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Endocarditis and meningitis: Infection of heart tissue and leptomeninges respectively. Characterized by abrupt onset of high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia, scarlatiform rash,and hypotension with cardiac and renal failure in the most severe disease. Catalaseproducing Bacteria (Staphlococci) No active bubbling…………Non-catalase producing bacteria (streptococci) 2. Serologic specificity of the cell wall group specific substance and other cellwall capsular antigens 3. Partial Greenish discoloration Alpha(α) Viridans streptococci (reduced hemoglobin). None No change Gamma(δ) Enterococci Lancefield grouping of streptococci: Streptococci produce group specific carbohydrates(C carbohydrates) identified using group specific antiserum. Group-specific cell wall antigen Streptococcal cell wall obtained carbohydrate is the basis for serologic grouping of streptococci (Lancefield groups A-H, K-U) 183 2. M protein They are found in hair-like projections of the streptococcal surfaceand determine virulence Major virulent factor for group A streptococci. T substance: Acid and heat labile unlike M protein, and has no relation to virulence of streptococci. R protein Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A β-hemolytic streptococci) The most pathogenic member of the genus It is present as a commensal in the nasopharynx in a variable proportion of healthy individuals. It is an active proteolytic enzyme which lyses fibrin by catalytic conversion of plasminogen to plasmin. Has been given intravenously for the the treatment of pulmonary edema and of arterial and venous thrombosis 2. Streptodornase: Streptococcal deoxyribonuclease 184 Mixtures of streptokinase and streptodornase are used in “enzymatic debridement” 3. Hyaluronidase: Spreading factor It degrades the ground substance of connective tissue (hyaluronic acid) and aids in spreading infectious micro- organoism 5. Hemolysins: Two types Streptolysin O and Streptolysin S Antistreptolysin O antibody titer > 1:200 todd: Supportive evidence for Acute reheumatic fever 2. Erythrogenic toxin: Pyrogenic exotoxins It is responsible for the erythematous rash in scarlet fever. Acute rheumatic fever 185 Immunological damage to the heart valves and muscle following Streptococcal upper respiratory tract infection It clinically presents with fever, malaise, migratory non- sppurative polyarthritis, carditis, erythema marginatum and subcutaneous nodules 2. Post streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis Immunological damage to the kidney following infection of skin with streptococci It clinically manifests with generalized body edema, elevated bloood pressure, protein and blood in the urine, bloood urea nitrogen retention and low complement level. Necrotizing fascitis(Streptococcal gangrene): Extensive and rapidly spreading necrosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue S. Streptococcus mitis Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus salivarius Streptococcus sanguis Clinical features. Grow in ordinary media with shiny or dry colonies with grey-white or colorless appearance. Penicillin + Gentamicin 188 Streptococcus pneumoniae • Fastidious, lancet-shaped gram positive diplococci. Septic arthritis Laboratory Diagnosis: Specimen: Sputum, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, ear discharge and sinus drainage. Look for the appearance of capsule swelling under the 100X objective microscope Treatment: Amoxicillin Chloramphenicol Thid generation Cephalosporins Prevention and control: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: Immunization of individuals with type specific polysaccharide vaccine Biochemical reaction to diagnose streptococci. Cutaneous anthrax (Malignant pustule): 95 % of anthrax presentation Characterized by a black necrotic lesion with a definite edematous margin onhands, arms, face or neck with regional lymphadenitis associated systemic symptoms. Intestinal anthrax: Presents with abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea Bacteremic and intestinal anthrax are rare to occur Laboratory diagnosis: Specimen: Fluid or pus from skin lesion, Blood, sputum Smear: Non-capsulated gram-positive rods with centrally located spores from culture Large capsulated gram-positive rods with out spores from primary specimen. Non-hemolytic,large, dense, grey-white irregular colonies with colony margin of “Medussa Head” or “curled-hair lock” appearance due to composition of parallel chaining of cells.

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Contrary to the catharsis hypothesis anxiety symptoms lingering 60 caps ashwagandha purchase mastercard, the students who had punched the punching bag set a higher noise level and delivered longer bursts of noise than the participants who did not get a chance to hit the punching bag anxiety symptoms 8dp5dt order 60 caps ashwagandha free shipping. It seems that if we hit a punching bag anxiety symptoms in 2 year old buy cheap ashwagandha 60 caps on line, punch a pillow, or scream as loud as we can to release our frustration, the opposite may occur—rather than decreasing aggression, these behaviors in fact increase it. At the same time, children are also exposed to violence in movies and video games, as well as in popular music and music videos that include violent lyrics and imagery. Research evidence makes it very clear that, on average, people who watch violent behavior become more aggressive. The evidence supporting this relationship comes from many studies conducted over many years using both correlational designs as well as laboratory studies in which people have been randomly assigned to view either violent or nonviolent material [25] (Anderson et al. Viewing violent behavior also increases aggression in part through observational learning. Video Clip This video shows Professor Albert Bandura describing his studies on the observational learning of aggression in children. Another outcome of viewing large amounts of violent material isdesensitization, which is the tendency over time to show weaker emotional responses to emotional stimuli. When we first see violence, we are likely to be shocked, aroused, and even repulsed by it. However, over time, as we see more and more violence, we become habituated to it, such that the subsequent exposures produce fewer and fewer negative emotional responses. Continually viewing violence also makes us more distrustful and more likely to behave aggressively (Bartholow, Bushman, & Sestir, [26] 2006; Nabi & Sullivan, 2001). Of course, not everyone who views violent material becomes aggressive; individual differences also matter. People who experience a lot of negative affect and who feel that they are frequently rejected by others whom they care about are more aggressive (Downey, Irwin, Ramsay, & [27] Ayduk, 2004). People with inflated or unstable self-esteem are more prone to anger and are highly aggressive when their high self-image is threatened (Baumeister, Smart, & Boden, [28] 1996). For instance, classroom bullies are those children who always want to be the center of Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. Bullies are highly motivated to protect their inflated self-concepts, and they react with anger and aggression when it is threatened. There is a culturally universal tendency for men to be more physically violent than women [30] (Archer & Coyne, 2005; Crick & Nelson, 2002). Worldwide, about 99% of rapes and about 90% of robberies, assaults, and murders are committed by men (Graham & Wells, [31] 2001). Both men and women respond to insults and provocation with aggression; the differences between men and women are smaller after they have been frustrated, insulted, or threatened (Bettencourt & Miller, [32] 1996). Research Focus: The Culture of Honor In addition to differences across cultures, there are also regional differences in the incidence of violence in different parts of the United States. As one example, the homicide rate is significantly higher in the southern and the western states but lower in the eastern and northern states. One explanation for these differences is variation in cultural norms about the appropriate reactions to threats against one‘s social status. In short, some men react more violently than others when they believe that others are threatening them. The social norm that condones and even encourages responding to insults with aggression is known as the culture of honor. The culture of honor leads people to view even relatively minor conflicts or disputes as challenges to one‘s social status and reputation and can therefore trigger aggressive responses. Beliefs in culture of honor norms are stronger among men who live or who were raised in the South and West than among men who are from or living in the North and East. The experiments, which were conducted at the University of Michigan, involved an encounter in which the research participant was walking down a narrow hallway. Compared with Northerners, students from the South who had been bumped were more likely to think that their masculine reputations had been threatened, exhibited greater physiological signs of being upset, had higher testosterone levels, engaged in more aggressive and dominant behavior (gave firmer handshakes), and were less willing to yield to a subsequent confederate (Figure 14. Insult, aggression, and the southern culture of honor: An ―experimental ethnography. To half the employers, the applicant reported that he had impulsively killed a man who had been having an affair with his fiancée and then taunted him about it in a crowded bar. To the other half, the applicant reported that he had stolen a car because he needed the money to pay off debts.

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The slower onset follow- ing oral administration reduces the reward and reinforcement Pharmacokinetics of dependence. The relatively long half-life reduces the inten- Hepatic metabolism is the main route of elimination. Its effect has a rapid onset and if a satisfactory Codeine is the methyl ether of morphine, but has only about response has not been obtained within three minutes, the dose 10% of its analgesic potency. As a result, it has been used for many Naloxone is used in the management of the apnoeic infant years as an analgesic for moderate pain, as a cough suppres- after birth when the mother has received opioid analgesia sant and for symptomatic relief of diarrhoea. Naltrexone is an orally active opioid antagonist that is used in Pharmacokinetics specialized clinics as adjunctive treatment to reduce the risk of relapse in former opioid addicts who have been detoxified. Such Free morphine also appears in plasma following codeine patients who are receiving naltrexone in addition to supportive administration, and codeine acts as a prodrug, producing a therapy, are less likely to resume illicit opiate use (detected by low but sustained concentration of morphine. However, the drop-out rate is high due to non-com- codeine to morphine, and consequently experience less, if any, pliance. Its use is not recom- has not been extensively studied in non-addicts, and most of the mended. It antagonizes full agonists and can precipitate pain and cause The relief of pain in terminal disease, usually cancer, requires withdrawal symptoms in patients who are already receiving skilful use of analgesic drugs. For mild Like other opiates, buprenorphine is subject to considerable pain, paracetamol, aspirin or codeine (a weak opioid) or a pre-systemic and hepatic first-pass metabolism (via glu- combined preparation (e. It is important to use a large enough dose, if necessary given intravenously, to relieve the pain completely. Minor alterations in the chemical structure of opioids result in • It is much easier to prevent pain before it has built up than drugs that are competitive antagonists. This a smoother control of pain, without peaks and troughs of causes fear, which makes the pain worse. This vicious analgesia, which can still be supplemented with shorter circle can be avoided by time spent on pre-operative duration morphine formulations for breakthrough pain. Regular use of mild analgesics can be highly laxatives, such as senna, and/or glycerine suppositories should effective. Spinal administration ketorolac, which can be given parenterally) can have of opioids is not routinely available, but is sometimes useful for comparable efficacy to opioids when used in this way. Opioids are effective in visceral pain Key points and are especially valuable after abdominal surgery. Breakthrough pain can be treated by additional parenteral morphine is often needed initially, followed oral or parenteral doses of morphine. They are only required by a minority of – anti-emetics: prochloperazine, metoclopramide; patients, but should be available without delay when – laxative: senna. When • Prevention of post-operative pain is initiated during patients are provided with devices that enable them to control anaesthesia (e. The doctor – relief of left ventricular failure; on call prescribes morphine 10mg subcutaneously, four- – miosis (pupillary constriction); hourly as needed, and the pain responds well to the – suppression of cough (‘antitussive’ effect); first dose, following which the patient falls into a light – constipation; sleep. The Senior – for this reason gives a rapid ‘buzz’; House Officer was concerned not to cause respiratory depres- – may therefore have an even higher potential for sion, so did not prescribe regular analgesia, but unfortunately abuse than morphine; neither medical nor nursing staff realized that the patient – is more soluble than morphine. He had not himself • Codeine and dihydrocodeine are: asked for additional analgesia (which was prescribed) – weak opioid prodrugs; because his personality traits would lead him to lie quietly – slowly metabolized to morphine; and ‘suffer in silence’. The good initial response suggests – used in combination with paracetamol for moderate that his pain will respond well to regular oral morphine, and pain; this indeed proved to be the case. A non- – metabolized to normeperidine which can cause seizures; steroidal drug (e.

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If there is any question of improper placement anxiety symptoms valium treats order ashwagandha australia, immediate consultation should be obtained mood anxiety symptoms questionnaire discount ashwagandha amex. The intragastric location of a replaced tube should be con- firmed by a contrast study before feedings anxiety 9 dpo ashwagandha 60 caps without prescription. Many patients have received intraperitoneal feedings in the absence of such a confirmatory test. Bacteria in an obstructed collecting system can cause abscess formation, renal destruc- tion, and severe systemic toxicity. In addition to obstruction with infection, other indications for admission include persistent pain, persistent nausea and vomiting, urinary extravasation, and hypercalcemic crisis. Stones smaller than 4 mm pass 90% of the time, stones 4 to 6 mm pass 50% of the time, and stones larger than 6 mm pass 10% of the time. It is useful to differentiate abdominal pathologies when the history and physical examination are non- specific, or in confirming a diagnosis suspected by the clinical presentation. His clinical presentation is consistent with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. If the contents of a hernia can be returned to their natural cavity by manual reduction, the hernia is termed reducible; if they cannot, 122 Emergency Medicine it is termed irreducible or incarcerated. Incarcerated hernias are subject to inflammatory and edematous changes and are at risk for strangulation, which refers to vascular compromise of the incarcerated contents. The treatment for an incarcerated hernia that cannot be manually reduced is surgical fixation. If strangulation is suspected or shock is present, broad- spectrum antibiotics and fluid resuscitation are necessary. Most protein-rich foods support the growth of staphylococci, particularly ham, eggs, custard, mayonnaise, and potato salad. The illness has an abrupt onset, beginning 1 to 6 hours after ingestion of the contaminated food. Cramping and abdominal pain, with violent and frequent retching and vomiting are the predominant symp- toms. Although often aggressive in onset, staphylococcal food poisoning is short- lived and usually subsides in 6 to 8 hours, rarely lasting more than 24 hours. The short incubation period and multiple cases in people eating the same meal are highly suggestive of this disease. The symptoms resemble histamine intoxication, occur abruptly within 20 to 30 minutes and resemble histamine intoxication, consisting of facial flushing, diarrhea, throbbing headache, palpitations, and abdominal cramps. Most cases occur in fairly large outbreaks and are caused by the ingestion of meat and poultry dishes. Symptoms usually appear within 6 to 12 hours but can occur up to 24 hours after ingestion of the contaminated food. Frequent, watery diarrhea and moderately severe abdominal cramping Abdominal and Pelvic Pain Answers 123 are the major symptoms. Onset of symptoms is usually rapid and consists of fever, crampy abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Poultry products, such as turkey, chicken, duck, and eggs constitute the most common sources. The typical patient presents with fever, colicky abdominal pain, and loose, watery diarrhea, occasionally with mucus and blood. It primarily affects patients over the age of 50 years, particularly those with significant cardiovascular or sys- temic disease. In this early state, patients frequently complain of severe pain, but have minimal tenderness on examination (ie, the characteristic “pain out of proportion to examination”). Thinking of the worst first is a reversal from the sequence of patient management in many other specialties. This leads to an array of fragmented histories, masked physical findings, and high emotional levels. All of the conditions listed as answer choices can be responsible for the patient’s presentation. For unprotected insertive anal intercourse and receptive vaginal intercourse, the risk is approximately 0.

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Immunocompromise and infection are often part of a complex pathological process; related material can be found in other chapters anxiety 18 year old order ashwagandha in india, especially chapters 9 anxiety oils order discount ashwagandha on-line, 39 and 40 anxiety lexapro 60 caps ashwagandha with mastercard. Exogenous infection is usually through contact (staff, procedures, equipment), but can also be airborne. Immunity develops with age and exposure to pathogens so that children are at greater risk of infection (e. Highly invasive equipment used with critically ill patients provides multiple entry sites for microorganisms so that benefits should be weighed against infection risks. Enteral tubes and infected feeds facilitate microorganisms entry into the gut, bypassing many nonspecific immune defences (e. Feeds standing for prolonged times at room temperature provide ideal media for bacterial growth. Forty-five per cent of patients stayed over 5 days, with infection rates tripling after 3– 4 days. Patients staying longer were usually sicker, but exposure to secondary infections compounded mortality. The report suggested that one-half of nosocomial infections were preventable, with risks increasing when units had more than eleven beds. Organisms Bacteria are small, usually 1–2 micrometres in diameter, and a single bacterium will divide up to a million times within 6 hours (Wilson 1997). Gram positive or gram negative levels indicate whether bacteria retain crystal violet-iodine complex stain (Murray et al. Gram negative organisms cause 70 per cent of all cases of sepsis (Wardle 1996), while mortality from gram negative septicaemia is 40–70 per cent (Michie & Marley 1992). There are over 170 strains of Staphylococci, mutations and variants making control problematic. Skin colonisation (throat, groin, axillae) by Staphylococci is widespread (Murray et al. Chlorhexidine reduces surface colonisation, while most strains remain susceptible to vancomycin (Murray et al. Most strains of Pseudomonas cannot survive human body temperatures, but Pseudomonas aeruginosa grows at body temperatures, tolerates 40–42°C (Murray et al. An opportunistic organism, skin colonisation occurs in only 2 per cent of healthy adults, but 38 per cent of hospitalised patients and 78 per cent of immunocompromised patients (Murray et al. Amphotericin is the most widely used anti-fungal drug, although some fungi have developed resistance to this (Richardson 1994). Controlling infection Infection-free environments remain unrealistic, but the spread of infection can be controlled. Endogenous infection requires ■ a source Infection control 131 ■ means of transmission ■ means of entry. Family and friends rarely move between patients, but staff can easily transfer hospital (often resistant) pathogens between patients. Hygiene (especially handwashing) temporarily reduces numbers of skin-surface bacteria; particularly problematic pathogens may be targeted by specific treatments for staff (e. The use of gloves and no-touch techniques significantly reduces cross-infection, but handwashing remains the simplest and most important way to reduce infection; minimising movement of staff between patients also reduces risks. Airborne bacteria can also be transmitted through ■ dust ■ airborne skin scales ■ droplets (e. Taylor’s (1978) classic study of nurses’ handwashing techniques identified poor technique by qualified staff; student nurses fared better, possibly due to recent education or anxieties about their clinical assessment. Poor handwashing technique may be improved through continuing (in-service) education (Gould & Chamberlain 1994) and feedback (Mayer et al. Intensive care nursing 132 Taylor also found that while palms of hands were effectively cleaned when handwashing, thumbs, tips of fingers and backs of hands were poorly washed. Fingertips, the most likely part to touch patients, may harbour bacteria unless consciously washed— observing almost anyone washing their hands (in or outside hospital) supports Taylor’s observation. Hands should be dried thoroughly after washing; wet hands (and wet alcohol) provide ideal warm, moist environments for bacterial growth. Recontamination after handwashing can be reduced by ■ elbow-operated taps ■ disposable towels (not trailing in water) ■ foot-operated pedal bins. These should be accessible and maintained (tap levers blocked by other wall fittings, empty towel dispensers or broken pedal bins are counterproductive). Chlorhexidine causes a greater reduction in skin surface bacteria than soap (Doebbling et al.

Gembak, 60 years: As a prank, eight members of the Australian television satire The Chaser’s War on Everything assembled a false motorcade made up of two black four-wheel-drive vehicles, a black sedan, two motorcycles, body guards, and chauffeurs (see the video below).

Einar, 45 years: Many of these antibiotics are in the same classes of drugs that are used in humans.

Rathgar, 40 years: For example: s Understanding the role of behaviour in illness can allow unhealthy behaviours to be targeted.

Osko, 22 years: The disease is caused by wear and tear on the joints and deterioration of joint cartilage, which is a gel-like material that covers and protects the ends of bones.

Deckard, 24 years: Client is able to discuss angry feelings and verbalize ways to tolerate frustration appropriately.

Zarkos, 44 years: Antibiotics are often started to prevent sinusitis and toxic shock syndrome from obstruction of the nasal packing.

Rufus, 42 years: After the incubation period, the patient experiences a watery nasal discharge called rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, cough, and an increasing amount of mucosal secretions.

Cronos, 34 years: To prevent repeating the problems seen in some previous bitemark trials, forensic dentists must take steps that lead to the accomplishment of three goals: 1.

Giacomo, 65 years: Urinalysis can help dif- ferentiate urinary tract disease from acute appendicitis, although a mild pyuria may be seen in appendicitis if the appendix is irritating the ureter.

Mortis, 35 years: The women may have been more vulnerable to adverse reactions due to a weakening of general health caused by the calorie-controlled diet that they were following.

Uruk, 47 years: A total of 332 plants were either listed or proposed for listing, under the latter, from 1985 to 1991.

Hauke, 39 years: The acute presentation may occur over the course of a day and be associated with fever and malaise.

Campa, 30 years: It has then described how the shift from mortality rates to quality of life reflects a shift from implicit to explicit value, an increasing subjectivity on behalf of both the subject being studied and the researcher, and a change in the definition of health from a biomedical dichotomous model to a more complex psychological one.

Aschnu, 56 years: Nashville: how people learn and which educational methods and Winston-Derek, 1990.

Spike, 43 years: It is also used in instances where the patient is allergic to daisy or ragweed-like plants.

Gunock, 32 years: For example, people often comment that they feel better as soon as they get into a doctor’s waiting room, that their headache gets better before they have had time to digest a pill, that symptoms disappear when a doctor appears.

Hjalte, 57 years: Supplements have been shown to help shorten the time needed to fall asleep, improve sleep quality, and help with disrupted sleep cycles (such as with travellers and shift workers).

Saturas, 25 years: Experimenter bias suggests that the experimenter is capable of communicating their expectations to the subjects who respond in accordance with these expectations.

Esiel, 55 years: Tolerance may develop, and psychological dependence after long-term use and a withdrawal syndrome similar to delirium tremens has been described (44).

Tuwas, 28 years: The general idea is to create an advertisement that has positive features such that the ad creates enjoyment in the person exposed to it.

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