
Christopher M. Bland, PharmD, BCPS, FIDSA

  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy
  • Critical Care/Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacist, St. Joseph�s/Candler Health System, Savannah, Georgia


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Other agents include acetretin and auranofin Malignancies Actinic keratoses and Bowen’s disease can be treated with topical 5-fluorouracil (skin irritation is to be expected) or cryotherapy erectile dysfunction pump ratings vardenafilum 20 mg lowest price. Extensive lesions may respond to photodynamic therapy: the skin is sensitised using a topical haematoporphyrin derivative best erectile dysfunction doctor purchase vardenafilum 20 mg on-line, e erectile dysfunction dr mercola purchase vardenafilum 20 mg visa. Cure: zinc cream or calamine lotion plus above measures Onychomycosis Confirm dermatophyte infection with microscopy and The newer oral antifungals have not been culture. Surgical removal of 6–9 months of once-weekly fluconazole is used for infected nail maybe required and reinfection is fingernail onychomycosis. For toenail disease, common terbinafine is used for 12–16 weeks; 3–4 pulses of itraconazole or fluconazole once per week for 9–15 months can be used 270 Drugs and the skin Chapter | 17 | Table 17. Physical rapid metabolism in humans than in insects, and on measures including regular combing and low absorption) keeping hair short are important Pemphigus and Milder cases can be treated with topical corticosteroids pemphigoid and tetracyclines. Systemic steroids and immunosuppressants (azathioprine, mycophenylate) are useful for severe disease. Some patients respond to dapsone, minocycline or clofazamine Rosacea Topical metronidazole and systemic tetracycline. Control pustulation in order to prevent Retinoids are useful for severe cases secondary scarring and rhinophyma Scabies (Sarcoptes Permethrin dermal cream. Alternatives include benzyl Apply to all members of the household, scabiei) benzoate or ivermectin (single dose), especially for immediate family or partner. Crotamiton or underclothes and bedclothes after application calamine for residual itch. Topical corticosteroid to settle persistent hypersensitivity Seborrhoeic A proprietary shampoo with pyrithione, selenium dermatitis: sulfide or coal tar; ketoconazole shampoo in more dandruff (Pityriasis severe cases. Occasionally a corticosteroid lotion may capitis) be necessary Tinea capitis In children griseofulvin for 6–8 weeks is effective and Antifungal shampoos can reduce active safe. Terbinafine for 4 weeks is effective against shedding in patients treated with oral Trichophyton spp. Microsporum will respond to antifungals 6 weeks’ therapy with terbinafine Tinea pedis Most cases will respond to tolnaftate or undecenoic acid creams. Allylamine (terbinafine) creams are possibly more effective than azoles in resistant cases Venous leg ulcers Limb compression is the mainstay of therapy. Otheragentsincludingpentoxifyllineandskingraftsare useful adjuncts to compression therapy Viral warts All treatments are destructive and should be Warts often disappear spontaneously. Many other caustic (keratolytic) preparations nail matrix and leave permanent scars exist, e. For plantar warts, formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde; for plantar or anogenital warts, podophyllin (antimitotic). Drugs the effects of topical agents such as calcipotriol (act are used to: by reducing cell division), antimitotic agents like tar • dissolve keratin (keratolysis) (Goeckerman’s regimen) and dithranol (Ingram’s regi- • inhibit cell division. The proliferated cells may be eliminated by a therapy is associated with an increased risk of cutaneous dithranol (antimitotic) preparation applied accurately to squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma development the lesions (but not on the face or scalp) for 1 h and then (especially in those given maintenance treatment). A suitable regimen may begin with Ciclosporin, the systemic calcineurin inhibitor (see 0. It has a rapid onset of action and is useful in appeared and may produce prolonged remissions of psori- achieving remissions in all forms of psoriasis. Tar (antimitotic) preparations are used in a similar of blood pressure and renal function is mandatory. Severe way, are less irritating to normal skin and are commonly adverse effects, including renal toxicity, preclude its being used for psoriasis of the scalp. Since the introduction of ciclosporin for psoriasis, much Topical adrenal corticosteroids act principally by reduc- research has focused on new ways of disrupting T lympho- ing inflammation. Application, especially under occlusive cytes and the cytokines involved in the induction and dressings, can be very effective at suppressing the disease, maintenance of psoriasis. These drugs target specific cellu- but increased doses (concentrations) become necessary lar events, e. The exact role of these For this reason potent corticosteroids should never be used promising therapies is still evolving. Corticoste- roids of mild potency may be used for flexural psoriasis Folic acid antagonists,.

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Reduction of the dose of classical • Retinal pigmentation (chlorpromazine can cause visual antipsychotic is an option, but psychotic symptoms may impairment if the dose is prolonged and high). Atypicals, particularly • Osteoporosis (associated with increased prolactin levels). Clozapine, which does not appear to cause tardive dyskinesia, may be used in severe cases Atypical antipsychotics where continuing antipsychotic treatment is required and symptoms have not responded to other medication Having considered the side-effect profile of classical anti- strategies. This with the exception of risperidone and amisulpride (for observation led to the withdrawal from the market of which galactorrhea is as common as with classical drugs). Classical antipsychotics raise plasma appears to be dose dependent for olanzapine but is often prolactin concentration by blocking dopamine receptors in greater than 10 kg after 1 year’s treatment with the the tuberoinfundibular pathway, causing gynaecomastia 15 mg/day dose. Atypicals have also been implicated as and galactorrhoea in both sexes, and menstrual distur- causing metabolic disorders especially diabetes mellitus bances in women. Olanzapine, clozapine and quetiapine piprazole, quetiapine or olanzapine (but not risperidone or appear to be the most problematic. If continuation cose tolerance and hyperlipidaemia, along with hyperten- of the existing classical antipsychotic is obligatory, dopa- sion, are all features of metabolic syndrome. Hypertension mine agonists such as bromocriptine and amantadine that can occur gradually with antipsychotics, most frequently reduce prolactin secretion may help. In the acute treatment of psychotic illness this However, hypertension is less commonly an antipsychotic may be a highly desirable property, but it may be unde- side-effect than the other manifestations of metabolic syn- sirable as the patient seeks to resume work, study or drome andsome atypical antipsychotics (notably clozapine relationships. Classical antipsychotics may also be associated with: Atypical antipsychotics are associated with other impor- • Weight gain (a problem with almost all classical tant cardiovascualr effects. Olanzapine and risperidone • Interference with temperature regulation (hypothermia are also associated with a greater risk of stroke in elderly or hyperthermia, especially in the elderly). Clozapine is the most chlorpromazine, may provoke photosensitivity sedative followed by zotepine, quetiapine and olanzapine. Regarding efficacy it was originally thought that all clozapine was first licensed without requirement for regular atypicals had an advantage over conventional agents at blood counts, this problem caused appreciable mortality. In addition to postural hypotension clozapine may clozapine is normally only used when at least two cause tachycardia and provoke seizures in 3–5% of patients atypical antipsychotics have been tried withouThat doses above 600 mg/day. The basis for any such deci- sion must extend beyond crude drug costs and take account Neuroleptic malignant syndrome of the capacity of atypicals to lessen extrapyramidal symp- The syndrome may develop in up to 1% of patients using toms, improve compliance, and thus prevent relapse of antipsychotics, both classical and atypical (although rarely psychotic illness and protect patients from the lasting dam- with the latter); it is more prevalent with high doses. Additionally, greater elderly and those with organic brain disease, hyperthyroid- efficacy in relation to negative symptoms affords schizo- ism or dehydration are thought to be most susceptible. Mood stabilisers When the syndrome is suspected, it is essential to discon- tinue the antipsychotic, and to be ready to undertake rehy- In bipolar affective disorder patients suffer episodes of ma- dration and body cooling. A benzodiazepine is indicated for nia, hypomania and depression, classically with periods of sedation, tranquillising effect and may be beneficial where normal mood in between. Dopamine agonists evated mood, often associated with irritability, loss of social (bromocriptine, dantrolene) are helpful in some cases. Even inhibitions, irresponsible behaviour and grandiosity ac- when recognised and treated, the condition carries a mortal- companied by biological symptoms (increased energy, rest- ity rate of 12–15%, through cardiac arrhythmia, rhabdomy- lessness, decreased need for sleep, and increased sex drive). The condition usually lasts for Psychotic features may be present, particularly disordered 5–7 daysafter the antipsychotic isstopped but may continue thinking manifested by grandiose delusions and ‘flight of longer when a depot preparation has been used. Fortunately ideas’ (acceleration of the pattern of thought with rapid those who survive tend to have no long-lasting physical speech). Hypomania is a less dramatic and less dangerous effects fromtheir ordealthoughcareisrequiredif, asisusual, presentation, butretainsthefeaturesofelation orirritability they need further antipsychotic treatment. Depressive episodes Comparison of conventional and may include any of the depressive symptoms described atypical antipsychotics above, and may include psychotic features.

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Other long-term effects include ectopic The effect of calcium on the heart is antagonised calcification almost anywhere in the body, renal damage by potassium, and similarly the toxic effects of and an increased calcium output in the urine; renal calculi hyperkalaemia in acute renal failure may be to an extent may form. It was previously con- sidered dangerous to exceed 10 000 units daily of vitamin Hypercalcaemia D in an adult for more than about 12 weeks; however, it has now become apparent that such doses are required Treatment of severe acute hypercalcaemia causing symp- to render a vitamin D-deficient individual replete. In gen- toms is needed whether or not the cause can be removed; eral, use of vitamin D at pharmacological doses requires generally a plasma concentration of 3. This should not be given at a intravenously over 4 h and then adjusted to maintain faster rate because of the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and urine outpuThat 100-150 mls/hour until the plasma arrest. The regimen requires careful attention to containing ten 10 mL ampoules of 10% calcium gluco- fluid and electrolyte balance, particularly in patients nate in 1 L of 0. Plasma calcium should be monitored or heart failure who are unable to excrete excess and the rate adjusted accordingly. The use of furosemide to enhance renal Ca2þ should be initiated meanwhile and the intravenous infu- excretion has been largely abandoned owing to the sion stopped once the oral agents take effect. Avoid infus- exacerbation of electrolyte disturbances and the ing with solutions containing bicarbonate or phosphate, increased availability of newer agents. Intramuscular injec- Bisphosphonates are the agents of choice in moderate to • tion is contraindicated as it is painful and causes tissue severe hypercalcaemia, There are a number of necrosis. Calcium glubionate (Calcium Sandoz) can be given by deep intramuscular injection in adults. Hypocalcaemia second- ary to hypoparathyroidism requires alfacalcidol or calci- >4. Expect a vitamin D3, thus ergocalciferol or colecalciferol have re- response in 2–4 days. Pamidronate2 is infused according to the In renal stone formers, in addition to general measures schedule in Table 39. A fall in the serum calcium may be diminished by a thiazide diuretic (with or without concentration begins within the first day, reaches a citrate to bind calcium) and oral phosphate (see above). When the hypercalcaemia is at least tion of phosphate; it increases calcium absorption from partly due to mobilisation from bone, calcitonin the gut, indirectly, by stimulating the renal synthesis of (4 units/kg) can be used to inhibit bone resorption, 1a,25-vitamin D (see above and Fig. It acts on bone (inhibit- secondary to intoxication or granulomatous disease, ing osteoclasts) to reduce the rate of bone turnover, and on e. Corticosteroid may be effective in the the kidney to reduce reabsorption of calcium and phos- hypercalcaemia of malignancy where the disease itself phate. Antibodies develop particularly to • Dialysis is quick and effective and is likely to be needed pork calcitonin and neutralise its effect; synthetic salmon in severe cases or in those with renal failure. Calcitonin is used (subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intranasally) for Paget’s disease of bone (relief of pain, Longer-term treatment and compression of nerves, e. Bisphosphonates are synthetic, non-hydrolysable analogues It is of particular use for hypercalcaemia resulting from of pyrophosphate (an inhibitor of bone mineralisation) in increased intestinal absorption of calcium, e. Intravenous administration that rapidly target exposed bone mineral surfaces, are im- can cause acute ’flu-like symptoms (fever, myalgia, mal- bibed by bone-resorbing osteoclasts, inhibit their function aise). An additional action may for treatment of hypercalcaemia of malignancy is associ- be to stimulate bone formation by osteoblasts, but the ther- ated with increased risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw in pa- apeutic utility of bisphosphonates rests on their capacity to tients with metastatic bone disease or multiple myeloma. The risk may be slightly greater with zoledronic acid com- Bisphosphonate binding to hydroxyapatite crystals can, pared with pamidronate. This disadvantageous Osteoporosis effect, prominent with non-nitrogen containing bis- phosphonates, is less with newer nitrogen containing Osteoporosis is a disease characterised by increased skeletal members. It occurs most Pharmacokinetics commonly in post-menopausal women and patients tak- Bisphosphonates are poorly absorbed after ingestion. Exclude underlying causes sorption is further impaired by food, drinks, and drugs such as hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism and hypo- containing calcium, magnesium, iron or aluminium salts. A proportion of bisphosphonate that is absorbed is Post-menopausal osteoporosis is due to gonadal defi- rapidly incorporated into bone; the remaining fraction ciency; it can be prevented.

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This is the This is rare and may be due to an a very high random cortisol result is only context in which the increment in adrenal lesion prostate cancer erectile dysfunction statistics buy cheap vardenafilum 20 mg line, such as an 18-hydroxylase most useful erectile dysfunction what is it vardenafilum 20 mg buy without a prescription. Cortisol is Pallor is a characteristic feature erectile dysfunction treatment orlando buy cheap vardenafilum 20 mg on-line, as is measured at 0, 30 and sometimes 60 dry faky skin with pigmentation minutes. The criteria for a normal especially in palmar creases and response are shown in Figure 48. Addison’s disease must order to establish whether adrenal always be considered as a possible insuffciency is primary, or secondary to diagnosis in patients with raised serum pituitary or hypothalamic disease. Here, potassium, especially if they do not depot Synacthen (1 mg) is given intra- have renal failure. Case history 38 A 31-year-old woman was admitted to a surgical ward with a 2-day history of abdominal Relative adrenal insuffciency pain and vomiting. Her blood pressure was 110/65 mmHg and her pulse 88 beats per Inability to mount an adequate cortisol minute and regular. On reviewing her history, it was found she had been unwell for a number of months with weight loss and anorexia. Three criteria should be met for normal n Failure of the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol and aldosterone may be due to response: autoimmune or infltrative diseases. This difference is usually not n cortisol differential diagnosis are different apparent in the patient with Cushing’s n adrenal androgens from those used to confrm the syndrome. Cortisol excess Confrming the diagnosis Failure of 1 mg of dexamethasone Iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome is usually taken at 23:00 to suppress the serum Prolonged exposure of body tissues to obvious – the patient is on steroid medi- cortisol level at 08:00 the following cortisol or other glucocorticoids gives cations. The steroid may have been taken morning, or failure to suppress urinary rise to the clinical features that collec- orally, inhaled or applied topically. Iatro- cortisol secretion overnight (as meas- tively are known as Cushing’s syndrome genic Cushing’s syndrome is not usually ured by an early morning urine corti- (Fig 49. A higher dose may have to n ‘Does the patient actually have ing tests in a patient with suspected be used. The latter blood glucose concentration to less than that a patient may have Cushing’s measurement can be made on a small 2. In patients with pituitary-dependent Cushing’s disease the serum or urinary Muscle weakness cortisol will be partially suppressed after Poor wound healing 2 days of dexamethasone, 2. The presence of 49 Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex 99 Collect urine (usually 24 h) – 6 successive days Day 1 + 2 – no treatment Control Day 3 + 4 – Dxm. Patient A showed a >75% fall in urinary hypokalaemia is a tell-tale sign of ectopic excretion will be elevated. Patient B showed some The cause of Cushing’s syndrome will of aldosterone, renin or ‘plasma renin suppression of cortisol secretion on the determine the therapeutic options, and activity’, may be made on 2 consecutive high dose. This is typical of pituitary- it is therefore essential that a defnitive days after 8 hours recumbency, and dependent Cushing’s syndrome (Dxm = diagnosis is made. This may not necessarily be accompa- nied by cortisol excess, and signs of Cushing’s syndrome may be absent. Case history 39 Patients with congenital adrenal hyper- A 31-year-old woman presented with a 3-month history of weight gain, hirsutism, plasia (p. Her urine cortisol : creatinine ratio was increased, and of increased androgen production. Patients may present with Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex polydipsia and polyuria, symptoms of neuromuscular abnormalities such as n Cushing’s syndrome can be a diffcult diagnosis to make. All symptoms other than elevated, diurnal rhythm of serum cortisol will be absent, there will be no cortisol rise during an insulin-stress test, and serum cortisol will not suppress with a low dose of hypertension are attributable to potas- dexamethasone. Serum potas- n Primary excess of aldosterone is rare and due usually to an adenoma (Conn’s syndrome). Oestradiol, which is secreted by gonadotrophin and testosterone con- – the ovaries, varies widely in concentra- centrations in plasma are very low. The Anterior pituitary tion in plasma throughout the female development of the Leydig cells and menstrual cycle. Steroids with oestradiol- their secretion of testosterone is infu- like action are called oestrogens. Normal female plasma opment of the male secondary sex char- Testis also contains a low concentration of tes- acteristics such as hair growth, deep Inhibin Testosterone tosterone, about half of which comes voice and characteristic musculature. There may be a generalized n female secondary sex characteristics oestradiol-like effects, whereas a failure of pituitary function. After the menopause, plasma oestra- androgen index), which gives a clearer n acquired defects due to testicular diol concentrations fall despite high indication of androgen status than does infections (e.

Murak, 27 years: This allows Lymphatic spread is to the upper abdominal para- for direct spread into the liver, extension to and aortic nodes. Because excessive myocardial strain may promote progression, limitation of competitive athletics, such as long-distance biking, running, swimming, or weight training, is also commonly recommended. However, trend within this rate is small, and the same precautions are required as for any a hospital can certainly be monitored over time using this indicator.

Milten, 29 years: They should also quickly recognize hypoglycaemia symptoms and be trained in their quick treatment. Intraoperative management should include Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is typically frequent determinations of plasma potassium con- associated with low serum potassium levels, and centration and careful electrocardiographic moni- hyperkalemic periodic paralysis with elevated serum toring to detect arrhythmias. Without a specific identification as type 1 diabetes, many practitioners and patients are slow to start insulin even when treatment does not achieve the target 3 HbA1c.

Ismael, 42 years: Bilateral subdural haematoma Two hundred eighty-one patients with chronic subdural is seen in 25% of cases; when it is large, it may lead to marked haematomas have been treated at the Burdenko Neurosurgery compression of lateral ventricles without midline shif (Figs. Epidural Hematoma After Epidural Blockade in the United States: It’s Not Just Low Molecular Heparin Following Orthopedic Surgery Anymore. Tere is occlusion of Monroe’s T1-weighted images before (b,c) and afer (d–f) contrast enhance- foramen and dilation of lateral ventricles.

Abe, 31 years: Other models tioned downstream to all other fowmeters (nearest have conventional fowmeters but electronic mea- to the vaporizer). When oestrogen is combined with the • Infective hepatitis, until 3 months after liver function antiandrogen cyproterone acetate as the progestogenic test results have become normal, and other liver disease agent Dianette, the combined pill is useful treatment for including disturbances of hepatic excretion, e. An What is the significance of a full stomach in a intraoperative light sedation regimen that includes patient with an open globe injury?

Trompok, 62 years: To prevent this from occurring, hypovolemia tion can be minimized by carefully aspirating the should be corrected. Postoperative The pathological insult to the spinal cord and peripheral neuropathies can be due to direct physi- nerves is due to the hematoma’s mass efect, com- cal trauma to nerve roots. Patients who have recently under- Hyperkalemia is a potentially lethal conse- gone hemodialysis may also have residual antico- quence of kidney failure (see Chapter 49).

Hanson, 21 years: A valid diagnostic test would change in deviance justifes dropping a regressor from the correctly detect the presence as well as the absence of the disease. A jet of cerebrospinal fuid can also cerebrospinal fuid fow out of the ventricular manifest on T2-weighted sequences. Unfortunately radiation therapy in this case was not cura- plex, however, because of prior therapeutic radiation.

Grimboll, 35 years: Metal prostheses are being used in ity following skin absorption from Treatment of aluminium toxicity is younger patients and in increasing powders and other forms, but are less by prevention. In addition, invasive tumors such as lymphoma or metastatic tumors below the diaphragm Transvenous Spread may penetrate directly through the diaphragm into the chest cavity and the mediastinum, but it is uncommon Venous tumor thrombus is a common manifestation of (Fig. The plants included Hyptis suaveo- may play a role, especially in areas with limited resources.

Ugolf, 33 years: Cumula- tive reports allow the clinician to see at a glance how the most recent result(s) Transit to lab Collation compare with those tests performed pre- viously, providing an aid to the monitor- ing of treatment (see p. Esophageal mesentery encloses that portion of the subserous space that encases the esophagus and the inferior vena cava (I). Continue have a full view of the larynx and can assess the dissection from the level of the trachea inferiorly to extent of the disease.

Domenik, 43 years: Ten milliliters of local anesthetic is then injected around each nerve (including the musculocutaneous, if indicated). Polyglutamine diseases Spinocerebellar degenerations Specific changes in brainstem, medulla, at- rophy of the cerebella peduncles Huntington disease Involvement of caudate nucleus and putamen. Postoperative ventilation will ofen be used in Patients with malignancies may present with ane- patients undergoing esophagectomy, because so mia and weight loss.

Bernado, 49 years: There were fungal infection, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, healed scars on the left lower forehead, right upper keratoacanthoma, trauma, herpes virus infection, lip, left shoulder, and central chest. Hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer with metastases to the anterior diaphragmatic and middle diaphragmatic nodes. Tumour node in the lef pa- image due to intratumoral haemorrhage rietal area has solid structure, intense contrast accumulation and is Supratentorial Tumours 453 Fig.

Kan, 51 years: Linear enhancement along the edges stereotactic biopsy, hematoma decompression, of burr holes is commonly observed as vascu- ventricular endoscopic procedures, insertion lar granulation tissue forms, thereby potentially of ventricular catheters, drains, and electrode mimicking abscesses or neoplasms (Fig. Doses were gradually uptitrated to regular insulin 18 units every 6 h, and blood glucose was stable on this regimen, ranging from 136 to 159 mg/dL (7. In many which are more hypointensive on T1-weighted images in cases, adenoma flls the sella turcica completely.

Malir, 22 years: As γ before, C is the concentration, C50 is the concentration C Efect = E0 + Emax γ γ associated with half-maximal efect, and γ describes C50 + C the steepness of the concentration versus response relationship. Why does hypoglycaemia unawareness constitute an indication for treatment with an insulin pump? He is hypokalaemic and you should aim to give 80 mmol K over the next 24 h – you may modify this when you review with the blood results later.

Kippler, 38 years: Short courses of therapy (3–6 weeks) may suffice for acute osteomyelitis, but vertebral body osteomyelitis Herpes keratitis. Suture points A to C and B to D using a 5/0 undyed vicryl (on the face) to anchor the faps in position. The addition of a topical corticosteroid (alternating with the retinoid) may alleviate some of the side effects.

Norris, 36 years: Aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery the sites of bifurcation, anastomosis of the basal arteries of a. The usual cause of death in acute the visual field, which is important in motoring. Allergic Reactions 1–2 mcg/kg/min produces good maintenance of Patients who are hypersensitive to bromides may relaxation.

Arokkh, 44 years: Hence the condition was given Goltz-Gorlin syndrome the eponym Goltz-Gorlin syndrome. Pulse contour analysis Time • Stroke volume is reflected by the area under the systolic part of the pressure curve (red area) of one heart beat. P atterns of S pread of D isease from theP ancreas ventral diverticulum is associated with the liver and Introduction bile duct diverticulum.

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