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Since naturopathic physicians consider one of their primary goals to be teaching the patient how to live healthfully medicine in the middle ages generic 180 mg diltiazem amex, the time devoted to discussing and explaining principles of health maintenance and medical aspects is one of the aspects that set naturopaths apart from many other health care providers medicine jokes order diltiazem 60 mg amex. The patient-physician relationship begins with a thorough medical history and interview process designed to explore all aspects of a patient’s lifestyle symptoms webmd generic 60 mg diltiazem with mastercard. The physician will perform standard diagnostic procedures if these are needed, including physical exam and blood and urine analysis. Once a good understanding of the patient’s health and disease status is established (making a diagnosis of a disease is only one part of this process), the doctor and patient work together to establish a treatment and health-promotion program. Because many naturopathic physicians function as primary health care providers, standard medical monitoring, follow-up, and exams are critical to good patient care. Patients are encouraged to receive regular yearly checkups, including a full physical. Contrasting Naturopathy to Allopathy You may be asking how naturopathic physicians view health differently from conventional medical doctors. First of all, by definition and philosophy most conventional medical doctors practice allopathic medicine. Allopathy refers to conventional medicine as practiced by a graduate of a medical school or college granting the degree of doctor of medicine (M. It is a system of medicine that focuses primarily on treating disease rather than on promoting health. The fundamental difference between naturopathy and allopathy is that the allopathic physician tends to view good health primarily as a physical state in which there is no obvious disease present. In contrast, naturopathic physicians recognize true health as the state of optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The key difference between naturopathic and allopathic physicians is apparent if we look at how each type of doctor views not only health but also disease. To illustrate the differences, let’s take a look at how each views and addresses the “infection equation. In the infection equation, what determines the outcome is the interaction of the host’s immune system with the infecting organism. A naturopathic doctor tends to use treatments designed to enhance the immune system, while most conventional doctors tend to use treatments designed to kill the invading organism. Conventional medicine has been obsessed with infective agents rather than host defense factors. This obsession really began with Louis Pasteur, the 19th-century physician and researcher who played a major role in the development of the germ theory. This theory holds that different diseases are caused by different infectious organisms, with the patient as a passive victim. Much of Pasteur’s life was dedicated to finding substances that would kill the infecting organisms. Pasteur and others since him who pioneered effective treatments of infectious diseases have given us a great deal, for which we all should be thankful. Another 19th-century French scientist, Claude Bernard, also made major contributions to medical understanding. Bernard believed that the state of a person’s internal environment was more important in determining disease than the pathogen itself. In other words, Bernard believed that the person’s internal “terrain,” or susceptibility to infection, was more important than the germ. Physicians, he believed, should focus more attention on making this internal terrain a very inhospitable place for disease to flourish. In fact, a firm advocate of the germ theory would find some of these studies to be absolutely crazy. One of the most interesting studies was conducted by a Russian scientist named Élie Metchnikoff, the discover of white blood cells. He and his research associates consumed cultures containing millions of cholera bacteria, yet none of them developed cholera. Metchnikoff believed, like Bernard, that the correct way to deal with infectious disease was to focus on enhancing the body’s own defenses. During the last part of their lives, Pasteur and Bernard engaged in scientific discussions on the virtues of the germ theory and Bernard’s perspective on the internal terrain. There is little argument, for example, that when used appropriately, antibiotics save lives. However, there is also little argument that antibiotics are grossly overprescribed.


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Abdominal hernias can be difficult to repair symptoms zinc deficiency husky buy diltiazem visa, especially if they are chronic in nature symptoms 97 jeep 40 oxygen sensor failure order 180 mg diltiazem overnight delivery. Prolapsed Oviduct and Cloaca Prolapse of the oviduct may occur secondary to nor- mal physiologic hyperplasia and egg laying or as a sequela to dystocia (particularly in canaries and budgerigars) (Color 29 symptoms zinc overdose order diltiazem 60 mg without prescription. Excessive con-6 traction of the abdominal muscles, perhaps exacer- bated by poor physical condition and malnutrition, may cause these prolapses. Distal portions of the oviduct may also prolapse, and frequently an egg is present (Color 29. Oviduct prolapses have been associated with deformed, soft-shelled and shell-less eggs. All exposed tissue must be kept as moist as possible and cleaned thoroughly with sterile saline solution. Topical steroid prepara- tions containing antibiotics or dimethyl sulfoxide gel can be used to reduce swelling so that prolapsed tissues can be replaced. If no egg is present, tissue replacement is accomplished by gently guiding the tissues through the cloaca with pressure from a lu- bricated swab or thermometer. Stay sutures placed in the cloaca or percutane- ous retention sutures may prevent further prolaps- ing while uterine tissues regress in size, abdominal tissues regain structural integrity and the hen has a chance to regain normal muscle tone and strength. Digital manipulation or implosion of the egg as discussed under dystocia may be effective. Chronically displaced tissue that contains eggs or egg material may require surgical debridement due to ad- hesions and shell abnormalities. Surgical correction of the hernia and a salpingohysterectomy were recommended but refused. The divisions of the and looks like a small piece of cotton on the brain are pronounced. The characteristic cockatiel-shaped head indicative of bleeding from the follicle dur- ing ovulation. The egg tooth, toderm without embryo continue cell divi- sion until blood-forming stages. The limbs are developing and the toderms without embryos can be seen during candling, when a blood ring is usu- bones are beginning to calcify. Scleral onset of incubation showing a bleb that papillae in the eye form a complete ring. This bleb The head shape is square with a less promi- can also be seen by candling. Note the centrally located The scleral papillae can no longer be seen embryo with the developing blood vessels as the eyelid is now nearly closed. Calcifi- and the small air cell (arrow) (courtesy of cation of the characteristic psittacine toes Kim Joyner). In Passeriformes, salpingi- In more advanced cases, birds may be depressed and tis has been associated with impaction of the oviduct have an enlarged abdomen and a palpable turgid and egg-related peritonitis. Radiographs often reveal indistinct abdomi- wheat grains located in the oviduct can cause metri- nal detail with a diffuse increase in soft tissue den- tis and salpingitis. In non-responsive cases, a laparotomy may tions from the cloaca induced by copulation, inappro- be necessary to remove necrotic tissue, inflammatory priate treatment for egg binding or uterine prolapse exudates or egg material. A discharge from the cloaca may also Impaction of the oviduct is often a sequela to sal- occur. Acute salpingitis in poultry is characterized by pingitis (most frequently), metritis or egg binding. The oviduct may be thin-walled or de- and albumen associated with cystic hyperplasia or creased in length (common with Newcastle disease inspissated egg material in the magnum. The abdomen may be diffusely or Metritis is a localized problem within the uterine unilaterally (usually left side) enlarged, birds may be portion of the oviduct. It can be a sequela to dystocia, reluctant to fly or walk and periodic anorexia may occur. Metritis can also material, gray or yellow purulent material, calcare- cause egg binding, uterine rupture, peritonitis and ous deposits or albumen. Coliform metritis may be compli- Treatment consists of parenteral antibiotics and in cated by poor diet, and death rates are highest in most cases, surgery to clean, repair or remove ne- 62 crotic portions of the oviduct. The normal ovary with mature follicles has collection should be isolated from unaffected birds.

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However medicine abbreviations buy diltiazem 180 mg with amex, the exact relationship between pro- and anti-inÀammatory mediators and their balance are still under debate: they might differ in children and may occur in healthy as well as in preinjured lungs (e treatment yeast infection home remedies diltiazem 60 mg low cost. Finally treatment borderline personality disorder buy cheap diltiazem 60 mg, these proinÀammatory mediators may spill over from the pulmonary compartment to the systemic circulation and trigger a generalised inÀam- matory response in major organs, leading to multiorgan failure and death [13]. Furthermore, overdistention should be prevented and high-pressure ventilation avoided. Many clinical case series have shown that oxygenation improved in children when placed in the prone position [36–46]. Oxygenation improves within a short period (1–2 h) after position change and can be sustained. In summary, at this time, there is not enough evidence to recommend prone positioning for routine use. Knowledge is based on the direct experience of clinicians working in the ¿eld, and a variety of routines are ap- plied. The sen- sitivity of inspiratory and expiratory triggers is of great importance in children, in particu- lar in case of air leaks through the interface. In adults, ineffective inspiratory efforts and double triggering are the most common types of asynchrony leading to patient discomfort [57], whereas in children, autotriggering has been shown to be the primary cause of dif¿- cult patient–ventilator interaction [51]. To minimise asynchrony, the following options can be considered: (1) setting an inspiratory trigger that is as sensitive as possible but avoiding autotriggering; (2) preventing prolonged inspiratory time using a preset limited inspiratory time or an appropriate Àow threshold of the expiratory trigger; (3) using ventilators with leak-compensation software [58]. An interface that ¿ts properly is crucial to minimise air leaks and maximise noninvasive respiratory support treatment ef¿ciency and success. The interfaces have included facial masks, moulded masks and modi¿ed nasal cannulae, and in some cases full-face masks, but nasal masks seem to be preferred, particularly in younger children. The transparent paediatric helmets, made of polyvinyl chloride have been pro- posed as a possible alternative to masks, with potential advantages: (1) good tolerability; (2) no air leakage; (3) more stable ¿xation system; (4) speaking and coughing is facilitated; (5) application regardless of facial contour, facial trauma or edentulism; (6) lower risk of pressure sores, resulting in better comfort and prolonged time of use [59]. The authors demonstrated the use of the helmet was better tolerated, required less patient sedation, allowed a more prolonged application time and avoided facial skin irritation when compared with a facial mask. Humidity was 98% (98–99%) and fell to 40% (39–43%) after the humidi¿er was stopped. The bene¿t of heliox has been attributed to its lower density, leading to reduction of the respiratory muscle work of breathing [64]. As heliox is effective when used at a concentration >60%, bene¿ts cannot be expected for patients with oxygen requirements >40%. In the ¿rst epidemic, invasive ventilation by tracheal intubation was the sole ventilatory support strategy available (invasive ventilation period). It is noteworthy that the higher intubation rate was reported in the youngest patients, and one could speculate the facial mask is not the recommended device in that age group. Actually, most papers suggest the use of nasal masks in infants with respiratory disorders [52, 62, 63]. The authors showed treatment effectiveness, and intubation was avoided in >50% of children. Randolph G (2009) Management of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome in children. Erickson S, Schibler A, Numa A et al (2007) Acute lung injury in pediatric intensive care in Australia and New Zealand: A prospective, multicenter, observational study. Dreyfuss D, Saumon G (1998) Ventilator-induced lung injury: lessons from experi- mental studies. Gattinoni L, Caironi P, Cressoni M et al (2006) Lung recruitment in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome. L’Her E, Renault A, Oger E et al (2002) A prospective survey of early 12-h prone positioning effects in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Gattinoni L, Tognoni G, Pesenti A et al (2001) Effect of prone positioning on the survival of patients with acute respiratory failure. Fan E, Mehta S (2005) High-frequency oscillatory ventilation and adjunctive thera- pies: inhaled nitric oxide and prone positioning. Valenza F, Guglielmi M, Maf¿oletti M et al (2005) Prone position delays the pro- gression of ventilator-induced lung injury in rats: does lung strain distribution play a role?

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She states: Health is the capacity for a high level of integrated psychophysiological function- ing treatment 101 generic 60 mg diltiazem fast delivery, which enables the agent to act or respond to situations in a way that promotes the agent’s projects and goals (and that promotes the availability of a wide range of re- sponses in the future) medicine naproxen buy 60 mg diltiazem otc. The psychophysiological capacity to act or respond can be equated with adaptation potential medicine daughter lyrics best buy diltiazem. This sense of wholeness of a person implies … the ability to engage in distinctively human activities. To assess people’s health, one must therefore take into account their abilities to engage in such activities. These abilities are based not only on the people’s biological capacities such as the function of a system of or- gans, organs or cells (12) (p 616). They are also based on whether such abilities and capacities are exercised in ways that serve the interests of the person concerned. In other words, for assessing a person’s abilities to en- gage in human activities, one needs insight in not only recovery of tissue and adaptation of tissue and organs, but also in learning capacities and in processes such as making choices. Rehabilitation as a process reflects a person’s effort to regain this capac- ity for integrated psychophysiological functioning. If this effort is successful, health might be regained (health in Whitbeck’s interpretation). To achieve health in this sense could therefore be considered a justification for rehabilitation as assistance. This view implies that, in the rehabilitation practice, analysis of not only functioning but also adaptation is relevant (13). In section 3, I propose an operationalisation of these concepts, and in sec- tion 4 I illustrate how this operationalisation can be used for explaining change in functioning, individual experience and adaptation. Restoration of function has been contrasted with the medical mod- el, which has the aim of alleviating disease and injury (Granger 1984). Even though function is a fundamental concept in rehabilitation, it is a remarkably elusive term. When referring to physical, emotional, or social functioning, it includes most of life’s activities. This subject in its turn could specify the nature of ‘functioning’ if this subject is a system with an intrinsic way of functioning. Therefore, in the subsections below, I attempt to specify functioning in terms of interaction, subject and purpose, in terms of sys- tems and hierarchy, and in terms of individual experience and adaptation. It is interaction by a specified subject with its environment, geared towards a particular purpose. Yet function and functioning are considered a concrete thing in the field of rehabilitation. This is represented (Figure 1B) by reciprocal influence between functioning on the one hand and person and environment on the other. Figure 1A represents functioning as interaction between a person and his environment. Figure 1B represents functioning as a phenomenon in itself, influenced by characteristics of the person and the environment. The term ‘interaction’ suggests symmetry between the factor person and the factor environment. The term ‘functioning’ however implies asym- metry as the term applies to a subject, a bearer of the function, i. Gait cannot be imple- mented without a surface to walk on, and itself is clearly influenced by the type of surface (= environment). In the next section I propose a more detailed notion of subject and purpose, by referring to systems of functioning, and to a hierarchy of sys- tems. The interaction may change in a predictable way if the characteristics of the person or the environment change. But as I noted before, in the field of rehabilitation not all identified systems have an in- trinsic way of functioning. Brody (15) described a hierarchical organisation of natural systems: subatomic particles – atoms – molecules – cells – tis- sues – organs – systems [of organs] – person – family – community – sub- culture – culture – society – homo sapiens – biosphere. The relevant one in this context is that nat- ural systems maintain themselves in a changing environment.

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So the plant was investigated for the anti-peptic ulcer activity by the previously standardized method using cimetidine medicine z pack discount diltiazem uk. The aqueous extract of air-dried leaves of the plant was found to have a significant anti-ulcerogenic activity against aspirin-induced ulceration in in-vivo rat model (p<0 medications via peg tube purchase diltiazem cheap online. Anti-viral assay of Myanmar traditional medicine used for the treatment of hepatitis B virus symptoms just before giving birth 180 mg diltiazem buy with mastercard. An in vitro study to identify herbal products with potential use for treatment of hepatitis B infection was undertaken. The ethnolic extracts (1mg/ml to 8mg/ml) of Eclipta alba (Kyeik-hman) leaves, Butea monosperma (Pauk-pwint) flowers, and Cassia fistula (Ngu) bark were tested for the presence of antihepatitis B surface antigen like activity. Thus isobutrin and catechin could be identified as active compounds with potential use in the management of hepatitis B infection. Although some clinical data exists on the use of catechin in management of hepatitis B infection, data on the use of Cassia fistula is limited and need to be explored. The main aim of this research was to study the antibacterial activity of Shazaung-tinga-neah which has been reported and used for dysentery in Myanmar indigenous medicines and thus to determine the chemical constituent of active leaf extracts. This research has revealed the specific activity when various extracts of the leaves of Euphorbia milii were tested on a total number of 33 species of bacteria. Flavonoid compounds were analysed from the hydrolysates obtained from the alcoholic extracts of the leaves. In Myanmar, diabetes mellitus can be counted as a single health problem occuring at all ages as reported by various workers. The plant is widely distributed and also cultivated in Myanmar for its edible fruits. Therefore, it was thought that, if it will be worthwhile to investigate and confirm experimentally, whether the fruit grown in Myanmar possess similar hypoglycemic activity. Blood glucose levels of adrenaline-induced diabetic rabbits were determined after oral administration of expressed fruit juice (10ml/kg) which was approximately equivalent to 400mg/kg of the substance singificantly inhibited the hyperglycemic blood glucose level on adrenaline-diabetic rabbits at 2hr. These investigations were performed to study the acute toxicity, phytochemical constituents and hypoglycaemic effect of Azadirachta indica A. The dried tender leaves of neem were extracted with 70% ethnol to get 70% ethnolic extracts of neem leaves. Acute toxicity study was carried out on albino mice (Mus musculus) (ddy strain) of both sexes administered orally. The blood sugar lowering effect of ethnolic extract of Azadirachta indica was studied on adrenaline- induced hyperglycaemic rabbit model. The blood sugar lowering effect of standard drug, glibenclamide was also investigated to compare the hypoglycaemic effect of neem extract with that of the standard drug. This study is to determine phytochemical constituents, acute toxicity and the hypoglycaemic effect. Aqueous extract was extracted from the air dried seeds powder of Cuminum cyminum Linn. Qualitative identification tests of the chemical constituents present in the crude powder and aqueous extract were conducted. Alkaloids, flavonoid, glycoside tannin, steroid, phenol, tannin, saponin and amino acid were present whereas resin triterpine and cyanogenic glycoside were absent in the aqueous extract of dried cumin seeds. Evaluation of hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract 3g/kg bodyweight which was approximately equivalent to 10. It was found that the aqueous extract 3g/kg bodyweight significantly lowered the blood glucose levels at 1hr (p<0. The standard drug glibenclamide (4mg/kg bodyweight) significantly inhibited the adrenaline-induced blood glucose levels 1hr (p<0. The mean blood glucose levels of the test groups administered with aqueous extract of dried cumin seeds and glibenclamide were compared. Kyet-thahin an indigenous Myanmar medicinal plant, whose leaves is being claimed by local people to be effective in jaundice, was identified to be Sauropus albicans Blume. Phytochemically, it consists of flavonoid compound as a major chemical constituents. Botanical and chemical studies on 4 species of the genus Cinnamomum are presented in this investigation.

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In my search for the "self-image" I also had to cross boundaries 7 medications that can cause incontinence order cheap diltiazem on-line, although invisible ones medicine 75 yellow purchase diltiazem 180 mg fast delivery. It is rather strange that the new science of Cybernetics grew out of the work of physicists and mathe- maticians rather than that of psychologists treatment as prevention cheap diltiazem online, especially when it is understood that Cybernetics has to do with tele- ology—goal-striving, goal-oriented behavior of mechani- cal systems. Cybernetics explains "what happens" and "what is necessary" in the purposeful behavior of ma- chines. Psychology, with all its vaunted knowledge of the human psyche, had no satisfactory answer for such a sim- ple goal-oriented, purposeful situation as, for example, how it is possible for a human being to pick up a cigarette from a coffee table and place it in his mouth. The proponents of many psycho- logical theories were somewhat comparable men who speculated as to what was in outer space and on other planets, but could not tell what was in their own back- yards. The new science of Cybernetics made possible an im- portant breakthrough in psychology. The fact that this breakthrough came from the work of physicists and mathematicians should not surprise us. Any new knowledge must usually come from the outside—not from "experts," but from what someone has defined as an "inpert. Yet his findings in mathematics completely turned upside down all the pet theories in physics. How You Can Use This New Knowledge In this book I have attempted not only to inform you of this new knowledge from the field of Cybernetics but also to demonstrate how you can use it in your own life to achieve goals that are important to you. Self-image psychology has not only been proved on its own merits, but it explains many phenomena which have long been known but not properly understood in the past. For example, there is today irrefutable clinical evidence in the fields of individual psychology, psychosomatic medicine and industrial psychology that there are "suc- cess-type personalities" and "failure-type personalities," "happiness-prone personalities" and "unhappiness-prone personalities," and "health-prone personalities" and "dis- ease-prone personalities. It throws new light on "the power of positive think- ing," and more importantly, explains why it "works" with some individuals and not with others. There is an abundance of scientific evidence which shows that the human brain and nervous system operate purposefully in accordance with the known principles of Cybernetics to accomplish goals of the individual. It is also rather ironic that Cybernetics, which began as a study of machines and mechanical principles, goes far to restore the dignity of man as a unique, creative being. The behaviorist, who understood neither the "man" nor his machine, and thereby confused the one with the other, told us that thought is merely the movement of electrons and consciousness merely a chemical action. Cybernetics, which began with the study of physical machines, makes no such mistake. The science of Cybernetics does not tell us that "man" is a machine but that man has and uses a machine. Our present state of self-con- fidence and poise is the result of what we have "experi- enced" rather than what we have learned intellectually. Self-image psychology also bridges the gap and resolves apparent conflicts between the various therapeutic methods used today. It furnishes a common denominator for direct and indirect counselling, clinical psychology, psychoanalysis, and even auto-suggestion. All in one way or another use creative experiencing to build a better self- image. Regardless of theories, this is what really happens, for example, in the "therapeutic situation" employed by the psychoanalytical school: The analyst never criticizes, disapproves, or moralizes, is never shocked, as the patient pours out his fears, his shames, his guilt-feelings and his "bad thoughts. But how can a person draw upon memories of past successful experiences when he has experienced only failure? His plight is somewhat compa- rable to the young man who cannot secure a job because he has no experience, and cannot acquire experience be- cause he cannot get a job. This dilemma was solved by another important dis- covery which, for all practical purposes, allows us to syn- thesize "experience," to literally create experience, and control it, in the laboratory of our minds. Experimental and clinical psychologists have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the human nervous system cannot tell the difference between an "actual" experience and an experi- ence imagined vividly and in detail. Although this may appear to be a rather extravagant statement, in this book we will examine some controlled laboratory experiments where this type of "synthetic" experience has been used in very practical ways to improve skill in dart throwing and shooting basketball goals.

Sigmor, 58 years: The demand for a better de¿nition of professionalism in medicine is a result of signi¿cant changes within our society and a growing need to guarantee improved quality in community-based health care services.

Treslott, 52 years: Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen lysis syndrome in a patient with chronic myelogenous 111(19):2435–7 218 J.

Sulfock, 44 years: Effectiveness of long-term treatment with pantethine in patients with dyslipidemias.

Rufus, 41 years: Journal article in a language other than English with optional original language title included 20.

Ronar, 62 years: D-Penicillamine Copper, mercury, lead, zinc The administration of three to five appropriately six weeks may prove to be the best therapeutic re- sized pieces of grit may help in the removal of metal gime for lead poisoning.

Cobryn, 63 years: There is a growing concern that antibiotic therapy actually promotes recurrent bladder infection by disturbing the bacterial flora of the vagina and by giving rise to antibiotic-resistant strains of E.

Emet, 47 years: The organism parasitizes reticuloendothelial more virulent, presumably because of the high cells, vascular endothelial cells or erythrocytes.

Mazin, 34 years: In order to exclude the infuence of the Strong evidence suggests that consumption of diets high diferenceinintakeoffructose(theprimarypathogenic in fructose results in fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, and insulin factor in the development of the adverse metabolic efects in resistance [10–12].

Hamil, 31 years: Iron Iron deficiency is a common nutritional deficiency state that causes immune dysfunction in large numbers of people, in particular menstruating women, elderly individuals taking aspirin and other drugs that can cause gastrointestinal bleeding due to ulcer formation, and children.

Bandaro, 28 years: Dendritic cells are administered intravenously, localized initially to the lungs and subsequently to the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

Asaru, 23 years: Koppert W, Sittl R, Scheuber K et al (2003) Differential modulation of remifenta- nil-induced analgesia and postinfusion hyperalgesia by S-ketamine and clonidine in humans.

Sibur-Narad, 35 years: This helps explain why consumption of brassica vegetables protects against cancer.

Tarok, 29 years: Williams & Wilkins, xl, 2072 p The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research 54.

Tyler, 45 years: In the European Union, there is now international agreement about the labeling of alcohol content, with the alcohol content of beverages being referred to by the percentage alcohol by volume (percent v/v) (127).

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