface marker expression on blood immune cells) and cytokine determination for outcome prediction. Coronary sinus sampling distinguished cardiac-derived from peripheral metabolic changes. We applied a similar approach to cardiac45 surgical patients undergoing planned global myocardial ischemia/reperfusion, and identified clear differences in metabolic fuel uptake based on the pre- existing ventricular state (left ventricular dysfunction, coronary artery disease, or neither) as well as altered metabolic signatures predictive of postoperative hemodynamic course and perioperative myocardial infarction. Evidence from animal and human studies suggests that epigenetic mechanisms can explain susceptibility to acute and chronic pain, making them potential therapeutic targets. Specific epigenetic mechanisms relevant to perioperative analgesia involve the developmental expression of opioid receptors and opioid-induced hyperalgesia. This local anesthetic effect may have potential in the development of chronic pain and perioperative cancer medicine. Overview of Genetic Epidemiology and Functional Genomic Methodology Most ongoing research on complex disorders focuses on identifying genetic variants that modify susceptibility to given conditions or drug responses. Often the design of such studies is complicated by the presence of multiple risk factors, gene–environment interactions and a lack of even rough estimates of the number of genes underlying such complex traits. Genetic association studies examine the frequency of specific genetic or epigenetic variants in a population-based sample of unrelated diseased individuals and appropriately matched unaffected controls. The nature of most complex diseases in general, and perioperative adverse outcomes in particular (surgical patients are typically elderly), makes the study of extended multigenerational family pedigrees impractical (with few exceptions, e. Even a detailed family history, the first tool in the genomic toolbox, is seldom available for most categories of adverse perioperative events. Feasibility without requiring family-based sample collections, and the increased statistical power to uncover small clinical effects of multiple genes constitute the main advantages of the genetic association approach over 412 traditional linkage analysis methodology. Two broad strategies have been employed to identify complex trait loci through association analysis. The candidate gene approach is motivated by what is known about the trait biologically, with genes selected because of a priori hypotheses about their potential etiologic role in disease based on current understanding of the disease pathophysiology, and can be49 characterized as a hypothesis-testing approach, but is intrinsically biased. Until recently however, most significant results were gathered from candidate gene association studies. As it will be presented in more detail later, this includes most published reports on specific genotypes associated with a variety of organ-specific perioperative adverse outcomes, including myocardial infarction,50,51 neurocognitive dysfunction,52–54 renal compromise,55–57 vein graft restenosis,58,59 postoperative thrombosis,60 vascular reactivity, severe sepsis,61 62,63 transplant rejection, and death (for64 reviews, see references 1 and 4). The second strategy is the genome-wide scan, in which thousands of markers uniformly distributed throughout the genome or epigenome are used to locate regions that may harbor genes or regulatory regions influencing phenotypic variability. These are unbiased approaches, in the sense that no prior assumptions are being made about the biologic processes involved and no weight is given to known genes, thus allowing the detection of previously unknown trait loci. Although the73 74 75 76 ability to predict disease remains limited, the newly discovered genetic associations have provided insight into unsuspected mechanisms for disease, many of them located in known drug targets. Most genes however lack a common functional coding variant with a detectable functional effect, yet they typically contain several rare variants. A counter-hypothesis has emerged stating that there are additional novel genes harboring such low frequency variants (possibly with larger effects) that may be the primary drivers of common disease.

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Transmural arteritis and/or fibrinoid necrosis (v3) Chronic active T-cell–mediated rejection/chronic transplant arteriopathy Arterial fibrointimal thickening and inflammation with neointima 5 women's health of central ma buy 500 mg capecitabine amex. The graft is located in Drug-associated acute tubulointerstitial nephritis the pelvis breast cancer walk nyc generic 500 mg capecitabine amex, and its vascular supply usually derives from the iliac arteries and C pregnancy brain purchase cheap capecitabine. Borderline changes/suspicious for acute T-cell–mediated rejection C4d0: 0 % Tubulitis and mild inflammation (t1, t2, or t3 and i0, or i1) C4d1: 1–9 % Mild tubulitis and moderate to severe interstitial inflammation C4d2: 10–50 % (t1 and i2, or i3) C4d3: >50 % 5. Although today hyperacute rejection is largely of historical interest, two cases are illustrated here. This times0 biopsy specimen was obtained within minutes after completion of the vascular anastomoses. The graft was perfused and then became soft and dusky appearing, so a biopsy was performed. Neutrophils also are present in the peritubular capillaries 182 5 Renal Transplantation Fig. This example is from an allograft neph- shows numerous neutrophils lining every peritubular capillary. At this rectomy performed several hours after vascular anastomoses were point, thrombosis is not apparent and necrosis has not occurred established. Direct immunofluorescence using a fluorescence-conjugated antibody directed against the immunoglobulin M (IgM) heavy chain shows that IgM antibodies are bound to all glom- Fig. The diffuse hem- orrhage results from widespread peritubular capillary necrosis 5. It has poorer allograft sur- vival, requiring more aggressive therapy, often including plasmapheresis, and carries an increased risk of developing chronic changes compared with acute T-cell–mediated rejec- tion. Antibody-mediated rejection is recoginized by the dem- onstration of C4d along peritubular capillary endothelium. It covalently binds to peritubular cap- illary endothelium and is regarded as evidence of an antibody-mediated process, usually rejection. However, C4d may be present unassociated with allograft dysfunction, and it appears that humoral rejection may not always be medi- ated through a C4d-associated pathway. Glomerular capillary loop thrombosis in a times0 biopsy specimen does phils or mononuclear inflammation cells usually are present not always indicate hyperacute rejection. Once vascular anastomosis was acute humoral rejection is demonstration of donor-specific completed, the widespread thrombosis already present mimicked antibodies in the pateint’s serum. The clue that this is not hyperacute rejection is the Histologic patterns of acute antibody-mediated rejection absence of neutrophils, which should be present by the time thrombosis are: has occurred. Peritubular capillary, arteriolar, and/or glomerular in fl ammation and/or thromboses 3. Arterial fi brinoid necrosis and/or transmural arteritis: Banff v3 rejection Definitive diagnosis requires the presence of the following: 1. This biopsy was performed several days post transplantation for delayed graft function. Notice the diffuse stain- ing of the glomerular capillary loops, which occurs with or without antibody-mediated rejection. This biopsy specimen shows a dilated peritubular capillary con- capillaries are all stained with C4d. In some cases, peritubular neutro- body-mediated rejection and must be followed by testing for donor- phils are a common finding. Immunoperoxidase C4d stain microangiopathy) and acute cellular rejection were present in the cortex elsewhere. Shown is an example of lar capillary endothelial staining, characteristic of C4d acute humoral C4d stain by immunofluorescence. The capillary loop staining must be distinct and circumferen- lar capillary endothelium, as previously illustrated. Immuno fl uorescence tial without luminal staining of serum, which is regarded as an artifact is regarded as a slightly more sensitive technique than the immunoper- that may complicate C4d interpretation when immunoperoxidase tech- oxidase method for demonstrating C4d humoral rejection.

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To initiate calibration women's health clinic parramatta generic capecitabine 500 mg buy, select Cell Energy Phenotype Test on the Templates window and make the following adjustments to the protocol pregnancy 3d week by week capecitabine 500 mg free shipping. Remove the lid of the utility plate and place the assembly on the instrument tray with the correct orientation as instructed on the screen menopause symptoms age purchase generic capecitabine online. Inability of cells to respond to stress may imply underlying mitochon- drial dysfunction. Baseline phenotype refers to the preferred pathway of metabo- lism of the cells in the non-stressed situation or in the presence of non-limiting quantity of substrates. The metabolic potential of the cells refers to the cells’ ability to utilize respiration and/or glycolysis to meet an increased energy demand. Cells can be characterized into four energy phenotypes depend- ing on the pathway(s) they utilize to meet energy demand (Fig. The Cell Energy Phenotype Test provides an overview of the metabolic potential and energy phenotype of the tested cells. The Glycolysis Stress test assesses glycolytic fux by measuring parameters such as the glycolytic capacity, glycolytic reserve, and non-glycolytic acidifcation. The Mito Fuel Flex Test allows the study of substrate metabo- lism, in particular, the capability, dependency, and fexibility of cells in utilizing fuel pathways to meet metabolic demand. According to the manufacturer, a 10 μM working concentra- tion of oligomycin is optimal for most experiments. The Hudson Institute is supported by the Victorian Government’s Operational Infrastructure Scheme. Muralimanoharan S, Maloyan A, Mele J, Guo involved in the development of pre-eclampsia. Thomas Sanderson, and Cathy Vaillancourt Abstract Estrogens are produced in large amounts during pregnancy, as a result of a tightly regulated cooperation between the maternal and fetal adrenal cortex, which produce androgen precursors, and the placental vil- lous trophoblast, which transforms these precursors into estrogens. These estrogens play an important role in proper placental function, in adaptation of the mother to pregnancy, as well as in adequate fetal develop- ment. Disruption of estrogen production is associated with poor pregnancy outcomes and fetal malforma- tion or altered fetal programming. Pregnant women may be exposed to endocrine disruptors from environmental sources or medications, and it is crucial to study the effects of such compounds on feto- placental steroidogenesis. The H295R/BeWo co-culture model offers the opportunity to study these interactions, by making it possible to evaluate the effects of chemical exposures on androgen and estrogen biosynthesis, as well as on various other aspects of feto-placental communication. Key words Steroidogenesis, Feto-placental unit, Estrogen, Co-culture, Trophoblast, Fetal adrenocortical 1 Introduction In the human placenta, the villous trophoblast produces large amount of estrogens, including pregnancy-specifc estriol. This synthesis is dependent on precursors produced by the adrenal cor- tex of the mother and that of the developing fetus. We have previ- ously shown that the H295R/BeWo co-culture is a relevant model to study estrogen biosynthesis and fulflls an essential need as research tool considering the lack of suitable in vivo or ex vivo human models. In the co-culture model, H295R cells possess fetal adrenocortical characteristics, including the ability to synthetize J. Thomas Sanderson and Cathy Vaillancourt share joint senior authorship and contributed equally to this work. The H295R/BeWo co-culture model was frst characterized for its capacity to reproduce the feto-placental estrogen biosyn- thetic profle with interactions between the two cell types occur- ring in real time. Moreover, culturing BeWo cells on porous inserts allows the cell to adopt a polarized phenotype with differential expression of proteins on the fetal membrane and maternal mem- brane [2–4], which opens up the possibility of studying feto- placental transport. In another plate, seed BeWo cells in transwell inserts at 12,500 cells/well density, 0. Incubate at 37 °C for 24 h or longer according to the type of experiment (see Note 6). To the wells of the Eplate, add 100 μL of either BeWo (10,000 cells/well) or H295R (20,000 cells/well) cells. To the Eplate inserts, add 50 μL of BeWo (10,000 cells/insert) or H295R (20,000 cells/insert) cells.

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  • Oltvai ZN, Milliman CL, Korsmeyer SJ: Bcl-2 heterodimerizes in vivo with a conserved homolog, Bax, that accelerates programmed cell death. Cell 1993;74:609- 619.
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