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Recently the use of ciprofloxacin for reducing potential for systemic toxicity and alteration prophylaxis protection against anthrax infection has of intestinal flora. In moderate to severe renal dys- bial effect in the urine and are devoid of virtually any function, toxic blood levels may occur while urinary lev- significant systemic effect. The bacteriostatic or bactericidal activity of nitrofuran- toin is concentration dependent; a urinary concentration greater than 100 g/mL ensures bactericidal activity. Methenamine Because nitrofurantoin lacks the broad tissue distribu- Methenamine (hexamethylenetetramine) is an aromatic tion of other antimicrobial agents, urine cultures should acid that is hydrolyzed at an acid pH ( 6) to liberate am- be obtained before and after therapy. Alkalinization of monia and the active alkylating agent formaldehyde, the urine increases urinary concentrations of the drug which denatures protein and is bactericidal. Meth- but decreases its antibacterial efficacy; acidifying agents, enamine is usually administered as a salt of either man- including cranberry juice, can be useful. Not Nitrofurazone, a topical antibiotic, is occasionally only do these acids acidify the urine, which is necessary to used in the treatment of burns or skin grafts in which generate formaldehyde, but also, the resulting low urine bacterial contamination may cause tissue rejection. Methenamine is administered orally and is well ab- Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions sorbed from the intestinal tract. However, 10 to 30% Nausea and vomiting are the most commonly observed decomposes in the stomach unless the tablets are adverse effects. The inactive form can result in chronic morbidity, usually after therapy (methenamine) is distributed to virtually every body lasting at least 6 months. Reso- into the urine by 24 hours, having reached the urine by lution may not occur with discontinuation of therapy; both glomerular filtration and tubular secretion. It (especially at the base of the lung) and/or effusions may should be used to maintain sterile urine after appropri- develop but are usually reversible when the drug is ate antimicrobial agents have been employed to eradi- stopped; fever is a common finding. The mandelic salt can crystallize in urine if nitrofurantoin develops pulmonary symptoms, a suspi- there is inadequate urine flow and should not be given cion of drug-associated toxicity must be entertained. Patients with preexisting Intrahepatic cholestasis and hepatitis similar to that hepatic insufficiency may develop acute hepatic failure seen in chronic active hepatitis can rarely occur; fatali- due to the small quantities of ammonia formed during ties have been reported. Which of the following produces a nosed with a ciprofloxacin-resistant Pseudomonas bacteriostatic urinary environment for P. Which of the following mechanisms (D) Inhibition of synthesis of peptidoglycan sub- is involved in sulfonamide-induced kernicterus? Nitrofurantoin (A) is a urinary antiseptic agent tal red blood mass active against many of the Enterobacteriaceae. Which of the following is the roquinolones are known for their antipseudomonal basic mechanism of action of the sulfonamides? Formaldehyde denatures (C) Inhibition of transpeptidation reaction in bac- proteins and is bactericidal. Proteus species produce urease (A) that pro- (E) Structural changes in dihydropteroate synthase duces ammonia and urea, alkalizing urine. Evaluation of a yearly chest radiograph of a 73- (B), mandelic, or ascorbic acids or methionine are year-old patient taking nitrofurantoin prophylacti- urinary acidifying agents. The catalase test differentiates Staphylococci (2) chronic progressive bilateral interstitial fibrosis; from Streptococci. Humans cannot syn- patients who are taking chronic prophylaxis, but his thesize folic acid, which must be obtained from the examination produced benign findings. A coagulase enzyme (E) is produced by munity-acquired streptococcal pneumonia (D) Staphylococcus aureus. Physiological port of drug out of the cell has been described for jaundice (C) usually occurs in the newborn within a quinolone resistance, but it is not plasmid mediated. It is due to the immature fetal acetyl- Inhibition of structural blocks (D) in bacterial cell transferase system resulting in peripheral destruc- wall synthesis is a basic mechanism of action of - tion of a large fetal red cell mass. Inhibition of folic acid synthesis hepatic congestion (D), cholestasis, and acute chole- (E) by blocking different steps is the basic mecha- cystitis are seen in pregnant women, not in the new- nism of action of sulfonamides.

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However, unlike drug prod- Niacin has been used clinically to lower serum cho- ucts, vitamins are not reviewed by the U. It is used as adjunctive Drug Administration before formulations appear on therapy in patients with hyperlipidemia. Vitamins are considered to be dietary sup- drugs of first choice for patients who do not respond ad- plements under the Dietary Supplement Health and equately to diet and weight loss. Vitamins and other dietary supplements are not permitted to be marketed as a Miscellaneous Uses treatment or cure for a specific disease or condition un- less the vitamin is approved as a drug for that purpose. Vitamin K supplements are given to neonates until This may make it difficult for patients to assess the need normal intestinal bacteria that are capable of producing for vitamin supplementation. Legitimate clinical research is being conducted with Folic acid supplements are given to pregnant women vitamins in many areas including heart disease, ophthal- to decrease the risk of neural tube defects such as spina mological disease, neurocognitive function, and derma- bifida. It is important for physicians to be concentrations of folic acid must be dispensed under a aware of scientific information that either supports or health care worker’s guidance because high folate in- refutes a role for vitamins in the maintenance of health takes can mask the symptoms of pernicious anemia. A study of the vitamins in neurocognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that vitamins play a role in the Cancer prevention of these diseases. Vitamin A can suppress many chemically induced tu- Clinical trials have also been conducted to study the mors in the laboratory. However, the use of The Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group vitamin A supplementation is not advised because of the recommends supplements of zinc and antioxidants for toxicities produced by large amounts of this vitamin. Although vitamins are not al- ways thought of as being drugs, these nutrients can in- Vitamin B Complex teract with drugs and result in a variety of effects. Vitamin–drug interactions can produce either a de- Many drugs interact with folate to affect its absorption, crease or an increase in the effectiveness of the drug; antagonize its biochemical activity, or increase its loss conversely, the intake of drugs can affect the disposi- from the body. Salicylates can compete with laxatives and cholestyramine, can produce vitamin mal- folic acid for plasma protein binding. Methotrexate, a absorption or fecal nutritional loss, resulting in drug-in- cytotoxic agent, is a folate antagonist that inhibits the duced nutrient depletion and hypovitaminosis. Cycloserine, Vitamin A absorption from the small intestine requires an antitubercular drug, and penicillamine, a chelating dietary fat and pancreatic lipase to break down retinyl agent, inactivate the coenzyme. Steroid hormones, such as esters and bile salts to promote the uptake of retinol those in oral contraceptive preparations, compete with and carotene. Pyridoxine can decrease the efficacy of lev- cholestyramine, that can modify lipid absorption from odopa, an antiparkinsonian drug, by stimulating the de- the gastrointestinal tract can impair vitamin A absorp- carboxylation of dopa to dopamine in peripheral tissues. The use of oral contraceptives can significantly in- Phenobarbital and phenytoin serum levels may be de- crease plasma vitamin A levels. Since alcohol dehydrogenase is required for the con- Four groups of drugs have been shown to affect the version of retinol to retinal, excessive and prolonged absorption of vitamin B12. These include the oral hypo- ethanol ingestion can impair the physiological function glycemic biguanides, colchicine, ethanol, and aminosali- of vitamin A. Night blindness may result, since the visual cy- the use of isonicotinic acid hydrazide, which interferes cle is a retinol-dependent physiological process. Admin- istration of ethanol or the antimetabolites 6-mercaptop- Vitamin D urine and 5-fluorouracil also may lead to niacin defi- ciency. The uricosuric effects of sulfinpyrazone and Laxatives and agents that bind bile salts inhibit the gas- probenecid may be inhibited by nicotinic acid. The glucocorti- Drugs that increase intestinal motility or induce di- coids in high dosages may interfere with the hepatic me- arrhea may decrease riboflavin absorption.


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Bifunctional alkylating agents, Lymphopenia and immunosuppression may lead to ac- such as the nitrogen mustards, may form cova- tivation of latent herpes zoster infections, especially in lent bonds with each of two adjacent guanine patients with lymphomas. Alkylating at N7 changes agent, care should be taken to avoid extravasation into the O6 of guanine to its enol tautomer, which subcutaneous tissues or even spillage onto the skin. This Reproductive toxicity includes amenorrhea and inhibi- may lead to gene miscoding, with adenine– tion of oogenesis and spermatogenesis. The premenopausal women and almost all men treated for 6 result is the production of defective proteins. The drug is teratogenic and carcino- age of the imidazole ring and excision of the genic in experimental animals. Cyclophosphamide Although all alkylating agents can cause the kinds of Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) is the most versatile and genetic damage just discussed, individual drugs differ useful of the nitrogen mustards. Preclinical testing from one another in their electrophilic reactivity, the showed it to have a favorable therapeutic index and to structure of their reactive intermediates, and their phar- possess the broadest spectrum of antitumor activity of macokinetic properties. As with the other nitrogen mus- flected in the spectrum of their antitumor activities and tards, cyclophosphamide administration results in the in the toxicities they produce in normal tissues. Cyclophosphamide Nitrogen Mustards must be activated metabolically by microsomal en- Mechlorethamine zymes of the cytochrome P450 system before ioniza- Mechlorethamine (nitrogen mustard; Mustargen), a de- tion of the chloride atoms and formation of the cyclic rivative of the war gas sulfur mustard, is considered to ethylenimmonium ion can occur. In the early 1940s it phosphoramide mustard and acrolein are thought to be was discovered to be effective in the treatment of hu- the ultimate active cytotoxic moiety derived from man lymphomas. Mechlorethamine in aqueous solution loses a chlo- Cyclophosphamide can be given orally, intramuscu- ride atom and forms a cyclic ethylenimmonium ion. The plasma half-life of intact cy- carbonium ion interacts with nucleophilic groups, such clophosphamide is 6. Although there is great variation the alkylating metabolites are bound to plasma pro- among normal and tumor tissues in their sensitivity to teins. Since cyclophosphamide and its metabolites are mechlorethamine, the drug is generally more toxic to eliminated primarily by the kidneys, renal failure will proliferating cells than to resting or plateau cells. Mechlorethamine has a chemical and biological half-life Cyclophosphamide has a wide spectrum of antitu- in plasma of less than 10 minutes after intravenous in- mor activity. High dosages of in- men (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, pred- travenously administered cyclophosphamide are often nisone; see Chapter 55). Other less reactive nitrogen curative in Burkitt’s lymphoma, a childhood malignancy mustards are now preferred for the treatment of non- with a very fast growth rate. Oral daily dosages are use- Hodgkin’s lymphomas, leukemias, and various solid ful for less aggressive tumors, such as nodular lym- tumors. Cyclophosphamide in combination may pro- Melphalan duce complete remissions in some patients with ovarian Melphalan (Alkeran) is an amino acid derivative of cancer and oat cell (small cell) lung cancer. Other tu- mechlorethamine that possesses the same general spec- mors in which beneficial results have been reported in- trum of antitumor activity as do the other nitrogen mus- clude non–oat cell lung cancers, various sarcomas, neu- tards. However, the bioavailability of the oral prepara- roblastoma, and carcinomas of the testes, cervix, and tion is quite variable (25–90%) from one patient to bladder. Because it does not produce alopecia, cells more than platelets is the major dose-limiting tox- melphalan is occasionally substituted for cyclophos- icity. Cyclophos- does cyclophosphamide; however, its bone marrow sup- phamide reduces the number of circulating lympho- pression tends to be more prolonged and affects both cytes and impairs the function of both humoral and white cells and platelets. Rarely, fibro- Chlorambucil (Leukeran) is an aromatic nitrogen mus- sis and a permanently decreased bladder capacity may tard that is intermediate in chemical reactivity between ensue. Chlorambucil shares the immuno- suppressive, teratogenic, and carcinogenic properties of Ifosfamide the nitrogen mustards. Ifosfamide (Ifex) is an analogue of cyclophosphamide that requires metabolic activation to form 4-hydroxy- Nitrosoureas ifosfamide.

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Conversely prescription pain medication for shingles buy benemid once a day, increases in extracellular potassium depolarize the membrane potential and favor the inactivated state neck pain treatment physiotherapy purchase on line benemid, enhancing the effect of local anesthetics pain treatment ovarian cyst cheap 500mg benemid free shipping. Other effects—Currently used local anesthetics bind to the sodium channel with low affinity and poor specificity, and there are multiple other sites for which their affinity is nearly the same as that for sodium channel binding. The role that such ancillary effects play in3 achievement of local anesthesia appears to be important but is poorly understood. Further, interactions with these other sites are likely the basis for numerous differences between the local anesthetics with respect to anesthetic effects (eg, differential block) and toxicities that do not parallel anesthetic potency, and thus are not adequately accounted for solely by blockade of the voltage-gated sodium channel. The actions of circulating local anesthetics at such diverse sites exert a multitude of effects, some of which go beyond pain control, including some that are also potentially beneficial. For example, there is evidence to suggest that the blunting of the stress response and improvements in perioperative outcome that may occur with epidural anesthesia derive in part from an action of the anesthetic beyond its sodium channel block. Circulating anesthetics also demonstrate antithrombotic effects having an impact on coagulation, platelet aggregation, and the microcirculation, as well as modulation of inflammation. Structure-Activity Characteristics of Local Anesthetics The smaller and more highly lipophilic local anesthetics have a faster rate of interaction with the sodium channel receptor. Lidocaine, procaine, and mepivacaine are more water soluble than tetracaine, bupivacaine, and ropivacaine. These long-acting local anesthetics also bind more extensively to proteins and can be displaced from these binding sites by other protein-bound drugs. In the case of optically active agents (eg, bupivacaine), the R(+) isomer can usually be shown to be slightly more potent than the S(–) isomer (levobupivacaine). Differential block—Since local anesthetics are capable of blocking all nerves, their actions are not limited to the desired loss of sensation from sites of noxious (painful) stimuli. With central neuraxial techniques (spinal or epidural), motor paralysis may impair respiratory activity, and autonomic nerve blockade may promote hypotension. Further, while motor paralysis may be desirable during surgery, it may be a disadvantage in other settings. For example, motor weakness occurring as a consequence of epidural anesthesia during obstetrical labor may limit the ability of the patient to bear down (ie, “push”) during delivery. Similarly, when used for postoperative analgesia, weakness may hamper ability to ambulate without assistance and pose a risk of falling, while residual autonomic blockade may interfere with bladder function, resulting in urinary retention and the need for bladder catheterization. These issues are particularly problematic in the setting of ambulatory (same-day) surgery, which represents an ever-increasing percentage of surgical caseloads. Intrinsic susceptibility of nerve fibers—Nerve fibers differ significantly in their susceptibility to local anesthetic blockade. It has been traditionally taught, and still often cited, that local anesthetics preferentially block smaller diameter fibers first because the distance over which such fibers can passively propagate an electrical impulse is shorter. However, a variable proportion of large fibers are blocked prior to the disappearance of the small fiber component of the compound action potential. For example, preganglionic B fibers are blocked before the smaller unmyelinated C fibers involved in pain transmission (Table 26–3). Another important factor underlying differential block derives from the state- and use-dependent mechanism of action of local anesthetics. As type A delta and C fibers participate in high-frequency pain transmission, this characteristic may favor blockade of these fibers earlier and with lower concentrations of local anesthetics. The potential impact of such effects mandates cautious interpretation of non-physiologic experiments evaluating intrinsic susceptibility of nerves to conduction block by local anesthetics. Anatomic arrangement—In addition to the effect of intrinsic vulnerability to local anesthetic block, the anatomic organization of the peripheral nerve bundle may impact the onset and susceptibility of its components. As one would predict based on the necessity of having proximal sensory fibers join the nerve trunk last, the core will contain sensory fibers innervating the most distal sites. Anesthetic placed outside the nerve bundle will thus reach and anesthetize the proximal fibers located at the outer portion of the bundle first, and sensory block will occur in sequence from proximal to distal. The usual routes of administration include topical application (eg, nasal mucosa, wound [incision site] margins), injection in the vicinity of peripheral nerve endings (perineural infiltration) and major nerve trunks (blocks), and injection into the epidural or subarachnoid spaces surrounding the spinal cord (Figure 26–4). A caudal block is a specific type of epidural block in which a needle is inserted into the caudal canal via the sacral hiatus. Finally, injection into cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid (intrathecal) space is referred to as a spinal block. Clinical Block Characteristics In clinical practice, there is generally an orderly evolution of block components beginning with sympathetic transmission and progressing to temperature, pain, light touch, and finally motor block. This is most readily appreciated during onset of spinal anesthesia, where a spatial discrepancy can be detected in modalities, the most vulnerable components achieving greater dermatomal (cephalad) spread.

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A single daily dose is available 35 J Venn (1834–1923), an English logician who ‘adopted the for most antihypertensive drugs, where necessary by using diagrammatic method of illustrating propositions by inclusive and sustained-release formulations. For this ‘malignant’ hypertension because the lack of treatment her- alded death within a year of diagnosis. It is characterised reason they are probably best avoided in women of child- pathologically by fibrinoid necrosis of the small arteries. Unless contraindicated, the best treatment for ting (eclampsia), a major cause of mortality in mother all circles in the Venn diagram is b-blockade, e. A theoretically preferable, but often impractical, alterna- Additionally, if a woman has one fit (treat with diazepam), tive is intravenous infusion of the vasodilator, nitroprus- then the magnesium regimen is superior to diazepam or phenytoin in preventing further fits. In dissecting aneurysm, vasodilators should not be used unless patients are first b-blocked, be- Aspirin, in low dose, was reported in early studies to re- cause any increase in the rate of rise of the pulse stroke is duce the incidence of pre-eclampsia in at-risk patients, but undesirable. Conse- treating all patients within the three circles (except asth- quently, it is not routinely recommended. That said, it is not the most effective therapy and should be combined with a long-acting formulation of nifedipine, Unwanted interactions with orally, where further blood pressure reduction is required. The following are general examples for this Oral maintenance treatment for severe hypertension diverse group of drugs. There is a lack of tenuate the antihypertensive effect of b-adrenoceptor good clinical trial evidence on which to base recommen- blockers and of diuretics, perhaps by inhibiting the synthe- dations. This effect can also without obvious harm to the fetus and methyldopa is be important when a diuretic is used for severe left ventric- still the drug of choice for many obstetricians. Ciprofloxacin and cimetidine in- emergency reduction of blood pressure in late pregnancy, hibit hepatic metabolism of lipid-soluble b-adrenoceptor preferably in combination with a b-blocker to avoid blockers, e. Clearly, the older tensive therapy should not be routinely altered before sur- patient with coronary heart disease should aspire cau- gery, although it obviously can complicate care both during tiously to the haemodynamic heights attainable in youth. But patients taking a b-blocker long term All drugs that interfere with sympathetic autonomic activity for angina prophylaxis have shown reductions in peak can potentially interfere with male sexual function, heart rate during coitus from 122 to 82 beats/min. Nevertheless, placebo-controlled trials eryl trinitrate or isosorbide dinitrate as usual for pre- have emphasised how common a symptom this is in the exertional prophylaxis 10 min before intercourse. But they untreated male population (sometimes approaching should be aware of the potentially fatal interaction of sildenafil 20–30%). If symptoms persist with these • b-Blockade, which acts mainly through reduced drugs other causes should be sought. Sildenafil (Viagra) can cardiac output, and calcium channel blockade, be used safely in patients receiving any of the commonly acting by selective arterial dilatation, may be used in used antihypertensive drugs. Normal sexual intercourse with orgasm is accompanied by • Other important steps in secondary prevention transient but brisk physiological changes, e. When the healthy (with hypertension, angina pectoris or after myo- condition is secondary to hypoxia accompanying chronic cardial infarction). Sudden deaths do occur during or obstructive pulmonary disease, long-term oxygen therapy 418 Arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and heart failure Chapter | 24 | improves symptoms and prognosis; anticoagulation is es- tremor or sweating) is useful in alerting the physician to sential when the cause is multiple pulmonary emboli. This is because stimulation of the vasodilator The prostanoid formulations have the limitations of a short b2 receptor in resistance arteries attenuates the rise in dia- half-life and a heterogeneous response to therapy. Evidence stolic pressure, and vagal activation is insufficient then to suggests that endothelin, a powerful endogenous vasocon- oppose the chronotropic effect of combined b1 and b2 strictor, may play a pathogenic role; antagonists, bosentan, receptor stimulation in the heart. Only tadalafil has been shown to (from noradrenaline/norepinephrine) and metanephrine improve survival, although in a comparison of the three (from adrenaline/epinephrine) in blood or 24-h urine. Heart cause the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase is present and lung transplantation is recommended for younger in phaeochromocytoma but not sympathetic nerve end- patients.

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Among patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices who have not previously had an episode of variceal hemorrhage pain treatment cheap benemid 500mg visa, the incidence of bleeding among patients treated with nonselective β blockers is 15% compared with 25% in control groups pain treatment devices order 500mg benemid. Among patients with a history of variceal hemorrhage pain treatment in osteoarthritis purchase benemid once a day, the likelihood of recurrent hemorrhage is 80% within 2 years. Nonselective β blockers significantly reduce the rate of recurrent bleeding, although a reduction in mortality is unproved. Chen J et al: Pharmacodynamic impacts of proton pump inhibitors on the efficacy of clopidogrel in vivo—A systematic review. Kate V et al: Sequential therapy versus standard triple-drug therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication: A systematic review of recent evidence. Medlock S et al: Co-prescription of gastroprotective agents and their efficacy in elderly patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: A systematic review of observational studies. Neumann I et al: Comparison of different regimens of proton pump inhibitors for acute peptic ulcer bleeding. Schey R et al: Lubiprostone for the treatment of adults with constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Antiemetic Agents Basch E et al: Antiemetics: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline update. Kornbluth A et al: Ulcerative colitis guidelines in adults: American College of Gastroenterology, Practice Parameters Committee. Bile Acids for Gallstone Therapy Hempfling W, Dilger K, Beuers U: Systematic review: Ursodeoxycholic acid—Adverse effects and drug interactions. Equally important goals are to reduce the intestinal inflammation in hopes of preventing progression to intestinal stenosis, fistulization, and need for surgery. One option now is to step up her therapy by giving her a slow, tapering course of systemic corticosteroids (eg, prednisone) for 8–12 weeks in order to quickly bring her symptoms and inflammation under control while also initiating therapy with an immunomodulator (eg, azathioprine or mercaptopurine) in hopes of achieving long-term disease remission. His current medications include metoprolol succinate 50 mg daily, lisinopril 20 mg daily, atorvastatin 20 mg daily, furosemide 40 mg daily, and potassium chloride 20 mEq daily. His vital signs include the following: afebrile, blood pressure 172/94 mm Hg, pulse 84 bpm, respiratory rate 16/min. On physical examination an S gallop3 is heard; 3+ pitting edema is noted in his lower extremities, and a chest examination reveals inspiratory rales bilaterally. This category does not include supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbals, and botanicals), which are subject to different regulatory requirements (see Chapter 64). They are made different from one another by the addition of questionable ingredients such as caffeine or antihistamines; by brand names chosen to suggest a specific use or strength (“women’s,” “migraine,” “arthritis,” “maximum”); or by special dosage formulations (enteric-coated tablets, geltabs, liquids, orally disintegrating strips and tablets, sustained-release products, powders, seltzers). There is a price attached to all of these features, and in most cases a less expensive generic product can be equally effective. It is probably safe to assume that the public is generally overwhelmed and confused by the wide array of products presented and will probably use those that are most heavily advertised. The nonprescription drug advisory committee believed that diagnosis and ongoing management by a health care professional was necessary for the management of hyperlipidemia, a chronic, asymptomatic condition with potentially life-threatening consequences. Dextromethorphan, an antitussive found in many cough and cold preparations, has been increasingly abused in high doses (eg, > 5–10 times the recommended antitussive dose) by adolescents as a hallucinogen. Although severe complications associated with dextromethorphan as a single agent in overdose are uncommon, many dextromethorphan-containing products are formulated with other ingredients (acetaminophen, antihistamines, and sympathomimetics) that can be fatal in overdose. The selection of one ingredient over another may be important in patients with certain medical conditions or in patients taking other medications. The recommendations listed inTable 63–2 are based on the efficacy of the ingredients and on the principles set forth in the following paragraphs. Although some combination products contain effective doses of all ingredients, others contain therapeutic doses of some ingredients and subtherapeutic doses of others. Furthermore, there may be differing durations of action among the ingredients, and there is always a possibility that the clinician or patient is unaware of the presence of certain active ingredients in the product. Acetaminophen, for example, is in many cough and cold preparations; a patient unaware of this may take separate doses of analgesic in addition to that contained in the cold preparation, potentially leading to hepatotoxicity. Consumers and providers should carefully read the “Drug Facts” label to determine which ingredients are appropriate based on the patient’s symptoms, underlying health conditions, and whatever is known about the medications the patient is already taking.

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The three 4 major distinct dopaminergic systems in the mammalian brain are categorized according to the lengths of the T 7 T neurons. The important in the regulation of various hypothalamohy- steps are depicted for a typical neurotransmitter (T). Some pophysial functions, including prolactin release from the neurotransmitters do not follow this scheme. The best-categorized of the dopamine action potential; site 2, synthesis of T from T ; site 3, neuronal systems are the long projections from nuclei in storage of T in vesicles; site 4, release of T in response to the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental areas to the the action potential; site 5, binding of T to receptor; site 6, limbic cortex; other limbic structures, including the intracellular response to action of T at site 5; site 7, amygdaloid complex and piriform cortex; and the neo- reuptake of T across neuronal membrane; site 8, striatum (primarily the caudate and putamen). In general, dopamine appears to be an in- function continually to slow the number of action po- hibitory neurotransmitter. The effects of stimulating an excita- have been identified; the most important and best stud- tory pathway can appear to be exaggerated if normal in- ied are the D1-and D2-receptor groups. While a de- nucleus locus ceruleus of the pons and in neurons of tailed discussion of the various central neurotransmit- the reticular formation. Fibers from these nuclei inner- ters and the criteria for their identification is beyond the vate a large number of cortical, subcortical, and spino- scope of this text, a summary of the most important medullary fields. Serotonin is initially oxidatively deami- nated to form 5-hydroxyindoleacetaldehyde; this com- Epinephrine pound is subsequently rapidly oxidized to the major metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, which is excreted Epinephrine is found only in very low concentrations in in the urine. In humans, about specifically in the raphe nuclei; considerable amounts 90% of the total serotonin in the body is in enterochro- also are present in areas of the hypothalamus, the lim- maffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract; the remaining bic system, and the pituitary gland. The dicates that serotonin is involved in the regulation of physiological significance of the vast amounts of sero- several aspects of behavior, including sleep, pain per- tonin constantly synthesized and metabolized in the pe- ception, depression, sexual activity, and aggressiveness. Brain serotonin has been Some of the most important antidepressant agents are implicated as a potential neurotransmitter in the media- believed to prevent the reuptake of serotonin (see tion of a wide variety of phenomena (see Actions). Serotonin also may be involved in temper- ature regulation and in the hypothalamic control of the Synthesis and Fate release of pituitary hormones. Dietary tryptophan is the source of the formation of In addition to its presumed role as a neurotransmit- serotonin. Enzymes and cofactors necessary for sero- ter within the brain, serotonin is synthesized in the tonin synthesis are present in both the enterochromaf- pineal gland, where it is a precursor for the synthesis of fin cells of the gastrointestinal tract and neurons in the melatonin, a hormone that influences endocrine activ- brain. Decarboxylation of the latter com- The mammalian brain appears to have an abun- pound results in the formation of serotonin (Fig. The ionotropic receptors di- primarily to chloride ions, causing hyperpolarization of rectly gate ion channels, while the metabotropic recep- the neuron. Distribution of histamine, The names of the agents can be terribly misleading its synthetic enzyme (histidine decarboxylase), and to the beginning student. Possible roles for histamine in the regulation of food and water intake, thermoregulation, hormone release, and sleep have been suggested. Amino Acids Other Possible Amino Acid Neurotransmitters Receptor Designation Function Several additional amino acids are considered to be Ionotropic Produces excitation by increasing neurotransmitter candidates. No available drugs are known to act via Kainate Specific distribution, similar phar- these amino acids. Many of the neuroactive peptides exist as families of chemically related compounds or oc- The first neuropeptide to be isolated and characterized cur within larger precursor molecules (or propeptides). Although this 11–amino acid However, several forms may be “active,” and several peptide (undecapeptide) has been known for more than slightly different structures may confer subtle changes 60 years, its exact physiological role is still not clear. Substance P can directly depolarize More than two dozen peptides are being studied as motor neurons in a manner analogous to that of other probable central neurotransmitters, and likely many excitatory neurotransmitters.

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The frontal sinuses: on each side of the midline, just above the Hyoglossus: from the greater horn of the hyoid bone. The ethmoidal sinuses: in the body of the ethmoid bone and there- Styloglossus: from the styloid process. Genioglossus is especially important as it is inserted along the whole The sphenoidal sinus: inside the body of the sphenoid. Drains into the inferior Sensory: anterior two-thirds by the lingual nerve; taste fibres travel meatus. The mouth, palate and nose 147 67 The face and scalp Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis Temporalis Orbicularis oculi Zygomaticus major Zygomaticus minor Levator labii superioris (elevator of the upper lip) Buccinator Levator anguli oris (elevator of the angle of the mouth) Orbicularis oris Outline of parotid (salivary) gland Masseter Depressor anguli oris (depressor of the angle of the mouth) Depressor labii inferioris (depressor of the lower lip) Fig. They are all sup- has an orbital part which surrounds the eye as a sphincter and closes the plied by the mandibular division of the trigeminal (p. They have only one attachment to bone, or sometimes no attach- to keep the cheeks in contact with the gums so that food does not collect ment at all, the other end of the muscle being inserted into skin or in this region. It The facial nerve: having left the stylomastoid foramen, the facial extends deeply to come into contact with the pharynx and posteriorly it nerve enters the parotid and divides into frontal, zygomatic, buccal, is moulded around the mastoid process and sternomastoid. The whole gland is enclosed in dense fascia so mandibular branch lies below the mandible for part of its course so that that swelling of the gland, as in mumps for instance, is very painful. Lesions of the facial nerve, for example superficial to deep: the facial nerve, the retromandibular vein (the by tumours of the parotid, cause unilateral drooping of the face with beginning of the external jugular) and the external carotid artery, with loss of the normal skin creases, and it can be shown up by asking the its maxillary and superficial temporal branches. The face and scalp 149 Supraorbital artery and nerve Temporal branch Supratrochlear artery Zygomatic branch Facial artery Superficial Infraorbital nerve temporal artery Facial vein Parotid duct Labial branches Lesser occipital nerve Buccal branch Greater auricular nerve Mental nerve Posterior auricular vein Marginal mandibular branch Retromandibular vein Cervical branch Fig. It has a fibres of the palpebral part of the orbicularis oculi, some loose areolar tortuous course, passes close to the corner of the mouth and then along- tissue and skin. Partly embedded in the deep surface of the tarsal plates side the nose to end near the medial angle of the eye. It anastomoses are the tarsal (Meibomian) glands which open onto the edge of the eye- freely across the midline and with other arteries on the face. The facial vein: follows a straighter path than the artery and anasto- The lacrimal gland: is in the upper lateral part of the orbit, lying in a moses at the medial angle of the eye with the ophthalmic veins and thus shallow hollow in the bone. This is a possible route for infection to travel the superior fornix of the conjunctiva and thence across the eye to the from the face to the sinus. From here the tears pass into the lacrimal puncta, two minute openings in the upper and lower eyelids, and thence The eye into the lacrimal sac lying in a groove in the lacrimal bone. This drains The conjunctiva: covers the surface of the eye and is reflected onto the tears into the nasolacrimal duct which opens into the inferior mea- the inner surface of the eyelids, the angle of reflection forming the tus of the nose. The conjunctiva over the surface of the eye is thin so that a conjunctival haemorrhage is bright red as the blood remains fully oxygenated. Aponeurosis (epicranial): this is a tough sheet of dense connective tissue into which are inserted the occipital and frontal bellies of the Emissary veins occipitofrontalis muscle. Small veins that pass through the skull and unite the veins of the scalp Loose areolar tissue: this forms a plane of cleavage in head injuries with the intracranial veins. The face and scalp 151 68 The cranial cavity Cerebral veins Falx cerebri Tentorium cerebelli Endothelium of superior sagittal sinus Diaphragma sellae Emissary vein Fibrous dura Serous dura Fig. The cere- also forms two large sheetsathe falx cerebri and the tentorium cere- brospinal fluid is produced in the choroid plexuses of the lateral, 3rd belli (see below). The subarachnoid space contains the cerebrospinal between the arachnoid and pia and serves to protect the brain and spinal fluid. It tapers to a point anteriorly but pos- which forms a roof over the pituitary fossa and the pituitary gland. Veins from the cerebral hemispheres drain into the superior The cavernous sinus lies on either side of the pituitary fossa and the sagittal sinus or into diverticula from it, the lacunae laterales.

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The dome of the diaphragm on the right can reach • the pubic tubercle, anterior superior iliac spine, and iliac as high as the fourth costal cartilage during forced crest below (Fig. The inguinal canal and superfcial ringare larger in How to fnd the superfcial inguinal ring men than in women: The superfcial inguinal ring is an elongate triangular defect in the aponeurosis of the external oblique (Fig. It lies in the lower medial aspect of the anterior the testis pass through the inguinal canal and superf­ abdominal wall and is the external opening of the inguinal cial inguinal ring. The pulse of the femoral artery can be felt in throughthe inguinal canal and superfcial inguinal ring the same position but below the inguinal ligament. Because the superfcial inguinal ring is the site where inguinal hernias appear, particularly in men, the ring and The superfcial inguinal ring is superior to the pubic related parts of the inguinal canal are often evaluated crest and tubercle and to the medial end of the inguinal during physical examination. The approximate the spermatic cord is continuous with the margins of positions of the lumbar vertebrae can be established using the superfcial inguinal ring. The inferior major viscera margin of the liver can be palpated descending below the The abdomen can be divided into quadrants by a vertical right costal margin when a patient is asked to inhale deeply. A common surface projection of the appendix is • The stomach and spleen are in the lef upper quadrant. The abdomen can be divided into nineregions by a midcla­ vicular sagittal plane on each side and by the subcostal Pain from the abdominal part of the foregut is referred and intertubercular planes, which pass through the to the epigastric region, pain from the midgut is referred to body transversely {Fig. These planes separate the the umbilical region, and pain from the hindgut is referred abdomen into: to the pubic region. Epigastric region -referred pain from foregut Subcostal plane Umbilical -referred pain from midgut Pubic region -referred pain from hindgut Fig. The kidneys project onto the back on either side of the The ureters descend vertically anterior to the tips of the midline and are related to the lower ribs (Fig. A 45-year-old man had mild epigastric pain, and a In any patient who has had severe blunt abdominal diagnosis of esophageal refux was made. He was trauma (such as thatcaused bya motorcycle accident), given appropriate medication, which worked well. The patient gradually developed a hernia through which bowel could He was extremely pleased with the treatment he had enter, producing the "hump" on the diaphragm seen on been given for his gastroesophageal reflux, but was the chest radiograph. During the interview, he revealed that he Because this injury occurred many years ago and the had previously been involved in a motorcycle accident patient has been asymptomatic, it is unlikelythatthe and had undergone a laparotomy for a "rupture. When veins are so prominent, it usually implies that there A medical student was asked to inspect the abdomen is an obstruction to the normal route of venous drainage of two patients. On the second from the lower limbs and the retroperitoneal organs patient he noted irregular veins, coursing in a caudal drains into the inferior vena cava and from here to the to cranial direction, overthe anterior abdominal wall right atrium of the heart. He was asked toexplain thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, preventing blood his fndings and determine the signifcance of these from returning to the heart by the "usual" route. Blood from the lower limbs and the pelvis may drain via In the frst patient the veins were draining radially away a series of collateral vessels, some of which include from the periumbilical region. In normal individuals, the superfcial inferior epigastric veins, which run in the enlarged veins do not radiate from the umbilicus. These anastomose with the superior, patients with portal hypertension the portal venous superfcial, and deep epigastric venous systems to drain pressure is increased as a result of hepatic disease. Small into the internal thoracic veins,which in turn drain into collateral veins develop at and around the obliterated the brachiocephalic veins and the superior vena cava. These veins pass through the umbilicus and drain onto the anterior abdominal wall, forming a Afer the initial inferior vena cava thrombosis, the veins portosystemic anastomosis. The eventual diagnosis for of the anterior abdominal wall and othercollateral this patient was cirrhosis of the liver. Importantly, because A 55-year-old man developed severe jaundice and some liver products are blood-clotting factors involved in a massively distended abdomen. A diagnosis of the clotting cascade, the blood-clotting ability of patients cirrhosis of the liver was made, and further with severe liver disease is signifcantly impaired. These confrmatory tests demonstrated that the patient patients therefore have a high risk of bleeding.

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Assuming that safer alternatives to metformin or rapamycin can be found regional pain treatment center cheap benemid 500 mg buy line, should everyone over the age of 40 or 60 years take such a drug? Few would maintain that a simple increase in the years of life—life span—is desirable unless accompanied by an increase in the years of healthy life—“health span pain after treatment for uti purchase benemid without a prescription. Among these changes are the increased incidence with advancing age of several simultaneous diseases pain treatment after root canal cheap 500mg benemid overnight delivery, nutritional problems, reduced financial resources, and—in some patients—decreased dosing adherence (also called compliance) for a variety of reasons. The health practitioner should be aware of the changes in pharmacologic responses that may occur in older people and should know how to deal with these changes. As shown in Figure 60–1, there is no “middle-age plateau” but rather a linear decrease beginning no later than age 45. However, these data reflect the mean and do not apply to every person above a certain age; approximately one third of healthy subjects have no age-related decrease in, for example, creatinine clearance up to the age of 75. Thus, the elderly do not lose specific functions at an accelerated rate compared with young and middle-aged adults but rather accumulate more deficiencies with the passage of time. For the pharmacologist and the clinician, the most important of these is the decrease in renal function. Other changes and concurrent diseases may alter the pharmacodynamic characteristics of particular drugs in certain patients. Such conditions include altered nutritional habits, greater consumption of nonprescription drugs (eg, antacids and laxatives), and changes in gastric emptying, which is often slower in older persons, especially in older diabetics. Distribution Compared with young adults, the elderly have reduced lean body mass, reduced body water, and increased fat as a percentage of body mass. There may be a concurrent increase in serum orosomucoid (α-acid glycoprotein), a protein that binds many basic drugs. However since both the clearance and the effects of drugs are related to the free concentration, the steady-state effects of a maintenance dosage regimen should not be altered by these factors alone. For example, the loading dose of digoxin in an elderly patient with heart failure should be reduced (if used at all) because of the decreased apparent volume of distribution. Metabolism The capacity of the liver to metabolize drugs does not appear to decline consistently with age for all drugs. Animal studies and some clinical studies have suggested that certain drugs are metabolized more slowly in the elderly; some of these drugs are listed in Table 60–2. Some of these changes may be caused by decreased liver blood flow (Table 60–1), an important variable in the clearance of drugs that have a high hepatic extraction ratio. In addition, there is a decline with age of the liver’s ability to recover from injury, eg, that caused by alcohol or viral hepatitis. Therefore, a history of recent liver disease in an older person should lead to caution in dosing with drugs that are cleared primarily by the liver, even after apparently complete recovery from the hepatic insult. Finally, malnutrition and diseases that affect hepatic function—eg, heart failure—are more common in the elderly. Heart failure may dramatically alter the ability of the liver to metabolize drugs by reducing hepatic blood flow. Similarly, severe nutritional deficiencies, which occur more often in old age, may impair hepatic function. Elimination Because the kidney is the major organ for clearance of drugs from the body, the age-related decline of renal functional capacity is very important. It is important to note that this decline is not reflected in an equivalent rise in serum creatinine because the production of creatinine is also reduced as muscle mass declines with age; therefore, serum creatinine alone is not an adequate measure of renal function. The practical result of this change is marked prolongation of the half-life of many drugs, and the possibility of accumulation to toxic levels if dosage is not reduced in size or frequency. If only the young adult dosage is known for a drug that requires renal clearance, a rough correction can be made by using the Cockcroft-Gault formula, which is applicable to patients from ages 40 through 80: For women, the result should be multiplied by 0. It must be emphasized that this estimate is, at best, a population estimate and may not apply to a particular patient. If the patient has normal renal function (up to one third of elderly patients), a dose corrected on the basis of this estimate will be too low—but a low dose is initially desirable if one is uncertain of the renal function in any patient. If a precise measure is needed, a standard 12- or 24-hour creatinine clearance determination should be obtained. A patient who is severely dehydrated (not uncommon in patients with stroke or other motor impairment) may have an additional marked reduction in renal drug clearance that is completely reversible by rehydration. As a result of reduced respiratory capacity (Figure 60–1) and the increased prevalence of active pulmonary disease in the elderly, the use of inhalation anesthesia is less common and intravenous agents more common in this age group. It is now recognized that many—perhaps most—of these apparent changes result from altered pharmacokinetics or diminished homeostatic responses.

Berek, 44 years: She has no history of heart failure, and a (A) Effective when given orally pregnancy test is negative.

Kafa, 52 years: Margins and borders The heart in the anatomical position rests on the dia­ Some general descriptions of cardiac orientation refer to phragmatic surface, which consists of the left ventricle right, lef, inferior (acute), and obtuse margins: and a small portion of the right ventricle separated by the posterior interventricular groove (Fig.

Deckard, 34 years: Bisphosphonates are first line for both not have sufficient power to demonstrate efficacy in hip frac- prophylaxis and treatment; calcitonin may be considered tures All post-menopausal women with a history of hip or where bisphosphonates are contraindicated or not verterbral fracture, or with osteoporosis based on bone min- tolerated.

Gelford, 50 years: The use of drug concentration measurements may be helpful in reducing the incidence of toxic reactions, especially when flucytosine is combined with nephrotoxic agents such as amphotericin B.

Olivier, 42 years: Alvimopan is approved for short-term use to shorten the period of postoperative ileus in hospitalized patients who have undergone small or large bowel resection.

Gunock, 51 years: This feature is used in photodynamic therapy, antiinflammatory, and antiangiogenic agent, yet its in which a synthetic porphyrin is administered and the mechanisms of action have not been fully elucidated.

Abe, 55 years: Theophylline serum concen- trations should also be measured if the patient experiences an exacerbation of their lung disease, or if the patient develops potential signs or symptoms of theophylline toxicity.

Yorik, 45 years: Cyclosporine concen- trations should also be measured if the patient experiences signs or symptoms of graft rejection, or if the patient develops potential signs or symptoms of cyclosporine toxicity.

Abbas, 53 years: A complication of diabetes mellitus is vascular disease in the peripheries, which predisposes patients to the development of an infection following trauma to the area.

Achmed, 40 years: The drug is subject to a results in a reduction of blood pressure, and this is the slight first-pass effect such that the absolute bioavail- reason for their use in primary hypertension (see ability of the drug is about 90%.

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