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With this information, appropriate therapy can be during later episodes precipitated by dietary initiated even before a precise diagnosis is known. In indiscretion or intercurrent illnesses is the instances, especially during the initial manifestation of most important determinant of outcome in a metabolic disease, i. Differences in the therapeutic approach relate primarily to energy require- ments and methods of detoxification (Table B2. Remember The most critical challenge in many inherited metabolic Emergency treatment must start without delay. Disorders requiring glucose stabilization (reduced fasting • Disorders of intermediary metabolism that cause tolerance): Fatty acid oxidation defects, glycogen storage disease type I, acute intoxication through the accumulation of disorders of gluconeogenesis, galactosemia, fructose toxic molecules. Hoffmann ( ) Add fat: 2–3 g/kg/day University Children’s Hospital, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 430, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Electron transport chain (oxphos) disorders ⇒ glucose e-mail: georg. In most instances, an intravenous line is essential, but nasogastric administration, for instance, of In diseases, in which symptoms develop because of amino acid mixtures in maple syrup urine disease is “acute intoxication,” rapid reduction of toxic molecules very useful. In disorders of amino acid is greatly simplified by the early placement of a gastros- catabolism, such as maple syrup urine disease, the classi- tomy. In addition, to stopping the intake Remember of natural protein until the crisis is over but no longer Calculations for maltodextran/dextrose, fluid and than (12 to) 24 (to 48) h, reversal of catabolism and the protein intake should be based on the expected and promotion of anabolism and consequently reversal of the not on the actual weight! In patients, known to have a disorder of amino acid Large amounts of energy are needed to achieve anabo- catabolism, who develop an intercurrent illness and lism, e. In a sick manifestations of metabolic imbalance, such as keto- baby, this can usually be accomplished only by hyper- nuria in a patient with an organic aciduria, primary osmolar infusions of glucose together with fat through emergency measures at home for 24–48h consist of a central venous line. Insulin should be started early, frequent feedings with a high carbohydrate content especially in the presence of significant ketosis or in and some salt (Table B2. In diseases such approach is to use a fixed ratio of insulin to glucose as maple syrup urine disease, the individual amino (Table B2. The administration of lipids intrave- acid mixture devoid of the amino acids of the defective nously can often be increased to 3 g/kg, if serum levels pathway is continued. Large amounts of should be reassessed regularly regarding state of con- water, electrolytes, bicarbonate, and high doses of sciousness, fever, and food tolerance. If the intercur- intravenous carnitine must be infused together with rent illness continues into the third day, symptomatology glucose. Blood concentrations of electrolytes and worsens, or if vomiting compromises external feed- bicarbonate are determined and an intravenous infu- ings, admission to hospital is mandatory. Age Glucose polymer/maltodextrin solution (years) Carnitine supplementation should be given at 300mg/ (%) (kcal/100 mL) Daily amount kg intravenously. Oral substitution implantation of a venous port to facilitate blood sam- should only be given during minor intercurrent illnesses and for pling and intravenous infusions. Intake of some salt should also be Forced diuresis with large amounts of fluids and provided. The glutamine yields phenylacetylglutamine and these are the end apple symbols represent nitrogens. One nitrogen is excreted with each molecule benzoate yields hippurate; conjugation of phenylacetate with of hippuric acid and two with phenylacetylglutamine Detoxification in the organic acidurias depends of organic acidurias that present with hyperammonemia is the ability to form esters such as propionylcarnitine, the provision of alternative methods of waste nitrogen which are preferentially excreted in the urine, thus excretion. In these disorders, tis- gated with glycine to form hippurate, which is then sue stores of carnitine are depleted. Similarly, phenylacetate is conju- to restore tissue supply, but its major utility is to pro- gated with glutamine to form phenylacetylglutamine, mote detoxification by the formation and excretion of which is efficiently excreted. Carnitine is less well tolerated enter- emergency with an as yet unknown diagnosis and a doc- ally. Oral doses of >100mg/kg are employed, but the umented hyperammonemia ≥200mmol/L (350mg/dL) dose may have to be reduced in some patients. A dose of 400mg sodium benzoate corre- down accumulated leucine and other branched-chain sponds to 2. In some situations, enteral phenylbutyrate or of mixtures of amino acids lacking leucine, isoleucine benzoate along with arginine may be adequate. The use of intravenous mixtures is very effi- cycle defects, carnitine administration is also recom- cient, and essential in a patient with intractable vomit- mended (50–100mg/kg).

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Increased pulmonary blood flow over several decades will eventually cause progressive damage to the pulmonary vasculature wall resulting in pulmonary vascular obstructive disease in the third or fourth decades of life virus 43 states purchase generic linezolid pills. Clinical Manifestations Small and moderate size atrial septal defects are typically asymptomatic antimicrobial 24-7 600 mg linezolid purchase overnight delivery. Larger defects result in pulmonary edema manifesting as easy fatigability and shortness of breath antimicrobial home depot best linezolid 600 mg. Only very large defects result in significant congestive heart failure and failure to thrive. On examination there is a hyperactive precordium with a prominent right ventricular impulse due to right ventricular dilation. Second heart splitting is fixed throughout respiration due to increased blood flow through the pulmonary valve causing delay in pulmonary valve closure regardless of respiratory cycle. A systolic ejection (crescendo– decrescendo) murmur is heard at the left upper sternal border due to increase in blood flow across the pulmonary valve. In larger atrial septal defects, an early diastolic murmur is heard at the left lower sternal border due to increased blood flow across the tricuspid valve. S1 first heart sound, S2 second heart sound, A aortic valve closure, P pulmonary valve closure. Increase in blood flow across the pulmonary valve results in a systolic ejection murmur, while the increase in blood flow across the tricuspid valve causes a middiastolic murmur. Unlike pulmonary stenosis, the systolic murmur is not preceded by a systolic click. The second heart sound is fixed in its splitting (through respiration) due to the excessive pulmonary blood flow and the need for the pulmonary valve to stay open longer throughout respiration 6 Atrial Septal Defect 95 Diagnosis Chest X-Ray Prominent pulmonary vasculature due to left to right shunting is present. In addition, increase in blood flow through the right heart will cause right atrial and right ventricular dilation manifesting as cardiomegaly on chest X-ray; how- ever, this is noted only when there is significant extent of left to right shunting. Excessive pulmonary blood flow may cause dilation of the main pulmonary artery manifested as prominent pulmonary artery at the midleft cardiac silhouette border. Left to right shunting causes increase in blood volume in the right heart resulting in cardiomegaly. The engorged pulmonary vasculature could be seen on chest X-ray as prominent pulmonary vessels in the hilar region as well as being able to see pulmonary vessels in the peripheral lung fields 96 Ra-id Abdulla and A. Hanrahan Electrocardiograph Right atrial and right ventricular dilation/hypertrophy may be noted. Right atrial enlargement manifests as tall P waves (taller than 2 mm in children and 3 mm in adolescents and adults). Right ventricular dilation may lead to leftward deviation of the interventricular septum. In adults with poor echocardiography window, transesophageal echocardiography is used to visualize the atrial septum to confirm diagnosis. Cardiac Catheterization Cardiac catheterization is not required for diagnostic purposes since diagnosis can be made by echocardiography. However, cardiac catheterization is performed in patients with secundum atrial septal defect for therapeutic purposes. In this figure, blood is shunting across the atrial septal defect from left atrium to right atrium toward the probe, therefore, red in color Treatment Most patients with atrial septal defect do not require medical treatment for congestive heart failure due to the limited impact of small to moderate increase in pulmonary blood flow. On the other hand, patients with larger defects and excessive pulmonary blood flow may benefit from anticongestive heart failure medications such as diuretics. Inotropic agents, such as digoxin and afterload reducing agents, are rarely required. Closure of atrial septal defect is determined by the type of the defect and its size. Small (less than 5 mm in diameter) and medium (5–8 mm in diameter)-sized secundum defects diagnosed during early infancy tend to close spontaneously, often in the first 2 years of life. If at 2 years of life the defect is still present, closure could be considered through the use of occluding devices in the cardiac catheteriza- tion laboratory. Sinus venosus and primum atrial septal defects do not close spontaneously and will require surgical repair which could be performed around 1 year of age. Surgical repair is the only modality of treatment for sinus venosus and primum atrial septal defects since they are not amenable to device 98 Ra-id Abdulla and A. Note that in this type of device (Amplatzer) there are two discs, right and left- sided discs which hold the device in place across the atrial septal defect closure due to lack of circumferential atrial septal wall which are used to anchor devices after deployment. This anchoring is necessary for devices to remain in position after deployment.

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The use in this publication of trade names infection quality control staff in a sterilization purchase generic linezolid on line, trademarks infection ear piercing cheap linezolid online master card, service marks and similar terms antimicrobial quartz generic 600 mg linezolid otc, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. To my wife, Janet, for her never-ending understanding and support of my career and, finally, to my children, Keith, Michael, Kyle, Kameron, Samantha, and John, for inspiring my optimism for the future. Millikan I dedicate this to the physicians and healers whose work and lives have been a constant source of inspiration for me and countless others. Theodore, Neofytos, John, Cosmas, Damian, Panteleimon, Nektarios, Savas, Herman, Rose. Economou and Alexander Doolas for their encouragement and tutelage over the last several decades. Our deepest gratitude to Eileen Pehanich for her untiring efforts in the completion of this work. Saclarides vii Foreword The printing of the 2nd edition of Common Surgical Dis- Solving is not only for residents and students or the young eases: An Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving attests surgeon but also for all physicians who deal with surgical to its usefulness and popularity. Those of us who have been mentored by this result, the patient may or may not be a surgical candidate. There are achieve, his Olympian deeds as a surgeon, author, teacher, and at least 20 general topics on preoperative and postoperative leader. Myers, Millikan, and Saclarides have taken advan- write the foreword for the 2nd edition. The authors for making a long list of obscure differential diagnoses regardless themselves wrote numerous chapters on their specialty. Of course, these chapters were reviewed, corrected, and edited by the authors diagnoses have to be excluded or confirmed by numerous and they have left their indelible character in the text. This investigations, which could be painful, time consuming, book belongs in the pocket of residents and students and on dangerous, and costly. One might say that having many diag- the desk of practicing physicians who deal with a wide range noses and performing many tests protects the physician from of patients. Medicine has turned from performing Rush Medical College of Rush University too many investigations to expeditious and concise “evidence- Rush University Medical Center based medicine. Common Surgical Diseases: An Algorithmic Approach to Problem ix Contents Acknowledgments. For the patient who presents with an complications and should undergo a noninvasive evaluation emergency such as a perforated viscus or intraabdominal hem- with stress testing, nuclear imaging, and echocardiography orrhage, surgery must be undertaken without delay. If these tests produce these instances, there isn’t sufficient time to proceed with a favorable results, surgery may be undertaken; otherwise angi- cardiac workup; however, invasive monitoring may help peri- ography should precede surgery. Certain surgeries carry a greater risk than others, particu- larly abdominal, thoracic, and major vascular surgery. Minimizing perioperative morbidity and most likely relates to the more intense humoral stimulation mortality is best achieved by performing a thorough preoperative and hemodynamic instability associated with these types of evaluation. Minor predictors of cardiac complications likelihood surgery will place the patient at risk. Major clinical predictors of cardiac complica- history of stroke, or uncontrolled hypertension. On the day of surgery, patients should receive their and death, the risk is greatest when patients undergo elective cardiac medications and antihypertensives with a sip of water, noncardiac surgery within 6months of the myocardial infarc- although diuretics are often withheld to minimize perioperative tion. Intermediate predictors of cardiac lants, however, must be withheld so as to prevent intraoperative complications include mild angina, prior myocardial infarc- hemorrhage. One of the embolization in patients with atrial fibrillation, must be discon- most essential pieces of historical information is the degree of tinued 3–4days prior to surgery, while intravenous heparin may exercise intolerance, which is measured in metabolic equiva- be stopped 6–8h prior to the operation. In gen- tine should be considered high risk for postoperative cardiac eral, preoperative antibiotics are given to patients with valvular 3 4 D. Eat, dress, or use the Walk on level ground While there are no definite outcome studies regarding pre- toilet at 4 mph. Hypothermia, acidosis and shock should Correction of coagulopathy can be performed slowly by be identified and corrected as soon as possible. Protamine sulfate reverses heparin activity The history can define hereditary or acquired factors.

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Clinical Manifestations As with all other obstructive lesions antimicrobial resistance in developing countries 600 mg linezolid fast delivery, the severity of obstruction predicts the clinical manifestations infection 5 weeks after surgery purchase 600 mg linezolid with visa. Infants and children exhibit normal growth and development antibiotics for sinus infection bronchitis discount 600 mg linezolid with visa, even when stenosis is severe. Cardiac examination is significant for a normoactive precordium, without a right ventricular heave or thrill. An ejection click at the upper left sternal border can often be detected, and corresponds to the opening of the doming pulmonary valve. The murmur is of an ejection quality and of medium intensity, usually grade 3 or less, and is best appreciated at the left upper sternal border, with radiation to the back. S1 first heart sound, S2 second heart sound, A aortic valve closure, P pulmonary valve closure. Obstruction to blood flow across the pulmonary valve results in the elevation of right ventricular pressure over pulmonary arterial pressure. This pressure gradient causes blood flow across the pulmonary valve to be turbulent and consequently noisy (murmur). The murmur starts with a systolic click as a result of opening of thickened valve cusps and followed by systolic ejection murmur as blood crosses the stenotic valve. The murmur’s harshness increases with severity of stenosis, although in extreme cases due to resulting heart failure, the murmur may become softer. A systolic ejection murmur not preceded by a systolic click may suggest diagnosis other than pulmonary valve stenosis. Stenosis of the right ventricular outflow tract, below or above the valve with a normal valve present with a murmur similar to pulmonary stenosis, however, without the click. Pulmonary stenosis murmur is best heard over the left upper sternal border 10 Pulmonary Stenosis 137 either slightly diminished, secondary to decreased pulmonary artery pressure, or slightly increased, secondary to poststenotic pulmonary artery dilation. Moderate valvular stenosis is often well toler- ated in children, but produces clinical symptoms with advancing age. Severe valvular stenosis can lead to exercise-related chest pain, syncope, or sudden death. Cardiac examination is often significant for increased precordial activity, with a right ventricular heave and a palpable thrill in the area of the pulmonary valve at the left upper sternal border. The earlier the ejection click is detected at the upper left sternal border, the more severe is the stenosis. The murmur is of an ejection quality and of high intensity, usually grade 4 or more, and is best appreciated at the left upper sternal border, with radiation to the back. The P2 intensity is often diminished, secondary to decreased pulmonary artery pressure. Since the pulmonary valve in most cases does not open, an ejection click and P2 will not be present. As very little or no flow across the pulmonary valve occurs, the murmur will be quite soft. Murmurs of branch pulmonary stenoses are appreciated in the back, with radiation to the axillae. A continuous murmur in the back and axillae suggests significant bilateral branch pulmonary artery stenosis. Chest Radiography The heart size is often normal, except in critical pulmonary stenosis, when the heart size may be increased secondary to right atrial enlargement. A prominent main pulmonary artery notch from poststenotic dilation of the pulmonary artery can often be appreciated in older infants and children. Lung fields appear variably void of pulmonary vascular markings (black or anemic), reflecting reduced pulmonary blood flow from increasing stenosis. Chest radiography in children with branch and peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses is commonly normal, but there may be a difference in vascularity between the two lung fields. Right ventricular and right atrial enlargement occurs when stenosis is severe and complicated by right ventricular failure.

Luca, 22 years: For unknown reasons, people who have surgeries of the spine or urinary tract have a much higher risk of latex allergy. Serum sickness to cefacloris caused bya hereditarydefectin m etabolism and does notindicate risk w ith otherbeta-lactam s (Im m unolAllerg y Clin N. As mentioned earlier, progress in elucidating the feedback interactions between atherosclerosis and autoimmune disease has been impaired by the lack of appropriate animal models, and further research is necessary to determine the mechanisms in order to Inflammation, Chronic Diseases and Cancer – 88 Cell and Molecular Biology, Immunology and Clinical Bases provide more beneficial treatment to patients. Training programs usually performed by the sub- Hematological and biochemical analyses are oen used to jects consisted of 3–5 sets of 6–12 repetitions with 1-2- identify fatigue and recovery in athletes during the training minute rest interval between sets, performed 4-5 times per seasons [18], although relatively few studies have systemat- week.

Grobock, 27 years: Up to 15% of women use an antihistamine during pregnancy to treat allergic rhinitis or nausea. Pollen causes more of an impact in Australia during spring and early summer than at other times of the year. Tests such as vega testing, IgG testing and hair analysis should not be used to predict food allergies in children. Oral allergy syndrome another common reaction.

Quadir, 40 years: Effcacy and safety of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 tan on urinary albumin excretion in normotensive patients with type 2 diabetes. Your body may respond by producing chemicals called histamines, prompting an allergic reaction. It is debatable whether they should be routinely Additional laboratory tests in mental retardation with dysmorphic features performed as they often involve invasive sedation. The latter will however remember that they had acylcarnitine analysis in a dried blood spot.

Tarok, 28 years: Allergists now recommend that, unless mothers already have diagnosed food allergies, they should not avoid allergenic foods while pregnant and nursing. Early studies on P-selectin demonstrated that P-selectin mediated in vitro platelet-leukocyte interactions and induced leukocyte rolling in a flow chamber system (Elzey et al. As per Dr. Vandana Prabhu, Pulmonologist , HSR layout, Apollo Clinic , Rainy season also increases the presence of pollen grains in the air. Dust-mite allergy is an immune-system response to a specific dust mite protein.

Asaru, 65 years: A chronic cough could be a sign of asthma, particularly if a person feels tightness in the chest and is out of breath. Treatment for the uncomfortable symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis include over-the-counter and prescription drops and medications. The physical exam begins with the overall assessment of In cases of long-standing small bowel obstruction, gaseous the patient’s condition. For example, a person with lactose intolerance may be able to drink milk in coffee or a single glass of milk, but becomes sick if he or she drinks several glasses of milk.

Wenzel, 30 years: Bandage soft contact lens may be useful in the treatment of painful erosions and ruptured bullae, and may improve blurring due to corneal irregularity from microcystic edema or bullae in the visual axis B. How Can I Prevent Allergic Rhinitis? Once the history and physical causes a great deal of anxiety and fear, and a marked sense of exam have been performed, one must determine what radio- urgency for both the patients and their practitioner. Sublingual immunotherapy, or allergy drops, is a way to treat allergies without shots or medicines.

Frillock, 38 years: When in clinical improvement and a reduction of the AchR antibodies simultaneous attach to two adja- number of circulating antibodies. This produces a strokes unless the patient has a cardiac cause for painless, brief (minutes) sudden loss of sight the stroke, such as atrial fibrillation, mechanical involving all or part of the visual field of one eye. Pre- performed in the aged, and may incur higher risk of deep senting signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, hema- venous thrombosis. Remarkably, the dust-mite exposure reduced the incidence of allergy by 63 percent, and this was among infants at high risk of allergy (they had a history of allergy in both parents).

Tragak, 21 years: 72. Salmi TT, Collin P, Korponay-Szabo IR et al. Endomysial antibody-negative coeliac disease: clinical characteristics and intestinal autoantibody deposits. Binding of two or more IgE molecules as described earlier for neutrophils, anti- (cross-linking) is required to activate the gen presentation and cytokine production. These drugs may require 3 to 6 Adjacent to occluded vessels are ischemic and months of treatment before they are effective. Additionally, regulatory T cells responses to Regulatory T Cells and Viral Disease 129 Mycobacterium spp.

Owen, 45 years: Infectious rhinitis - is caused by a virus, bacteria or a fungus. PLEASE NOTE: The information presented here is intended to provide readers with general information about seasonal symptoms and is not intended to provide specific medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Blood pressure lowering effcacy of alpha blockers for and preload in congestive heart failure with the antihypertensive vasodilator prazosin. Seminoma is the most common testicular tumor in adults A scrotal ultrasound may be needed to establish an accurate and accounts for 40–60% of testicular tumors.

Ernesto, 32 years: Serolog ic studies in health care w orkers show ed 9% of persons born before 1957w ere notim m une,and 29% of health care w orkers w ho acquired m easles (1985–89)w ere born before 1957. (1985) Grand rounds: adverse reactions to wine. Examples of allergens include plant pollen, pet dander, insect venom, dust, mold, foods and drugs. More than just an irritation, common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are also loss of sleep, irritability and fatigue — all of which have an effect on performance at work and school.

Zakosh, 46 years: Food allergies can be challenging to manage because traces of allergens can appear in unlikely meals. How an Odessa Optometrist Can Relieve Eye Allergies. A food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a harmless food. Gortz J, Goos M: Diagnosis of allergy in pregnancy In German.

Goran, 60 years: Positive and negative predictive values: use of inflam- matory bowel disease serologic markers. But if your cough is accompanied by sputum production, bloody sputum, fever, weight loss, night sweats, breathlessness, undue fatigue, or chest pain, you should consult your doctor without delay. Patients are not advised to exercise more likely to undergo cesarean delivery and be hospitalized vigorously because of the concern that extreme physical exer- for worsening hypertension. Our goal is to educate and empower you to control your allergies and offer comprehensive care for your immune system disorders.

Georg, 34 years: In some cases cooked foods may be tolerated while raw foods are not. Allopurinol decreases serum uric acid levels by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase. The three key advantages of such indi- extended by other large-scale meta-analyses. Clinical effects of phosphodiesterase 3A mutations in inherited hyperten- spectrum and diagnosis using a characteristic biochemical phenotype.

Lester, 54 years: -Quinoa is in the same family (chenopodium) as beets, spinach, tumbleweed pollen, grass and grass pollen, so similar allergic reactions to these can be experienced in Quinoa. A studyof shig ellosis in Thailand failed to show loperam ide is contraindicated w hen g iven w ith a quinolone (Ann I ntern M ed 1985;102:582). Tight blood pressure control and risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications 19. Grass and spring weed pollens start to appear in early May and continue through early summer.

Amul, 31 years: However, depending on your overall health staThis, and your healthcare provider, he or she may suggest that another antibiotic be used for the common cold symptoms. Enhanced production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in rheumatoid arthritis. See, bubbly drinks like Champagne contain carbon dioxide, which pumps alcohol faster into your bloodstream. Exposure of rat neutrophils to C5a induces a defect in phagocytic function (Huber-Lang et al.

Karrypto, 56 years: Confrmed case: A probable case that is laboratory-confrmed or linked epide- miologically to a laboratory-confrmed case. The views, opinions and feelings of the patient must be fully heard and considered, and the patient must be offered the opportunity to discuss matters in private, away from their parents/carers if they wish. After adjustment for bone age, the proportion of children with osteopenia fell to 22%. Virus transmission through the egg has been reported, but the role of the egg in the disease Mallard cycle remains to be resolved.

Seruk, 52 years: Symptoms start after breathing in an allergen. Some people get hay fever-like symptoms all year round. The reactions were reversible, and when the drug was minutes) but its clinical effect far outlasts its presence in the stopped or the dosage was lowered, a full recovery occurred blood. Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study tality in patients with symptomatic heart failure: randomised trial—the Losartan Heart Investigators.

Ashton, 59 years: Foods with less lactose, such as Swiss or cheddar cheese, may not cause problems. Red wine and white wine were the most frequent triggers, and women, for unknown reasons, were about twice as likely to be affected as men. Lipid rafts have been defined as “small (10-200 nm), heterogeneous, highly dynamic, sterol- and sphingolipid-enriched domains that compartmentalise cellular processes” (Pike, 2006). Cross and Ra-id Abdulla Case Scenarios Case 1 About 6 h after an uncomplicated delivery, it is noted that a full term female infant appears to be cyanotic.

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