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This can help AbbVie ensure new products wider availability of high-need products for pop- ing (for example, to increase local R&D capac- are brought to markets in low- and middle-in- ulations in need. The company can also demonstrate that it come countries as soon as possible upon leav- cally using more equitable pricing and reponsible has a clear process in place for mitigating con- ing the pipeline. AbbVie can expand more high-need countries such as China and the geographic scope of licences agreed for for- Indonesia: combination ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ mulations of ritonavir (Kaletra ) in its licens- ritonavir (Technivie ) and dasabuvir/ombitas- ing activities. Rest of world Japan Europe North America *AbbVie Inc became an independent company on 1 January 2013. The company has gained fve market AbbVie s R&D projects have progressed along Communicable Multiple categories approvals since 2014: including, in Q4 2014, the pipeline. It has several features intended to development, plus atrasentan for diabetic nephropathy. Commitment to R&D partnerships, but no Drops two places due to a lack of improvement policy. AbbVie discloses a list of trade associa- compounds for screening and technical exper- all areas of measurement. It is not transparent tions from around the world in which one of its tise to outside partners. However, it does not regarding its access targets, the performance of employees is a board member. Nevertheless, it report an ofcial policy of ensuring access-ori- its access activities and its stakeholder engage- does not publish its policy positions on topics ented measures are systematically included in its ment selection process. Takes strategic approaches to access but these Takes measures to ensure ethical clinical trial do not align with business strategy. However, AbbVie has not specifed how marketing or corruption anywhere in the world High transparency around clinical trials. AbbVie these components are connected, nor how they during the period of analysis. Has a centralised performance management AbbVie has strong procedures for holding all AbbVie manages requests for data in-house. AbbVie has assigned board- employees and business partners accountable Rejections based on scientifc merit are for- level responsibility for access issues and has for their behaviour. It does not disclose specifc access-related to and including termination of employment. The company has an Has stakeholder engagement strategy, but auditing system, but does not provide details Drops 8 places due to relatively poor pric- is not transparent. AbbVie has a stakeholder about its processes and whether these include ing and registration performance. However, AbbVie does ers when it comes to rapidly registering new not publish details of the stakeholder groups it Drops two places but maintains strong perfor- products in high-burden countries, or to adapt- engages with, nor its process for selecting who mance. AbbVie s drop in rank is explained by the ing its brochures and packaging to facilitate the to engage with. However, pliance system, but its transparency around its only 20% of its products have equitable pric- marketing and lobbying activities is limited. The company Together, they cover 50% of all corresponding ited marketing code and its sales staf are incen- has processes for goal-setting and monitoring priority countries. For its inter-country equitable tivised using sales targets only, which may not and for evaluating progress toward its relevant pricing strategies, AbbVie considers either dis- be sufcient to curb unethical behaviour. It contributes to meeting ease burden or prevalence, as well as the state company is not a signatory of the United Nations the London Declaration targets by 2020, includ- of public fnancing systems. This makes it the newest pharma- ceutical company to engage in non-exclusive vol- Rises four places. With four donation programmes, AbbVie does not have disease-specifc registra- Abbvie has the second largest number of struc- tion targets and does not publish products reg- Does not publish its policy positions on trade tured donation programmes. As a result, it is positions regarding the Doha Declaration on the Expands product donation activity. AbbVie launched a new donation programme, its products based on the need for access.

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Although some 226 210 Ra and Po and derived neutron sources allergy testing at home kit buy nasonex nasal spray now, and early pre-1960 work was done with radium-derived the use of such sources for medical purposes activity and cyclotron-produced neutron-rich iso- 32 24 (at the time mainly brachytherapy) triggered topes ( P allergy treatment coughing cheap 18 gm nasonex nasal spray with visa, Na allergy nebraska purchase nasonex nasal spray uk, etc. Discoveries and training programmes, by conferences and by like the production of artifcial radioisotopes the important publication programme. In turn the nuclear physics discoveries threat posed by the invention of nuclear weapons. However, tracer level compound concentrations, unperturbed these reactors also have in-pile irradiation positions and in vivo, in man as well as in animals. Given this historic precedent it the discovery, development and approval process seems today evident that the model of shared use of of modern pharmaceuticals. No other imaging multipurpose reactors is more efcient and sustain- modality can compete with the sensitivity of these able. Today there are still a number of interesting radioisotopes whose production is not covered by medical cyclotrons and 3. This triggered the development of and particle physics has as part of its mandate the additional dedicated and shared facilities. A commercial radioisotope manufacturer, entifc research in radiolysis and nuclear physics Nordion, is co-located at the site where they oper- (cross-section measurements) [Had11]. In addi- seconds), a minimisation of radiation exposure 140 tion there is an active proton therapy programme to the patient. Production of Sr pursuing new labelling technologies and radio- requires energetic protons (>60 MeV) that are nuclide targetry to support its collaborators and not available from usual medical cyclotrons. For maintain a national and international presence in 82 long time all fve Sr producers worldwide were these research arenas. With National Research Foundation of South Africa, rising demand for this promising isotope the was designed from the outset to be a multidiscipli- 82 frst dedicated Sr production machines are nary facility for basic and applied nuclear physics now coming on-line. Tree bombard- will be the frst such machine fully dedicated to ment stations, of which two can be simultaneously commercial radioisotope production. The maximum Switzerland, operates two cyclotrons in series: the beam current on the vertical beam target station so-called Injector 2 which accelerates 2. Via a beam splitter While 82Sr was produced in the last decades part of the 72 MeV proton beam can be sent into the exclusively at fve nuclear physics facilities, clinical radionuclide production vault. Present ics heavy ion cyclotrons usually operate in positive eforts are aimed at the spallation production of ion mode and can therefore accelerate alpha beams. Additional - and -emitting isotopes are At the Heavy Ion Laboratory of the University under consideration. Substance P is a peptide with Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is well known in the 141 high afnity to the receptors of glioma cancer cells. This Cyclone 30, frst operating in 1986, duce 211At and thus complement production at the was also the prototype of a new powerful and com- few medical cyclotrons accelerating alpha beams pact type of negative ion cyclotron for medical (mainly in Copenhagen, Hannover and Orleans). It has (11 MeV and 18 MeV) and larger (70 MeV, 230 MeV) the potential for large-scale production of 211At and cyclotrons plus other accelerator types. Treatment of solid fraction of Canada s 99mTc needs by production in a tumors by interstitial release of recoiling National Cyclotron Network by 2015. Progress towards or superconducting coils for low and high charge a novel compact high voltage electrostatic 142 state ion beams. Estimates of the radionuclide therapy for the personalised treat- cancer burden in Europe from radioactive ment of serious diseases. Production in no-carrier-added form for metabolic of medical radioisotopes with high specifc radiotherapy. Targeted alpha 90-ibritumomab tiuxetan compared with no particle immunotherapy for myeloid additional therapy afer frst remission in leukemia. Quality of life in Hodgkin Lymphoma: Updated results afer 265 patients with gastroenteropancreatic or a median follow-up of 7. Treatment study with a new receptor-targeted folate with the radiolabeled somatostatin analog derivative; J Nucl Med 53: 1951. A new Molybdenum-99/Technetium-99m internal target system for production of production technologies.


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A literature review of published studies/reports/articles relevant to the following questions: a What is the impact of these regulatory requirements on the availability of human bodily material for medicine and research allergy shots price cheap nasonex nasal spray 18 gm buy, or on the numbers participating in healthy volunteer trials? The review was carried out by Dr Kathy Liddell allergy symptoms 7-8 purchase nasonex nasal spray with a visa, from the Faculty of Law allergy shots price nasonex nasal spray 18 gm buy mastercard, Cambridge University. In addition to primary legal materials and an extensive English language literature review, Dr Liddell conducted a number of telephone interviews and email exchanges with experts in the relevant countries. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were subsequently set to the initial brief, in order to make the project more manageable. Part 2 of the review was restricted to articles written in English and published in peer reviewed journals. Review 3: review of the impact of offering financial or other incentives to encourage people to donate human bodily material The brief for Review 3 was as follows: We would like to be able to answer the follow questions: What is the impact of offering incentives (financial or other) to individuals to encourage them to provide human bodily material, of any form, on the quantity of material donated? Studies deemed eligible for inclusion were peer-reviewed, experimental or descriptive studies that presented data on the quality and quantity of bodily material provided, and/or the quality of the decision in at least two groups: those providing material when offered a financial incentive, and those providing material with no offer of a financial incentive. Peer review An earlier version of the report was reviewed by thirteen individuals with expertise in the areas covered. The Working Party deeply appreciates the time and thought that so many individual contributors brought to this investigation. The consultation document was published online (available in hard copy on request) and received considerable publicity through the media. Individuals and organisations known to be interested were also directly alerted by email and encouraged to respond. The document was divided into six sections, each containing background information followed by questions. The six sections were: the nature of bodily material that may be donated, either during life or after death, to benefit others the purposes for which material may be donated some of the ethical values at stake ways of responding to the demand for bodily material the role of consent issues of ownership and control over bodily material. All the responses were circulated to Working Party members, and a summary of responses was considered in detail at a subsequent Working Party meeting. Individual responses will also be published in full on the website, where respondents have granted permission for the Council to do so. List of respondents to the consultation document Individuals Anonymous (15) Dr Ray Abrahams Dr Rachel Ariss Attendees of Ethics Forum at University Hospitals Birmingham, organised by Greg Moorlock Professor Dr Jayapaul Azariah Susan Bewley, Consultant Obstetrician Chris Briscoe Graham Brushett Andrew Burrow Harry Burton Haris E. Evans Dr John Fitton Michael Fulton Professor Peter Furness John Garfield David Gollancz C. Howard, Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Emory University Marcia C. Reeve Thomsina Rickard Professor Charis Thompson Celia Roberts and Karen Throsby Marlene Rose, Imperial College Achim Rosemann Judith Rowley R. Royall Professor Robert Rubens 226 H u m a n b o d i e s : d o n a t i o n f o r m e d i c i n e a n d r e s e a r c h Sally Satel Miss N. Smith Jonathan Smith of Moseleys, solicitors of Lichfield Pat Spallone Dr Lindsay Stirton and Jurgen De Wispelaere David Thewlis and Stuart Taylor Miss E. Rio Preto Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland Professor R. Bobbie Farsides is Professor of Clinical and Biomedical Ethics at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. More broadly her research has focused on the experience of scientists and health care professionals working in ethically contested fields such as embryo and stem cell research and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, including work on establishing an ethical framework for embryo donation for scientific research. Sian Harding is a Professor of Cardiac Pharmacology at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London. As a basic scientist with a long-standing interest in heart failure, she uses both human myocardial tissue and embryonic stem cells in her work. She is part of the team leading a first-in-human clinical trial for cardiac gene therapy. Tim Lewens is Reader in Philosophy of the Sciences at the University of Cambridge, where he is also a Fellow of Clare College. His academic work focuses on the philosophy of biology (with a special interest in Darwinism and evolutionary theory), the philosophy of science, and philosophical bioethics.

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Protecting Residents are aware that certain risks are associated with the the safety of medical students and residents [editorial]. Trainee miss out on a great learning opportunity, or fear of repercus- safety in psychiatric units and facilities: The position of the sion if they appear too hesitant or dependant, residents may Canadian Psychiatric Association. A pilot survey that residents are trained in risk assessment and in policies and of patient-initiated assaults on medical students during clinical procedures to follow when breaches occur. In different parts of the world, including our own, health and Case education systems have struggled with the issue of resident One of the nurses has made a complaint about a senior work hours. The Europe and the United States, considerable attention has been resident requests a meeting with the program director, paid to resident work hours on a larger scale; this has had the who notes they look exhausted. The resident indicates that beneft of bringing increased awareness of and attention to all the residents are exhausted. The resident explains that patient safety and outcome management from the perspective they are working maximum call; a number of residents of health professional fatigue. Because training systems dents primarily teaching each other topics as part of their and trainees alike can ignore the boundaries set by a collective preparation for certifcation examination); and a bus strike agreement, the challenge is to create a culture of dual account- has contributed to lengthy commutes. Particularly areas of they are doing what they can to demonstrate their abilities workplace safety such as fatigue management, collective agree- as a resident but admits to being exhausted. Embedding safety as a core work- place and educational value can have a positive and sustainable Introduction infuence if it is genuine, explicit and promoted. Handover is a particularly vulner- On-call shifts of 24 consecutive hours or more are associated able time for errors in patient care. Written and oral handover with practices that are interdisciplinary and team-oriented have been a sevenfold increase in the incidence of preventable shown to reduce such errors. In addition, handover is increas- medical errors, ingly being recognized as a skill that requires formal training, a 35 per cent increase in the risk of committing a serious evaluation and revision. Work-hour double the risk of having a motor vehicle accident reductions in the United States and Europe have been associ- during the post-call commute, and ated with unusual and innovative practices. Using shift-work performance impairment similar to that induced by a models familiar in the world of emergency medicine but less blood alcohol level of 0. Increasingly, programs are developing poli- human resource issues that, she readily admits, are more cies to minimize the use of pagers. The pro- gram director also begins to shift educational sessions to Invest in other human resources. By optimizing the involve- models that allow for ready digitization and remote access ment of physician assistants, nurse practitioners, phlebotomists, by residents. These professionals can help ensure medical errors, adverse events, and attentional failures. Extended work shifts and the risk of motor indeed, all hospital professionals) are particularly vulnerable vehicle crashes among interns. Many other practical and comprehensive solutions to the bur- den of excessive work hours during residency, as described by Ulmer and colleagues can be considered in a Canadian context. As we continue to improve patient safety, quality outcomes and excellence in residency training and education, we will need to be open to more systemic interventions targeting fatigue management. First and foremost, they expect that their physicians may confict with those of their training pro- physician will be competent. They ex- Case pect to be trusted because it is diffcult to carry out the healing A fnal-year surgical resident has been the lead doctor function in the absence of trust. They wish to be given suf- treating a 62-year-old widow with carcinoma of the colon.

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The number of patients eligible determine the Bragg-peak position as well as the for hadrontherapy may largely increase if positive lateral 2D dose distribution allergy treatment dallas nasonex nasal spray 18 gm buy cheap. The contribution of nuclear physics to hadron- Beyond protons and carbon ions there is room therapy has been enormous in the past allergy testing in orlando purchase nasonex nasal spray overnight, and can lead for developments in the use of other ions such to further breakthroughs in the future allergy induced asthma buy nasonex nasal spray 18 gm mastercard. One of the important challenges of the coming years will be to develop links with these companies: collaborations, evaluation programmes, share of know-how and expertise, etc. Many felds explored for particle therapy research can have signifcant feedback in conventional radiotherapy using X-rays or electrons, which still covers over 95% of the treat- ments. Nuclear physics will play a major role in the development of particle therapy and Europe can lead this feld with existing and future facilities, and extensive expertise in accelerators, detectors, and so forth. Introduction l l l A century ago, the living body, like most of the The discovery of technetium at the Berkeley cyclo- 61 material world, was opaque. Sodium iodide inorganic crystals, cou- impressive achievements of the last ffeen years is pled to a matrix of photomultiplier tubes, are well probably the emergence of molecular imaging. However, it requires a well- established network of cyclotron facilities capable of providing radiolabelled compounds at the patient bed. This chapter highlights state-of-the-art and future prospects of medical imaging, mostly in the feld of nuclear imaging. It focuses on new devel- opments and innovations brought by the nuclear physics community. Diferent sections cover hard- ware and sofware developments in clinical and preclinical studies as well as interface applications with other chapters of this booklet. Ease of use and integration in the clin- 63 ical workfow are well-developed important features. Molecular imaging using radioactive tracers makes use of two distinct types of camera. Data rates are large: image resolution are largely determined by the colli- typically of the order of a million events per second. Collimators Sophisticated algorithms distil 3D images out of the are rather simple mechanical devices that were huge data set thus recorded. The scanner bore of about 70 cm is determined by patient size, the axial length of 20 25 cm is a matter of limiting the costs. Scanners come with research interest in the feld of molecular imag- a collection of sophisticated data and image analy- ing. The necessity of understanding biochemical sis options for specifc scan procedures and clinical processes at the molecular level have stimulated a great advance in technological instrumentation, tions on the maximum volume of injected solution both in hardware and sofware, especially for in-vivo (~10% of the total blood volume). This high-sensitivity instrumentation is especially feld of research is ofen called preclinical imaging. Tese are felds where the technology is High-resolution multi-anode photomultipli- 64 rapidly evolving. Left: ring geometry, where the detectors are arranged in rings surrounding the animal. Right: Example of a rotating detectors confguration with four heads, where each one is in time coincidence with the opposite one. By using large detectors such as a conventional Tese photodetectors will defnitely not only be Anger camera, a very high resolution down to a frac- used for clinical scanners, but they will replace tion of a mm is obtained. Tese photodetectors could be very low because of the pinhole confgu- could also be used to reconstruct the centre of mass ration. A direct conversion solid state detec- with a typical pixel size of 50 micron, is used com- tor ofers a much higher quantum efciency and bined with high geometric magnifcation. In this case, the main challenge is to increase ard way of reconstructing the image employs the 66 the sensitivity and especially the feld of view to Feldkamp algorithm, but iterative methods are obtain ultrahigh-resolution systems able to visual- being increasingly applied. However, they very high resolution, down to tens of microns, and have also gained importance as a means of investi- a large feld of view so that a scan of the entire ani- gation per se in the feld of molecular imaging. Such radiation is non- pharmacodynamic, but not pharmacokinetic stud- ionising, so that it can be considered non-harmful ies.

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We may prefer to avoid or ignore such experiences when they arise and run off When we notice diffcult feelings and still accept ourselves, to write our notes in the chart. Yet, medicine is a challenging without self-criticism or denial, we are developing compassion profession in large part because it directly exposes us to the en- for ourselves. Mindfully listening to a patient s anxieties is Finding and using practices that connect us with our experi- natural for those who ve made room in their hearts for their ences, from writing in a journal to contemplation to meditation, own fears. By coming back to our own sense of presence, we are then more able to be present to others. Our willingness to connect with ourselves thus becomes a Refection: Suggestions for spiritual well-being stepping-stone to a deeper connection with our patients and Connect with your purpose. When you are Case resolution washing your hands between patients, notice the The resident mentions these feelings to a hospital chap- specifc way you move them, the sensation of the lain, with whom a dialogue on death and dying begins. Sense your feet on the ground, and the father s death and so joins a bereavement group. The resident begins to feel less isolated and fnds when attending to other people and concerns all it easier to relate to what patients and their families are day. The resident now makes a conscious effort write, or just be present, can bring you back to to notice things that they are grateful for. So, rather than being open to ourselves and our life, we of physicians during and following a catastrophe. Do I need explore strategies and resources for obtaining a personal a specialist in family medicine or is it better for me to family physician, and see a surgeon or internist directly? We do not have objective measures of what doctors need from Case their personal physicians, nor do we know whether their needs A third-year resident has used the birth control pill previ- differ from those of other patients. She chooses a package evidence that access to a family physician helps to maximize from the samples that are available at the community health. A family physician considers the whole picture of the health needs of the patient and not just The resident is your colleague and does not have a per- the presenting symptom or concern. Review the regulations or A family physician functions as a personal health care consul- recommendations of your licensing college that relate to tant for you and your family. Your family physician keeps a Now pretend that you are the resident s personal family record of your personal and family health issues and provides physician. Most importantly, your Introduction personal family physician assists you with decisions about your What factors infuence physicians to consult another physician health and health care services. Are these factors dif- ferent from those that prompt other patients to see a doctor? Contact information is available at: self-care decision may seem straightforward for the physician www. In Canada, ac- like normal patients and seek treatment recommendations cess to a family physician is a problem for all patients, including from others rather than directing their own care. These four must do the same and negotiate how much participation from characteristics have always been commonplace in the care of you, the patient, will assist with quality decision-making and physician patients. As physician patients we cannot Building a good family physician relationship help but approach our personal medical issues with an expert Robert Lamberts, a physician based in Augusta, Georgia, perspective. However, physician expertise does not necessarily has written a list of rules to assist him to get along with his assist with decision-making; indeed, clouded by subjective con- patients and for his patients to get along with him. Consider cerns, it can sometimes impair decision-making about personal these as you interact with your family physician, and as you health issues. In family medicine, much of our ability to diagnose and ad- Rules for patients to get along with their doctor: vise is based on a trusting relationship with our patients that Rule 1: Your doctor can t do it alone. As in all relationships, there must be doctor does not mean you should not ask support and resolve to permit the relationship to grow. As one commentator has written, for there to be a justifed trust between patient and doctor, the consultation must be distractible. Case resolution Rule 5: They want to know what is going to be The resident used the services available through her local done and when. I am a good patient, that the patient must always agree with the physician s recom- believe it or not.

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Consider allergy symptoms without allergies 18 gm nasonex nasal spray buy with visa, by analogy allergy testing quest diagnostics nasonex nasal spray 18 gm purchase without prescription, early attempts to conceptualize the world-wide web compared to the use of the internet today allergy medicine safe to take while pregnant effective nasonex nasal spray 18 gm. The Committee s view is that we presently lack the infrastructure required to produce a dramatically improved disease taxonomy. Rather, we propose a path forward to develop the infrastructure and research system needed to create the Knowledge Network of Disease that we believe would be an essential underpinning of a molecularly-based taxonomy. Just as public leadership and investment played essential roles in bringing the world-wide web into existence, we believe such investment will be critical if we are to achieve a grand synthesis of data-intensive biology and medicine. However, we also recognize that, just as the world-wide web needed to pay its own way before it could truly flourish, the Knowledge Network and its underlying Information Commons will need to do the same. The Committee believes that initiatives will be required in three areas to exploit the wealth of information now emerging on molecular mechanisms of disease by creating a dynamic and comprehensive, yet practical and widely-used, Knowledge Network: 1) Design of appropriate strategies to collect and integrate disease-relevant information. The Information Commons would be developed by linking molecular data to patient information on a massive scale. Creating a system for establishing this linkage for increasing numbers of individuals and making the resulting data widely available to researchers is the key step in moving toward a Knowledge Network and New Taxonomy. Such coupled data can be generated in several ways including the modest- scale, targeted molecular studies on patient materials that dominate current practice. However, the most direct and effective discovery paradigm involves observational studies which seek to relate molecular data to complete patient medical records available as by-products of routine healthcare. Effective follow-up of the most promising hypotheses generated through such studies will require laboratory-based biological investigations designed to seek explanations at the biochemical or physiological levels. Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease 52 2) Implementation of pilot studies to establish a practical framework to discover relationships between molecular and other patient-specific data, patient diagnoses and clinical outcomes. The new discovery model will involve the mining of large sets of patient data acquired during the ordinary course of healthcare. Pilot studies designed to identify and overcome obstacles to successful implementation of this approach will be required before a set of best practices can emerge. Current policies on consent, confidentiality, data protection and ownership, health-cost reimbursement and intellectual-property will need to be modified to ensure the free flow of research data between all stakeholders without compromising patient interests. A new discovery model for disease research The current model for relating molecular data to diagnoses and clinical outcomes typically involves abstracting clinical data for a modest number of patients from a clinical to a research setting, then attempting to draw correlations between the abstracted clinical data and molecular data such as genetic polymorphisms, gene-expression levels, and metabolomic profiles. When discoveries are judged definitive and potentially useful, an effort is made to return this information to the clinical setting for example, as a genetic or genomic diagnostic test. This model creates a large gulf between the point of discovery and the point of care with many opportunities for mis- and even non-communication between key stakeholders. The current model also fails to exploit the wealth of molecular data that are likely to be generated routinely in the future as personalized genomics and perhaps other personalized omics become routine in clinical settings. Perhaps most seriously, the current discovery model offers no path toward economically sustainable integration of data-intensive biology with medicine. The Committee views it as both desirable and ultimately inevitable that this discovery model be fundamentally transformed. Instead of moving clinical data and patient samples to research groups to allow analysis, the molecular data of patients should instead be directly available to researchers and health-care providers. The Committee recognizes that this is a radical departure from current practice and one that faces significant challenges, nonetheless, because we believe this new discovery model would have dramatic benefits, we believe that aggressive steps should be taken to implement it. Indeed, there are concrete instances of research initiatives already underway that substantiate the Committee s belief that a special effort to implement its core recommendations can be achieved. Kaiser members were asked to participate in a study that would allow genetic and other molecular data to be compared with their full electronic health records. Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease 53 study has faced major hurdles, and required more than 10 years to progress from its conceptualization to large-scale acquisition of genetic data. A pivotal challenge was to build trust between Kaiser s members, management, and oversight groups such as the relevant institutional review boards. While all parties recognized it was essential that the Kaiser members who were being asked to opt in to the research study be fully aware of its aims, the outreach infrastructure required to educate members had to be created nearly from scratch. A second major challenge was acquiring funding to cover the cost of generating extensive molecular data that lacked direct and immediate relevance to patient care a responsibility that Kaiser itself could not be expected to take on given the pressure to constrain health-care costs.

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Dolok, 31 years: The person providing the material may be living or deceased; the material may be used almost immediately or stored for long periods of time; the material may be used raw or heavily processed; the material may be used in the direct treatment of others or for research purposes; the recipient may be an individual patient, or research organisation; the material itself may be healthy or it may be diseased.

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