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The incidence of post- breakfast and obviously not taking my morning operative hypotension is increased prostate cancer 97 flomax 0.4 mg order amex, related to a insulin as I normally wouldWhen we turned up combination of autonomic dysfunction, for the operationthe surgeon informed me that I inadequate fluid replacement and inadequate was probably last on the days list of monitoring of hypotensive therapies. This can operationswhen I told him that I was insulin precipitate renal failure in those with nephropathy dependent and was told that I would be first on and hypotensive falls in the elderly. During my stay I saw no-one from to identify high-risk patients before surgery and do the diabetes care team. Since most post- and my family were left feeling very angry about operative deaths occur in the high-risk population, the experience. I patients might lead to substantial improvements in asked to return to my usual regime. Particular care should be paid to was refused I was told that as it is a bank assessment of patients with diabetes to identify holiday weekend, if my levels were still high on those at high risk of peri-operative complications. The mismanagement lay in the fact that suitable small adjustments were not made to moderate that rate of fall of blood sugar before hypoglycaemia. Patients with diabetes frequently require complex drug regimes with high potential for error: Lack of institutional guidelines for Incorrect prescription management of diabetes Omitted in error or judiciously stopped and Not all hospitals have comprehensive guidelines for never restarted management of glycaemia in inpatients, and many Continued inappropriately e. Poor knowledge of diabetes amongst staff delivering care Understanding of diabetes and its management is poor amongst both medical and nursing staff. With the exception of blood glucose monitoring, training in diabetes management is not mandatory and nursing staff have limited learning opportunities. Undergraduate and postgraduate medical training often has little or no focus on the practical aspects of delivery of diabetes care. People with diabetes staff, for example, during the post-operative take responsibility for self-management on a day period to day basis and are very experienced in the Hospital staff should have up to date knowledge management of their own condition. Although the main focus is on elective surgery and procedures much of the guidance applies equally to the management of surgical emergencies. The initial inhibition Surgery is frequently accompanied by a period of 27 of insulin secretion is followed post-operatively by starvation, which induces a catabolic state. This a period of insulin resistance so that major surgery can be attenuated in patients with diabetes by results in a state of functional insulin infusion of insulin and glucose (approximately insufficiency27. If the starvation period is short, undergoing surgery have no insulin secretory (only one missed meal) the patient can usually be capacity and are unable to respond to the managed without an intravenous insulin infusion. People with Type 2 However, care should be taken to avoid diabetes have pre-existing insulin resistance with hypoglycaemia because this will stimulate secretion limited insulin reserve, reducing their ability to of counter-regulatory hormones and exacerbate respond to the increased demand. Insulin requirements are increased by: Obesity Emergency surgery, metabolic stress Prolonged or major surgery and infection Infection The main focus of these guidelines is elective Glucocorticoid treatment. If the infusion is stopped, response to the crisis is certain to lead to there will be no insulin present in the circulation hyperglycaemia, thus complicating the clinical after 3-5 minutes leading to immediate catabolism. Many emergencies result from infection, which will add further to the hyperglycaemia. Prompt action should be taken to control the Metabolic effects of major surgery blood glucose and an intravenous insulin infusion Major surgery leads to metabolic stress with an will almost always be required (Appendix 5). For this pathway of care to work effectively, Structured and tailored patient education, complete and accurate information needs to be including dietary advice communicated by staff at each stage to staff at the next. Wherever possible the patient should be Diabetes management advice to inpatients included in all communications and the Advice to medical and nursing ward staff on the management plan should be devised in agreement management of individual patients with the patient. There is also pathway is to maintain the patients in a state of as good evidence to show that the early involvement little metabolic stress as is possible. Local planning and co-ordination of all aspects of the referral pathways need to be in place. Having had the time and support to consider, the patient can Use of short-acting anaesthetic agents and then make an informed decision to minimal access incisions when possible proceed with surgery. Intra-operative care Avoidance of post-operative opioids when Use of appropriate anaesthetic, fluids, pain possible relief and minimally invasive operative techniques to reduce post-operative pain and Planned early mobilisation gut dysfunction, promoting early return to Early post-operative oral hydration and nutrition normal eating. Post-operative rehabilitation Discharge once predetermined criteria met and Rehabilitation services available 7 days a week patient in agreement.

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Quinupristin-Dalfopristin-resistant occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria Enterococcus faecium on chicken and in human stool from food animals, foods and humans in Denmark, specimens. European Food Safety Authority, European Synercid) tested against over 28,000 recent clinical Center for Disease Prevention and Control. Scientific isolates from 200 medical centers in the United States Report: The European Union summary report on and Canada. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and indicator Diseases, 30:437-451, 1998. Equation 9 was modified by The use of air filtration to prevent aerosol adding a reducing factor to take into account the transmission in commercial poultry production was effect of filtration (6). The probability of infection of explored in the late 60s and early 70s but never a flock as a function of time was calculated given resulted in widespread adoption. Equations were aerosols of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory programmed in the Julia (3) programming language. Overall the use of produced over the last year data demonstrating the filtration would have reduced the probability of efficiency of their 15 layer, 10 layer and a 6 layer infection to very low levels, preventing pleated filter in blocking aerosolized low pathogenic contamination in most cases. We first evaluated the effect that filtration would have had on Overall, applying the filter reducing factors laboratory data by applying the reduction factors to measured under laboratory conditions to laboratory the data of previous studies (1) on H5N1 virus, (4), experiments involving exposure of chickens to Avian and H9N2 (7). Secondly, we evaluated the potential Influenza virus would have theoretically prevented risk reduction using the model of Ssematimba et al. Theoretical effect of air filtration on laboratory studies of aerosolized avian influenza infection. Publication Ru Probability of infection n No filtration 15 layer filter 10 layer filter 6 layer pleated filter Agranovski 7 0. Theoretical effect of air filtration on the probability of a flock breaking with avian influenza under the assumption of the model of Ssematimba et al. Cecure was the most the consumption of Foster Farms brand chicken bactericidal, but is concentration-dependent and products from three processing facilities in ineffective against S. This raises the question: if the Salmonella enterica consists of six subspecies prevalence of Salmonella from these facilities is and over 2500 serovars belonging to five serogroups, relatively low, why did this outbreak occur, and how many of which are zoonotic pathogens (1). When disinfectants, and sanitizers to validate vendor claims Salmonella biofilms become established in food and maintain quality assurance (9). Biofilm pegs were sonicated to create biofilm, which studies have concluded to be more a suspension. The chiller and dipping stations offer extended This approach allows for a more comprehensive exposure of poultry carcasses to disinfectants prior to understanding of the differences between planktonic packaging, while bringing the temperature down to and biofilm S. Stock solutions of Cecure was most effective in a concentration- disinfectants were stored at 100X concentration, and and time-dependent manner, but was not reflective of diluted as needed. Disinfectants were tested at serial present poultry processing conditions due to current dilutions and at the average concentrations used by regulations. Based on our results, Cultures of bacterial isolates were incubated at current contact times and concentrations used in overnight at 37C. Planktonic cultures were grown to practice by poultry processors, the application of mid-log phase (3. For each might be important for controlling other pathogens in replicate, 20 L were serially diluted and spread- a processing environment, mitigation of Salmonella th 49 65 Western Poultry Disease Conference 2016 must essentially focus on preventing contamination and surface material. Food Research multidrug resistant strains, and an increase in disease International. Letters in difficulty of eradication of established biofilm serves Applied Microbiology.

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Additionally man health 9th buy flomax 0.4 mg otc, a 17 perpetual generation of proteasome complexes allows for the generation of protea- 18 somes with altered composition prostate cancer exam buy flomax with paypal, and the generation of proteasomes that are more 19 efficient at degrading proteins under stressful conditions mens health night run 2013 cheap flomax 0.2 mg with amex. This impairment in biogenesis could result from a 22 loss of proteoassemblin (Schmidt and Kloetzel, 1997; Griffin et al. A number of studies now demonstrate a clear 28 association between polymorphisms in proteasome subunits and Graves disease, 29 ankylosing spondylitis, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (Heward et al. Changes 40 in proteasome subunit expression occur in the aging of the retina, fibroblast, muscle, 41 and liver (Chondrogianni et al. Cytokine-induced 43 expression of immunoproteasome has been reported in a variety of tissues and cell 44 types that are not part of the immune system (Louie et al. These data raise the possibility that immunoproteasomes may 02 be generated as a means of increasing the turnover of specific proteins in aging, 03 including the degradation of oxidized proteins. It is 07 interesting to note that formation of immunoproteasome, while allowing for continued 08 proteasome function, may impair the ability of the proteasome to respond to subse- 09 quent stressors (Ding et al. A number of the 26S proteasome substrates are involved in 20 the apoptotic pathway (Wojcik, 1999; Grimm and Osborne, 1999), with the best 21 characterized of these substrates is p53. Normally a very short-lived protein, the 22 expression of p53 is kept at a low level, and thus is unable to induce its pro-apoptotic 23 effects. However, following inhibition of proteasome function the level of p53 would 24 be expected to become elevated (Jesenberger and Jentsch, 2002; Dietrich et al. Indeed, p53 has been 27 demonstrated to play a causal role in the apoptosis induced by severe proteasome 28 inhibition (Nakaso et al. These data raise 31 the possibility that proteasome inhibitor toxicity may be cell type specific, based 32 on the function of the proteasome in a given cell. Alternatively, these data could indicate the 37 inadequacy of some neuronal populations to utilize non-proteasomal proteolysis, 38 in order to maintain neuronal homeostasis. In such a scenario, cells able to suffi- 39 ciently up-regulate lysosomal activity would be expected to exhibit little toxicity in 40 response to the application of proteasome inhibitors. In this capacity 11 the proteasome aids in preventing the elevation in oxidative damage and induction 12 of oxidative stress. It is important to note that during aging protein oxidation does not 19 typically exhibit a gradual and progressive increase, rather during aging there is a 20 very low level increase in protein oxidation that dramatically increases several fold 21 in late age Squier, 2001; Beckman and Ames, 1998; Petropoulos et al. Proteasome inhibition may 23 serve an important role as a trigger for the sudden and dramatic spike in protein 24 oxidation observed in very late age. Therefore, early in the aging process there is 25 likely a dynamic cellular environment that helps to prevent large increases in protein 26 oxidation. For example, it is likely that proteasome plasticity and increases in stress 27 response (present in young cells) prevent the accumulation of oxidative damage 28 that could potentially occur as the result of cellular stressors. Over time the ability 29 of these protective pathways to prevent increases in protein oxidation dramatically 30 decrease, with inhibition of proteasome function serving as a mechanism for rapidly 31 and profoundly elevating protein oxidation. Additionally, once the levels of oxidized 32 proteins are increased to a deleterious stage, or allowed to persist in the intracel- 33 lular space for prolonged periods of time, they may serve as potent inhibitors of 34 proteasome function. In this model, excessively oxidized proteins inhibit the entry 35 of other proteasome substrates, thus causing inhibition of proteasome-mediated 36 protein degradation. Consistent with this model, studies from our laboratory have 37 demonstrated that increased heat shock protein expression ameliorates oxidative 38 stress-induced proteasome inhibition (Ding and Keller, 2001). Additionally, our laboratory has demonstrated that inhibition 06 of proteasome function (low-level inhibition) is sufficient to increase autophagy 07 (Ding et al. The chronic activation of autophagy is likely delete- 09 rious towards neural homeostasis, based on the fact that rapid and large scale 10 degradation of cytoplasmic complexes and organelles cannot be beneficial towards 11 the long term cellular viability (Larsen and Sulzer, 2002). Lastly, inhibition of proteasome function in 14 neural cells alters gene expression in a manner that is highly relevant to a variety of 15 age-related disorders (Ding et al. For example, the degradation of oxidized histones is mediated by 19 the proteasome (Ullrich et al. Interestingly, nucleic acid oxidation occurred 24 in neurons and astrocytes, although it was much more severe in neurons as 25 compared to astrocyte cultures.

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Hale first took care of a drug- child labor laws prostate 42 purchase 0.4 mg flomax amex, compulsory education laws prostate cancer journals flomax 0.4 mg cheap, and addicted baby in 1969 prostate 600 flomax 0.4 mg order with visa. In 1975, Hale House became the the establishment of the first juvenile court in the Center for the Promotion of Human Potential, which United States. Her advocacy of labor unions and her stance as a pacifist during World War I led to her Women in the Health Professions loss of support and her identification on a traitor list of the Senate Judiciary Committee. However, in 1931, Florence Nightingale (18201910) is known as the Addams became the first woman to receive the Nobel founder of modern nursing. Nightingale supervised a Peace Prize and, to this day, remains the only social unit of field nurses in British army hospitals during the worker to have ever been awarded that honor. Crimean War, with an emphasis on hygiene and the 47 Women Advocates, Reformers, and Pioneers need for prompt attention. Few received any financial ing school for nurses, which became the model for remuneration for their efforts. Still others, such as Jane physician in the United States, lived during the same Addams and Lucy Parsons, were condemned for their period of time as Nightingale and considered work when it became politically undesirable. Blackwell was denied admission to Carol Gilligan has maintained that the process every medical school in New York and Philadelphia of moral development in women differs from that because of her sex. Her research findings indicate that, while York voted to admit Blackwell, believing that the com- men may emphasize fairness and rules in the resolution pletion of the application by a woman was a prank. Her of moral dilemmas, women are more likely to focus on sister Emily Blackwell (18261910) experienced similar the preservation of relationships. It is possible that this difficulties securing admission to a medical school, but process is reflected in the life choices that these and was finally able to complete her medical education at other women have made and continue to make. Blackwell, Many times, these contributions are not recognized Emily, and Marie Zackrzewska founded the New York or remembered. By 1860, this institution was providing services to more than 3,600 patients each Labonte, R. International Journal of Health when Cornell University Medical College began accept- Services, 22, 303316. The social construction of an alcohol problem: Medical College closed and transferred its students to The case of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and social control in the 1980s. While settled in London, Blackwell helped to establish the London School of Medicine for Women, where she served as a professor. Her book, Pioneer Suggested Resources Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women, Apple, R. Encyclopedia of women in American As indicated, women have contributed to the history. Topics in Womens Health Abdominal Pain A Abdominal Pain Abdominal pain is the most drainage or blood flow, and infiltration (e. Normal physiologic processes like sation that can be associated with a multitude of condi- menstruation and ovulation may also cause abdominal tions originating both within and outside the abdomen. Abdominal pain may be a feature of a number of Causes may range from common normal physiologic extra-abdominal conditions including heart attack, processes to life-threatening emergencies. There are pneumonia, testicular torsion, and a variety of meta- many factors that contribute to the sensation and per- bolic disorders (e. The sensation of pain is produced by mechanical Although most episodes of abdominal pain are stimuli, chemical stimuli, or a combination of both. The due to mild self-limited conditions, it is essential to be most common mechanical stimulus is stretch. There are able to discern the signs and symptoms that represent stretch receptors located in the muscular layer of the potential emergencies and require immediate interven- hollow organs (gastrointestinal, urinary, and biliary tion. Medical attention should be sought immediately tracts), mesentery (membranous attachment of intra- when abdominal pain is accompanied with any of the abdominal organs to the posterior abdominal wall), and following alarm signs or symptoms: red blood in the in the capsule (membranous outer covering) of solid stool; maroon stool; black tarry stool; fever; sudden organs (e. Thus, any process onset of constipation or bloating; persistent vomiting; which leads to distention, stretching, and traction may vomiting red blood or coffee grounds; history of generate abdominal pain. Chemical stimuli can increase recent abdominal trauma; known or suspected preg- the sensitivity of these pain receptors.


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Although the effects of glucosamine have been well documented in animal models androgen hormones in milk discount flomax 0.2 mg buy on-line, less is known about its effects on glucose metabolism in humans prostate urologist purchase flomax paypal. Preliminary studies have been reassuring; however prostate foods to avoid flomax 0.4 mg buy free shipping, their interpretation has been limited by the considerable variability in measures and small numbers of participants (119,120). The two most common found in chondroitin sulfate nutritional supplements are types A (chondroitin 4-sulfate) and C (chondroitin 6-sulfate). Chondroitin sulfate is found primarily in fish cartilage as well as cartilaginous rings of bovine trachea and pig ears and snouts. The biologic fate of orally administered chondroitin sulfate is less clear, but some evidence exists to suggest that the compound may be absorbed following oral admin- istration, possibly as a result of pinocytosis (121). The results of this study have been reported in abstract form at the time of this publi- cation (131). Nine blood samples per subject were subsequently obtained over 36 h and plasma concentrations of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate were measured in duplicate. Similar to the previously reported oral single-dose pharmacokinetics, plasma glucosamine levels in both the glucosamine and combination treatment groups achieved peak concentrations 2 to 3 hours post-dose with a terminal elimination half- life of approx 3 hours. The data for both groups was well fit to a one-compartment open model including first-order absorption. No appreciable change in plasma chondroitin sulfate from baseline was detected following multiple-dose oral administration of either chondroitin sulfate alone or combination. The authors concluded that glucosamine is substantially absorbed and rapidly eliminated following multiple-dose oral adminis- tration of glucosamine alone and combination in humans whereas no change in basal plasma chondroitin sulfate concentration can be detected with similar administration of chondroitin sulfate alone or in combination. The amount of sulfate made available to cells is an important factor in the degree of proteoglycan sulfation (132,133). Additionally, sulfate pools in humans are among the smallest of all species (136), making them especially susceptible to physiologically relevant small changes. In humans, sulfate balance is poorly understood and may vary on dietary factors or on dietary supplements. One study measured human urinary sulfate excretion after ingestion of methionine or chondroitin sulfate supplements in the setting of high- or low-protein diets. The authors observed that more sulfate was excreted in the urine in those with a background of high-protein diets compared with those on low-protein diets. This suggests that in the low-protein state, the body increased sulfate retention from supplements (137). These observations raise the possibility that sulfate supplementation may have a beneficial role in cartilage health. A recent study measured serum levels of sulphate during 3 hours of fasting or glucose ingestion after overnight fasts to determine how much sulphate lowering may occur during this period. Continuation of overnight fasting for 3 hours resulted in a near-linear 3-hour decrease in levels for all 14 patients ranging from 3 to 20% with a mean drop of 9. Efcacy for Pain and Function Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate had been the subject of numerous clinical trials in Europe and Asia, all of which (until recently) had demonstrated favorable effects (139 153). In the subset of trials that tested the Rotta preparation of glucosamine sulfate (N=10), a surprisingly large effect on pain was seen (1. They also estimated that the evident publication bias in this review could lead to a relative error of 30% (159). Thus, these authors found no robust evidence for an effect of chondroitin on pain. The body of evidence concerning the efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin has been altered by the publication of recent independently funded clinical trials, some of which had completely null results (161164). They found no difference in pain outcomes between the two groups after either 30 or 60 days of treatment. The design was a 6-month, randomized, placebo-controlled glucosamine discontinu- ation trial in which enrollees were randomly assigned to placebo or to the treatment, where participants continued taking glucosamine sulfate. In the multi- variate regression analysis, time-to-disease flare was not significantly different between the glucosamine and the placebo group (hazard ratio of flare = 0. No differ- ences were found in severity of disease flare or other secondary outcomes between placebo and patients taking glucosamine. The effect of glucosamine sulfate was significant on all parameters, for example, Lequesne difference 1. Acetaminophen had more responders than placebo, but it failed to reach a significant difference on the Lequesne (p = 0. The primary outcome in this study was treatment response, defined as a 20% improvement in knee pain.

Sinikar, 33 years: Find a part of the sac wall which is free of The differential diagnosis includes other causes of a adhesions, and open this up as best you can: it is better to discharging umbilicus, carcinoma of the transverse leave a piece of sac adherent to the bowel than to injure it. We felt relief to know we would be getting the assistance of Georges own immune system at last. Sieve cells occur in pteridophytes and gymnosperms, while sieve tubes occur in angiosperms.

Irmak, 58 years: Among the alcoholic beverages, antioxidant power has also been reported for whiskey, sake and sherries. The photosynthetic enzymes also get inactivated resulting in reduced rate of photosynthesis. Fever and other constitutional etiology of the focal lesion may vary, infects oligodendrocytes, causing progressive symptoms are generally absent.

Steve, 30 years: Epilepsy is a disabling chronic and socially isolating neurological disorder involving recurrent abnormal discharges of neurons that produce epileptic seizures (Engel and Pedley, 1997; Johnston and Smith, 2008). The cavity is then filled with a paste of zinc phosphate or zinc oxide and eugenol. Sample regular stations at intervals of 1-2 weeks and collect mosquitoes with an aspirator for a designated period of time (usually 10-15 minutes) 69 from a standard area such as the back or from both legs of the subject.

Lukar, 26 years: If your table does not tilt from side to side, and you want to turn the patient to one side, place pillows under his back on each side, or use a wedge block under the mattress. Many of these essential maintenance and repair systems become deficient in senescent cells, thus a high amount of biological garbage is accumulated (e. Fungal infections and immunostatus enter the body by inhalation or via skin abrasions.

Wenzel, 41 years: Is there a sufficient length of neck ( 15 mm) of normal aorta above the aneurysm? The primary long-term endpoint was a composite of death from any cause, a repeat revascularization procedure or a non-fatal myocardial infarction within one year after surgery. The first factor is a Eimeria species parasites, costs producers through vaccine administration that provides synchronous, negative impact on flock performance and uniform ingestion of infective parasites (8).

Cobryn, 65 years: Use a mixing spatula on a glass surface to make a paste of zinc oxide powder, and oil of cloves. A tooth with large holes in it probably has an apical A dentist may be able to save the tooth by draining the abscess under it. Arthus reaction: The Arthur reaction is defined as a localized area of tissue necrosis resulting from an immune complex vasculitis usually elicited in the skin.

Tyler, 36 years: Based on the report of autopsy of Kolletschka, Semmelweis determined that his septic clinical picture was similar to those seen in autopsies of women who died in puerperal fever. Type 1 diabetes: evidence for susceptibility loci from four genome-wide linkage scans in 1,435 multiplex families. Plain films fragment is in spinal or neural foramina loss, anorexia) change in bowel and bladder are good for fractures, degenerative changes, canal.

Milten, 35 years: This is because a male contributes his Y chromosome to his son & does not contribute an X-chromosome to his son. The importance of race and ethnic background in bio- diversity within the group; (d) fully report in scientific medical research and clinical practice. If treating hemorrhoids, add one teaspoon brewers yeast for every ten suppositories.

Mezir, 55 years: If one backward, starting with three or four digits perform the Rinne and Weber tests. The mitochondria are in a broken down condition for two reasons: (1) constant interference by malonic acid, and (2) lack of thyroid hormones. Distinction Between Dietary Status and Nutritional Status Dietary status refers to the assessment of intakes of nutrients from food, beverages, and supplements in relation to a reference standard, such as the dietary reference intakes.

Olivier, 53 years: One could imagine however, that 35 the doctor could prescribe a series of regular exercises which are adapted to the 36 health status of the patient, then this would be followed by a specialist in physical 37 education. Continue these as a continuous seromuscular Lembert On the day before the operation wash out the proximal suture and work round on the outside towards the left and loop, and administer an enema up the rectal stump. The increase in malaria prevalence is determined by several factors such as mosquito resistance to insecticides, parasite resistance to drugs, changes in land-use patterns and reductions in funding and manpower dedicated to control activities.

Pakwan, 40 years: Ninety percent of patients have mild to suggestive with compressive optic neuropathy from moderate pain in or around the eye, usually worse intracranial tumors, anterior ischemic optic with eye movement. Absorbable and non-absorbable sutures Some of the suture materials are sooner or later disappearing and we find no sign of them in the body. Nanotransducers in cellular re dox signaling: modification of thiols by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

Norris, 51 years: All the results, put together after a complete workup, give you a label (diagnosis): prosematis. It is also one of the commonest operations in gynaecology, and one of the most abused, so make sure that you only do it on the proper indications: (1) To diagnose the cause of abnormal bleeding. The third stage, recovery, is acceptance of the definitive study involving placebo controls.

8 of 10 - Review by V. Fadi
Votes: 232 votes
Total customer reviews: 232


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